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Hope, Peace, Love.

Guest KirstyEkua

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Ohh...Really good twist there, I wasn't expecting for it to turn out Tony wasn't the father.You captured both Tony and Rachel incredibly well, Rachel trying to be happy whilst her heart was breaking inside, Tony torn through trying to please everybody.He's going to be so crushed if he finds out the truth.Really looking forward to more.

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I had to laugh at Jack's reaction about being the marshmallow family. :lol: Poor Martha though! It's normal to be emotional after giving birth and she shouldn't be feeling guilty because Rachel can't have a baby. Sure, it's sad but there's nothing she can do about it, neither can Rachel.

I wonder how Aden and Belle are going to get through everything and what will happen between them.

I had a feeling Jazz was making Tony believe Taylor was his daughter when in fact she wasn't and it turns out she is. I find it awful that she is asking for so much money when she knows Tony isn't Taylor's biological father. She should know Tony isn't rich. I understand the part where she wants Tony to be Taylor's father as I assume the biological father would just be some random guy she picked up at a bar but lying to Tony and Taylor is awful. If her daughter is so important, imagine how the girl will feel if/when she finds out Tony isn't her dad.

Does Jazz know about Rachel and Tony's problems to have a baby? :unsure: I don't remember if it has been mentioned before but I hope she doesn't know because acting the way she does would be even more awful than it already is.

I'm glad there could be a way for Rachel not miscarrying next time and hopefully, it'll work.

I feel sorry for Rachel. She knows it's the right thing for Tony to get to know Taylor but she can't help to be sad about it. And the fact Jazz is the girl's mother can't help either. :(

Please update soon.

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Oh wow Kirsty - there are so many words for that chapter; amazing, fantastic, brilliant, shocking, heartbreaking. You captured so many emotions and wrote the intensity of Rachel and Tony's relationship with Jazz's involvement perfectly. It's sad how they're both trying to keep each other happy but due to the circumstances Rachel keeps getting hurt.

I'm so pleased that it sounds like there could be a way for them to not miscarry next time but I guess she needs to get to 14 weeks for that to happen and she hasn't managed it before so it still might not work :( I'm desperate for them to have a baby but at the same time I worry that a baby could make the situation even more complicated - certainly for Tony in trying to divide his time; he's having difficulty as it is. I loved this line:

Rachel glanced at him dubiously. She highly doubted he was thinking of her when he was playing happy families with Jazz. Don’t go there, she mentally told herself, closing her eyes and sighing heavily.

You just managed to sum up perfectly the anger that's bubbling away at the surface for Rachel but one which she's trying to control and hide because she knows it will only make things worse. It's such a difficult situation that it's inevitable she would think these things. It's lovely that after talking to Tony about the hope and having some time together she feels stronger to cope and wont let Jazz ruin his marriage. I'm sure it's easier said than done though. Oh and I loved how you added in Rachel's little line about being glad she's not useless as a woman. So realistic that she would think that.

Jazz :o I knew she was an awful woman but I NEVER suspected she would stoop that low - it's disgusting! Poor Tony; all the problems it's potentially causing him in his marriage and she's happy to go along with it. Letting him think he has a daughter and spend all the money and time with her and playing with his emotions; it's just cruel. And poor little Taylor as well; being lied to. It's not right and I hope she's found out soon. I wonder if Tony & Rachel will be able to afford to have the stitch put in now?

She knew how Jazz looked at Tony. And Jazz knew that Rachel wouldn’t ever say anything to him for fear that it would backfire and Taylor would disappear from his life. Rachel didn’t want that. Tony was right. Jazz was the mother of his child. And she couldn’t compete with that.

This line was just beautiful; it broke my heart! Poor poor Rachel, it's so sad that she's feeling like that, like she's second best. The paragraph before just portrayed the cracks that are beginning to show and the difficulty of the situation, so so sad :( I can't wait to see where you take this!

