amz89 Posted March 12, 2010 Report Posted March 12, 2010 arghhh thats just worse more confusing then before im sooooooo lost so sorry.
gillyh Posted March 12, 2010 Report Posted March 12, 2010 That was confusing, are you going to let us in on the secret of who Abby is soon?
Red Ranger 1 Posted March 13, 2010 Report Posted March 13, 2010 So Abby is Belle and Sean's baby!That was one of my guesses.I can celebrate.A bit.So does that mean Amelia is Aden's daughter or is she Sean's as well?(Amelia calls Sean Uncle Sean, which is probably a fair indicator, although she also said she looks like her daddy, even though she didn't seem to recognise Aden...oh, I give up, I'll just sit and wait for an explanation.)And is Belle suffering from some sort of post-natal depression or having difficulty bonding with her?Looking forward to another update!
adellejefferiesxox Posted March 14, 2010 Report Posted March 14, 2010 Thank you to those who are reading and leaving some feedback for each chapter. I do appreciate it. “Welcome to Angel Care, how may I help you?” Aden stood nervously at the counter, he knew was he was doing was secretive, but Aden needed to do this. “Yeah, hi my name is Aden Jefferies. I’m interested in becoming a foster parent” “Oh hello Aden, I’m Suzie. It’s lovely to meet you. I know this is a personal question, but what is your relationship status?’ The receptionist was attractive and had a pretty smile. Even though the question was a bit personal, Aden allowed it. “Um, I have a girlfriend. We’re at the stage where we want to start a family” “I see and is your girlfriend here with you today” The receptionist’s eyes drifted behind him, searching for this mystery girlfriend. “Ah, she’s sick” Aden quickly thought of a lie, his heart raced. “I see....that’s not a problem. You can fill out the paper out now if you like” “Actually....” Aden looked to his side, making sure no one else was around. “I was wondering if I could meet some of the children who are under your care” “Of course” The receptionist t nodded. Angel Care was a facility was catered for children who had been abused or neglected by their parents. Angel Care provided emergency accommodation for those in need. “The children are just down here” The lady stood up and pointed down the hall, Aden swallowed nervously, “Sure”. The two walked down the hall way. “Are you looking to foster a little boy or a little girl” Aden was distracted by the hall way that seemed to never end. “Ah, um, a boy I guess” Aden answered back with a shaky voice. “Right this way then” The lady led him into a room. “This is the playroom; you can chat with the children here. But be warned sir, there is security surveillance. We’ll be watching” She giggled trying to scare Aden. “Just call if you need me” The lady left the room. Children scattered the room, some playing tag, running around the room. The room was noisy, children screamed and laughed. Numerous conversations taking place made the conversations incomprehensible. Aden walked at a snail pace, looking around at the children. “What are you looking at!” A voice shouted at Aden. Aden got a fright, “Nothing...I was just...” “Looking at me? Or looking to foster or adopt one of these poor souls...” The boy mocked. “Neville....” One of the other children warned. “What, I aint afraid of him” Neville barked back. “Oh okay” Aden said quietly. “He’s the leader....I wouldn’t get one his bad side if I were you” A little voice came from the corner. “Sorry...?” Aden didn’t know who had spoken. “Sometime people call him Neville devil, or just the devil” The boy’s voice was soft, he made sure Neville or his mates couldn’t hear him. “What’s that rope tied around your hands” Aden finally saw the boy who was talking to him. “Oh, we were playing a game. That’s what Neville said we were doing, we were playing a game called Return to Neverland. Neville said I could be Peter Pan because I’m a dreamer and a make believe character, he on the other hand was Captain Cook. Captain Cook caught Peter Pan, meaning he caught me and tied me up!” The little boy told the story as he believed every word he said. That Neville was in charge and that this little boy was a “dreamer” and ceased to exist, a “make believe person”. “He doesn’t seem very nice does he” Aden crouched down. “He’s not...” The boy lowered his chin. “Do you think it would be okay if I release Peter Pan?” “Oh no sir, I don’t think that’s a very good idea. Captain Cook has well....he’s armed sir. He had a sword!” The boy said dramatically. “Oh....well in that case, I still insist that I release you” “You’ll need to be a character then...I think all the positions have been filled though.....Michael and John are over there....” The boy pointed to two boys being picked on by Neville. “Are they your friends?” Aden watched Neville bully them. “No, I don’t have any friends. I use to, but that was a very long time ago” “ know what I think I can release you. There’s always Wendy” Aden told the boy. The boy giggled in response, “Wendy, ha-ha Wendy is a girl!” “I know.....I come here to foster a child and instead I’ve been turned into