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Top quality as always. :)

The last bit was :lol: and :wub:.

BTW, I consider Aden to be a bit of a wimp in that chapter. If that was me, Nicole would be getting the smaller bit of cake, like it or lump it. :D

Oh and now I want chocolate cake. :wub:


That was great once again. :)

What is it with you & food in your fics, though, I want chocolate cake now!!! You won't do any good for my waist line! :lol:

Looking forward to more, as always. :)


Awww that chapter was great! Loved the Nicole and Aden scene :D

Just because I’m pregnant, doesn’t mean you can touch me whenever you want.” Belle informed her with a slight scowl.

lmao, that was brilliant! :lol:

Update soon :)


:D that was a great chapter!

I love Nicole :lol:

her scenes with aden were great, they have such a fun friendship :D

and you have everyone craving chocolate cake.

no so much me, i want the ice cream.

your fics like the opposite of a diet.


update soon :)


Sorry I haven't commented for a while- been a bit crazy with uni :blink:

The chapter was brilliant- it's nice to see other characters being woven into the story. Was lovely to see the brotherly-sisterly relationship with Aden and Nicole and her attempts to hug him after hearing the pregnancy news :lol: and then the quick mood change when she found out that Roman already knew :lol: . Aden certainly knows how to handle her with chocolate cake!

I laughed when Belle threatened Nicole not to touch her stomach- so many other pregnant hormonal women have the same reactions! But it's really believable in Belle's case since she is such a feisty character.

And the last two lines- brilliant!


Loved that! Nicole and Aden are funny. The chocolate cake was a good ploy. I think Nicole would be best to stay on the good side of Belle.


Just caught up on the last few chapters and they were brilliant! I love that they made up and everything's going smoothly; and when Aden told Nicole was really funny :D

Can't wait for the next update and no, the characters are definitely not OOC, I love how you write them

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