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Thank you so much everyone for your lovely comments :) As always i really apperciate it, it means a lot you take the time to write comments for me :)

‘It’s only for an hour or so,’ Jack reassured, noticing the look of doubt on his wife’s face. ‘I just spoke to dad and him and Rach are more than happy to have her for a little bit. I think they’ve had a pretty rough morning sorting out this business with Jazz.’ Jack shook his head in anger. ‘I can’t believe she’s asking them for all this money.’

Martha shrugged. ‘Well that’s Jazz for you.’ She gazed down at Laura, who was asleep in the pram, her little fists clenched above her head. ‘Are you sure Jack? I mean it doesn’t sound like they’d appreciate having to look after a baby after the morning they’ve had. Maybe we should wait a few days,’ she suggested hopefully.

‘That’s exactly why we should let them look after her for a while,’ Jack argued. ‘It would be nice for them to have a little break from everything they’re going through right now. Martha please,’ Jack pleaded, ‘I’m only asking for an hour or so of alone time with you. And it’s not like we’re leaving her with complete strangers. It’s her grandfather and Rachel. You know how much they love her.’ Jack paused; he prayed she’d cooperate. The issue of the party still hung over them and for the most part Jack felt like he was stepping on egg shells every time he opened his mouth.

‘Okay,’ she relented. ‘Just a quick coffee or something though, right?’

‘Yes yes that’s great.’ Jack couldn’t keep the smile off his face.

‘Great I’ll just go get ready then,’ Martha replied half-heartedly.

‘Sure,’ Jack grinned as she disappeared into the bedroom. ‘Hey you’re going to see your grandpa,’ he cooed as he sat down next to his daughter’s pram and looked in. He rocked it gently and smiled to himself. He was looking forward to being able to chat with Martha without her constantly been preoccupied with the baby. He was desperate to talk to her about the situation with Jazz. He was still struggling to get his head around the fact that he had a half-sister. Unfortunately the only person Jazz seemed to be willing to deal with was Tony.

‘Okay let’s go get this over with,’ Martha muttered as she strolled into the living room. ‘Sorry,’ she admitted, seeing the look on her husband’s face. ‘It’s just hard for me, you know. Leaving her for the first time.’

‘I know,’ Jack assured. ‘But she’s in the best possible hands you know that.’

‘Yeah, you’re right.’ Martha forced a smile. ‘Let’s do this.’


‘I promise to call right away if there are any problems,’ Rachel assured as Jack and Martha hovered by the door. ‘You two go and have a nice lunch.’

‘Thanks Rach,’ Jack smiled gratefully and gently pulled Martha out of the door. ‘We’ll be back in an hour or so.’

‘Take your time,’ Tony called as they slowly closed the door behind them and disappeared from view.

‘She looks like you,’ Rachel commented as he joined her on the couch. She held Laura in her arms and smiled down at her, running her thumb over cheek.

‘Poor little thing,’ Tony chucked. ‘No one likes to be told they look like their grandpa,’ he joked.

‘Hmm,’ Rachel sighed, unable to keep her eyes off the baby who was snuggled into her chest. ‘I have to say I never thought I’d be sleeping with a grand-father at my age,’ she laughed as she turned to face Tony. ‘It’s funny how things work out sometimes,’ she mused.

‘Yeah,’ he smiled and kissed Laura’s forehead. ‘I can’t wait until this is us with our baby,’ he admitted.

‘Tony,’ Rachel whispered, her heart suddenly racing. ‘Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. Nothing’s guaranteed.’

‘I know,’ he replied gently, rubbing her arm. ‘But I have a good feeling about this. The specialist said that –’

‘You weren’t there,’ Rachel interrupted. ‘So don’t try and make it seem less serious than it actually is.’ She looked away as Tony’s face crumbled, aware she’d hit a nerve. ‘Sorry,’ she muttered.

‘No, it’s okay.’ He sighed heavily. He still felt racked with guilt.

‘No, I’m sorry,’ Rachel turned to face him. ‘I know how difficult it’s been for you,’ she admitted. ‘I know how much you wanted to be there. I guess Jazz really has her claws in deep.’ She smiled sadly. ‘Just promise me you’ll be careful.’

