Scotcaz22 Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 Words in italics and purple are a flashback. Chapter Eight Miles stood a little way from the edge of the pier, nervously looking over to the water below. He sighed and turned back to the Diner. He was thinking about the night before. ""I know what happened to you...." Roman told him, when they were at the back of the Summer Bay house. But before Roman could elaborate on that, Sally interrupted, wanting Miles to meet someone. She said that it was a surprise. As Miles followed Sally inside, he told Roman that they would talk. "Miles, this is Pippa, my foster mother!" Sally squealed. Miles grinned and took the hand Pippa put out. "Nice to meet you, Pippa. Sal has told me many things about you." "I couldn't belive it when Sally told me about you. We always thought that Milco was her imaginary friend!" Pippa said. Miles smiled, "Well, I'm not a figment of imagination anymore!" Pippa laughed and they chatted a little more. Miles thought back to the conversation between him and Roman, and wondered what Roman was talking about. It couldn't be what he was thinking about. It would be impossible for Roman to be there at the same time when it happened. Miles shook his head, and went into the Diner. He saw Roman and walked over to the counter. "Hey, mate." Roman smiled, "Hey back to you!" Miles chuckled. "Right. You got some time to have that talk?" Roman nodded, and called out to Leah in the kitchen, that he was going to have a bite with Miles. Miles and Roman sat down at a table, at the back of the Diner, for some privacy. "OK, so talk." Miles Roman sighed and cleared his throat. "I was there...I was in the SAS." Roman said, and Miles looked puzzled, but inside, knots were tightening, he knew what Roman was talking about. He closed his eyes, and tried to drown Roman out. "We were doing a rescue and you were among the ones. I'm sorry." Miles looked up, with sadness in his eyes. "Leave it, Roman. I don't want to talk about it." Roman sighed, and put his hand over Miles'. "You have to tell Sally, mate. They were a part of you." Miles shook his head, "Not now...maybe one day." Roman was about to say something more, but Miles put a hand up and stopped him in his tracks. "Please." Miles pleaded. "Okay." Roman dropped it. Miles relaxed, "Thank you." Just then Colleen came with the food. "There you go." Colleen said. Colleen turned to Roman and wagged a finger in front of him, "You better hurry up! I'm not going to work on my own!" Roman rolled his eyes, as Miles tried to keep the laugh back. "Don't worry, Colleen. I will be there after this." "Good!" Colleen muttered and turned away from them. ______________
TelephotoMarigold Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 yey an update... Lovign this...more please.... Tele xx
Scotcaz22 Posted December 1, 2009 Report Posted December 1, 2009 Chapter Nine "Look, I'm sorry, Irene, but you have to trust me." Roman said. Irene crossed her arms and glared at Roman. "I don't trust you, but I trust Leah..." Irene said. "I love cooking and you love the Diner, right?" Roman pointed the obvious out. Irene gave a sigh of annoyance and nodded. "Well, then, it's a prefect match made in heaven!" Roman grinned. Irene rolled her eyes, "Strewth, alright then!" Roman stood up from the stool in the kitchen and hugged Irene tightly. "You won't regret it!" "I hope so!" Irene muttered as Roman went out to tell Leah that Irene had given permission for him to buy Leah's part of the Diner out. * * * * * A few days later... Irene put a hand on Roman's arm and stroked it softly, as she said, "Two burgers and fries please." Roman looked up and smiled at Irene, and was puzzled when Irene blushed and looked away. He wondered what made Irene to blush. He shrugged and went to start cooking in the kitchen. "Roman, are you single?" Irene asked, with a husk in her voice. Roman jumped, not hearing Irene come in. He turned to Irene. "Yeah, I suppose I am..." Roman replied. He got suspicious, "Why do you ask?" Irene ran a finger from Roman's shoulder up to his chin, "Just wondering." Then she left. Roman got flustered, and wondered if Irene was actually making a pass at him. He closed his eyes and thought about how it could have happened. Suddenly, he remembered back to the conversation he had with Irene and groaned. Why did Roman have to go and say that! 'A match made in heaven...' he muttered under his breath. * * * * * Miles was laughing so hard at Roman as they drank beers at Noah's. Roman glared at Miles. "Come on, mate! That's so funny! Irene making a move on you!" Miles laughed, his tears streaking down his cheeks. He wiped the tears away. "What a beautiful couple you both would make - toy boy and Mrs Robinson!" Roman groaned, and hung his head in embarrassment. He wished that he never told Miles about what happened earlier on, with Irene. "What do I tell Irene?" Roman asked. "Tell her the truth!" Miles giggled, "That you fancy her!" "Come on, Miles!" Roman said, exasperated. "Be serious for a moment!" "Alright!" Miles calmed down. "Seriously, you have to tell Irene the truth before it gets worse." Roman nodded in agreement, but he wondered about how he would tell Irene, without hurting her. He groaned again, and put his head in his hands. Miles patted on Roman's back, and holding back the urge to laugh again. "You'll be okay, mate."
