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Summer Bay's Shock

Guest Scotcaz22

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Warning: some light sexual content and cursing

Chapter Sixteen

Miles and Sally wiped tears from their eyes. Sally didn't want to leave Miles all by himself to go into work. She has offered to phone in and take the day off. Brad wouldn't mind.

Miles put a hand up and shook his head. He told Sally that he would go and see Leah. Sally nodded, and asked, quietly if Leah knew.

"Yeah, she knows. I know, you should've been the first to know...but Leah was there when I needed to talk, and we were just getting to know each other as a brother and sister. I just wanted to focus on that." Miles replied.

Sally smiled. "It's okay. I understand. I'm glad she was there for you."

Miles was relived. He was worried that Sally would be upset to know that Leah knew before him. He wasn't going to tell Sally that Roman knew, but that was only because he was among the SAS who rescued him, and some other people.

Sally reluctantly left for work.

Miles sighed and cleared the breakfast away, when he heard a knock on the front door. He came to the door, and saw Roman. His heart jumped for joy at the sight of Roman smiling at him.

He slowly opened the door, and Roman asked if he was alone. When Miles nodded, Roman planted a quick kiss on Miles' mouth. Miles froze in surprise.

"That was just to remind you that I'm serious." Roman said, with a twinkle in his eyes. Miles grinned. He gestured for Roman to come in.

They sat on the sofa, their hands interlinking with each other. They just stared at each other, smiling, and nervous. They didn't know where to start.

"I told Sally." Miles finally said. Roman gasped. "You mean..." Miles frowned and then realised that Roman thought he told Sally about them.

"Oh, no...I told her about Louise and Amber."

Roman squeezed Miles' hand, and looked at him. "I'm glad. How did she take it?"

"Pretty bad. She wanted to stay with me, but I told her to go to work. Now I'm glad I did." Miles grinned.

Roman chuckled.

"What about you and Leah?" Roman suddenly asked, a little jealous that Miles and Leah went out on a date last night.

Miles started to laugh. Roman frowned, as he watched Miles laughing. "What's so funny?"

"Leah and I are just friends. I told her about my sexuality." Miles finally calmed down. "She kinda worked it out that I was..." Miles stopped, suddenly shy. "I mean, I had feelings for you..."

Roman was curious as to what Miles was about to say. He lifted Miles' chin and asked softly, "You was what?"

Miles groaned. He forgot that Roman had sharp hearing. He sighed. "That I was and am in love with you." He watched Roman, hoping that he didn't back away and run away.

Roman smiled, slowly and leaned in to kiss Miles again. He whispered, "I'm in love with you too."

Miles pulled away, gobsmacked. He stared at Roman, who laughed at the look.

"I fell in love since I first saw you on the beach. There was something about you." Roman said.

"Wow...on the beach? Back when I looked ugly and dirty?" Miles exclaimed.

"I looked beyond the look, Miles. I saw something in your heart, I saw the gentle side of you." Roman put a hand over Miles' heart. He felt it beating fast.

"I - I wish I could say the same thing." Miles said, sadly. "It was the second time that I saw you. You were coming out of the camper van with Alf, and you were in the sun. I just saw - I don't know what - but I just fell in love right then."

Roman stared at Miles, and then he leaned in and kissed Miles some more. Pretty soon, they were passionately kissing, their hands exploring each other. Miles stood up and took Roman's hand up to his bedroom.

As soon as they were in the bedroom, they tore each other's clothes off furiously, and Roman pushed Miles down to the bed. He got on the top, and began to explore Miles' body with his tongue and hands.

He could hear Miles moaning and groaning with pleasure.

* * * * *

Several Hours later

Miles' head was rested on Roman's chest. He sighed, happily. "I couldn't believe that we finally did this!"

Roman grinned. He bent down to kiss Miles' nose. "I love you."

Miles sat up, shocked. He gazed at Roman, and then he replied slowly, "I love you too." Roman grinned, and Miles was about to jump on Roman, when they heard the front door closing.