‘Absolutely.’ Tony nodded firmly. ‘I’m not going to let her come between us Rach. I just want to get to know my daughter. And I hope one day soon you can be part of that too. You don’t know how much it means to me that you’re supporting me in this.’

‘Good.’ Rachel affirmed. ‘And she’s still coming over later to discuss the money issue?’

‘Yes, as far as I’m aware.’

‘Great,’ Rachel couldn’t wait to let Jazz know that she would no longer be dictating things. Jazz had met her match.

‘Can i?’ Tony reached out for his grand-daughter.

‘Of course,’ Rachel gently passed her over; her heart melting as Tony snuggled her into his chest. ‘Hey there beautiful girl,’ he cooed, beaming as she opened her eyes and smiled up at him. ‘Aww Rach look at this.’

‘She’s grandpa’s little girl,’ Rachel smiled as she rested her head on Tony’s shoulder and softly ticked Laura’s tummy.’ Every time she saw him with her, Rachel’s heart broke a little bit. It filled her with despair that their attempts to have their own baby had so far ended in heartbreak.

‘I think she loves her step grand-mother too,’ Tony kidded, shifting the baby so he could put one arm around his wife.

‘I told you not to call me that,’ Rachel laughed and playfully swatted him on the chest.

‘Yeah she’s too hot to be a grand-mother, isn’t she,’ Tony looked at baby Laura and winked.

‘That’s better,’ Rachel chuckled as she gazed into Tony’s eyes. ‘I love you,’ she whispered, her voice suddenly serious.

He leaned down and kissed her softly. ‘I love you too,’ he replied.


‘Tony, well we are not willing to pay for the past four years of Taylor’s life.’ Rachel stared across the table at Jazz. ‘And there are no negotiations on that. You’re being completely unreasonable. You can’t just expect to waltz into our lives and demand money for a child he had no idea existed until a few weeks ago.’ Rachel took a deep breath and dug her nails into her palms in a desperate attempt to control her anger. She wanted nothing more than to slap her. ‘And we won’t hesitate to call in lawyers if we have too,’ Rachel continued hotly.

‘And what exactly has this got to do with you?’ Jazz shot back.

‘Rachel’s my wife,’ Tony emphasised before either woman got another word in. ‘She’s going to be as involved in Taylor’s life as much as I am.’

Jazz snorted in disbelief. ‘Over my dead body.’

‘Jazz,’ Tony warned as he reached across the table and placed his hand on top of Rachel’s, silencing her. ‘If you don’t allow her to be involved then I’m sorry I can’t take this any further. Rachel’s my wife and as much as you don’t like that it’s not going to change. If you’re going to let your petty hatred get in the way of Taylor’s happiness then you’re not the woman I thought you were.’ He squeezed Rachel’s hand and smiled at her, thankful when she returned it.

‘I’m sorry you’re right,’ Jazz acknowledged. ‘You have to understand though Rachel it’s difficult for me to think of another woman being in her life.’

‘It’s not exactly a bed of roses for me either,’ Rachel muttered, glancing down at her coffee cup. ‘You’re her mother and nothing will ever change that. I’m only doing this for Tony,’ Rachel pointed out. ‘Because I know how much he already loves that little girl and I’m not going to let you jeopardise that because you want to create your own happy little family.’

‘Isn’t that what we all want?’ Jazz questioned as she leaned back and ran her fingers through her hair. ‘Forgive me for trying to provide my daughter with a stable environment.’

‘I’m sure that’s what this is all about,’ Rachel rolled her eyes. ‘Taylor has been number 1 from the word go which is why it took you four years to contact her father.’

‘How dare you?’ Jazz spat back. ‘I love my daughter and –’

‘Enough,’ Tony cried and banged his fist down on the table. ‘How the hell is this helping?’ He looked at his wife and then turned to Jazz. ‘Do you realise the position I’m in? It’s not exactly easy for me and I’m trying my best to keep everyone happy. At the end of the day Taylor is the most important and maybe we should think of that.’ He took a deep breath and held his head in his hands. He didn’t know what to do. He’d only met her once but he was already falling in love with that little girl and now couldn’t imagine life without her. And as much as he didn’t like it he knew that meant Jazz would always be in his life. But the thought of being without Rachel was too much to bear.

