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Behind Blue Eyes

Guest adellejefferiesxox

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Sorry for the delay. I've been busy working. I appreicate the previous comments for the last chapter. ^_^

“Sooner or later you’re going to have to admit to yourself that Abby does exist” The voice of a therapist rings in Belle’s ears. “You need to stop ignoring Abby she really doesn’t like it, do you love me more than Abby, I hope you don’t because we have to love us both equally” Amelia’s voice whispered in her ear, Belle looked straight ahead, Amelia was still sitting at the table alone. Belle let out a sigh, relieved that Aden was gone. Amelia spotted her mother still standing at the bathroom door, “Mummy!” Amelia waved, encouraging her to come and sit down. Belle walked over slowly, “You don’t look so great” Amelia stared at her mother. “I feel dizzy; I think we should go home”

“Home! I don’t want to go home not while he is at home, please mummy please he’ll get Abby!!” Amelia panicked. “No, no, no, Amelia” Belle laughed settling her down. “I mean...our new home, in Summer Bay”

“Ohhhhh” Amelia replied. “I was thinking of staying at another hotel, just for a few days until we can find a proper home, does that sound good?”

“Will there be a pool there?” Amelia smiled, “Will there be a pool there!” Belle winked then smiled. “I can’t wait”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Have you heard, Nic has been throwing up this morning, I reckon she’s preggers” Ruby gossiped. “Rubs” Charlie hissed at her daughter. “What, mum, I’m pretty sure she’s pregnant. Aden and Nicole have been talking about kids lately. I’m really happy for them. What woman wouldn’t want to have Mr Jefferies children?”

“Ruby!” Charlie raised her voice again. This wasn’t exactly the best conversation to have with your mother. “Apparently Nic’s been really grumpy too. Always snapping at Aden”

“Like that’s news” Charlie mumbled quietly. “What’s that?” Ruby asked. “Nothing” Charlie looked away from her daughter. “I’m thinking of buying Nicole some chocolate; you know might help boost some happy hormones”

“Well it’s a nice thought, but what if she isn’t pregnant” Charlie tried to get Ruby to see some logic. “None sense mum, I know the look of a pregnant woman. She’s got a glow”

“Are you sure you’re not falling in love with Nicole Franklin?” Charlie said seriously looking at her for an answer. “Mum! Just because you had a period of lesbianism doesn’t mean it’s genetic. I don’t have the hots for Nicole”

“Are you sure about that” Charlie insisted. “Yes I’m sure, now please stop calling me a lesbian. I really don’t need that rumour going around the bay”

“Yeah and Nicole doesn’t need everyone in the town thinking she’s pregnant when she might not be”

“Look just butt out this isn’t your business anyway.....and stop being a mum, mum” Ruby stood up and stomped off like a bratty child. “Teenagers” Charlie closed her eyes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The girls settled into their new “home”. A lovely hotel with two bedroom a bathroom, a kitchen and a lounge room. “Mummy can I go swimming now?” Amelia jumped up and down. “Not now, I need to make a few calls. Can you please go and play with....in your room now please”

“You want me to play with who?” Amelia asked sounding confused, but she knew who her mother was talking about. But Amelia wanted her to at least acknowledge her but saying her name. Belle picked up the phone and dialled. “Mum, who do you want me to play with??” Amelia asked again. “Amelia, go now!” Belle said angrily. “But I don’t know who you want me to play with??” Amelia whined again. “Yeah hi, I’m ringing in regards to....” Belle spoke on the phone. Amelia had given up. “Take the pram in with you” Belle pointed. Amelia grumbled, first she picked up her dolly and placed it in the pram, and then Amelia pushed the pram into her bedroom. “You know this is really hard to push” Amelia complained. “Go” Belle whispered in an irritated tone.