a girl and travelled to Never land” Aden pretended to be ashamed. “Ha-ha” The boy giggled again, “You’re really funny. You know ... there is always the dog, nanna. You could chew these ropes off my hands” “No one is nanna? Wow. Hm, I still think I’ll stick to Wendy. Alright, you ready to be untied” “Just be careful Captain Cook doesn’t see!” Aden untied his hands, “There...” The boy looked into Aden’s eyes grateful for his kindness. “ you have a name?” “Yes, it’s....Riley. I’m six” The boy whispered. “I’m Aden; I’m well.....25 years old” “Mr. Jefferies, Mr. Jefferies may I have a word” The receptionist called Aden. “Sorry, I’ll be back” Riley had a worried look in his eyes. Aden left the room. “As if he would foster someone like you!” Neville walked up to Riley. “Leave me alone...” Riley cuddled his knees into his chest. “You know what will happen once he’s gone and he will be gone, without you!” The kids snickered at him. “Yeah” Was murmured by a few kids in the background. The door had a clear glass square in the centre of it, Aden was able to see through. Aden watched as Neville spoke to Riley. Riley looked really scared. “Um, so do you think it’s possible for me to take a children home with me today” Aden quickly said. The lady was taken by surprise, “Oh so you’ve taken an interest in a child?” “Yes, yes I have. He’s name is Riley” Aden quickly said fearing what Neville might do to Riley. “Oh I see, well that should be fine. You’ll just need to fill out some more papers and he’s yours to take home” Aden smiled; relieved Riley would be safe, “Thank you so much” “Um Mr Jefferies, I know it’s none of my business but wouldn’t your girlfriend want to choose the child with you. Maybe you should come back another day. You can choose together” “No. No, he’s the one I want.” Aden said breathlessly, yes he had made a huge decision, but Aden felt a sudden protective rush consume him. He wanted to take Riley away from this place. The lady laughed, “Well I’m sure your girlfriend will be happy with your decision” “ can we do this” Aden said anxiously, wanting the process to speed up. A few hours later, “That’s all done. Mr Jefferies, before you take Riley I must warn you. These children have lived through many horrific things. Some can be a hand full. So I must warn you to expect the unexpected. They are not like other children. They are victims of abuse and neglect. Most haven’t received the proper help they need” “I understand. This is something I want to do” Aden smiled. The lady nodded. “Of course” Aden and Riley got into the car. “Thank you” A little voice from the back seat whispered ever so quietly. “You’re welcome; you seem like a sweet kid” Riley whispered back, “I’m just glad to be out of there” - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “Irene, I need to talk to you about something” Belle and Irene stood inside the living room. “Oh course darl, what is it?” Irene and Belle sat at the table. “I want to tell you what happened that day, the day I vanished. I think you need to know” “ ahead” Irene’s hand was shaking. Belle took a deep breath and began to explain her past, slowly. “Seven years ago, I was offered a job by one of the most famous papers in the bay. A young man asked me to meet him at a local park. Many times I had driven past this park, it was usually empty. It was a nice little park, covered with lots of bushes, the natural scenery was beautiful. It was a peaceful place. Little did I realise that the man who had offered me a job had other plans for me. I arrived early; I wanted to make a good impression. I was so excited, Aden was excited for me. Aden knew what time the meeting was, 5:00pm. I got out of my blue little car; I walked towards the park moving closer to the centre of the park. I looked around – no one was to be seen. It was quiet but not once did I feel a sense of fear. I decided to sit and wait. I waited and waited, it was 4:55pm. I sat on a seat that the local council had provided the park with. I didn’t hear anyone from behind me, but the next thing I know I’m in the boot of a car. It’s boiling, I struggle to breathe, and I cough with little oxygen left in my lungs. I believe I must have blacked out a couple of times. I do remember the car moving, which would have meant there was someone driving the car. I was being kidnapped. Now I was afraid. The next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital. An unknown hospital. I was told by two policemen that they had found me. They asked me where I was from, but I couldn’t remember. I couldn’t remember my family, or what had happened to me. I had no Identification on me. Once I was checked out of the hospital, the authorities were kind enough to help me secure a place to stay. That’s where I began my new life – for seven years. The next few weeks after the accident, I began to realise I was somehow pregnant. Nine months later, I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy little girl named Amelia” Belle had finished telling her story of survival, Irene had no words she simply hugged Belle. Belle then began to sob. Irene shed a tear as well.
