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I agree with whoever brought it up, the return of Pippa in 2009 was unneccesary and I believe should not have happened. I understand that someone should had to look after the Campbells but I just reckon that it would have been better if it was someone else (I can't think of anyone else who should have come back instead though, Campbell's didn't really know any other Bay veterans who weren't currently living there). Pippa deserves to have last been in the bay because of Sally and not because of the Campbell's in my opinion.


It was Bevan Lee who suggested Pippa's return to the writers in 2009 - simply as a way to assure the long term fans that just because Sally wasn't around, it didn't mean that Pippa's links to Summer Bay had to be forever severed.

Whilst the idea was a great one to suggest, the execution of it (obviously out of his hands by that time) did end up being a bit disappointing, not least as some of the scenes got cut anyway. Though it was never meant to be a big story-driven return with the other big stories going on, it was just supposed to be a comfort for those who still remembered the Fletcher era.

It could have worked if handled a bit differently, I mean it's realistic for people to just drop in for a few days to catch up with a few old friends with no particular motive/big drama behind it (something which many writers seem to forget) - but on this occasion the spreading of her wisdom around the bay, to near strangers, came across as a bit forced (visiting Belle in rehab for instance).

I guess when it comes down to it, whilst it didn't particularly do much for the character, it didn't ruin her like they have done with other returns in the past.

Of course it didn't take them too long to forget Pippa after that anyway... but I certainly don't think that she should only return in connection with Sally and no-one else. She does have two husbands and a son buried in Summer Bay after all, as well as a few old friends still living there.


Pippa's return obviously wasn't going to work IMO - 2009 is probably the worst season in the show's history with that year long mystery storyline involving Hugo. Surprising given it came after 2008, one of the best years in the show's history.

Funny how Pippa appeared in every season of the show for at least a few episodes until 2009 (bar a few seasons) and has never been back since 2009. They obviously just don't see a place for her anymore. Her and Fisher are dying for returns though; and Martha, a re-cast would be good.


There were some exciting parts of 2009, (I personally enjoyed the Trey Palmer storyline) but compared to 2008 it wasn't as fantastic. I think Jack Holden's death had a bigger impact on the show to the viewers than it was meant to have. It was obviously a very sad occurrence but I think people took it too harshly. Hugo Austin was the worst part of that year, I really did not like his character at all. I also didn't think the Walkers were as good in 2009, compared to when they returned. 2009 was probably the worst year for them. 


hmm, I honestly think they are equal in ways, Debra auditioned for Pippa, then they gave it to Carol Willisee then to Vanessa Downing as Carol wouldn't sign a contract, Debra revealed this about a month ago to news.com.au. I think Debra's Pippa was better though in some ways, and no offence to Vanessa Downing but Debra to me was more suited to the role, heart of gold, but firm, more natural.

  On 09/12/2016 at 17:15, Dan F said:

It was Bevan Lee who suggested Pippa's return to the writers in 2009 - simply as a way to assure the long term fans that just because Sally wasn't around, it didn't mean that Pippa's links to Summer Bay had to be forever severed.

Whilst the idea was a great one to suggest, the execution of it (obviously out of his hands by that time) did end up being a bit disappointing, not least as some of the scenes got cut anyway. Though it was never meant to be a big story-driven return with the other big stories going on, it was just supposed to be a comfort for those who still remembered the Fletcher era.

It could have worked if handled a bit differently, I mean it's realistic for people to just drop in for a few days to catch up with a few old friends with no particular motive/big drama behind it (something which many writers seem to forget) - but on this occasion the spreading of her wisdom around the bay, to near strangers, came across as a bit forced (visiting Belle in rehab for instance).

I guess when it comes down to it, whilst it didn't particularly do much for the character, it didn't ruin her like they have done with other returns in the past.

Of course it didn't take them too long to forget Pippa after that anyway... but I certainly don't think that she should only return in connection with Sally and no-one else. She does have two husbands and a son buried in Summer Bay after all, as well as a few old friends still living there.