‘You’re right I’m sorry,’ Jazz smiled, hoping it looked sincere. She hated the idea of Rachel being involved in her daughter’s life but it was becoming clear to her that that was the only way she’d make things work. She had to keep him onside. It sickened her stomach to be nice to Rachel but if that’s what she had to do then she’d be as sweet to Rachel as she possibly could. ‘I don’t want to get lawyers involved,’ she added sweetly. ‘Let’s just draw up a maintenance plan from now on.’ It killed her to have to say that. It wasn’t going to make certain people happy.

‘Great,’ Tony smiled with relief. ‘Thanks Jazz.’ Rachel gazed at him in disbelief. It grated her how naive he was sometimes.

‘Fabulous.’ Jazz grinned. ‘And Taylor is so excited about going swimming with her daddy tomorrow,’ Jazz giggled and edged her chair slowly towards him.

‘I can’t wait,’ Tony enthused. ‘I was thinking maybe we could go for lunch somewhere too, maybe have a picnic? Make a day of it,’ he suggested.

‘Yes,’ Jazz replied enthusiastically. Maybe she’ll manage to convince me to come into the water this time; you know if you’re there.’ Jazz winked.

Rachel grimaced at Jazz’s blatant attempts at flirting with him. Tony didn’t even seem to realise. ‘I’m sitting right here,’ Rachel angrily pointed out.

‘Wait, Jazz you’re kidding right?’ Tony glanced at her doubtfully. ‘I thought tomorrow I’d have her alone.’

‘At only the second meeting?’ Jazz raised her eyebrows in surprise. ‘I think it’s a little early,’ she shrugged. ‘And Taylor wants me there. She still doesn’t know you that well.’

‘I guess, you’re right,’ Tony replied, slightly defeated. ‘Sorry,’ he mouthed at Rachel, his heart sinking as she just shrugged and looked away.

‘And maybe in a few weeks or so we can arrange for her to meet you Rachel. And of course Jack and Lucas,’ Jazz smiled brazenly. ‘So it’s all worked out,’ she clapped her hands and tossed her head back.

‘Yeah, it’s just wonderful,’ Rachel replied sarcastically. ‘Talk to you later,’ she added as she stood up. ‘I’m going to bed.’ She walked quickly, eager to get away before she was physically sick. As much as she loved Tony his refusal to see things for how they really were drove her crazy. He was being manipulated right under his eyes and he couldn’t see it. And the scary thing far she had no idea how far Jazz was planning to go.

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Wow wow wow! Where do I start?

Firstly yay Martha's agreed to go out for a bit without Laura. I was just smiling along with Jack, I could really sense his happiness and the way he was keeping cool just so as not to make her change her mind again. I think you wrote her reluctance to leave her daughter really well to - it's never easy for a first time Mum, particularly as she's built it up so much now. Really pleased it worked out okay though!

The little scene of Tony & Rachel watching Laura was so exciting and touching but really heartbreaking and bittersweet at the same time. You wrote Rachel's emotions perfectly and I really felt a bit of self blame from her when she was watching Tony holding Laura and seeing how besotted he was with her; it's like she blamed herself for not being able to give him that. It really made them realise how things could be and it was a nice moment for them but I can see why Rachel's hesitant not to get ahead of themselves and I liked the little thing she saad about how would Tony know, he wasn't at the appointment. It's realistic she would still feel some resentment for that and she's desperate not to get her hopes up I think. I also loved her glee at the thought of confronting Jazz :lol: And finally just being able to see them happy and joking about "hot Grand-mother haha" was a really nice moment. It shows how much they do love each other but circumstances just keep getting in the way.

Finally the last chapter; surprisingly the person I felt most sorry for was Tony. As horrible as Jazz was to Rachel, Tony was defending her and making it clear where his priorities lay and who was the most important person here, their daughter. But seeing him struggling to keep the peace while Rachel and Jazz were fighting made me realise just how caught in the middle he is. He's trying to make it clear to Rachel that he's 'on her side' but at the same time keeping in mind that he can't upset Jazz out of fear that she'll restrict visits with his daughter. The one thing I do agree with Jazz is that it probably is a little too early for him to have Taylor on his own and for Rachel to meet her but I can also see why it looks like manipulation on Rachel's part (and I sense that's the real reason Jazz doesn't want it, despite her excuse.)