amz89 Posted March 14, 2010 Report Posted March 14, 2010 That was a great update. I wonder what Nic will say, I guess Aden feels like he knows what Riely is going through. Poor Belle. Can you please explain more about the previous 2 chapters im confused =(
tessalove Posted March 14, 2010 Report Posted March 14, 2010 Aww that was so sweet, Little Riley Aww Poor Belle, atleast we know what happened to her now, well some of it! Great update! El x
Red Ranger 1 Posted March 14, 2010 Report Posted March 14, 2010 Not sure how Nicole's going to react when Aden suddenly brings a little boy home.(I suspect Social Services wouldn't just hand a boy over to some guy that wandered in off the street in real life but hey.) There did seem to be an instant bond between Aden and Riley.So, we finally know what happened to Belle and it definitely looks like Aden is Amelia's father. Still not sure what he and everyone else thinks happened to her...Looking forward to more, this is getting really interesting.
gillyh Posted March 14, 2010 Report Posted March 14, 2010 Either Aden is Amelia's father or Belle was raped. Who kidnapped her and can we have an explanantion of the previous chapters with the list, they are so confusing.
gillyh Posted March 16, 2010 Report Posted March 16, 2010 Steph, I've just seen your post in the avatar request thread, you told me Amelia wasn't Aden and that she was Sean's. Did you change your mind? Who's the father of Abby? I reckon Abby died and she's Amelia's imaginery sister. Can't wait till Aden finds out that Amelia is his daughter, hopefully that means Nicole doesn't get pregnant.
adellejefferiesxox Posted March 17, 2010 Report Posted March 17, 2010 Thanks for reading guys. Previously on Behind Blue Eyes: “Amelia, that’s enough!” Belle shouted at her. “I hate Abby, I hate her, I hate her! I hate you so much Abby. I never want to be your friend again. I never want to see you again!!!! Ever, never, ever” Amelia screamed throwing her toys everywhere. “AMELIA!!” Belle tried to grab hold of Amelia but she got loose and ran out the bedroom door. “Come back here!” Belle said fed up with her. “No!” Amelia screamed again. “I’m warning you, get back in this room immediately” “No! - I’m - leaving – good-bye” The next thing Belle heard was the front door slamming shut. “Oh for god sakes!!!!” Belle kicked a Barbie with her foot, sending it flying. Belle fell to her knees covering her face she cried. “What have I done...What the matter with me?” Belle sobbed. Amelia had run out of the house, along the way she had bumped into Annie. Annie managed to sway Amelia to come home. “Thank god you’re alright. I was worried sick Amelia!” Belle raised her tone, stressing that she might have lost Amelia. “Thank you Annie, I owe you” Annie smiled and left the Amelia and Belle to talk. “Where do you think you’re going missy, we need to talk!” Belle crossed her arms looking furious. “I’m going to my bedroom” Amelia screamed as loud as she possible could back at her mother. “Amelia....look....” Belle took a deep breath, holding back her anger. “Come over here and sit down” Belle indicated to the couch. Amelia resisted at first then did as she was told, placing herself on the couch. “I’m sorry for what I said to you earlier and you’re right, everything you’ve been saying has been one hundred per cent correct and I’m so sorry” Belle said trying her hardest not to burst into anger or tears. “Its okay” Amelia was kicking the air with her feet. “It hasn’t always been easy for us has it? And yes I haven’t treated Abigail with the same love and respect as I give you” Belle admitted feeling ashamed for her past actions. “But that’s going to change; ignoring Abby....pretending that she doesn’t exist isn’t a good thing to do”. Amelia was quiet listening to her mother’s words. “You see mummy was scared, I was scared because I had given birth to such a perfect little creature that was partly made by a monster”. The word monster struck a chord in Amelia, “Uncle Sean’s a monster?” Amelia questioned staring into her mother’s brown eyes; Belle stared into her daughter’s eyes. “Sometimes. Sometimes he can be a monster. That’s why I don’t want Abigail or you to be near him anymore” “I didn’t like it when he was mean to you, I didn’t like it when he made mummy cry at night. Abby would hear the screaming in the next room and cry, she would cry lots and lots because her daddy wasn’t as nice as my daddy” “Yes. Abby’s father isn’t like your father. But I’ve only told you stories about your daddy. People do change Amelia remember that, your father could be an entirely different person now”. Belle didn’t like parents who spoke down to their children, when a serious conversation needed to be address Belle always tried to talk to Amelia as if she were an adult. “I understand, but Uncle Sean still wasn’t a good guy” “Yeah...not anymore. When we first met, he was wonderful remember that? Spoiling you with toys and buying you heaps of new clothes. But then he started to change and it was too late for me to leave him because I was pregnant with his baby. I knew that Sean would want to look after his baby, he’d want to father the child” “Maybe my daddy could look after Abby too” Amelia said with hope in her voice. Belle simply