Miles' eyes widened, and they hurriedly got up from the bed. Roman looked for his clothes, as Miles grabbed a few new clothes from his wardrobe.

Miles heard footsteps coming up the stairs. He turned to Roman and gasped. He was just putting the jeans on, he already got the rest of his clothes on. Miles pulled Roman and pushed him into the wardrobe. He quickly kissed Roman, and told him to go out the window. Roman raised an eyebrow and then he started giggling like a teenager.

Miles put a finger up to his mouth, "Shush!" Roman put a hand over his mouth, to try to not giggle some more.

They heard a knock on the door. Miles slammed the doors shut on Roman, and went up to the door. He opened it slightly to see Sally out in the corridor.

"You okay?" Sally was curious.

"I'm fine." Miles said, strained. He told Sally that he will come down with her to help with the dinner. Sally nodded and turned to go downstairs. Miles gave a sigh of relief and was about to close the door, when suddenly Sally turned, bumping into Miles.

Miles fell back through the door into the bedroom, Sally falling on top of him. Roman was just coming out of the wardrobe, and Miles closed his eyes. 'Oh, crap!'

Sally looked up, in surprise, to see Roman. She got up from Miles.

"What are you doing here!" Sally asked.


Chapter Seventeen

Miles got up slowly, rubbing his back, after falling back on the floor and Sally falling on top of him. He stared at Roman, and then to Sally.

Sally gave a cold glare to Roman, as he came out of Miles' wardrobe. He blushed, as he said. "No chance of you believing me when I say that I was fixing the door?"

Sally put her hands on her hips, and looked at Roman, shaking her head.

Miles cleared his throat and Sally turned to him. "I-I know what this looks like, Sal."

"What's all this?" Sally said, gesturing around the room with one hand.

Miles closed his eyes, and took in a deep breath. He opened his eyes; "Why don't we go down and talk - talk properly?"

Sally nodded, and went out of the bedroom. Miles was about to follow, when Roman pulled him back. "Are you going to tell her?"

"I have to, if to explain this." Miles replied. Roman made a small nod. "I guess I have to tell Nicole then..."

"Yeah - probably not the best way to come out, but it had to come out eventually!" Miles grinned. Roman leaned in and was about to kiss Miles, when they heard Sally calling out to them. Roman sighed and Miles put a hand on Roman's face. "We have all the time in the world." Roman beamed and nodded.

They went down and saw Sally sitting at the top of the dining table. Miles took a seat, with Roman sitting the opposite.

"Roman and I are seeing each other." Miles told Sally, and Sally saw red.

"What!" Sally stood up. She turned to Roman, "I knew you were a bad influence on him! Get out!"

Miles was taken aback by the outburst and shrugged at Roman, helpless. Roman sighed heavily.

"Look, Roman wasn't..." Miles was trying to explain, when Sally put a hand up as she glared at Roman, coldly. "Didn't you hear me? Get out - NOW!"

Miles groaned; Roman knew he had to leave before things got really bad, and to give Sally and Miles some time to talk. Hopefully, Sally will calm down and come to realise that Roman wasn't a bad influence on Miles.

Roman nodded, and he got up. Miles looked up at him and smiled. Roman put a hand on Miles' shoulder and squeezed it gently. Sally cringed at the scene as Roman left.

"I knew Roman was a bad influence on you! I mean, all the time he spent with you...he must have turned you...I mean..." Sally was babbling until Miles put a hand over Sally's hand and Sally stopped. She looked at Miles, sadly.

"Roman didn't make me gay, Sal." Miles said, and Sally started to protest, when Miles put a hand up. Sally kept quiet. "Nobody made me gay. I'm not gay, Sal." Sally looked confused. "But I'm bi."

"But - but you were married!" Sally was shocked, gobsmacked.

"Yeah, Louise knew about my bisexuality when we first got together. I stopped seeing other men, when we got married." Miles told Sally, gently.

"Oh - my - god...that's so disgusting!" Sally stood up, not believing that her twin brother was bisexual. She just wanted everything to be perfect. To be a family, and now it wasn't possible.

