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1988 Episode Discussion

Dan F

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So Ailsa is a murderer!

Noticably Fisher is missing from this episode - as I think has been mentioned elsewhere, Fisher and Alf don't seem to have that bond that is present later on though I feel as time both characters begin to merge to the same ground - in fact perhaps Fisher ultimately becomes more lenient than Alf over time. Alf does seem to be portrayed as the good guy in these first few episodes whereas by the mid 90's he seems to have become "The Flames" as SBW called him.

The show however seems to have moved to a completely different place pretty quickly however after Lynn and the Nico storyline. It is these stories and these characters that ultimately come to mind first.


  j.laur5 said:
Does Morag appear soon?.

That's already been asked, and answered, a few times - she doesn't appear until Episode 101 in around 15 weeks (presuming 7Two don't stop showing them over Christmas)


I can't explain how much I'm enjoying watching these early episodes. In fact I'm enjoying them a lot more than current Home and Away and I really am on tenterhooks watching it. They've set the show up really well,in that all of the characters have fantastic backstories.

I have to admit I think the show has improved the last coupleof wees due to it focusing more on Alf/Ailsa/Roo, and less on Nico/Lynn, Tom and Pippa. I feel as though Tom, Pippa, Lynn and Sreven are the weak links of the cast; all the others are brilliant. I can't decide whether I like Pippa or not. On the one hand, I suppose it was inevitable that I would dislike her because I've never seen Vanessa's version of Pippa before and I liked Debra's version so much, but when it comes down to it Vanessa's version is the original and there's no escaping that. I guess my approach to her would be that I like her but she's high maintenance. She's kind of like one of those people that's high maintenance to like, but you do have a soft spot for them. I really love her caring and innocent approach to the character, and I definitely think something would be missing from these episodes had she not been there. Another thing to take into consideration is the age of the actress at the time. A poster above said that Vanessa portrayed the role quite childishly, but she was only 32 at the time playing someone who I expect is meant to be much older. Debra's version of the role is very different, and I consider them two different characters really, but they both have their qualities and drawbacks.

I can't believe we're onto Episode 27 already! :o

I loved ep 27. The show at this point has really come into its own, it feels like a soap that's been going for years, and the community is really coming through in these episodes. Roo going to Hogan's Store asking for a knife sharpener was really effective, you could tell that Ailsa just wanted the floorto swallow her up but she was holding it all in. The bitchy school girls added something special too, and they also add to the community feel. Bobby's great value, "I don't think I'm tough, I know I am" :lol:

As for Floss and Neville, I think they're great characters too, and today's episode really showed that. It's awfully sad that the producers decided to get rid of them in an attempt to focus on younger characters, because I think they would have been great long-term characters, and hadn't reached their story potential by the time they left. I love the way they've written the storyline about Scott McPhee. They've created a lot of mystery around it, and it's great how they've built up the suspense, in that we know Scott's going to turn up unexpectedly and there will be fireworks when he finds out his mum's been looking after his son. I also thought it was clever how they interweaved Floss and Ailsa's stories. Ailsa refusing to give Floss a false reference showed that she's a decent and honest woman, but was pushed to the limit because of her father's actions. We don't know what we're capable of until we're pushed hard, and this storyline is a great example of that. I am wondering though, is 3 years a short prison sentence for someone who committed murder?


  Edward Skylover said:
I can't explain how much I'm enjoying watching these early episodes. In fact I'm enjoying them a lot more than current Home and Away and I really am on tenterhooks watching it. They've set the show up really well,in that all of the characters have fantastic backstories.

I have to admit I think the show has improved the last coupleof wees due to it focusing more on Alf/Ailsa/Roo, and less on Nico/Lynn, Tom and Pippa. I feel as though Tom, Pippa, Lynn and Sreven are the weak links of the cast; all the others are brilliant. I can't decide whether I like Pippa or not. On the one hand, I suppose it was inevitable that I would dislike her because I've never seen Vanessa's version of Pippa before and I liked Debra's version so much, but when it comes down to it Vanessa's version is the original and there's no escaping that. I guess my approach to her would be that I like her but she's high maintenance. She's kind of like one of those people that's high maintenance to like, but you do have a soft spot for them. I really love her caring and innocent approach to the character, and I definitely think something would be missing from these episodes had she not been there. Another thing to take into consideration is the age of the actress at the time. A poster above said that Vanessa portrayed the role quite childishly, but she was only 32 at the time playing someone who I expect is meant to be much older. Debra's version of the role is very different, and I consider them two different characters really, but they both have their qualities and drawbacks.