Seeing Tony be completely oblivious to it all must make Rachel feel so frustrated and I think that's probably further amplified by her history with Kim/Kit. Jazz's brazenness (offering to swim with Tony and winking) just never fails to amuse me and I can understand why Rachel walked off, I couldn't sit there and take it, especially if my husband didn't seem to blink an eyelid at it.

So excited for the next chapter :)

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It was hard but Jack managed to persuade Martha to leave the house for a bit. I think lunch is a pretty good idea for her first outing without the baby. It doesn't take too long so she won't be separated from Laura for too long.

I love the scene with Tony, Rachel and Laura. It was so sweet. :wub: I hope they will get the opportunity to have their own baby someday as they'll be great parents. I love the teasing, especially the part about Rachel being too hot to be a grandmother. :lol:

Jazz has got some nerve! :angry: She asks Tony for a lot of money and even flirts with him in front of Rachel, his wife. <_< And Tony doesn't even notice it. It's a good thing Rachel was present at that meeting though as Jazz seems to be good at manipulating Tony.

More please.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I';m so sorry this update has taken so long. And sorry also for the lack of Adelle and J/M. I promise they will be included soon. Thanks everyone for you comments, they're lovely and i apperciate them so much. I'm going to try and update quicker ain future and get my other fic back on track, sometimes i just loose my inspiration! hehe. Anyways, thanks always :)

Rachel gazed at the tiny pink line on the stick. Her heart skipped a beat as she sat down on the edge of the bath, her hands tucked under her. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. A wave of fear washed over her as she placed her hand on her stomach; desperately trying to stop herself from celebrating. It was difficult for her to believe things wouldn’t end like her previous pregnancies. No point in getting your hopes up, she mentally told herself. But she couldn’t ignore the little voice in her head that told her maybe this time things would be fine. The stitch going to be put in as soon as she reached 14 weeks. If she got that far. The waiting was going to drive her crazy. And stress was one thing she could do without. She smiled in spite of herself and checked the stick again, her heart beating a little faster as it was confirmed her eyes hadn’t been playing tricks on her. She had to tell Tony. It was at that moment she remembered. He was Taylor and most likely Jazz. Even though Tony insisted she hardly came with them anymore Rachel suspected he was just saying that for her benefit. Every time she thought of them together it was like being hit with a sledge hammer. It had been two months since the bombshell and as of yet she’d not clapped eyes on the girl who was now her step-daughter. Before every meeting there was always a last minute glitch, an appointment that couldn’t possibly be missed, a sudden fever or cold that mean Taylor couldn’t be exposed to anyone other than her own mother. And Tony of course. Denying him the right to see his daughter was never something Rachel had wanted, but it was becoming harder. Jazz was being totally ruthless in her obvious attempts to push Rachel out and as of yet Tony had put up little of a fight. Rachel sighed and wandered out of the bathroom, refusing to feel down hearted. She had to believe that this time things would be different. An over whelming urge to see her husband suddenly hit her. She racked her brain as she tried to remember where Tony said he was taking her, she recalled him saying something about an ice-cream parlour in the centre of town. Impulsively grabbing her car keys she ran out of the house. This charade had gone on long enough. They could just tell Taylor she was a friend of Tony’s – the child was hardly likely to find that unusual.


‘Look Daddy,’ Taylor giggled as she picked up her ice cream bowl and brought it to her lips before gulping it down.

‘Wow, ‘Tony grinned. ‘You really love that ice-cream huh?’

‘Yes,’ she nodded seriously. ‘Can I have more?’

‘I don’t think so young lady,’ Jazz laughed. ‘You’ll never eat your dinner.’

‘I was asking daddy,’ Taylor rolled her eyes and beamed at Tony.