I thought the reason they brought Pippa  back in 2009 was to fill in Irene's storylines like helping Belle through rehab and looking after the Campbell kids.

I thought Lynne did not finish filming her scenes on time as she was due to go to London to do her panto?.  

I could be wrong of course as I  just thought it was funny how Irene went on her trip the very week before Pippa returned if I remember correctly.


I don't really know why people debate about this so much, wouldn't the Pippa who was there the clear longest amount of time be the better one? Like I understand that Vanessa Downing was probably an amazing Pippa, but surely Debra is the better one? Sorry for the rant and if this has offended anyone but I am just surprised that people debate this.

I never see anyone compare  the current Roo to Justine Clarke or VJ to Felix Dean as much as I see the comparisons between Debra and Vanessa

  On 09/12/2016 at 17:15, Dan F said:

It was Bevan Lee who suggested Pippa's return to the writers in 2009 - simply as a way to assure the long term fans that just because Sally wasn't around, it didn't mean that Pippa's links to Summer Bay had to be forever severed.

Whilst the idea was a great one to suggest, the execution of it (obviously out of his hands by that time) did end up being a bit disappointing, not least as some of the scenes got cut anyway. Though it was never meant to be a big story-driven return with the other big stories going on, it was just supposed to be a comfort for those who still remembered the Fletcher era.

It could have worked if handled a bit differently, I mean it's realistic for people to just drop in for a few days to catch up with a few old friends with no particular motive/big drama behind it (something which many writers seem to forget) - but on this occasion the spreading of her wisdom around the bay, to near strangers, came across as a bit forced (visiting Belle in rehab for instance).

I guess when it comes down to it, whilst it didn't particularly do much for the character, it didn't ruin her like they have done with other returns in the past.

Of course it didn't take them too long to forget Pippa after that anyway... but I certainly don't think that she should only return in connection with Sally and no-one else. She does have two husbands and a son buried in Summer Bay after all, as well as a few old friends still living there.


Yeah you're right, it was a realistic return. You don't really see that type of thing happen anymore. Family members don't ever return for weddings or funerals anymore. So I suppose it was a nice gesture

  On 10/12/2016 at 13:18, CaptainTed84 said:

I don't really know why people debate about this so much, wouldn't the Pippa who was there the clear longest amount of time be the better one? Like I understand that Vanessa Downing was probably an amazing Pippa, but surely Debra is the better one? Sorry for the rant and if this has offended anyone but I am just surprised that people debate this. I never see anyone compare  the current Roo to Justine Clarke or VJ to Felix Dean as much as I see the comparisons between Debra and Vanessa


Interesting point. For me being there a longer amount of time doesn't automatically make a character/actor better. Look at Coronation St for example, Sean has been in that show for over 10 years but he is one of the most hated characters.

On the other hand, when a character ends up in a show for a long time you would expect that the audience would automatically develop a strong bond to them due to the familiarity they end up bringing to the role. Only in rare circumstances (I would describe Sean as a rare circumstance) would a character who has been in a show a long time be disliked, mainly when an actor is not particularly good or the character is written poorly.

I think they were lucky with Debra to an extent. However, I would certainly say it took me a long time to adjust to the new Pippa on watching the repeats - certainly I felt her relationship and marriage to Michael were extremely rushed, she'd been widowed less than a year and already got married again. I also feel that it took quite a while for Debra to settle into the role. My personal opinion is that Pippa 2 didn't really come into her own until the 1993 season, and even then I would say she wasn't a classic character until 1994. Such is the nature of re-casts, I think if an actor sticks around long-term they can eventually win over the audience but it can take a considerable amount of time. Jai Jossa's version of Lauren in EastEnders was extremely hated to begin with, but has become a popular character in more recent years.