I can't believe we're onto Episode 27 already! :o

I loved ep 27. The show at this point has really come into its own, it feels like a soap that's been going for years, and the community is really coming through in these episodes. Roo going to Hogan's Store asking for a knife sharpener was really effective, you could tell that Ailsa just wanted the floorto swallow her up but she was holding it all in. The bitchy school girls added something special too, and they also add to the community feel. Bobby's great value, "I don't think I'm tough, I know I am" :lol:

As for Floss and Neville, I think they're great characters too, and today's episode really showed that. It's awfully sad that the producers decided to get rid of them in an attempt to focus on younger characters, because I think they would have been great long-term characters, and hadn't reached their story potential by the time they left. I love the way they've written the storyline about Scott McPhee. They've created a lot of mystery around it, and it's great how they've built up the suspense, in that we know Scott's going to turn up unexpectedly and there will be fireworks when he finds out his mum's been looking after his son. I also thought it was clever how they interweaved Floss and Ailsa's stories. Ailsa refusing to give Floss a false reference showed that she's a decent and honest woman, but was pushed to the limit because of her father's actions. We don't know what we're capable of until we're pushed hard, and this storyline is a great example of that. I am wondering though, is 3 years a short prison sentence for someone who committed murder?

Yeah I wish Neville and Floss stayed on but I guess they had too many adult characters on the show at that point and with Morag soon to arrive they would have had nine adults.

But maybe they could have axed Celia and Donald instead of Neville and Floss. What do you think of that?


I'm not sure about the idea of axing Celia and Donald, as Celia is one of my favourite characters ever, and Donald ended up playing a huge role in the infrastructure of the show. I don't see why they couldn't have had 9 adults in the show. I don't know, I suppose it's a catch-22 situation. All the characters were so good in the early years of the show it would be difficult to choose someone to give the axe when they're allso good. They obviously had no choice as it seems Neville and Floss were valued as characters, otherwise tptb wouldn't have continued to use them over the years in a guest capacity.


  Edward Skylover said:
I'm not sure about the idea of axing Celia and Donald, as Celia is one of my favourite characters ever, and Donald ended up playing a huge role in the infrastructure of the show. I don't see why they couldn't have had 9 adults in the show. I don't know, I suppose it's a catch-22 situation. All the characters were so good in the early years of the show it would be difficult to choose someone to give the axe when they're allso good. They obviously had no choice as it seems Neville and Floss were valued as characters, otherwise tptb wouldn't have continued to use them over the years in a guest capacity.

Yeah but the problem is that older characters cost a lot of money and it has been great to have nine adults. But remember in 2000 they had ten adults characters and by the end of the year half of them were gone.

But anyway Morag only stayed for a year and then left and Celia only stayed two years.

Does anyone know why Cornelia Frances and Fiona Spence left show. Where they given the axe like Neville and Floss or did they quit? Just wondering.


Floss and Neville were axed to bring the average of the show down. Indeed, taking the ages of the actors, 1989 is the year that has the oldest average age of the cast, beginning as it does with ONLY a primary school child and a year 11 (Steven). Though I believe Carly attempts to repeat, everyone else has left school. So, with the exception of Morag, everyone else brought in is quite young.


Thanks Ryan, that's an interesting fact to know that 1989 has the oldest average age.

Just watched episode 28. Good episode. I find myself getting annoyed when the episode ends at the moment, I'm enjoying them so much at the moment I just want them to keep on going!

I see that Steven keeps getting these snoozefest scenes and storylines, what a total bore. I thought it was a shame we didn't see any Floss and Neville in this episode, as I was really intrigued to see how Floss would get on with her new job as a nanny to her grandson.

One thing that really striked me in this episode was Celia. I've always thought that Colleen was a "stereotyped" gossip, I've only known her character in the noughties, and when a secret comes out, she's off telling all unsundry what's going on, and I've always thought that it was a bit unrealistic. What I noticed in this episode that the writers have always used this type of characterisation for the typical gossip. I think, given the seriousness of the situation, Celia wouldn't have told anyone, especially not Roo. But I suppose it's a plot device to get more drama out of it.

Interesting plot twist to have the Community Hall burnt down. I really hope Hogan's Store isn't burnt down as I love that place! :D

Also, isn't Roo a prize bitch? You can certainly tell that she and Morag are related; the way she forcefully warned Frank that he didn't get to call the shots with the band, and the way she was deliberately riling him up when they were rehearsing. The band sounds awful by the way.

I was glad and intrigued to see Lance having a scene without Martin for a change. I can't believe it's taken 28 episodes for us to have a scene with him outside the double act, but I think it was good for his character, as the joke of Lance repeating what Martin says has king of got boring now!

I think my favourite characters are Martin, Celia and Roo at the moment. :)


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