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If You Don't Wanna Love Me (by charmed60) - comments

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OMG! I haven't been reading it for a while, I didn't have time, so I read it now. It was shocking! :o I was afraid it would be cancer but I hoped it wasn't. Really realistic. I hope Rach will get better and Tony tells her the truth and they'll be a family again... Anyway, I reallo love it :wub: ! Wating for update :)

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Oh. My. Gosh.

That is so hearbreaking. :( Poor Rachel, I just feel so sorry for her.

Your writing was SO realistic, I thought I was there, like I was watching it. Amazing.

I was actually thinking of what you'd write, and if you'd make it so Rachel felt numb about it, and if she'd not want Tony to know or not. You're a really great writer.

Seriously, I have no other words other than it was amazing. And really realistic. And hearbreaking. :(

Oh, & thanks. I did my research and that's what came up. :P

Ah, I'm going to go back and read it again. It's so good.



Ohh you posted two chapters really fast!! :D

Laura that was just heartbreaking :( I can't believe Rachel has leukaemia. It's so incredibly tragic for her and i hope she finds the stength from somewhere to fight through this. I guess she has Harry though, thank God. Really sad that all she wanted was Tony with her :( I'm sure he will find out sooner or later and im interested to see how he is going to react. I don't doubt he loves her still, i just think he has convinced himself that he should be with Kate and nothing else will do.

I did like that you had her looking away when she had her blood taken, that's so funny and seems quite true to life, you always seem to be reading/hearing about doctors making the worst patients :lol: And yay Dereck was mentioned!! Really sweet he seems worried about her, bless.

I love Gina's involvement in this and i hope she continues to support her. Although i do feel she's kinda stuck in the middle, what with Rachel not wanting Tony to know about how ill she is. Hopefully Gina will respect that. Part of me thinks that Tony should know and the other doesn't think he deserves anything apart from a good kick up the butt!

I loved this line:

“Mrs Holden, let’s just take one step at a time okay” the consultant suggested, lifting himself off of the table and moving a chair in front of Rachel.

“Don’t call me that” Rachel bit back; the sound of her married name causing a deep heartache. “My name’s Rachel” she added.

It's like it's finally sinking in that he's left her :( It's so sad, as was her telling Gina she knows what it's like to be left by her husband. I liked those little touches because she's never really talked about how much it's hurting her (although obviously it must be) but she says little things now and again that give us a glimpse into how she is feeling. I also liked how much you involved Harry. He's pretty much what's keeping her going right now and im interested to see how she's going to cope being away from him (i assume she'll need to be in hospital getting treatment) and coping at home alone now she is seriously ill.

Can't wait for the next update!!!

Posted (edited)

Cant believe I missed 3 updates!

Amazing stuff..

Oh my poor Rachel! Really hoping she is going to be okay! Was sad when she said she wanted Tony..:( Interested to seeing how Tony will react when he does find out.

Update soon! :)

Edited by Danni02

Aww I loved that Chapter.

Nice chat between Leah and Rachel. :D

“Rachel you’re my best friend, you are family” Leah emphasised.

Aww, I love how close these to are. Im glad Rachel has someone like Leah to support her.

Stupid Tony... :angry:

Oooo preview sounds intriguing.....

update soon! :D


Awwww :( Tony&Harry how cute is that? I feeeeel so bad for Rachel she doesnt deserve this :( I just want to shake Tony though and tell him hes being an idiot and if he just told Rachel in the first place then he would be at home with his family supporting her because no doubt she would have forgiven him.

Really want to know what Tony has got to ask Rachel :)

Posted (edited)

Aww this is sad, but so beautifully written. Poor Rachel it must be awful for her not having the support of the one person she wants. I'm sure if she told Tony he would be there with her in an instant, but I'm sure Leah is the next best person for her at the moment.

Meh, stupid Kate.

Update soon. :)

Edited by Danni02

Ohh Laura you're really cranking this out. It's so emotional, and you write this genre really well. It's hard to write about heartbreak and sadness without sounding condensending i think, but you do it beautifully and get the reader really involved.

Anyways, back to the chapters!

I love that you had Leah with her at the hospital. I adore any scenes they have together and this one was really bittersweet. It must have been so hard for Leah to try and be as cheerful and happy as possible when knowing how seriously ill her best friend is.

“Rachel you’re my best friend, you are family” Leah emphasised

That was so lovely. I think that's how a lot of best friends feel about each other and it's so nice Rachel has someone that close to her helping. I understand why she wouldn't want to tell Tony - at this point i don't think he deserves too. :angry: I'm struggling to feel sorry for him right now but hopefully that'll change! The little bit with Tony and Harry was sad but Tony made some bad decisions i think and i don't think he really desrves to feel that sorry for himself. I know i'm cruel! I like how Rachel is clearly angry with him but still wants him too. I think you are writing her grief at losing her husband really well; her mixed emotions are easy to understand and it makes sense she doesn't want him around her just now.

I loved the little scene with Harry desperate to get to his mum :wub: That was so cute! And again it's so nice you have some lighter moments in the fic becasue overall it's so tragic. Ditto to the little Leah and Rach arguement when Leah demanded she let her look after her!

I am shocked Tony asked to take Harry away to see Lucas with Kate! :o That must be the ultimate betrayal for Rachel and i thought her reaction was perfect. It must be devastating for her to imagin her baby with another women and her husband. I'm glad she said no at first! But it's so sad she has to go in for treatement and not see her baby for 2 weeks :( That's such a long time!! Surely Tony can't expect to take him away that long. Poor Rachel. It's all so heartbreaking for her.

“Rachel did you see the way he came crawling right over to you when he saw you? He loves you. And that’s why you have to fight every single day for your life. Don’t give up; for his sake okay?” Rachel nodded confidently. There was absolutely no way she was going to let her little boy grow up and not know how he was the absolute centre of her world.

So beautiful and i hope Harry gives her the inspiration she needs to fight it.

I like that you mentioned her maybe not being able to have any more kids but didnt make a big deal out of it. It could have been a huge issue but i'm glad she decided how lucky she was to have a healthy baby already and to leave the rest to fate. I think that is like Rachel. :wink:

Soo can't wait for more!

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