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A Mother's Treasure Is Her Daughter

Guest lollypop

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Chapter 7

"We've got a female, 16 years old, gun shot wound to the chest, massive amount of blood lost. She's a type 1 diabetic", the paramedic listed off as he pushed the ambulance bed down the corridor.

Charlie walked along side, keeping in pace with the movement of the bed. She held on to Ruby's hand as tightly as she could, afraid to let go. With her other hand she stroked her daughters forehead, speaking words of encouragement to stay alive. When they reached the theater doors, the nurse stopped in front of Charlie, blocking her path. Ruby's hand slipped out of her grip as the paramedics and doctors continued past the double doors. Her heart sang.

"I'm sorry, you can't go any further this is a restricted area", she said.

"It's my daughter", she said, angry that the nurse wouldn't let her proceed. "I can't leave her on her own!".

The nurse looked a little stunned that the young, pretty woman standing in front of her was the mother of a teenager. But she was most sympathetic. She gave Charlie's arm a gentle stroke to comfort her,

"I can understand you'r scared. But the best thing you can do for your daughter now is let the doctors help her. I'll come find you as soon as I know more", the nurse said, and with that she turned on her heel and burst her way through the double doors down to the operating theatre.

Charlie stood motionless. Clasping her shaiking hands together. A tear slid down her cheek. Ahe looked down at her hands. They were covered in blood. Ruby's blood. She turned around and looked for a bathroom and found one just a couple of feet away. She walked with unusual pace towards the door and forced it open. She walked up to the sink and turned on the warm water. She squirted some soap onto her hands from the soap dispenser and started to scrub her hands agressively to get the her blood stained hands clean.

She watched as the watched as the clear water turned red and made it's way down the drain. She tried to hold back the tears. When she was done she tore some tissue paper off the role and dried her hands. She dumped the it in the bed when she was done. She leaned over the sink, both hands gripping either side of the rim. She had a knot in her stomach and she felt sick. She looked up at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were completely red. She looked shattered. Just then she looked down. The once baby blue police shirt was red.

Charlie began to breath heavily. She stood up straight and began to unbutton her top, but she couldn't, her hands would not stop shaking. Getting angry she tore open her shirt, all the buttons bursting off in different directions, revealing a black tank top. She pulled the shirt off her body. She couldn't bear to wear something that reminded her of the shooting. She rolled the shirt up in a ball and dumped in the bin, slamming the lid down. She sobbed. She put her hand over her mouth to silence herself. But couldn't. She was overcome with emotion. She turned her back to the wall and slid down along it. She placed her head in her hands and cried.



Chapter 8

Charlie sat in the waiting room in a daze. The hustle and bustle going on around her was a noiseless blur. The only thing she could think about was Ruby. She had been joined by Nicole, Geoff, Leah, Morag, Aden, Irene and Ross and although they tried to talk to her she just couldn't bring herself to snap out of the trance like state she was in. Even when Angelo called from the station she still remained as she was. Motionless.

Her thoughts were racing through her head at a hundred miles an hour. All of the nights events were stuck on replay and the only thing that she though of clearly was why? Why did this happen? Why Ruby? But the one that really got to her was why couldn't she protect her? If only she had put her foot down and made Ruby move back home with her none of this would have happened. If she had called Ruby earlier that day instead of waiting then Ruby wouldn't have been in the house. She would have been with her and she would have been safe,

But she didn't do those things and Ruby wasn't safe. Instead she was lying on an operating table with a bullet in her chest. She was lying in limbo between life and death. The only thing keeping her alive at that moment was a machine. Charlie couldn't bear it. She hated the whole situation and the pangs of pain in her heart tore her up inside. All she wanted to do was hold Ruby. To see her smile. To tell her everything would be okay.

A nurse dressed in head to toe operating scrubs walked into the room. Geoff bounded to his feet and walked over to meet her, follwed by Nicole, Ross and Morag. The nurse was a little startled by his haste and took a few steps back.

"Are you here for Ruby Buckton?" the nurse asked.

"Yeah, we are" replied Geoff, anxiously awaiting news.

The second Charlie heard Ruby's name she snapped out of her daze. Heart pounding out of her chest. She climbed up out of her seat. She could feel her knees wobbling as she walked. She felt as though her legs were going to collapse from under her. Charlie continued on towards the nurse, pushing past her father and Geoff. She looked the straight in the eye and asked her the question she had been waiting to ask. Fearing the worst and hoping for the best.

"How is she? Is Ruby alright?", she asked, gripping her hands together.

"The bullet lodged passed through Ruby's pulmonary artery which is what caused the massive bleed out which of course cause massive strain on her heart. The surgeons managed to repair the damage, but now it's up to Ruby to do the hard work", she said. "Of course with her diabetes we have to be careful of infection and we will need to monitor her closely. The next 24 to 48 hours are critical, If she makes it through it's very likely she'll make a full recovery, but I must warn you not to get your hopes up just yet. She's still in danger", the nurse finished, sensing the dread that had overcome Charlie.

Charlie stood there silent. She crossed an arm over her stomach and wiped away a tear with the other. She didn't to cry. She needed to be strong for Ruby. She had to be strong for her daughter. There wasn;t much she could do but this was the one thing she felt she could and she was not going to sit blubbering like a fool. Her tears were not going to make Ruby better.

"Can I see her?", Charlie asked the nurse.

"Of course. I'm afraid it's only family right now so if the rest of you want to wait or go home," she said looking at the others gathered in the waiting room. "If you follow me I'll take you to the ICU and you can sit with your daughter", she said to Charlie.

Charlie hugged her father and then turned to the nurse and followed after her. She walked briskly. She was anxious to see Ruby, to hold her hand. All she wanted to do was sit by her sughters side and be with her. She wanted to do what she was never able to openly do for the last sixteen years. She wanted to be Ruby's mother. The thing to come out of the whole nightmare that Charlie remembered the most was that for the very first time, Ruby called her mum. She just wished the circumstances had been different. The nurse stopped outside the ICU and turned to Charlie. She started preping Charlie, making her aware of what to expect when she went inside. Charlie felt a little unsettled by the information. She braced herself, took a deep breath, exhaled and walked in to the room.

Charlie stopped. She felt a lump forming in her throat and tears began to well up in her eyes. She culd not comprehend the sight before her. Ruby lay in the bed, IV drip, an insulin infusion drip, breathing tube, feeding tube, heart rate monitior and anything else that could possibly be connected to her. Charlie caught her breath and made her over to Ruby's bedside. She looked her daughter up and down and began stroking her arm. She leaned down and gave her a kiss on the fore head, She turned around and grabbed the chair behind her. Pulling it over to right bedside the bed and sat down. She gently slid her hand under Ruby's and caressed it.

