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Behind Blue Eyes

Guest adellejefferiesxox

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I apologise to those who have been waiting for an update, I'm been really busy working. I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm really tired. Thanks goes to the same people who have been reading and commenting on this fic.

“She’s my daughter; you can’t take her away from me. I won’t let you Sean” Belle pleaded, as Amelia stood behind Belle. “Yeah well she’s my daughter too, I made her, and we made her Belle! She’s my flesh and blood”

“Can you please stop fighting?” Amelia screamed at Belle and Sean. “Amelia’s right, that’s enough Sean. You’re upsetting everyone, including...”

“What Abigail? I’m sick to death of bringing Abigail into it!....” Sean looked madder than ever. There was something different about him, this scared Belle. “I’m taking my daughter with me, tomorrow we will be leaving this place – without you” As the threat was made Belle held it together; walking away from Belle and Amelia, Sean went to the bedroom. “Mummy, I’m scared” Amelia squeaked. “Don’t worry, he’s not going to hurt us....I’ll make sure of it”

“But he said he’s going to take Abby and Me” Amelia’s voice was shaking. Belle crouched down and whispered as low as she could, pulling her daughter closer. “Amelia.....I need you to go into your room, pack your bags....quick!” Amelia shook her head, Belle could hear her daughter’s breathing pattern. “Go!” Belle hurried her. “What about.....” Amelia began. “I’ll get her stuff too” Belle weakly smiled. Belle gathered her stuff, breathing loudly and deeply, she stopped and held it in. Belle then crept slowly and quietly to check Sean, he was snoring in their bedroom. “Mummy” Amelia crept behind Belle scaring her, “Oh, darling you scared me!” Belle took another quite breath. “I got my stuff ready....”

“Good girl, I’m almost ready. Then we’ll get into the car” Belle kept staring at Sean who was sound asleep. “But mummy, it’s so dark out there. What if Abby gets scared?”

“She’ll be fine; I think she’s sleeping anyway, isn’t she?” Belle questioned Amelia. “N-N-Yeah!!! Yeah I think she is sleeping.....I guess I’ll have to carry her into the car” Amelia giggled, “Shhh” Belle whispered. “Sorry” Amelia whispered back.

Belle had feared Sean for months now, never had Sean believed that Belle would actually leave him, not after having a child together. On a few occasions when Sean didn’t get his way, he would make threats towards Belle, but never had he caused physical harm to her, or his child. But he would come very close to harming Belle. This scared Belle. But this was it, she had had enough of the threats, Belle was sick of being in an unhappy relationship, Belle no longer loved Sean. But then again, had it been love? Or maybe just lust? Belle had forced herself to believe she loved Sean for the sake of their daughter.

Amelia and Belle....and Abby got into the car, “Mummy where will we go?” Amelia yawned; it was 11:30pm.

“A place called Summer Bay....” Belle looked into the mirror at Amelia. “Really! We’re going to Summer Bay!”

“Yep, the place where it’s always Summer” Belle laughed. “I can’t wait...” Amelia smiled then fell asleep.

It was morning Amelia woke.

{The sea breeze was beginning to seep through the window of the car. “Mummy, the air it’s so cool now” Amelia took a deep breath in, inhaling the salty air. “I know baby, pretty great isn’t it?” Belle looked in the mirror at her daughter. Amelia stared out the window, memorized by the breath taking scenery. The ocean seemed to go on forever, beautiful, sparkling sand tinkled at her. “Woooow” Amelia whispered, her hand touching the glass window. “Mummy” Belle’s daughter spoke, “Yes Sweetheart” Belle stopped at a red light. “What’s Summer Bay like” She asked innocently. “Amelia, I’ve told you before, remember?” Belle smiled and giggled a little. “I know, but I want you to tell me again. It sounds so amazing!” Belle sighed, shaking her head with a smile on her face. “Amelia...” Belle whined. “AGAIN!” Amelia grinned, clapping her hands}

This was it the moment she had been dreading. It was time to face the people she loved, the people who had not seen her for almost seven years. “Where are we going mummy?” Amelia looked up at her mother. “The Pier Diner” Belle looked straight ahead. “Ohhh” Belle took two deep breaths. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m just nervous.....” Belle took Amelia’s hand. They walked towards the Pier Diner. “Wow!” Amelia gasped. “Oh my...” It had looked different on the outside; Belle immediately knew that the diner must have had a make-over. Belle and Amelia stepped inside. Belle nearly fell over; the diner had never looked so different. No sign or Irene or Leah this made Belle sigh with relief. “I’m soooooo thirsty” Amelia moaned, “Is that a hint?” Belle rolled her eyes. “Maybe” Amelia giggled cheekily. Belle went to the counter, “What can I get you?” A young lady asked Belle. “Ummm.....can I get one strawberry milkshake and a decaf skinny latte in a mug” Belle paid for the drinks. “I’m telling you Leah Aden would make a great father, it’s Nicole I’m not so sure about...I mean she’s still practically a child”

“Irene she’s a grown up woman now...” Leah insisted, Irene walked out of the kitchen carrying a plate of food in each hand. Irene walked forward then looked up to see Belle standing at the front counter. “Ohhh my lord....” Leah who wasn’t looking ahead walked into Irene, making Irene dropped the two plates of food she had been balancing in each hand. “Ohh....Ohh” Irene’s hand shook. “Belle” Irene chocked, tears filling her eyes. “I....I...” Irene struggled. “Irene, what is going on?” Leah moved in front of Irene facing her. Irene pointed to Belle. “B.....elle” Her finger shook. Leah turned around, “Oh my goodness!” Leah said with a fright.