"Pack your things and get out before I come back." Sally ordered. Miles opened his mouth in shock, as he looked up to Sally.

"Sally?" Miles whispered.

"Just - just leave me alone...this is too much!" Sally cried as she ran out of the house.

Miles sat at the table, shocked and upset. He always thought that Sally was open-minded and wasn't judgemental, but it seemed that he was wrong.

Miles sighed heavily as he got up slowly and went upstairs to pack.

  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter Eighteen

Leah was walking along the beach, when she saw Sally with her arms crossed across her chest and looking out to the sea. Sally looked sad.

Leah got worried and walked over to Sally and put a hand over Sally's shoulder. "You okay?"

Sally jumped and turned to Leah.

"Oh, my god...you gave me a fright!"

"Sorry. You looked miles away...everything alright?" Leah asked worried.

Sally shook her head. "Everything spoiled." Sally looked angry now. "Thanks to Roman!"

"Roman?" Leah was confused.

"Yeah. I wish he never came to the Bay." Sally said angrily. "Then Miles would not be gay!"

Ahh, now it was clear. Sally found out, somewhat about Miles. But Leah was puzzled to how Roman was involved...unless Miles told Roman about his feelings and that Roman had returned them.

"B-but I thought Miles was bi?" Leah said, without thinking and then realised that Sally wasn't aware that Leah knew.

"You knew?" Sally was gobsmacked.

"I-I..." Leah struggled to say something and then gave a heavy sigh. "Yeah, I knew."

"How could you?" Sally was furious. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Miles told me in confidence. I couldn't tell you. It was his secret to tell." Leah said.

"If you told me, I could have prevented it!" Sally told Leah and Leah frowned.

"How?" Leah asked. "But why are you like this? You are usually more open-minded and not make judgements on other people. What's wrong?"

Sally stared at Leah and then looked away to the sea. She sighed. Leah was right. She wasn't acting rationally.

"I didn't want Roman taking Miles away..." Sally admitted. "I only have just found him and I'm scared that we are not going to be a proper family no more.

"Oh, Sally!" Leah put an arm around Sally. "You've just found each other. There's no way that Miles was going to let you go."

"I-I told him to get out..." Sally told her best friend.

"Oh, silly! Go quickly, catch him before he goes." Leah told Sally. "Tell Miles what you've told me and that you love him for who he is."

"I will..." Sally said. "Thanks, Leah."

Sally waved a goodbye and then ran all the way up to the house at the caravan park.

* * * *

Miles dropped his bags on the floor and looked around the house. He sighed heavily.

"I will miss you." Miles called out to the house.

He didn't want to leave. Miles wanted to stay with Sally and Pippa. They were the family he always have wanted and now Sally was rejecting him - just because he was bisexual. He shook his head. He thought Sally was better than that.

He sighed, again and was about to pick his bags up when the door burst open, and Sally stormed in.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Sally flung her arms around Miles' neck and hugged him tightly.

Miles was astonished and wondered what happened.

"I thought..." Sally attempted to tell Miles but then she cried.

Miles gently pulled Sally away from him and sat her on one of the sofas. He slipped in next to Sally and asked her what happened.

Sally wiped her tears away. "I bumped into Leah on the beach and she made me realise things."

Miles smiled. Leah was a good friend to him.

"Go on." Miles encouraged Sally to continue.

"I thought Roman was going to take you away from me. That's why I was acting irrationally. I was jealous of your friendship with Roman. That's why I warned you to be careful before..." Sally explained. Miles gasped and looked at Sally.

"Sal, I will never leave you and Pippa. You both are very important to me. If I had to make a choice between you two and Roman, I would pick you two over him, always."

Sally stared at Miles, shocked.

"Really?" Sally whispered quietly. Miles chuckled and nodded. He took Sally in his arms. "You are my sister. Nothing or nobody can break that bond - not again."

"I'm sorry." Sally said. "I must apologise to Roman too."

Sally looked up. "I love you, brother, for who you are."

Miles smiled, relived.