As she sat there watching over Ruby she began to quitely mumble the words to a lullaby that she used to sing to Ruby when she was little and couldn't sleep after a nightmare. Charlie remembered it well because it was the only time she was ever able to feel like Ruby's mother before the revelation. She felt like now was an appropriate time to sooth her daughter of the nightmare. As she sang, she could feel her eyes getting heavy. She felt drowsy and she kept singing until she finally nodded off, keeping Ruby's hand in hers. As she slept she began to dream.................



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Wow great update!

It was just so beautifully written and you could really feel Charlie's pain.

I really hope Ruby is going to be okay!

Please update soon :)


Chapter 9

"Mum, Mum wake up, we're going to the beach", a young girl siad.

Charlie awoke to the beams of bright sunlight shining through her window. The silhouette of a young girl staring down at her. She rubbed her eyes and sat up in her bed. She looked around. How did she get here?. She turned around and looked at the little girl standing at the side of her bed, smiling. She couldn't have been much older than five. She had long wavy hair and bright blue eyes. Charlie smiled at her and hugged her.

"Ruby" Charlie said as she looked at the familiar face from her past and she gripped her tightly.

The young girl put her arms around her mothers neck and hugged her back.

"Mum are we still going to the beach today like you promised?" she asked.

Charlie released her daughter from from her grasp and cupped her two little hands in hers. She smiled at her and tucked a few strands of Ruby's hair behind her ear.

"We can go wherever you want" she said with a grin.

"Just me and you?" the little girl asked.

Charlie felt a heart soar. She had always wanted this. She always wanted to be a mother to Ruby but the circumstances didn't permit. She rubbed the little girls arms and smiled.

"Yeah, just me and you. Go get your things, I'll be ready in a tick", she said.

She beamed as the young girl raced out of Charlie's room and down the hall. Charlie brushed her fingers through her hair and stretched. She climbed out of the bed and walked over to her wardrobe. As she was making her over she suddenly stopped and looked at her dressing table. It was full of pictures of her with Ruby. Pictures of birthdays, holidays, and with family. There was even a picture Ruby painted for Charlie that read 'Happy Birthday Mum, Love Ruby'. Charlie could feel a lump form in her throat. How could she have let herself miss out on this. All those precious moments.

She continued over to her wardrobe and pulled out a pair of cream shorts and a pale pink vest top. She placed them over her arm and carried them over to her bed and laid them on it neatly. She picked up her robe and made her way to the bathroom to take a shower.

When she had finished, Charlie walked out into the living room and saw Ruby lying on the ground on her stomach, legs in the air, drawing a picture. She crossed the living room and got down on her knees to get a closer look at Ruby's picture.

"What's that you're drawing?" she asked.

"It's you and me at the beach and we're making lots sand castles and eating ice cream", the little girl said as she handed her the picture.

Charlie studied the drawing closely. She could see all the sand castles and the ice cream van and in the middle was Charlie holding Ruby's hand. She smiled at her daughter and ran her fingers through her hair.

"It's beautiful, just like you".

"Are we going to the beach now?", the little girl asked as she hopped up onto her feet.

"Yeah, come on let's go", Charlie said as she grabbed the towels and and beach gear of the couch. They headed across the kitchen and out the back door. Ruby opened the back door and climbed in. She sat in the booster seat and buckled herself in without so much as thinking about it. Charlie was amazed.

"If I'm wearing my seatbelt I'll always be safe and I won't get in trouble with the police mummy works with", the little girl said with a smile.

Charlie smiled, she couldn't help it. She just couldn't get over what was going on. She put the beach gear in the back seat next to Ruby and then slammed the door shut. She walked around to the drivers side and got in. She fixed her mirrors, turned on the ignition and proceeded to make her way gently out of the driveway and when she had fully reversed out, she took of for the beach.

When they arrived Ruby jumped out of the car and ran for the beach. Charlie got out of the car and looked on.

"Hey, wait for me", she said grinning, grabbing the stuff out of the back of the car.

When she locked the car she ran down to where Ruby had stopped and toook her by the hand. The walked down to the beach together. Charlie placed the big towl down on the sand and sat down. She grabbed the sun lotion out of the bag and covered Ruby from head to toe. When she was done they grabbed a bucket and spade and ran down towards the wet sand to make sand castles.

"That's a pretty neat sand castle", Charlie said admiring Ruby's fifth attempt.

The little girl smiled at Charlie and stood up. She began to run down the beach. Charlie called after her but the little girl kept running. Charlie stood up and began to run.

"Ruby, Ruby come back", she shouted,"Ruby".

But the little girl vanished into thin air. Charlie couldn't catch her breath. Where was Ruby? Why couldn't she see her. Just then she felt a tug on her arm from behind. She turned around stunned.

"Hey Charles", the voice said.

It was Ruby. But she was her 16 year old self. She looked Ruby up and down and hugged her close to her.

"Charles, you're cutting of my air supply", she chuckled.

"Ruby, you're ok", Charlie said through tears of happiness.

Charlie stood back and smiled at her daughter. Then she looked down and dread set across her face. She looked at Ruby's chest and it was stained in blood. She looked down at her own shirt and it too was now stained.

"Ruby, no.....no", she exclaimed.

Just then Ruby began to tremble and Charlie grabbed her, gently falling to her knees with her daughter in her arms. Why was this happening again.

"No, Ruby please, please don't leave me", Charlie sobbed.

Ruby smiled at her and raised her head. She gently kissed her mother on the side of the cheek and then lay back in her mother's embrace.

"I'm not going anywhere", she said as she gripped Charlie's hand..................................................

Charlie awoke abruptly to the sight of a hospital room. She felt a squeeze of her hand and she looked down to see if it was real. It was, She looked. Ruby lay there, her eyes fluttering, trying to open them. Charlie jumped out of her seat and stood beside her daughter.

"Ruby, Rubes, come on baby open your eyes. Come on you can do it", she encouraged.

Ruby's eyes fluttered a little more before the gently opened completelt. Charlie pressed the alert button to alert the octor and nurses. Within seconds a doctor and two nurses were in the room with them. The doctor walked straight over to Ruby and placed his hand around the breathing tube, aware of Ruby's discomfort and coughing.

"Ruby, I need you to calm down and on the count of three I want you to give me one long continuous cough, alright. 1...2...3", he said and he gently removed the tube from her throat.

Ruby began to cough, wincing in pain. Charlie stood beside her daughter and gently stroked her forehead. Sobbing tears of happiness. The doctor momentarily interrupted them to place a nasal cannula on Ruby and then stepped back to update Ruby's chart. The nurses took note of all the information on the monitors, changed her drip and insulin line and then left the room.

Charlie smiled down at her daughter.

"Welcome back", she said, drowning her in kisses.