Scotcaz22 Posted December 2, 2009 Report Posted December 2, 2009 Chapter Ten "You are too nice to me!" Miles said, drunkenly, as he leaned on Roman's chest, and ran a hand down Roman's cheek. Roman groaned and tried to push Miles off him. They had returned to the Caravan Park, and Miles had drank too much, so Roman took him to his camper van, as to not wake up everyone up at the house. "Mate, you're drunk." Roman told Miles, "Go to bed, sleep it off!" "O' funny about you and Irene!" Miles laughed, wagging a finger at Roman. Roman was uncomfortable with Miles' head on his chest and he gently pushed Miles off, dragging him over to the bed, when suddenly, Miles threw up over Roman. Roman jumped back from Miles and Miles fell down to the floor. Roman groaned, and took the t-shirt off, throwing it in the small sink at the window. He looked down at Miles and shook his head. Roman pulled Miles up, and knew they had to go up to the house after all, because the van stank of the vomit. "Shush..." Roman told Miles, as they went into the house, and dragging him upstairs to his bedroom. Roman dropped Miles on the top of the duvet, not bothering to get the clothes or shoes off. He wasn't going to do that, Miles can damn do it himself! "You are so sweet, Roman..." Miles mumbled. Roman raised an eyebrow at that, and wondered what Miles meant by that. "I wish we were..." Miles was about to say, and Roman leaned forward to hear what he had to say about them, when Miles suddenly fell asleep and Roman groaned. 'You can't start and then leave it there! I will always wonder what you were going to say! Dammit, Miles!' Roman thought to himself as he grabbed a blanket and pillow, and left the bedroom, to go downstairs. * * * * * The next morning Miles walked in the kitchen, groaning. "My head hurt." Roman turned and grinned, "Ain't my fault, mate." Roman was cooking some bacons and fried eggs. Miles' stomach grumbled at the smell, and went pale. He ran upstairs, past Sally, who had just came in. She was surprised to see Roman in the kitchen. "G'day, Sally." "What 're you doing here?" Sally asked. Roman told Sally about last night, that they were at Noah's for drinks and Miles had drank too much. "We were going to sleep it off in the van, but Miles had to go and throw up..." Roman trailed off and Sally understood at once how Roman came to be at the house. "Sorry about that...making breakfast to make up for it." Roman smiled. After Sally sat down with Roman and ate some breakfast, Miles came down, with a hand on his stomach. "I feel sick." Roman chuckled as he was washing up in the kitchen. "Any chance of a toast?" Miles asked. "Get it yourself!" Roman told Miles. Miles rolled his eyes and went to get some toast and some orange juice. Miles sat down at the dining room, eating some toast when Pippa (the little girl) came running to Miles, excitably. Miles lifted her up and sat her on the lap. "Can't wait, Uncle Milco!" "Can't wait for what..." and then Miles remembered that he has arranged a picnic with Leah and VJ. He promised VJ that he would bring Pippa along. He grimaced at the thought, but he smiled brightly at Pippa, not wanting to let her down. "Oh, yes, the picnic with Leah and VJ!" Miles said, "You excited, Pip?" Pippa nodded, furiously. Miles laughed. Just then Sally came in. "You don't have to do it, Miles, if you're not feeling well." Sally was concerned. Miles waved it off, "I'll be fine...besides a day out at the beach will do me some good." Sally smiled. "Right then, that's the washing up done." Roman came out of the kitchen. He grinned at Miles, and put a hand on Miles' shoulder and squeezed it. "You have to help me, to clean the van up!" Miles groaned, "I'm sorry, mate! Will come after the picnic with Leah." Roman looked disappointed at that, and blinked. Then he cheered up, "No worries, come when you're ready." Sally noticed the look on Roman and got worried at how Miles and Roman were getting close. Roman bid them a goodbye and left the house. Sally looked at Miles, concerned. Miles looked up, and was puzzled. "What's wrong, Sal?" "I'm worried..." Sally said. "About?" "Roman...I just want you to be careful. You don't know him very well, Miles." Sally put a hand over Miles' hand. He pulled it away, and stared at Sally. "Roman is a fine man. He is a good friend. There's nothing to worry about!" Miles said, sharply. "I'm sure...but be careful!" Miles asked Pippa if she was ready, ignoring Sally and Pippa nodded. He lifted Pippa off, and stood up. "Come on then, say goodbye to your Mummy." Miles said. "Bye, bye Mummy!" Pippa hugged Sally. "You have a good time and be a good girl for your uncle." Sally told her. "I will, promise!" Sally was about to say something to Miles, when Miles took Pippa's hand and left the house, without a look back. Sally sighed heavily.
