Scotcaz22 Posted March 27, 2010 Report Posted March 27, 2010 That was just brilliant! It was really heart-breaking to see Belle and Drew trying to comfort each other, and Drew waking up and not thinking it was real until Belle wrote that note. A very emotional and powerful chapter, and I can't wait for the rest!
Jen Posted March 27, 2010 Report Posted March 27, 2010 I’m was so looking forward to this update, and it didn’t disappoint. *Sigh* Drew. Gosh, I miss him, and this really made me want more future!fic. I like the idea that Drew knuckled down and got himself into uni. It is a bit of a surprising turn, but I can totally imagine Amanda as the super-proud parent. I like that she sent a copy to Belle too. It’s interesting that all this was happening while Belle was dealing with Aden that she neglected it. Kind of like, Drew’s life ended up appearing to have settled down more than Belle’s. Again, interesting. When I read it, I was startled by Drew’s emotional maturity, but now, as I watch over him, I realize that his deep side had been there all along. I had just never bothered to find it. I really like this. The way Belle acknowledges that she didn’t take enough notice of what Drew was capable of. I’m not sure whether Drew on the show actually had that maturity while he was in the Bay, but maybe he grew up a lot after he left. I’d like to this he did at least. Right now though, Drew is peaceful. He’s sleeping, and his breathing is equal. The constant sound is reassuring, and I feel hopeful, for the first time since my death. I like that you are telling these stories from Belle’s point of view. From this sentence alone I got the impression that this was going to be a journey not just for these three people, but for Belle too. I blink, although it isn’t necessary, and then force myself to concentrate. This bit, I like that you mentioned blinking and how it isn’t necessary anymore. Just a reminder that things have changed and Belle has this whole new ‘lifestyle’ to adjust to. The dream world is empty; just an expanse of white, with a table smack in the centre. Drew’s sitting at the table, his head bowed. His hand looks like it’s trembling, but on closer inspection, I see that he’s writing. It’s different from what I expected Drew to dream about, but it’s a nice surprise. Gosh, I adore this description. The expanse of nothingness except Drew. The only thing that matters. The image of him curled over at the table, I can see it perfectly, and I feel so sorry for him. Like Belle, I really want to help him. “Look Belle... it’s not just any story. This is your story, alright”, he screamed, the sound reverberating through my ears, echoing again and again. There may have been some flailing here. He’s writing her story, awwwwww! “It has to be enough for you”, I whispered, “I died... and it sucked. I know it sucked. This line is so very Belle. She’s very candid about the whole dying thing, like she’s kind of accepted it, and I always thought Drew and Belle had a very open relationship, before the hideous break up that is. Still, I like that she talks to him like that, even in his dreams. “I know it’s too soon. It hurts to see him with Nicole, I’m not going to lie, but I’ve learned from my mistake. I was young, Drew. Our marriage probably wouldn’t have lasted a lifetime, not if he’s able to move on so quickly. This bit, and the whole paragraph kind of confused me. When Belle died in the show I got the impression that she would be okay with Aden moving on. Maybe she should be taking some of the advice she’s giving to Drew, about his life being too short. But at the same time it’s plausible that this cynical side of Belle would come out. Almost like, she’s trying to make the separation she’s feeling by being ... well, dead, easier, by saying that she didn’t think it would last. For one brief second, I wasn’t dead. I wasn’t some spirit hanging around waiting for people to be happy again. I was Belle Taylor, the young, feisty photographer, being comforted by my step-brother. But just for a second. Faaaaavourite. Best bit of this whole part. The only bit that weirded me out was Belle calling Drew her step-brother. She never did it on the show, and I think that even if she were to come back as a spirit to check on him she wouldn’t think about him in that way. Drew was a big part of Belle’s life, they dated, did a lot of firsts together, and even after the break up were still responsible for each other growing up and being able to move on. I don’t know whether Drew would fall into the brother category; friend, ex-lover, boyfriend. There would be some sort of connection there, and I think it would always exist to an extent so I’m glad you are exploring that. Clearly I’m still too invested in them as a couple. “It felt so real... it was like she was actually there”, he choked, before breaking into sobs. His emotional breakdown had arrived, and all I could do was stand and watch. Unable to do nothing, I flew to his side and wrapped my arms around his body, cradling him the same way he had cradled me less than five minutes previously, and murmured softly in his ear. I adore the reversal of roles. Belle is now comforting Drew, and trying so hard to be there for him, even though he can’t feel it. Oh man, tugging on hearts string right there. “It was real... she noticed”, he repeated over and over. I opened one eye and stared at him as a smile lit up his face. It was a breathtaking smile, and I knew that he would be happy again and soon. A great ending. I like that it cost Belle some energy to actually interact with Drew in the ‘real world’. I almost thought he would be a bit more freaked out by Belle leaving him a note, but I guess given the dream was so vivid it didn’t surprise him. Drew/Belle <3<3 And you are awesome for writing this.