laughed, “I don’t think so young lady. Aden, your father, he...he’s moved on with his life honey. It’s been a very long time” Amelia put her head down, “Ohh...” she said sadly. “Listen to me Amelia, listen” Belle lifted her chin up holding it in place so that her daughters’ eyes were fixed her on. “I love you and I will never stop loving you. When I look at you I see your daddy and I love that. I’ll always love Abby regardless of who her father is. That’s how it will be. Whether Aden or Sean is present in our lives or not, I will always protect you and be here for you. I promise you that. Both of you are a blessing. I cherish you both. I can’t imagine my life without you. I couldn’t ask for more perfect daughters” Belle pulled Amelia towards her chest, squeezing her tiny little body. “I love you too mummy” Amelia whispered a small tear escaped her left eye. Belle and Amelia hugged for two minutes or so. The hug seemed to last forever, but neither of them cared. “I’m sorry for running away” Amelia pushed away from her mother gently, “I know, just don’t ever do that again” “I promise mummy” Amelia agreed. “Oh and by the way, you’re grounded. Effectively immediately” “What! That’s so unfair!” Amelia got off the couch and crossed her arms. “No tantrums you disobeyed me young lady. Now go to your room”. Amelia gave her mother an angry face, but Amelia sighed and followed her mother’s instructions. When Amelia slammed her bedroom door, Belle laughed rolling her eyes. “Gotta love being a mum” - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “YOU WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!” Nicole screamed at Aden. “I fostered a child” Aden whispered. Aden and Nicole stood in the kitchen. Riley waited in the lounge room of Aden’s home (Roman’s house). ‘WITHOUT ME? WITHOUT TELLING ME FIRST, WITHOUT EVEN CONSIDERING YOUR GIRLFRIENDS VIEW ON THIS!” Nicole shouted at Aden, Aden kept looking out to the louge room worried that Riley would hear Nicole and he did. “Nic please I know you’re upset I get that, but please keep your voice down” “KEEP MY VOICE DOWN, KEEP MY VOICE DOWN SO WHAT LITTLE RILEY CAN’T HEAR ME! YOU’RE UNBELIEVEABLE, I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO SUCH A THING. DON’T I HAVE RIGHTS?” “Nicole that’s enough, you’re acting childish have you even stopped and considered the reality of the situation” “OF COURSE I HAVE!” Nicole complained. “Nic, Riley has lived in an abusive home. He’s been bullied in Angel Care by the other kids. He needs me” “OH I FEEL SO SORRY FOR HIM NOW, I HAVE TO, HE AFTER ALL HAS BEEN ABUSED AS A CHILD. NOW I MUST TAKE HIM INTO MY LIFE AND ACCEPT HIM. WHAT HAPPENED TO TRYING FOR A BABY OF OUR OWN!” “There are thousands of children out there who need our help, they have either been abused or neglected as children or they have lost their parents. Thousands of children out there need a loving home; thousands of children are in need or foster care or adoption. Then there are the children who live in poverty third world countries. There are plenty of children out there Nic. The world is already populated enough without your eggs” “EXCUSE ME! WHAT SO YOU’RE SAYING THAT I SHOULD FEEL GUILTY FOR WANTING TO HAVE A BABY BECAUSE THE WORLD IS OVER POPULATED” “Nic, that’s not what I meant...” Aden sighed growing tired of Nicole shouting. “No it’s exactly what you meant Aden” Nicole lowered her voice finally. “I just wanted you to consider fostering a child before having a child of your own” “What makes him so special hmm?” Nicole applied pressure on Aden, Aden was surprised by her question. “I...I just felt like connection with him, I don’t know how to explain it.....but I just knew, he needed me Nic” Nicole was for once silent. “I haven’t experienced it with a lot of people in my life, that’s how I know it’s a sign, telling me this is something I need to do” “So you have a connection with Riley, who else have you had a connection with?” Nicole was demanding answers. Aden shook his head, “That’s not important” Aden took Nicole’s hands, “What’s important is that we are a team and we’re going to take this on together. We can be parents Nic. We can look after Riley, give him the love and support he deserves” “We don’t have to do anything, if you want to look after him then that’s fine. But you’re on your own because unlike you I’m actually interested in having a biological child to look after and love, and like you said he’s been raised in a abusive household. The boy is likely to have problems, problems that we probably can’t fix. He’ll be a hand full trust me. Just take him back Aden” “What, no, I can’t take him back, if I take him back now the other kids will just taunt him. I need to do this Nicole. He needs my help” “Yeah you’re help” Nicole took one final look at Aden and walked passed Riley flicking through a fashion magazine; Nicole slammed the door behind her. Riley jumped up and began crying frighten by the door slamming, Aden heard the cries and ran to Riley pulling him towards his chest, “No....No let me go” Riley resisted his embrace, “’s okay” Aden encouraged, but Riley ran up stairs. Crap, maybe Nic was right, maybe I am taking on too much. Aden thought to himself.
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