Chapter 10

Charlie sat in silence and watched Ruby sleeping. Every few hours a nurse or doctor would come and check on her stats, making sure her blood sugar levels were stable and to change her IV drip and insulin line. Each time Charlie held her breath, worried that the doctors would have something negative to say. But they didn't. They just recorded details into Ruby's chart, smiled at Charlie and walked out. She wanted to believe that this was a good sign but she didn't want to get her hopes up. Ruby wasn't out of the woods yet.

She stood up and stretched. She'd been sitting in that chair for hours and every part of her body was stiff. She ran her fingers through her hair and shook it out. Charlie walked around the chair and made her way over to the window. She gently pushed down some of the window blind visors and peered out through the window. It was a typically beautiful day. The sun was gleaming and the sky was blue. Outside she could see patients out for a walk with family members. Paramedics running their routine ambulance checks. She let go of the blind and yawned, placing her hand over her mouth.

"Charles", a guite voice from behind said.

Charlie turned around and looked at Ruby. She was awake, just barely, but she was awake. Charlie walked over to her bedside and leaned down, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey you" she said, gazing into Ruby's eyes with concern.

She stood back and grabbed the chair, pulling it right up beside the bed. She sat down and grabbed a hold of Ruby's hand, making sure to keep away from the drip line as not to hurt her. She looked at her daughter and frowned. She looked lifeless. It was like somebody had sucked the life out of her and, in a way, they had. Charlie swore to herself,that justice would be served for what evil had been done to her daughter. If she wasn't so dedicated to caring for Ruby she swear blind revenge. But that's not what Ruby needed. She needed her, and she couldn't be there for her if she was serving a life sentence for murder.

She looked at Ruby and stroked her forehead.

"Are you in any pain?", she asked her,

Ruby nodded her head slightly, wincing and then looking at Charlie. Spoke gently.

"Yeah, my chh...my chest really hur...hurts", she said breathlessly.

"Ok, I'm gonna go get the nurse. I'll be right back".

With that Charlie got up from her seat and walked outside. She walked up to the reception desk and informed the nurse of her daughters discomfort and pain. The nurse told her she would be right in. Charlie turned on her heel and walked back in to the ICU. She walked back to her chair and sat down. She leaned in to Ruby and stroked her arm. The nurse walked into the room. Shw walked over to the drip stand. She removed the nearly empty IV drip and replaced it with a new one. Then, she checked Ruby's blood pressure, then her blood sugar levels and when she recorded all the data, she gave her an injection of morphine. Charlie sat and watched in a tentative matter. When the nurse was done she walked out.

"Does that feel better?" she asked.

"A little", Ruby replied.

Ruby tried to inhale a large breath, but it hurt too much. She licked her lips and gripped Charlie's hand tighter. She looked her in the eyes.

"Charles...abou...about what I said before....in thhh...in the house...", Charlie cut her off before she could finish. She knew what Ruby was talking about.

"Hey, it's ok. You were distressed...and scared. Just because you called me mum doesn't mean it has to be a regular thing. I've been Charlie your whole life and I'm perfectly ok with that", she said with a half smile.

Ruby shook her head lowered her eyes. She gripped Charlie's hand tighter, and then look back up.

"That's the thing. Char...Charlie when I was...when I was lying there...in your...in your arms..." she forced out between breaths.

Charlie shushed her and stroked her face. But Ruby persisted.

"....I realised....I can't change the past....or how...or how I was brought up. I ca...can't ch...change what I know. I can pretend your my sister for the rest of my life...bu...but...I don't want to keep pretending. What I'm...what I'm...I'm asking is, if it wouuu...would be alright, if I called you mum?", Ruby finished clearly out of breath.

Charlie sat up. Her heart beating faster, her eyes welling up with tears until finally a tear slid down her cheek. Charlie remembered her dream. All those missed opportunities. All that time she wasted pretending to be Ruby's sister. It could have all been so different. But Charlie knew she couldn't change the past. What she could do, was start fresh, a clean sheet. Hearing those words coming out of Ruby's mouth overwhelmed her. This is all she ever wanted. She never thought after the whole revelation that Ruby would ever feel this way. She started nodding her.

"Yes of course", she said through tears of sheer joy.

Ruby smiled gently and Charlie stood up and kissed Ruby on the forehead, stroking Ruby's cheek. Ruby closed her eyes and Charlie stroked her hair until she thought she was asleep. She sat back down in the chair and wiped away the tears from under her eyes. She leaned back and smiled. She began to play with the chain around her neck. A birthday present from Ruby. Just then she heared a silent whisper.

"......I love you Mum.....", Ruby said half asleep.

Charlie smiled and choked back tears to say the one thing she thought she'd never get to say to her daughter again.

"I love you too baby".




Aww I loved Charlie's dream with young Ruby, was soo sweet! :)

Really glad Ruby is going to be okay and love how she wants to call Charlie mum.

Update soon :)


Chapter 11

Three Weeks Later

Ruby sat on the edge of the bed latching onto the side baring for support. She gently slides her feet into her purple flip flops, her most comfortable pair. She watched as Charlie dashed around the room packing away Ruby's belongings into her bag, folding everyting neatly to make room for all the gifts friends had given to her while she was laid up. She was so happy that she was finally going home. Although the doctors stressed that any kind of activity other than bed rest was out of the question, she was glad that she could that she could rest in her in bed, in her own home. Which was now back at home with her mother. Geoff had spent the last two days moving all her belongings back to Leah's so Charlie could spend more time with Ruby.

She watched as Charlie continued to pack away her night gowns and other belongings and smiled at her whhen Charlie looked up. She turned back around to the night stand beside her bed and looked at her insulin kit. She checked the time, it was 9:00 in the morning. She new Charlie would have Leah preparing a 'welcome home' breakfast for her arrival so she thought it was best to talk her insulin injection now. She gently tried to ease herself off the bed, placing her hand over her chest which was still causing her a great deal of pain and discomfort. Charlie looked up and saw Ruby struggling. She quickly dropped the contents in her hand onto the end of the bed and ran around to the bedside. She grabbed Ruby by the arm and placed another around her waist. Leaning Ruby against her, she sat her back on the bed.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?", she asked, standing over Ruby and looking at her with an expression that would suggest she thought the was insane.

"I was just trying to grab my insulin kit so I can check my levels and take my shot.......", Ruby trailed off, realising what she had said evoked a bad memory in Charlie. But it wasn't just Charlie it upset, Ruby looked down at her chest and swallowed hard, she was reminded of that horrifying night. "....I mean my injection", she finally managed.

Charlie looked at her and stroked her hair.

"Hey, it's ok. That's all behind us now, we just need to keep moving forward. And if we're to that you need to stay following doctors order so you can get better. I mean it, no activity at all, if you need something that's what I'm here for", she said.