It would be interesting to know what the show would have been like with Vanessa still in the role of Pippa, say until 1998 or beyond. Someone has mentioned before that they couldn't envisage Pippa 1 with Michael and I tend to agree with this, I can't see Vannesa and Dennis looking right together so I imagine Dennis wouldn't have been cast in the role of Michael. Incidentally I also think Michael took a long time to become a good character. This is definitely a weakness of the 1990-1993 period. It all paid off though as I really do think by 1994 I was beginning to enjoy Michael and Pippa 2 as much as Tom and Pippa 1. Someone has also said they could see Tom and Pippa 2 together which I also agree with, but I suppose we would never have seen that dynamic unless Roger had decided to stay on, Vanessa quit and they chose to re-cast her.

What do people think the show would have been like had Vanessa stayed in the role of Pippa? Or in fact both Tom and Pippa 1 had stayed? I still think the show would have seen a number of foster kids; Fin, Damian, Jack, Shannon etc. Although my personal preference is Tom and Pippa 1 over Michael and Pippa 2, I'm not sure the dynamic in Summer Bay House could have sustained itself with Tom and Pippa there for years longer. They had excellent chemistry with the original foster kids, but to me Vanessa's portrayal of Pippa wasn't that of a natural foster mother. She was more laid-back and carefree than Debra's portrayal and as such I don't see Vanessa's Pippa is the kind to take in as many foster kids as Debra's would end up doing over the years. IMO Debra's portrayal was far more in line with how a foster mother would be in real life and I think she did well at portraying a person who had a strong need to care for people. Maybe that's why I prefer Vanessa's portrayal in some ways, as she seemed more nuanced, and less of a stereotype. In fact I do feel quite unfair saying that I prefer Vanessa over Debra because in fact, I love both versions of the character and I think they equally brought a huge amount to the show during different time periods. Essentially I just love the character of Pippa. For me she is the heart and soul of Home and Away, and that's why I think she should have been re-cast again in 1998 as I think the character had so much longevity and potential.

I do wonder what the show would have done had the roles reversed and Vanessa had quit before Roger. Would they have killed Pippa off instead? Or would Debra have Pippa, still married to Tom? I think it's a good job Pippa wasn't killed off in 1990 rather than Tom. It always seemed like Pippa was the one in that relationship who pushed for fostering and had Tom stayed over Pippa I couldn't see him continuing to foster on the same scale that Pippa ended up doing. Bringing in Debra would have been most likely. When you watch Tom's 2008 return in Sally's dreams, it doesn't feel odd to think of him as Pippa's dead husband when they cut to scenes with Pippa and Sally in hospital.

As for people not comparing the 2 Roos or VJs - I think in Roo's case, such a large amount of time had passed when Roo returned in 2010, that there was just no point in comparing them - Roo had aged so much and she was bound to have changed. For me Georgie Parker's version is easily the far superior version, I found Justine's portrayal quite irritating a lot of the time. However, I would like it if Roo still had that naughty side to her that she had in the 80s, she's far too nice for my liking. It would be good to see more conflict between her and Alf.

VJ - the previous actor played him during his childhood years and Matt Little is not VJ IMO and never will be - he looks far too old and is not realistic as VJ at all. The actor tries his hardest, but the writers/producers stuffed up on this one.

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  On 10/12/2016 at 16:54, Edward Skylover said:

 I would like it if Roo still had that naughty side to her that she had in the 80s, she's far too nice for my liking. It would be good to see more conflict between her and Alf.


Yes! I don't understand this at all.

Whilst it's important to remember that Roo was only truly villainous for a short time, and spent most of her original stint on the show making up for her mistakes and actually trying to be a good person, I think it's also important to remember she WAS the show's original bitch and had a REAL nasty side to her. Of course in real life it's not unrealistic that someone who was a nasty teenager can be a nice person 20+ years later! But this is TV and I can't understand why the writers have never taken advantage of the fact that they have a character with Roo's history and instead have just made her this saintly wise woman. Surely any writer/storyliner worth their salt would be jumping at the chance to explore these already-established other sides to a potentially complex and fascinating character. I'm not saying she should be a total bitch but she should certainly have more of an edge to her.

There were a few subtle lines referencing her strained relationship with Morag when she first returned but not nearly enough was made of it, and her relationship with Alf should be a lot more complex too.

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