Scotcaz22 Posted December 8, 2009 Report Posted December 8, 2009 Chapter Eleven Roman stood in front of a house. There was a For Sale sign in the front yard. The estate agent came out and saw him standing. "Would you like to come and look around?" the agent asked. Roman nodded and followed the agent inside. * * * * * Leah and Miles were laughing as they played with VJ and Pippa, digging and building sandcastles. "This is fun!" Leah said. "Yeah, just what I needed - to get out in the fresh air!" Miles responded, and Leah laughed. She saw that Miles was suffering from a hangover when he arrived at the beach with Pippa. "Your head better now?" Leah asked. Miles grinned, "Much better!" VJ tugged at Leah's skirt and told her that he and Pippa wanted to go and play in the water. "OK, I'll come with you - just feet in the water, VJ." Leah said to VJ, who nodded, excitably. He went to tell Pippa, and Pippa got excited. Leah laughed, and looked down at Miles, and was shocked to see Miles going pale. "What's wrong?" "I-I...need to go!" Miles spluttered, and got up. He told Pippa that they were going home and Pippa cried, she wanted to go with VJ and Leah. Miles haven't got the heart to let Pippa down, so he bent his knees down to Pippa's level, and took her in his arms. "It's okay, you can go with VJ and Leah...just be careful." Pippa wiped the tears and nodded, happily. She kissed Miles's cheek. "Thanks, Uncle!" She ran over to VJ and Leah. Leah frowned, concerned. She looked at Miles, "You coming?" Miles shook his head, abruptly. "I will watch." * * * * * Later, at Leah's house. "God, I'm full!" Miles said, patting his stomach. Pippa and VJ giggled. "Go in the living room, there are colouring pads and cayons." Leah instructed VJ and Pippa. They ran into the living room, leaving Leah and Miles alone. Leah sat down at the table, looking at Miles. "You okay?" Leah asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, why?" "You went pale when VJ and Pippa wanted to go in the water?" Miles tensed up and sighed, heavily. Roman was right, he needed to tell someone. He looked at Leah, and thought her to be a good friend. He made a decision, he just hoped that he didn't regret it in the end. "I'm scared of the water." Miles told Leah, who looked back at Miles, in confusion. "My - my wife and daughter died in Phuket when the tsunami hit." Miles said, his voice trembling. "God, I'm sorry, Miles!" Leah gasped, and put a hand over Miles'. Miles smiled, sadly. "We were on holiday for Christmas. We thought it would be different. Amber - that's my little girl's name - was excited about going aboard for Christmas. To this day, I regret making that decision." Miles was shaking, and his heart tightened. "If I didn't make the decision to go aboard, they might be still alive today." "I don't know your wife or Amber, but I know you and I know this is not your fault!" Leah was firm. "I lost my husband, when we decided to go to America. He went over first, before me and VJ. Dan lost his life, while he was climbing." Leah said. "I was very depressed for a long time, and wondered what if we didn't decide to go to America, what if I and VJ went over at the same time, would Dan be alive today?" "Then Sally shook me out of it, and told me that there were no point in thinking What ifs. All I can do is to think of the good times, and not the bad times." Leah told Miles, "And that's what you should do, think of the good times with your wife and Amber." Miles nodded, slowly. His tears were dripping down his cheeks, and he put a hand up to wipe the tears. Leah stood up and put her arms around Miles' neck and hugged him. Miles put a hand over Leah's arm, and rubbed it softly. "Thank you, Leah. It helped." * * * * * Miles and Pippa were walking through the caravan park, when he saw Roman outside his camper van, with Sally. Pippa let go of Miles' hand and ran up to them. Miles ran after her, making sure that she didn't fall down or run off somewhere else. "Hey!" Miles said, breathless. "You need to get fit!" Roman said, shaking his head. "Hey, look at me!" Miles stood up and flexed his muscles. "I'm as fit as an ox!" Sally, Pippa and Roman laughed at the sight. "Yeah, right, in your dreams, mate!" "Huh!" Miles rolled his eyes. "All okay?" "Yeah, just settling up with Roman. He's leaving the park." Sally told Miles. She watched Miles' face fall at that, and shook her head slightly. She was worried about Miles and Roman. When Roman came to tell her that he was leaving, Sally knew Miles would be hurt, and was furious for him. "You leaving?" Miles asked, quietly. "Yeah...well, just the caravan park, actually." Roman said, and Sally turned her head in surprise. "What do you mean?" Sally asked, confused. She thought Roman was leaving the town...but... "I bought a house up the road." Roman told Sally. "Oh." was all Sally could think of to respond to that. She felt guilty for thinking badly of Roman. She started to think that perhaps she got Roman all wrong. She gave a heavy sigh, and decided to take Pippa up to the house. "We better get dinner ready!" Sally said, brightly. She took Pippa and went. "So, you staying then?" Miles asked, happily. "Yep! You got a problem with that?" Roman stared at Miles, who was taken aback. "No, no...not a problem at all." They held the gaze a little longer than normally. Then Roman broke the gaze, saying that he needed to get moving. Miles shook his head, wondering what that was about. "Yeah, sure...I better go and help Sally."