Warning: some m/m kissing :D

Chapter Twenty

Miles and Roman sat at a table in the Diner, smiling and staring at each other, all while trying to not make it obvious that they were on their first official date.

They both wanted to go out of the Bay, to the city, but the problem was Nicole. Roman felt that he couldn't leave Nicole and go to the city.

"How are you and Nicole getting on?" Miles asked.

Roman sighed. "Not so good. She still refused to tell me what happened with her and her mother."

"She will tell you eventually. Just give it time." Miles said. "Did you try Nicole's mother?"

"Yeah. She finally phoned me and told me that Nicole was coming here." Roman rolled his eyes. "I told her that our daughter was already here. She didn't apologise or anything! Not even tell me what happened."

Roman shook his head angrily.

Miles ran a hand through his hand.

"Well, like I said, give it time. Let Nicole get to know you first, allow her to learn to trust you and then she will tell you."

"Yeah, thanks." Roman looked down to his plate. He chuckled and looked up, grinning. "You are a good listener. That's what I love the most about you."

Miles blushed. He looked around, making sure that nobody saw him blushing or heard what Roman said.

"Miles, stop being paranoid. Apart from Sally and Leah, everyone else thinks we're just friends meeting for a drink." Roman told him. "Now, stop worrying and get eating!"

Miles nodded and tried to relax. "I just don't want any more trouble."

"How did it go with Sally?"

Miles told Roman all about what happened and how that Sally almost threw him out. He told Roman that Sally thought Roman was going to take him away and losing a chance to be a proper family.

Roman was silent all through it and was shocked to learn that Sally actually thought that of him.

"Do you think that I should talk to Sally?" Roman asked.

Miles shook his head. "I think she's okay...oh, before I forget, she invited you to dinner tomorrow night."

Then Miles blushed, yet again. "I think Sally wants to ask about your intentions for me." He whispered quietly.

Roman grinned. "She's only looking out for you. I will be glad to come."

"Yeah?" Miles said. He beamed and stared at Roman. Suddenly he felt an urge to kiss Roman right there and now, but held back because of everyone else in the Diner.

"Could I ask a question, although?" Roman asked, looking serious. Miles was a bit taken aback but nodded, anyway.

"Are you ashamed? I mean, of us? Don't you want to tell everyone?" Roman rushed all his questions, and Miles opened his mouth and then closed it in shock.

"Roman! I'm not ashamed!" Miles exclaimed, and then looked around yet again. Feeling satisfied that nobody heard him, he continued, "I would love to tell everyone, but I just wanted us to enjoy our relationship without anyone else making judgements on us - at least not yet. Could we keep this a secret...at least until I'm ready?"

Roman smiled. "I understand. Thank you. I didn't think that you were ashamed." Roman told Miles. "But I just wanted to make sure."

Miles grinned.

For the rest of the night, they ate and chatted about their lives, their families and everything else that a new couple should know about each other.

* * * *

End of the night

"You know, you didn't have to walk me home." Roman said to Miles, who shrugged.

"I wanted to. Anyway isn't that what a gentleman should do at the end of the first date?"

Roman raised an eyebrow. "Are you trying to tell me that I'm not a gentleman?"

"You said it." Miles grinned. Roman narrowed his eyes at Miles and suddenly, Roman pinned Miles to the wall outside his house and leaned in and kissed him hungrily.

Miles ran his hands down Roman's back as they kissed some more, with deep passion and hunger.

Suddenly they heard someone clearing their throat and pulled apart so fast.

"That's disgusting!" Nicole cried out and stormed into the house, slamming the door behind her.

"Opps." Miles said.

"I guess that's us outed then" Roman sighed.


  Marigoldly said:
Can we get an update?

*laughs* You must have written that while I was writing this! :D

Hope you're happy! :D


  Marigoldly said:
I might be...but welllllllllllllllll...... I did give you three chapters of ER in the past few days!! :D

This story is getting better.....



That's true! :D

I will try to update later on today :P just to keep you a happy girl!

And I'm glad you feel the story is getting better! Such a long wayyy to get Roman and Miles together, eh...and who knows...will they stay together?? Mmmmm!


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