“Mummy.....!!!” Amelia shouted from the bedroom. “Rrrrrr” Belle growled. “Just a second” Belle put the phone on the kitchen bar. “What is it??” Belle shouted back. “Abby...she needs help....” Amelia pointed. Belle placed a blanket on the floor, Amelia and Belle worked together as they put toys on the blanket. “Thanks mummy” Amelia smiled, humming to herself. “Right, now please be quiet I need to pay some bills”

“Abby says thank you” Amelia said before Belle closed the door. “This is my Barbie doll, her name is.....Sofia....and you can have my other Barbie. She isn’t as pretty as Sofia, but she is still good. Her name is Elizabeth”.

“Come on Lizzie, let’s go to the movies....oh no wait, I haven’t put any lip stick on. I have to wear lipstick...just in case ken kisses me” Amelia giggled to herself. “There...all better, are you thirsty Lizzie? Me too, let’s get a drink before we go to the movies” Amelia played with by herself.

“Sorry Abigail I need to go and get a drink for real this time...” Amelia stood up and left. Belle was off the phone and having lunch. “What are you doing in here” Belle asked. “I’m thirsty”

“I’ll get you some water, does Abby wants something to drink?” Belle asked her daughter. “Um I don’t think so. Do you think she’s thirsty?”

“Maybe....” Belle poured the drink for Amelia. “Mummy, do you know where my Ken doll is, it’s gone”

“I’m sure it’s somewhere” Belle replied. “But I can’t find it, it’s not there” Amelia whinged. “Amelia, you need to look harder!” Belle replied crossly. “I need your help to find it” Amelia whinged again. “Fine...” Belle and Amelia went to the bedroom. Belle opened the door. Belle’s mouth dropped open, “AMELIA LILY TAYLOE-JEFFERIES!” Belle shouted loudly. “But....but...!” Amelia panicked. “Would you like to explain this to me?” Belle was furious. “I didn’t do it.....it was Abby.....”

“If you need to go to the toilet you know where it is. What a terrible thing to do Amelia, just unacceptable” Belle crossed her arms. “But....but I didn’t wee on the floor, Abby did it!!”

“Stop blaming others Amelia, I know you did it. You can help me clean this mess up” Belle stormed out of the room. “I hate you” Amelia said in a dark, angry tone. “Here” Belle gave her a washer. “I’m not cleaning this disgusting pee off the floor!!! I didn’t do it, why do I have to be blamed for everything!!!”

“Amelia, that’s enough!” Belle shouted at her. “I hate Abby, I hate her, I hate her! I hate you so much Abby. I never want to be your friend again. I never want to see you again!!!! Ever, never, ever” Amelia screamed throwing her toys everywhere. “AMELIA!!” Belle tried to grab hold of Amelia but she got loose and ran out the bedroom door. “Come back here!” Belle said fed up with her. “No!” Amelia screamed again. “I’m warning you, get back in this room immediately”

“No! - I’m - leaving – good-bye” The next thing Belle heard was the front door slamming shut. “Oh for god sakes!!!!” Belle kicked a Barbie with her foot, sending it flying. Belle fell to her knees covering her face she cried. “What have I done...What the matter with me?” Belle sobbed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Hey Nic, what are you doing here?” Ruby and Nicole were shopping in the pharmacy. “Oh well I’m not sure if you know but I’ve been feeling sick lately”

“Oh yeah I heard about that...I wonder what it could be” Ruby acted ditzy. “Hopefully I’m pregnant, that’s what I’m thinking anyway”

“You’re kidding, what made you think we were pregnant. It’s not like you and Aden have been trying for very long”

“I know...but it only takes one time to get pregnant and a few nights ago we did it...and it was the best we’ve ever had together and think this is it Ruby”

“Wow...I can’t believe that really. But if you’re sure than maybe you should buy a pregnancy test”

“Duh, what do you thinking I’m doing here??” Nicole giggled. “Well it’s always a possibly your buying aspirin” Ruby laughed too. “Awww Nic, I’m so happy for you. I really hope you are. You deserve it”

“I’m kind of nervous about becoming a parent, but I think I can do it...I mean with Aden by my side how can I go wrong. He’s going to be amazing!” Nicole smiled dreamily. “Now all you need is the rock”

“One step at a time” Nicole tried to say seriously before bursting into laughter. “That – would make me the happiest and luckiest girl in the entire universe. Mrs. Nicole Jefferies.....”