TelephotoMarigold Posted December 8, 2009 Report Posted December 8, 2009 I'm really loving this story... can't wait for updates... Tele xx
Scotcaz22 Posted December 8, 2009 Report Posted December 8, 2009 Marigoldly said: I'm really loving this story... can't wait for updates... Tele xx Thanks! There should be an update either tonight or tomorrow - depends on my mood! LOL
Scotcaz22 Posted December 11, 2009 Report Posted December 11, 2009 Chapter Twelve Roman have already moved in his new house, with Miles, Jack and Tony's help. He settled in quickly, and made the house his home. He sat on the sofa, watching television, and drinking his beer, when he heard a knock on the door. He frowned, and wondered who was it at this time of the night. He got up and walked over to the door. Behind the door, was a young girl with long blonde hair with a pink suitcase and she was carrying another pink handbag over her arm. Roman stared at her, in confusion, wondering who was this girl. "Well, let me come in!" the young girl said, exaggerated, and she struggled to pull the suitcase inside. Roman held a hand out and help the young girl in. "Who are you?" Roman asked, bluntly. The young girl looked at him, surprised. "Didn't Mum call you?" And before Roman could answer, she continued, flying her hands around, "Typical, she threw me out and told me to come here. She promised to call you and now she didn't!" Roman looked around the house, wondering if Miles and the boys have played a prank on him. "Umm...who are you and what your mother have got to do with me?" Roman asked, again, annoyed. The young girl suddenly realised that Roman was there and turned to Roman. "I'm your daughter. Nicole." Nicole held a hand out, and smiled, sweetly. Roman's eyes widened in shock. "Nicole?" The last time he saw Nicole was when she was a little girl. "Oh, god! Come in, why don't you sit you want a drink? Oh...I should go and get your room ready..." Roman babbled, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. He didn't know what to do...his daughter - a teenager! What he was supposed to do? Suddenly Roman remembered Nicole saying that her mother threw her out. He was suspicious to why that was. "Why did your mother throw you out?" "That's not important." Nicole shrugged it off. She grabbed the suitcase, "Show me the room." Roman blinked, and attempted to ask again about her mother, but Nicole shook her head, demanding to be shown to her bedroom. Roman sighed, heavily, and took her upstairs. He had a feeling that she was going to be trouble. * * * * * The next day Miles was chatting with Leah in the Diner, when Roman came in, looking tired. "You look tired, mate." Miles said. Roman grimaced and rolled his eyes. "Thanks!" Miles shrugged, "Just being honest." Leah chuckled behind Miles, and Roman glared at the both of them, before going in the kitchen. Miles blinked and turned to Leah. "That was strange." Leah nodded, agreeing. "Yeah, strange." "I got an invite to the charity ball at the Sands tonight and was thinking of going." Leah suddenly said, "And I was thinking if you would like to accompany me?" "Sure, why not? Should be fun!" Miles said. "I think Sally is going too, with Brad. And Rachel and Tony, as well." Leah looked unhappy when she heard that the others were going. She was hoping to have Miles all to herself. Miles didn't notice the look, because he was looking at Roman who grumbled at Colleen. He frowned, "That's not like him." He thought to himself, and hoped that Roman was okay. He didn't even realise that Leah was asking him something, when he jumped at the tapping on his shoulder. He turned to Leah. Leah looked concerned, "You okay? You seemed to be miles away?" Miles smiled, sadly. "Just thinking about things..." Leah nodded, slowly, and then she asked about where to meet and what time to meet, etc. ________
TelephotoMarigold Posted December 12, 2009 Report Posted December 12, 2009 Just thought I would let you know that I am still reading this and I still love it... can't wait for more... Tele xx
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