Charlie walked to the night stand and picked up the kit. She walked back over to Ruby and set the kit down beside her on the bed. She it up and removed th BSL monitor and pen. She pricked Ruby's finger and took the sample, When the level came up, she wrote in down in the diary and proceeded to remove the syringe and insulin from the pack. She lifted Ruby's shirt just above her abdomen and rubbed a particular spot with an antseptic wipe, she carefully measured the dosage and then injected the insulin. When she was done she wiped the area with antiseptic and pulled Ruby's shirt back down. She threw the used wipe in the bin and packed everthing back into the kit and then put it the kit in her handbag.

She smiled at Ruby. She sat down on the bed next to her and stroked her back.

"Hey mum", Ruby said.

"Yeah" Charlie replied. She still couldn't fully believe Ruby was calling her mum. It had been three weeks but the reality of it was still strange. Yet everytime she heard Ruby call her that exact thing, she got this warm feeling inside she couldn't explain. It was like her heart melted.

"That guy, the one that held us hostage, is he...." Charlie cut Ruby off before she could finish.

"He's gone away for a very long time so you don't ever need to worry about him ok",she exclaimed. Hoping to settle Ruby's worries.

Just then Rachel walked in holding Ruby's chart and a white paper bag. She smiled at both of them as she walked through the door. She walked to the end of the bed to the wheelie table and placed the bag down on it. She opened up the chart and gave it a quick glance over.

"Ok Ruby, you're all set to go, The discharge papers have been signed, you're stats look. However, you did just have major heart surgery so you're going to be very sluggish and weak for quite some time yet. Plenty of bed rest and TLC is the only thing you should be getting", she said sternly. Rachel picked up the paper bag and handed it to Charlie. "Now here's some pain killers for your chest and I've given you your insulin perscription as well so should be good for at least another couple of weeks. Now is there any questions you want to ask?".

Ruby gave her a half smile with a pleading look.

"Yeah, can I please go now cause, no offence, but this place is enough to drive anybody crazy", she said.

Rachel and Charlie laughed. When she had signed the chart, Rachel walked outside and grabbed a wheelchair. She brought it into the room and parked it beside the bed. She went to Ruby's side and helped Charlie lift her into the chair. She picked up Ruby's bag and then walked over to the chair in the corner to grab the giant teddy Geoff had bought for Ruby. She followed Charlie who pushed Ruby out of the room and down the corridor.

When they reached Charlie's car in the car park, Charlie opened the boot for Rachel to put Ruby's stuff in it. When they were done they walked over to Ruby and gently helped her into the passenger seat, Charlie placing a pillow behind her for comfort. Rachel grabbed the empty wheelchair and pulled it away. She said goodbye to them and told them she would call around later to make sure Ruby had settled in okay. And when they pulled off she walked back towards the entrance of the hospital, pushing the wheelchair ahead of her.

Within minutes Charlie and Ruby had arrived at Leah's, who was waiting for them on the porch for them. When Charlie pulled into the driveway and knocked off the engine, Leah walked over to the car to greet them.

"Welcome Home", she rejoiced, as Charlie hopped out of the car smiling.

Charlie walked around to the passenger side and opened the door.

"Do you need a hand?", Leah asked.

"Yeah could you grab Ruby's stuff out of the boot?" Charlie asked.

"Of course, VJ can give me a hand. VJ!!" she shouted, loud enough the whole street could hear.

Ruby and Charlie laughed.

"Well I can see nothing's changed around here", Ruby remarked.

Charlie gently eased Ruby out of the car. She carefully wrapped one arm around Ruby for support, leaning her agianst her own body. She closed the car door and with her free hand held onto Ruby's hand. She could feel Ruby leaning body on her, sensing that the walk to the house was clearly tiring her out. When they got to the house, Charlie, holding onto Ruby, made a beeline straight for Ruby's old bedroom. It had been a long time since Ruby had last slept in this room and Charlie was glad to have her home.

The walked slowly into the bedroom and headed straight for the bed. Although Ruby really wanted to talk to Leah and VJ she was clearly to exhausted to do anything. Charlie freed one of her hands to pull back the duvet. She sat Ruby on the bed and then gently laid her down. Ruby placed a hand over her chest. Her sheer discomfort making a reappearance. Charlie frowned at having caused her daughter pain, although it was accidental. She grabbed Ruby's legs and placed them on the bed. She pulled the duvet up and placed it just across Ruby's shoulders. She gently tucked it around her and when she was done she kissed Ruby on the cheek.

"Mum, tell Leah thanks from me for organising my room", Ruby said as she began to doze off.

"I will", Charlie said as she quietly made her way to the door. As she was about to leave she turned around. She grabbed hold of the door knob but before she closed the door she smiled as she looked at her sleeping daughter.

"Welcome Home Rubes", she said. With that she closed the door.



Chapter 12

Charlie sat at her dressing table and finished off putting clips in her hair. She stood up and straightened herself out, checking her reflection in the full length mirror across from her in the corner of her room. The last time she had worn her police uniform was three weeks ago and it was while taking part in a police call out she never thought she would ever have to witness. She never thought it would be her own family on the other end. But it was and in those three weeks she has had to confront the man who cause her that anguish. These images, as much as she wished to forget them, were stuck with her.

She walked out of her room and down the corridor. Quietly as she could, she briefly looked on Ruby who was still sleeping and when she felt everything was okay, she walked out across the living room and into the kitchen. Leah, who was dressed in a night gown, ready for bed, was preparing herself some coco. When she heard Charlie walk into the room she turned around and studied the police uniform.

"Are you heading into work?", Leah asked.

"Yeah. I thought while Ruby was asleep I'd go in do a couple of hours, catch up on whatever paperwork I've missed over the last couple of weeks", she said wearily. The thought of all that paperwork weighed on her mind and more than likely, it had piled up while she was on leave. "Hey, Leah could you keep an eye on Ruby for me, just check in on her before you go to bed, make sure she's comfortable?", she asked her housemate.

"Of course yeah, you don't worry about that I'll be in the next room if she needs anything", she replied postively. She smiled at Charlie and then returned to making her coco.

Charlie smiled back at her. It was a huge weight of her shoulders knowing someone would be here for Ruby while she was at work. Although she made it a point that she would only stay for a couple of hours, she couldn't help feeling guilty about leaving her daughter. But, she knew she had to get back to reality at some point and she figured better sooner rather than later. Charlie grabbed her keys and wallet off the kitchen table and walked out into the into the night, locking the door behind her and checking it twice.

The drive to the station was quick. The lack of cars on the road made the journey quicker. She pulled into the station car park and shut off the engine. She grabbed her jacket, wallet and keys and got out of the car. She made her way to the station door and walked into the station for the first time in three weeks. When she made her way into the reception area she was surprised at the number of officers on shift. Then she noticed two thirds of them were Marine Command.

When she looked past the three officers at the reception desk she saw Angelo talking to another marine officer. He turned around and saw her, giving her a smile. He pointed at something on a map and then left the desk and walked over to her placing his hands on her arms and stroking them up and down.