“I am so catching the bouquet of flowers at the wedding” Ruby giggled.

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Hmm, I keep wondering if maybe there's more going on with this Abby thing that appears...Amelia does seem quite an unhappy girl, hopefully Belle will be able to help her.Liked the stuff with Nicole and Ruby, I can really imagine them having a girlie chat like that.Not sure if you'd actually let her have a Naden baby or not...Looking forward to the next update.


Do not get Nicole pregnant. Hope is something else like a tummy bug or something like that.

Will Belle and Aden ever get back together? Adelle should have a baby NOT Naden. An Adelle baby would be so ,uch cuter


Thank you to........RED RANGER!!!! :P

"Thanks for the memories, even though they weren't so great" Fall Out Boy - Thanks for the memories.

1. “Sooner or later you’re going to have to admit to yourself that Abby does exist” The voice of a therapist rings in Belle’s ears. “You need to stop ignoring Abby she really doesn’t like it, do you love me more than Abby, I hope you don’t because we have to love us both equally” Amelia’s voice whispered in her ear.

2. “You want me to play with who?” Amelia asked sounding confused, but she knew who her mother was talking about. But Amelia wanted her to at least acknowledge her but saying her name.

3. “I’m taking my daughter with me, tomorrow we will be leaving this place – without you”

4. Amelia.....I need you to go into your room, pack your bags....quick!” Amelia shook her head, Belle could hear her daughter’s breathing pattern. “Go!” Belle hurried her. “What about.....” Amelia began. “I’ll get her stuff too” Belle weakly smiled.

5. Sorry, I’ll be back...” Belle excused herself. “She’s probably going to check on Abby” The three looked at each other, “She’s my friend.....mummy brought her into the diner and she left her at the table”

6. Irene about Belle, “Oh I saw her a moment ago love, she’s in the bathroom”

7. At a birthday party: “Here Abby have a chip” Amelia held a chip to her side, “Ahh Amelia...you should eat it, but Abby is grateful for your generosity” Belle went a bit red in the face. “You don’t think Abby likes hot chips?” Amelia looked upset, she liked sharing. “I’m not too sure, but you know sweetie, you’re apart of the party and Abby isn’t”

8. No....she’s real, Abby is over there. She’s with my mummy” Amelia responded. “Oh...yeah right....I don’t see anyone” A seven year old bullied Amelia. “She’s right over there!” Amelia pointed outside of the room; she could see her mum waiting in line. “Your mum is alone....I don’t see anyone”

“But....but she was right there” Amelia’s lip trembled. “Maybe you’re seeing things! Maybe “Abby” decided she didn’t like you and your mum anymore and left, or maybe she got angry with you because you didn’t share your food”

9. “I can’t see her....I can’t see her...I don’t want her to leave, I don’t ever want her to leave me....” Amelia cried and cried. “I know....shhh....she won’t I promise. Abby will always be here for you” Belle kissed the top of her head.

10. “What...I don’t pretend she’s not there” Belle replied back feeling a little offended. “Yes you do...you ignore her. Abby says that you don’t love her like you love me” Amelia raised her voice. “Amelia, calm down” Belle hushed. “Well it’s true! Tell her; tell Abby you love her like you love me! Say it!!!”

11. Sean to Belle: I love her more than you’ll ever love her, she’s mine. She looks like me, more than you. She’s a part of me. She doesn’t belong with you, she belongs with me – with her father!”