Georgia Posted March 27, 2010 Report Posted March 27, 2010 Wow, thanks for the reviews guys. Jen: “I know it’s too soon. It hurts to see him with Nicole, I’m not going to lie, but I’ve learned from my mistake. I was young, Drew. Our marriage probably wouldn’t have lasted a lifetime, not if he’s able to move on so quickly. This bit, and the whole paragraph kind of confused me. When Belle died in the show I got the impression that she would be okay with Aden moving on. Maybe she should be taking some of the advice she’s giving to Drew, about his life being too short. But at the same time it’s plausible that this cynical side of Belle would come out. Almost like, she’s trying to make the separation she’s feeling by being ... well, dead, easier, by saying that she didn’t think it would last. Yeah, I get what you mean here, because when Belle died, and wrote those letters, I also thought she was ready for Aden to move on. But I also think, that if she had stayed around, and had to watch it after such a short amount of time, when other people are still grieving... I think it would have hurt her a lot. Oh, and with the whole step-brother relationship with Drew, I picture it like this. Drew was a huge part of her life (and an awesome one ) and they both grew up so much. But now she has other people to fulfill that type of love. She had Aden when she was alive, and now she has Geoff to love her that way now she's dead. I think Drew has become what Belle needs right now, just like she's what he needs. It's kind of a dependent relationship.
Jen Posted March 28, 2010 Report Posted March 28, 2010 Wow, thanks for the reviews guys. Jen: “I know it’s too soon. It hurts to see him with Nicole, I’m not going to lie, but I’ve learned from my mistake. I was young, Drew. Our marriage probably wouldn’t have lasted a lifetime, not if he’s able to move on so quickly. This bit, and the whole paragraph kind of confused me. When Belle died in the show I got the impression that she would be okay with Aden moving on. Maybe she should be taking some of the advice she’s giving to Drew, about his life being too short. But at the same time it’s plausible that this cynical side of Belle would come out. Almost like, she’s trying to make the separation she’s feeling by being ... well, dead, easier, by saying that she didn’t think it would last. Yeah, I get what you mean here, because when Belle died, and wrote those letters, I also thought she was ready for Aden to move on. But I also think, that if she had stayed around, and had to watch it after such a short amount of time, when other people are still grieving... I think it would have hurt her a lot. Oh, and with the whole step-brother relationship with Drew, I picture it like this. Drew was a huge part of her life (and an awesome one ) and they both grew up so much. But now she has other people to fulfill that type of love. She had Aden when she was alive, and now she has Geoff to love her that way now she's dead. I think Drew has become what Belle needs right now, just like she's what he needs. It's kind of a dependent relationship. I totally get what you're saying. I think it's one thing to say you're ready to move on, but a whole other kettle of fish to have to watch it unfold. So, I can see that Belle, if she were watching Aden and Nicole, would be thinking, this is weird, and she still loves him. So maybe it's more a statement on Aden's character, rather than Belle's. Hmm ... I'm probably reading way too much into this. Could not agree more about the co-dependency between Belle and Drew. I think that was part of the reason why they broke up and got back together so many times. No matter how much they stuffed up and caused pain and hurt towards each other, there was some pull that they couldn't avoid. When they weren't together, they just needed to be so badly. Drew is definitely what she needs, it's just weird to see it written as a brother/sister relationship, even though that is what it is. Having said all of that, I really enjoy your writing, and I'm definitely analysing these relationships a lot more closely than I have ever before.
tessalove Posted March 30, 2010 Report Posted March 30, 2010 Aww that was such a good chapter! Poor Drew! Update soon! El x
TelephotoMarigold Posted August 2, 2010 Report Posted August 2, 2010 Gee, Are you ever like going to finish this?? Or have you deserted us for the land of Glee fics? Tele xx
Red Ranger 1 Posted August 2, 2010 Report Posted August 2, 2010 ^What she said. I was really looking forward to the rest of this fic, be nice to see it some time...
Chipsferryroxmisox Posted August 7, 2010 Report Posted August 7, 2010 Im looking foward to more of this.. sounds like its gonna be awesome
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