"Hey, how's Ruby? I thought you were on leave to take care of her?", he asked looking a little surprised to see her at work.

"I was. Rubes came home today. I thought while she's asleep I'd come in and get some work done", she said giving him a half hearted smile.

Angelo nodded at her. He felt like she was keeping her distance from him. Even though she was with him physically, he felt her being somewhat emotionally distant. She wiped her brow and looked at him, pulling away.

"I'm gonna go do some paper work in my office. If there's anything that needs signing off on or any developements with the bodies on the boat let me know", and with that she swiftly made her way into her office, closing the door behind her,

Angelo watched as she closed the door. He rubbed his hads against the sides of his head in a frustrated manner. Had he done something? Or maybe Charlie was just stressed from the last couple of weeks. He wanted to know what was wrong, but he knew if he tried to question her he would just be frozen out. So, reluctantly, he went back to work on the boat case.

Charlie sat in her office, filling in the report on Derrick. As she reviewed Geoff and Nicole's statements she couldn't help but feel angry. How could he be so calious and cruel? How could he pull the trigger and shoot and innocent human being in the wrong place at the wrong time? And the one that that had been eating her up from that night, up unitl now, was why Ruby? Anger welled up inside her and she felt her blood beginning to boil. She couldn't do this anymore. She couldn't sit there and read the play by play details of the incident reports. It hurt her too much.

Charlie got up out of her seat and grabbed her jacket of the rack. She picked up her keys and wallet and exited her office. As she made her way across the reception are Angelo called after her.

"Charlie" he said running up to the door just in time to catch her. "Where are you going?", he asked puzzeled.

"I can't stay here. I just want to go home and take care of Ruby", she said.

Angelo nodded at her and stroked her arm.

"Ok, I'll....". Charlie cut him off before he could get out what he was trying to say.

"I have to go. I'll talk to you later", she said and walked out of the station. Angelo watched her until she was no longer in view.

Charlie got in her car and started the engine. She pulled out of the car park and set of in the direction of home. She hadn't realised how much time had passed since she arrived at the station. Although she spent hours going over the reports, to her it only felt like minutes. It was now 6:30 and the sun was beginning to rise. It was a beautiful, picturesque sight. But Charlie wasn't fazed by it. She just wanted to get home.

She finally arrived home. Her muscles were tense and the idea of going for a jog along the beach suddenly seemed to be a good idea. She unlocked the back door and walked into the empty kitchen. Placing her keys and wallet on the table she began to stretch. She walked around the table to the kitchen counter and began the process of making a fresh pot of coffee. She half filled the kettle with water and switched it on and the removed the bag of coffee from the side stack on the counter.

Just then, she heard a grunt. A silent one. The another, then another. The she heard someone speaking and she realised it was Ruby. She could hear here from her room....no, please, no....she said. Each time sounding more and more like she was in distress. Charlie dropped the bag of coffee on the counter and dashed out of the kitchen, across the living room and down the corridor. She burst into Ruby's room and saw her daughter twisting and turning in her bed, talking in her sleep.

She walked over to the side of the bed and gently nudged her daughter to wake her up. She tried once, but Ruby continued to toss and turn, this time her movements were more frantic. Charlie nudged her again a little harder and a little longer.

"Ruby, baby wake up...Ruby", she said as she tried to coax her daughter awake.

Suddenly Ruby screamed and her eyes snapped open abruptly. She looked around her and tried to sit up. She gripped her chest tightly. Gasping for breath. Charlie sat on the edge of the bed, slid one arm under Rubys back and with the other arm pulled her daughter upright. Ruby was breathing rapidly, her heart punding out of her chest. She felt like her chest was closing in. Shou couldn't breath. Charlie caressed her back, trying to calm her daughter but it didn't seem to work.

"Ruby, breath deep breaths, come on I need you to try", she said, a wave of panic crackling through her voice. "LEAH!!", she shouted hoping to wake her.

Within seconds Leah was standing in the door way lookin on in concern.

"What's the matter, what's wrong?", she asked concerned.

"Call Rachel get her to come over, I think Ruby's having a panic attack", she ordered. Turning her focus back to her daughter.

Leah dashed out into the living room and grabbed the phone. She dialled Rachel's number and waited for an answer....ring ring...ring ring...then at last an answer.

"Hello", a tired voice answered.

"Hi, Rach, it's Leah. Can you get over here quickly, Ruby's in a really bad way we think she's having a panic attack", she said worridly.

"Ok, I'll be right there, just try and keep her calm 'til I get there", Rachel said and then hung up.



Chapter 13

Rachel walked out of Ruby's bedroom and closed the door behind her. She walked down the corridor and out into the living room to Leah and Charlie. When she entered, Charlie was sitting on the couch clasping her hands together. Leah was sitting beside her with her had on Charlie's shoulder, tring her best to comfort her. When they heard Rachel walk in they turned around. Charlie stood up quickly and then Leah. Rachel walked over to them and placed her medical case on the living room table.

"Howz, Ruby, is she ok?", Charlie asked, trying to sound calm.

"She's fine right now. I've given here a check up and gave her a sedative to calm her down. But I think Ruby may be suffering from and anxiety disorder brought on by the traumatic experience of the shooting. Has Ruby talked to you about the incident or how she's feeling?" Rachel asked Charlie, a curious expression across her face.

"Well, no. I've been so busy dealing with doctors and with Derricks arrest. We haven't had time to talk properly", Charlie answered, a pang of guilt sounded in her voice.

Rachel nodded at her understandingly. She picked up her case and reached inside, pulling out a pill bottle. She handed it to Charlie and then closed back up her case.

"Here are some sedatives. If Ruby has another bad attack, help her breath through it then give her one of these to calm her down", Charlie nodded looking at the bottle.

"Ok, thanks Rach, I know it's early, I just panicked", Charlie said gratefully.

"That's perfectly alright. If you need anything else just give me a call", Rachel replied smiling.

With that Rachel said her goodbyes and left. Leah made her way into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. She felt after such an intense morning wake up call They could do with a strong dose of caffeine. She picked up the bag of coffee that Charlie had taken out earlier up from the counter and cleaned up the small spill. She emptied the contents into the bin and then turned on the kettle to re-boil the water.

Charlie walked down the corridor and knocked on Ruby's bedrrom door. She opened it and walked in. Ruby was sitting upright, propped up by some pillows behind her. She half smiled at Charlie. Her face was complexion was very pale and her eyes looked as though they'd lost their spark. Charlie walked over to the bed and put the pill container on the bedside locker next to Ruby's insulin kit. She stroked Rubys hair, pushing the front bits back behind her ear. Ruby grabbed a hold of Charlie's hand as she was pulling it away.

"So, do you want to talk?", Charlie asked her, searching Ruby's eyes for contact.