12. Meanwhile Amelia was in her bedroom. “Abigail...do you think I’d suit brown hair?” Amelia looked in the mirror. There was no response from Abigail. “I knew you’d agree!” Amelia giggled. “I want to look just like mummy, but only for a little while, then I want to look like daddy again”

It was quiet in Amelia’s bedroom. “Oh well, I guess I’ll play with my toys. Oh but don’t worry you can play with your toys and I can play with my toys. I’ll go and get your toys there over in the corner” Amelia walked over to a basket full of toys. Amelia skipped towards her bed dumping the toys for Abigail on the bed. “My bed is comfy hey...I’m so glad mummy said you were allowed to share my bed. Okay these are your toys and these are my toys. But if you want you can play with my toys as well” Amelia played with her toys quietly.

“Amelia...” Belle opened the door; Belle wiped her tears away so her daughter couldn’t see that she had been crying. “Yes mummy” Amelia responded smiling. “Is everything alright?”

“Yep, Abigail and I are just playing with our toys. Abigail said she likes sleeping on my bed. She says she wishes she could sleep on my bed every night”

“Oh really...” Belle went along with Amelia’s story. “Yep, it’s a shame she can’t stay sleepover in my room.”

“That’s because your bed is only designed for one child, not two”

“But she could sleep on the floor...on a mattress”, Belle just rolled her eyes giggling along. “Just think about it okay”


I get the feeling you were trying to give me a big clue there and I'm just not getting it...Hopefully it'll soon be clear exactly who Abby is, my thoughts are currently ranging from baby to family pet and wondering if maybe Sean is the father of one of them and Aden the father of the other...Hmm.


:lol: Loved reading your feedback. Here's what really happened at the birthday party. {Only a small update to fill in the gaps}

“Hey Belle, I’ll take Abby you order the food” Sean took Abby from Belle. Belle stood in the line waiting to be served. Sean walked over to the baby area.

“Excuse me..” Sean said as he walked passed a young father who was playing with his four month year old on a baby safe mat.

“No....she’s real, Abby is over there. She’s with my mummy” Amelia responded. “Oh...yeah right....I don’t see anyone” A seven year old bullied Amelia.

“She’s right over there!” Amelia pointed outside of the room; she could see her mum waiting in line. “Your mum is alone....I don’t see anyone”. Where has Uncle Sean taken my little sister Amelia thought to herself as she crossed her arms. Her blue eyes searched and searched for any signs of Sean or Abiagail.

“Awww she’s so cute, look mummy! Look at the baby....how old is she?” A seven year old stood in the baby area. “Talia get out of the baby area this instance!” Talia’s mother yelled at her. “But mummy I want to look at the baby, she’s so cute! Your daughter is so very cute”

“Ha-ha thank you, my daughter is seven months. I think you should probably hop out of the baby area now before you get into big trouble” Sean informed the little girl. “Yeah you’re right, bye!” Talia skipped out of the area avoiding stepping on the crawling babies around her.

“Aren’t these pretty toys, you’re very lucky your mummy brought you here aren’t you, yes you are, yes you are!” Abby giggled in response. “Hi, sorry do you mind if I take this toy, my baby would like to play with it” A mother asked Sean. “Sure thing, I’ve got a toy for my daughter to play with anyway”

“Thanks you’re very kind” The mother smiled. Sean looked around to see the other babies and parents playing with the children. “Oooo, somebody needs a nappy change” Sean sniffed; lifting Abby up, Sean made his way to the bathroom.

“But....but she was right there” Amelia’s lip trembled. “Maybe you’re seeing things! Maybe “Abby” decided she didn’t like you and your mum anymore and left, or maybe she got angry with you because you didn’t share your food”

“I can’t see her....I can’t see her...I don’t want her to leave, I don’t ever want her to leave me....” Amelia cried and cried. “I know....shhh....she won’t I promise. Abby will always be here for you” Belle kissed the top of her head.


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