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I liked Drew in this, i loved how he just hugged her when she was cring and didnt have a go, or say something pointless lol

Poor Belle :( she had to expect it though!!

As you already know, i absolutely loved the Aden scene at the beach and the run in with Justin. Everything made such sense if you get what i mean? really well written hun!

Loved Justin once again :D

I was very happy to read it for you :)

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:( please make it better :(

once again I must say I LOVED the way Aden reacted in the 1st bit, Its how I imagined and you wrote it soo well! Drew was good as well, i'm starting to like him.

That bit at the beach was Amazing! I loved how you wrote it. It was soo clever the way you wrote Aden's thoughts, perfect. I hope he goes home to Belle and they sort it all out!

Justins character is brilliant!

Update soon xxxx

and so glad I could help :)


ooh i am on tenderhooks already waiting for this angst

at least aden is realising he just can't keep pushing everyone away when there is a problem

update soon xxxxx


I think you have delt with Belle's deseption well it has big implications for all three of them and a clever use of Drew to be there for Belle and prevent the interaction between Belle and Aden coming to a conclusion leaving things open for a variety of resolutions, glad you are continueing the angst into more chapters, it needs more time.

Thank you.


I loved that! I loved that you went through Aden's thought processes, it worked really well! I loved how he reacted to Belle and how controlled he was being but i'm glad you kept Drew there, it added a different edge.

Great as per, update soon! Can't wait!!! :D


Aden sighed as he slipped the ring back on. He wanted to fault Justin rather than Belle. He wanted to blame him, because it was much easier to do that to his estranged brother than his new wife. But the more he thought about it, the more he realised that it all came back to the fact that it was Belle who had decided not to tell him. Belle, who had vowed to forsake all others and be faithful to him, which to Aden also meant being honest and truthful regardless of anything else. Belle, who knew about his past, and about him, more than anyone else in the whole world. Belle, who knew exactly what trust meant to him and how hurt he had been the last time she had done this kind of thing.

Love this part.

This chapter, this is the kind of angst I love.

I'm so happy that this chapter was made up of Aden's thoughts mostly.

That first scene was so good. I love that he didn't go mad screaming, when Belle told him. I do think she deserved to feel bad, but with being pregnant and all it wouldn't be good for baby. Also how he got more worked up about the fact that Belle and the baby could have been in danger. Even when he is angry he is still a corncerned husband and father. Thats the Aden that I like. Also like that part where he was guessing her reasons for not telling him.

That whole part with his thoughts was brilliant. It was really needed. All his reasons for not being able to handle Justin back in his life was so sweet, sad, but the fact that deep down he actually does want his brother back is sweet. Especially his fear that Justin would leave again. It's so sad how he keeps trying to make himself believe he doesn't care. This whole part with his thoughts was such a pleasure to read.

The last scene was good too. It was nice that Justin didn't push him to talk. I loved the little scene. Loved all Justins funny comments.

It sometimes feels weird when I write a review completely critisizing a character and then a little while later I'm back to liking them, then I always think why didn't I just hold off on the review to see where the storyline goes before critisizing it. But then I realise I prefer reviewing each chapter on it's own. And to just review their actions at the moment, and not based on what might happen in the future. Anyway thought I'd point that out incase you were thinking ' Why doesn't she just wait and see before writing out long replies critisizing the characters?' :rolleyes:

Lovely chapter. Please update soon.

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