Ruby tugged on Charlie's arm and gestured her to sit down on the bed beside her. Charlie walked around the bed to the opposite side of Ruby and climbed onto the bed, crossing one leg under her and stretching the other one out. She grabbed hold of Ruby's hand and cupped it between hers.

"I've been having this dream...nightmare...I'm right back in the house and all I can see is his face. It was....it was evil", Ruby said choking back tears.

"Oh Rubes, why didn't you tell me", Charlie asked her concerned.

Ruby shed a tear. She raised her hand and wiped it away. She looked at Charlie and squeezed her hand. She felt emotional. She had been holding this in for three weeks and leeting it out felt like a relief to her. She didn't know why she kept it to herself. It was just something she was used to. When her grandmother died she bottled everything up and kept her feelings from Charlie and Ross. But deep down she felt like, after everything that had happened, with Charlie, with Grant, with Ross, her diabetes and now this, it felt like bottling it up was talking one step forward and two steps back. She wanted to have an open honest relationship with Charlie and if this was to happen she was going to start now.

"I didn't want burden you with it. You were already dealing with everything else, I didn't want to add this on top of it", she said looking down.

Charlie swallowed hard. Ever since Ruby was little she had always be independent. Trying to figure things out for herself. She hated when Ruby kept things to herself but then she realised that Ruby really was her mother's daughter. Charlie hadn't exactly been the best role model about opening up over the she wasn't going to make that mistake now. Not when she was finally able to be a mother to Ruby. She placed a hand under Ruby's chin and pulled her head up so she was looking her in the eye.

"Ruby, I know your intentions ere good, but I don't ever want you to hide something like this from. Especially if it's hurting you like this", Charlie said. "I know I've been focusing a lot on doctors and everything but it's because I want you to get better. I can't take care of you if don't let me know what's going on".

Ruby nodded. She completely understood where Charlie was coming from. It was hard on Charlie trying to take care of Ruby and juggle her duty as a cop. By hiding things from her she was only making it more difficult.

"Rubes, you are the most important person in my. I love you more than anything. It hurts me to see you like this and to know that I can't physically do anything to ease your pain. But Ruby I am here for you. I want you to talk to me like you did before everything thats happened. If your hurting I want to be there to comfort you. Promise me that from now on, no matter what, you'll open up to me....", Charlie said, a wilfull look in her eyes.

"Ok, I promise", Ruby said nodding her head in agreement. "I'm sorry", she said.

Ruby embraced Charlie, hugging her tightly and wiping away her tears. She felt such relief. Like a hugh weight had been lifted off her shoulders and it eased the tension she was feeling. Ruby squirmed a little, her chest starting to pain her. Charlie shifted herself and then pulled away from the embrace, realising Ruby was hurting. She truned around leaned across to the bedside locker and grabbed the painkillers. She took two out of the pill bottle and picked up the glass of water. She gave Ruby the pills and then the water and when she was done she put the glass back on the locker.

Ruby began to doze off, the pills taking effect and making her drowsey. She tried to fight it but she didn't physically have the energy. Charlie helped Ruby move into a lying down position. She lifted her head and placed the pillows underneath. When she was done she turned around and placed the lid back on the pill bottle. Just the Ruby placed a hand on her arm.

"Mum......stay with me", she asked.

Charlie smiled and nodded. She slid down in the bed so that she was lying down and turned on her side so she was facing Ruby. She stroked Ruby's arm as she watched as her daughter began to drift off. She kissed her on the forehead and lay her head back down.

"Sweet dreams sweetie", Charlie said, hoping there wouldn't be a repeat of the earlier incident.



Chapter 14

One Week Later

Charlie and Ruby made their way back up the street towards Leah's house, Charlie keeping a protective arm around Ruby to steady her on her feet. She looked at her in concern. Ruby was breathing heavily, gasping for breath and sweating profusely. Shaking, she clung to her mother as they tried to get back to Leah's as quickly as possible but every step just seemed like an agonising mile. Ruby stumbled but Charlie caught hold of her and eased her back into her stride.

Arriving at the back door, Ruby leaned against the wall as Charlie unlocked the back door. When she had opened it she turned back to Ruby and put her arm around her. Leading her into the kitchen. Charlie pulled out a chair and sat her down. She then walked to the medicine cabinet and grabbed Ruby's painkillers and a glass of ice cold water. She watched as Ruby gripped the glass with both hands trying not to stop her shakes.

"I knew it. I knew we were pushing it. We should have consulted a doctor first", Charlie said sitting down in the chair next to Ruby.

"Charlie...Rachel told me I need to get out exercising after a couple of days to build back up my strength. I can't do that lying around all the time. So maybe I wasn't ready to take on a big walk like that but at least now we know what I'm capable of right now", Ruby tried to reassure her.

Charlie looked as Ruby who was staring at her with a smile trying to ease her worry. But Charlie wan't convinced. After watching Ruby struggle so desperatly to get to the end of the street she could feel it in the pit of her stomach that something wasn't right and for those few moments those dreadful feelings she had to live with while Ruby was in hospital came flooding back and it scared her. At that second she realised that she was officially a mother. She always cared for Ruby's wellbeing before but now it just seemed even more intense.

"Still, I think we should go to the hospital and consult a doctor", Charlie replied.

Ruby rolled her eyes and rubbed her forehead in frustration.

"Look, you need to have a check up anyways for your diabetes and it would really put my mind at rest if a doctor checked everything else out too", Charlie said with pleading eyes.

Rubey looked at her mother and acknowledged her concern. She took hold of her mothers hand and nodded. She did think having a doctor check her out was necessary but if it would keep Charlie calm she would do it.

"Ok, if it will give you piece of mind", Ruby said to her.

"It would, it really would", Charlie said.

Charlie and Ruby sat there chatting for about a half an hour. It had been a while since they had just sat and talked about just random stuff like they used to and it felt good. It felt like old times. All was going well when suddenly...ring ring...ring ring...Charlie looked down at her phone and glanced at the screen. It was Angelo. She had told Angelo that she needed space for a while until she could cope with Ruby's care but made it clear that she wanted to be informed on anything to with Derrick and his arrest.

"I have to take this, I'll be right back", she said smiling at Ruby and with that she made her way into the living room. She pressed answer.

"Hello", she answered.

"Charlie, your not going to want to hear this, Derricks escaped", Angelo said wearily.

"WHAT How did he get out??", Charlie shouted and then lowered her voice when she realised Ruby could hear her from the kitchen.

She walked over to the entry way and saw Ruby stand up from the kitchen table. A look of fear evident on her face. Charlie listened to Angelo ramble on about somebody blowing the window out of the cell he was locked in driving off in a getaway car. She couldn't believe what she was hearing and she tried to hide her emotions for Ruby's sake but she couldn't and she knew she would have to tell her daughter the truth.

"Angelo I have to go, call me when you hear anything", she said hangining up.