“Irene......” Belle smiled, excitement flooded her veins. “Leah” The anxiety was gone, she was home and it felt great. “I’m.....I’m so happy to see you!” Belle walked pass the counter, “Miss you can’t go....”

“Belle.....Belle....Belle” Irene repeated, Belle and Irene embraced. “I’m missed you so much, I can’t believe your here. I love...you....” Belle squeezed Irene and cried. “Oh Belle.....my Belle...” Irene squeezed her back. Leah stood in shock, “What am I doing?” Leah told herself out loud, Leah put her arms over Irene’s and hugged Belle as well. “Now this is a group hug” Belle laughed as she cried. “Ohhhh......ohhhh my goodness, the ghost of Christmas past!!!”

Colleen had come back from clearing tables; one of the plates went flying in the air then smashed onto the floor. A left over pancake fell to the ground; Colleen left the mess on the floor and run up to Irene, Leah and Belle still hugging each other. “Oh pet...!” Colleen said happy to see Belle, Colleen too joined in, hugging Leah, Irene and Belle. “Mummy, the drinks are ready!!” Amelia had also gone behind the counter. Belle, Leah, Irene and Colleen broke from the group hug. Irene and Belle were still crying. “Ohh...” Belle sniffed and laughed. “I forgot about the drinks” Irene then laughed too. “God has finally answered my prays. It’s a miracle” Irene cupped Belle’s face and kissed her forehead. “Mummy...” Amelia whispered.

“Ohh I’m so sorry this is my daughter Amelia”

“Ohhh...Ohh...Hello....Amelia” Irene struggled to speak. “Hi....?” It was obvious Amelia wanted to know the name of this stranger that stood before her. “I’m Irene...” Irene placed her hand on her chest. “Nice to meet you Irene....and who are you?” Amelia looked at Leah and Colleen. “Oh....well I’m Colleen, and this here is Leah”

“Sorry, I’ll be back...” Belle excused herself. “She’s probably going to check on Abby” The three looked at each other, “She’s my friend.....mummy brought her into the diner and she left her at the table”

“I see.....well it’s so good to meet you Amelia” Leah cut in. “I should probably go and drink my milkshake” Amelia skipped back to the table. “Would you like anything else?” Irene came to the table, Amelia was alone. “Um....I should wait for my mum to come back; I don’t know where she went”

“Oh I saw her a moment ago love, she’s in the bathroom”

Right at that second Aden and Geoff walked into the diner. “Hey Irene......could we please have two juices I’m dying of thirst” Irene tried to remain calm, “Oh Aden...Geoff....sure, I’ll be right back”

“Mmmmm yummy for my tummy” Amelia sung to herself. “Check that little girl out” Geoff chuckled as he watched Amelia slurp her drink. Aden stared at the unfamiliar child. “Yeah she seems pretty thirsty” Aden observed. “Hey....little girl, where’s your mummy” Geoff came closer to the table. This startled Amelia, scaring her. “Oh no, I’m not going to hurt you I just wanted to know where your parents were” Amelia began to hyperventilate, tears were forming. “Oh dear, please...don’t cry...” Geoff panicked.

“Way to go loser” Aden smirked. “I just want to know that you’re with your parents and your not a lost little girl” Geoff continued talking. Amelia whimpered and burst into tears, “Leave me alone....go away....” Amelia cried. “Oh Jesus.....please, I didn’t mean to scare you...I’m sorry...please stop” Geoff pleaded. “Now would be a good time to leave Campbell” Aden laughed. Nearly everyone was staring at Geoff and Amelia. Geoff walked out of the diner, shielding his face. Aden remembered that he had ordered juices, “Yuk.....now I smell worse than before, I really need a shower badly” Belle spoke to herself, pushing the bathroom door open, Belle’s eyes were glued to Aden, “Oh, my god”. Aden didn’t seem to notice Belle. Aden took the juices and headed for the exit. “Well see ya then” Aden waved to a shaken Amelia. But despite being terrified by the two strange men, Amelia waved back to Aden as he left.


I loved that chapter. Poor Amelia, scared of Geoff.

I just hope there's going to be a huge twist to this story and she is Aden's daugther and not Sean's.

So, by the looks of it the way Belle stared at Aden, she is still in love with him. Aden didn't notice Belle, maybe he has forgot something in the diner and comes back in.

“I’m telling you Leah Aden would make a great father, it’s Nicole I’m not so sure about...I mean she’s still practically a child”

Is Aden already a father to Amelia?

PLEASE DO NOT get Nicole pregnant with Aden's baby.

Update soon, I' hooked on this fic. I want to know how Belle got Amnesia.


Really interesting stuff.I still want to know what everyone thinks happened to Belle.Guess Geoff's charm didn't work on Amelia, she really does seem like a very frightened and insecure girl.


Oh that was a great update! So, were all the last chapters flashbacks then? Had to laugh at Geoff, poor guy! :P And then Aden leaving once he say Belle. This is getting very interesting, hope there is an update soon. :)


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