Charlie stared into space, trying to get over the shock. She twisted the phone around her hand and pulled her emotions into line. She couldn't tell Ruby anything if she couldn't calm herself first. She heard a noise behind her and turned around. Standing by the entry way was Ruby, clinging to the frame and looking at her mother, tears welling up in her eyes. Charlie's heart sank, how could she tell her the truth?

"Mum, what's going on and please, don't lie to me", Ruby said with a fierce look.

Charlie inhaled a log deep breath. She walked over to the door and led Ruby over to couch to sit down. She cupped Ruby's hands in hers and after a couple of seconds, found the strength to look her daughter in the eyes and tell her the terrifying truth.

"Rubes, Derrick, they guy who held you, Geoff and Nicole hostage.....", Charlie swallowed hard a lump in her throat as she forced back tears. ".....he's escaped from police custody", she fininshed. Searching Ruby's eyes for some sort of emotion.

Ruby looked in utter shock, her mouth hung open and tears slid down her cheeks. She started to breath intensly, getting faster and faster until she couldn't catch her breath. Her head started to spin and she felt dizzy. Charlie put her hand on her back and rubbed. It was happening again. The panic attacks. She felt a tear slid down her own cheek and she felt helpless. All she could do was try to ease her daughter through the attack.

"Come on baby, breath deep breaths, come on breath...breath...breath..", she encouraged.

She watched her daughter in distress and wondered how they would get through this. Derrick was on the loose and nobody had any clue where he was. All Charlie's fears had come true. Was Ruby's life in danger again? She pulled Ruby into her embrace and caressed her arm. She leaned her chin on top of Ruby's head and closed her eyes. For the first time since he can remember, she prayed for her daughters safety.


Great updates.

I love how Charlie and Ruby are with each other.

Oh no derrick has escaped! :o I hope he doesnt get to Ruby again, or Geoff or Nicole.

Update soon :)


Chapter 16

"Okay Ruby you can sit up now" Doctor Morris said as he removed his latex gloves and tossed them in the bin. "Here let me help you", he placed an arm around her back and gently grabbed hold of her hand and eased her to an upright position .

Ruby let out a large breath, shifting in disomfort at changing position. She fixed her top and rolled down her sleeves. She immediatly picked up BSL monitor and kit so she wouldn't forget it. Ever since she had her first hypo in school she dreaded the thought of forgetting it. Having Charlie breathing down her neck was not her idea of fun. The doctor picked up Ruby's chart off the bed and walked over to the door opening it.

"Charlie, you can come in now", he said.

As he walked back to his desk Charlie entered the room. She walked over to the bed and stood beside Ruby, smiling at her and then she saw Ruby actually had some colour back in her cheeks. Doctor Morris walked back over to Ruby and Charlie, jotting done notes and information in Rubys chart as he did so.

"Okay, now I know Ruby you've been feeling quite out of sorts and that's because your heart repair is taking longer to heal than expected. However it is common in cases like this so I wouldn't worry too much, you have shown good progress. The only thing you really need to be careful of right now is with your diabetes you need to make sure that you don't have an infection internally or around the wound area. I'm sure your sister here is keeping a good eye on that", he said with a sincere smile.

"Actually she's my mum", Ruby corrected him.

Charlie turned and smiled at Ruby and then back at the doctor. The expression on his face similar to those of her friends when they had discovered her secret.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just assumed", the doctor siad apologetically.

"It's okay it happens a lot", Charlie reassured him. She couldn't help but playfull laugh as she thought about it.

"Alright, you are free to go. Here are some bandages and dressings to dress your wound and some new syringes. If you have anymore worries plese feel free to make an appointment", the doctor said with a warm smile as he walked out of the room to go see other patients.

Charlie packed the syringes and dressings into her handbag and removed her car keys. She helped Ruby down off of the bed and they walked out of the doctors room arms intertwined. As they made their way past the reception desk, Charlie caught a glimpse of a police uniform man handling a drunk and it reminded her that she needed to check in at the station. As they walked out to the car park they were startled by a car speeding passed the, almost knocking Ruby down as it sped out of the parking lot.

"Hey" Charlie shouted as she pulled Ruby into her, wrapping her arms around her to protect her and looking down at her terrified expression. "Are you ok?", she asked her and Ruby nodded. Trembling as Charlie hugged her tightly.

They made their way to Charlie's car and jumped in, Ruby still shaking as they pulled out of the car park and drove home.



Chapter 17

John Doe pulled his car to a hault just outside the old abandoned house and turned off the ignition. He stepped out of the car and walked around to the trunk, opening it up and pulling out a ruck sack. He closed the trunk and walked up the porch and into the house. He put the ruck sack down against a wall and walked into the living room.

"Hey, Derrick, you here? he shouted.

Derrick walked out from behind a door, clutching a steel bar in his hands. When he realised who it was he loosend his grip and dropped the bar on the floor. He walked over to the table to were the half empty beer bottle was, picked it up and took a swig. He looked his accomplice up and down and as if he were suspicious of his motives and then he sat down on the old, beat up couch. He looked haggard and angry.

"What are you so happy about? Blowing out that cell wall just got us in more hot water than we were in!", he shouted

John Doe laughed at him and picked up a bottle of beer off the table. He grabbed a chair and and twisted it around so that he was sitting back to front with his arms across the back of the chair. He opened the bottle and took a swig. He looked at the annoyed expression on Derricks face and smiled.

"I think I just found us a way out of all those charges, mate" he said with a huge grin.

Derrick looked at him, his head tilted sideways as he looked at John Doe. He looked like he was between being convinced and being irritated.

"What are you talking about?", he asked, sitting forward on the couch.

John Doe smiled and leaned his head forward.

"You know that chick you shot in the caravan park?", he said.

Derrick nodded his head, now becoming intrigued.

"Her mom, is the Senior Constable!!", he said smacking his hands together as if he had just triumphed at something.

Derrick let out a slight laugh and stood up. He walked into the middle of the floor and stopped. He spun around a started laughing in a menacing way.

"You my friend, are a gem", he said. "You know what we're going to do? We are going to take away the most precious thing in that coppers life, and keep hold of her until she becomes so desperate, she'll do whatever we say to get her back", he started laughing again.

John Doe looked at him and smiled. Derrick walked over to where he dropped the steel bar, picked it up and gripped it tightly. He laughed and laughed and laughed and then....smash...he pounded that bar though the wall and watched it shatter. An evil grin on his face.

"Say bye bye Ruby"



Chapter 18


Ruby's eyes flickered open. Loud noises from outside waking her aruptly from her slumber. She looked around her room. The lamp beside her bed was on. Charlie had obviously been in to check on her before heading to work for her first night shift in weeks. Smash...came another noise only this one seemed closer.

Ruby began to panic. Fear beginning to set in as she pondered the worst. Was somebody in the house?

"Leah?" Ruby called out. Hoping it was her housemate shuffling about in the night. But no answer came.

It couldn't be VJ as he was staying at a friends house. Was there an intruder?

"Leah...is that you?" she called out again, but still, no answer.

Ruby leaned across to grab the mobile phone on her bedside locker, Charlie's voice racing through her mind.."call me if you need anything ok, I mean it, anything at all",...this was a time she felt required motherly attention. As she shifted across the bed she winced as a sharp pain passed through her chest. She stop for a second and then continued to shift her position. Just as she went to grab the phone something caught her notice from the corner of her eye.

She looked at the barely opened door. She saw a beam of light flash across out of nowhere. It startled her. She could feel her breathing getting heavier, intensifying. It felt like her chest was closing in. The light flashed again. From outside she could hear footsteps walking along the hall. Louder and louder the closer they got. Tears began to well up in Rubys eyes as terror overcame her.

"Who's there?" she shouted. "You better leave now. I just called the cops they're on their way right now!!" she exclaimed. Trying to hide how scared she really was.

The warning seemed to bear nothing. The footsteps continued down the hall until suddenly....they were right outside Ruby's room. All went quiet...and then...the door began to slowly open.

Ruby sat back in her. She looked at the doorway and screamed in terror at the dark shadowy man standing there laughing. Ruby continued screaming as the man laughed harder and harder. He was dressed from head to toe in black. Black leather gloves covered his hands. A black balaclava covering his face. He walked slowly round to the side of the bed and stopped. Ruby held tightly to the duvet as she prayed for a miracle until finally, the man spoke.

"You and me are going for a little ride kid", he said.

That split second. The man lunged across the bed grabbing Ruby by the arm and hair and dragging her out of the bed. Ruby screamed in agony. The man bumped into the locker, toppeling it over and sending the beside lamp crashing to the ground, along with everything else that was on it. He pushed Ruby ahead of him as they made their way out into the living room. That's when Ruby saw Leah, tied up in a chair, her mouth gagged, crying as she watched Ruby being dragged off.

Ruby's face was drenched in tears. She could feel nothing but pain as the man pushed her out into the kitchen and slammed her face down against the kitchen table. The man pulled both her arms behind her back and tied them together with a rope. Confident she could not free herself, he then gagged her to stop her screms. When he was done he pulled an envelope out of his jacket pocket and stuck it to the fridge with a magnet.

He then grabbed Ruby up off the table and dragged her outside. He opened up the back door of his getaway car and flung her into. Ruby remained in a lying position as he slammed the door and hopped into the front. He started up th engine and took off for the outskirts of town. Only one thing went through Ruby's mind at that moment.....Mum...



Chapter 19

Charlie yawned as she drove home. It had been so long since she had last done a night shift that she had forgotten how tiring it could be. She revelled in the thought of getting home and getting into her warm, cozy bed. The roads were pretty quite for seven in the morning. There were a few early morning risers but other tahn that she met no other vehicles. She turned right down her street and slowed as she neared her home, indicating as she turned into the driveway and coming to a hault behind Leah's car.

As she got out of her car, Charlie's attention was momentarily brought towards the skid marks on the ground. She frowned. They weren't there when she left last night. It couldn't have been Leah, she was staying home to keep an eye on Ruby. Maybe it was somebody else? Charlie's cop instincts started to act up. Something felt wrong. She closed her car door and made her way up the yard. When she came close enough to the back door she stopped in her tracks. The door had been kicked in, the lock was broken.

"Oh God" Charlie said under her breath. Panic setting in.

Charlie reached down and removed her gun from its holdster, cocking it and gripping it tightly as she manouvered through the door as quietly as possible. She looked around, the kitchen was a mess. Chairs were knocked over and all the drawers had been emptied and tossed aside. She turned and made her way towards the living room. Side steppin to make sure she could see around the doorway. She stopped. She could hear loud mumbling. Charlie walked into the living and stood back startled.

Charlie rushed over to where Leah lay flat on the floor, still tied to the chair. She placed her gun back in its holdster and began untying Leah. When she was freed Leah removed the gag and sat up looking at Charlie.

"Charlie, he's got Ruby", she siad while catching her breath.

Charlie stood back, feeling breathless. Like somebody had just punched her in the stomach. She looked at Leah.

"Who?", she asked, holding back tears.

"I don't know, some guy, his face, everything was covered. He just pulled me out of the bed, tied me up and gagged me", she said, tears starting to stream down her face. "He went in to Ruby's bedroom and pulled her out and took off. I don't know where they went", she continued.

Charlie looked up. She began to run for Ruby's bedroom. She burst through the open door and looked at the empty bed. Tears finally fell from her eyes. She looked around the room. It was a mess. Charlie started shuffling around looking for clues, hints. She walked around to the far side of the bed and looked at the bedside locker, now in a toppled over mess on the ground. Charlie's footsteps crunched as they stepped on broken glass from the bedside lamp. She crunched down and looked at Ruby's pill bottles. Her pain medication, anxiety pills, all sprawled out across the floor.

That's when Charlie remembered. Ruby's diabetes. She turned the bedside locker upright and pulled the top drawer all the way out and placing it on the bed. Ruby's insulin kit. It was still there. Charlie picked it up, hands shaking. Ruby needed her insulin, how long could she possibly go without it? The last injection she had was last night before she went to bed. Charlie inhaled a deep breath and stood up. She ran out of the room, still gripping Ruby's insulin kit. Leah looked on as Charlie dashed out into the kitchen.

Leah followed her out. She watched as Charlie pulled out her mobile and started to dial a number. Just then Leah noticed an envelope attached to the fridge. Senior Constable was written across the front.

"Charlie", Leah said holding out the envelope.

Charlie looked long enough to see the envelope. She placed the kit on the table and took the envelope from Leah. She ripped it open and removed the letter inside. She opened it up and looked at the horrifying lettering before her. Configured in the same way as in a movie, paper cut out of words from magazines, the message sent waves of anger and fear through Charlie.







Charlie gripped the letter tightly. Crumpling it up and tossing it aside. She ran into her room and changed quickly into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a tank top and trainers. She threw on her brown leather jacket and picked up her gun. Tucking it in down the back of her jeans. She ran back into the kitchen to where Leah was now sitting down with a glass of water.

"Should I call the police?", she asked concerned.

"NO!", Charlie shouted, then she looked at Leah and calmed her tone. "No, I've sent Angelo a text. If anybody asks you know nothing. If they find out this got out they'll....it could put Ruby's life in danger. Unless I tell you to, do not contact the police", she told her.

With that Charlie picked up Ruby's insulin kit and left. Running to her car. She sped out of the drive way and took off towards Sheriff St. She raced down the street, unbearable thoughts running through her mind. She couldn't help Ruby last time. But she was sure that nothing would stop her from protecting her daughter this time......




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