‘Oh check her out,’ Jazz exclaimed to Tony. ‘She’s already pitting us against each other.’

‘What’s she going to be like when she’s a teenager?’ Tony chucked at Jazz. ‘She’s definitely her mothers’ daughter.’

‘She’s more like you than you think,’ Jazz replied and smiled at Tony, locking her eyes with his.

‘Well, yeah.’ He turned away, suddenly uncomfortable.

Rachel hesitated as she entered the ice cream parlour, suddenly feeling a little nervous. Stop it, she lectured. He’s probably not even here. Taking a deep breath she wandered in, thankful it was pretty busy. She glanced around the brightly light room, gazing at the tables of families devouring massive ice-cream sundaes and groups of teenagers laughing over ice cream shakes. Looking to the right she smiled as she sat him, sitting in his red puma t-shirt. It was one of her favourites. But then she noticed who was sitting next to him, a little too close for comfort. She froze, her mind suddenly blank. She had to get out. Turning around quickly she didn’t see the waitress until it was too late. They both gasped as glasses of iced water spilled to the floor and chocolate ice-cream slithered down her red vest top. ‘Oh I’m sorry,’ the waitress cried, grabbing a cloth and attempting to dab Rachel’s top.

‘It’s okay, don’t worry,’ Rachel insisted as she desperately tried to get out. She could feel her face burning with embarrassment.

‘Rachel?’ Tony suddenly appeared before her, a puzzled look on his face. ‘What are you doing here?’ He looked back nervously at Jazz and Taylor who were watching from the booth.

‘I umm,’ She paused as waves of humiliation seeped over her. ‘I wanted to see you and I remembered you said you were coming here so I just thought I’d check, you know. I’m sorry it was silly of me,’ Rachel stuttered.

‘Are you okay?’ He eyed her with concern, praying she wouldn’t get upset about Jazz being there. He hadn’t exactly been thrilled when she announced she was joining them.

‘Yes, yes, I’m fine.’ She smiled despite the obvious sadness in her voice.

‘So what was so urgent you had to come here and see me?’ He gently pulled her to the side.

‘Well it’s just that.’ Rachel stopped, acutely aware of how ridiculous she must seem.

‘It’s just?’ He smiled down at her, encouraging her to go on.

‘Well, I’m, well, I’m pregnant,’ she whispered. ‘I just couldn’t wait to tell you,’ she continued. ‘I realise how insane this is, me coming here. Blame my hormones,’ she laughed nervously.

‘Oh my God Rach that’s amazing,’ he beamed and gazed at her, pure joy written all over his face. ‘I’m shocked,’ he admitted. ‘Oh wow,’ he grinned, enjoying the moment of utter happiness before reality sank in. He knew they couldn’t get too excited. ‘Look, I umm, better get back,’ he muttered, feeling a little ashamed. ‘We’ll talk about this later though,’ he smiled reassuringly.

‘Okay sure,’ Rachel blinked hard and bit down on her lip, trying to avoid the tears she could feel welling up. She didn’t want him to see her cry. As she leaned up to kiss him goodbye he quickly pulled away and stumbled backwards. ‘Sorry,’ he whispered. ‘I just can’t, you know, Taylor is here and –’

‘Right,’ Rachel nodded before quickly making her exit. She’d barely made it to the door before the tears started to fall.


‘Rach!’ Tony called out anxiously as he opened the front door and looked around worriedly. He felt so ashamed. He’d managed to sit with Jazz and Taylor for another twenty minutes before he’d cracked. Listening to Jazz crack jokes about the ‘silly lady covered in ice-cream,’ to his amused daughter riled him more than he thought was possible. Thankfully Taylor hadn’t clicked that Tony knew her. Jazz had been surprisingly subdued about the whole thing and apart from a few deadly stares when he first sat back down she’d pretty much let it go. Although he now had over a dozen missed calls from her. Tony sighed and pushed his phone back into his pocket. ‘Rach,’ he repeated, the anxiety in his voice rising. His head was spinning. Finding out she was pregnant was not the joyous occasion it should have been. He was as thrilled as he was terrified; he didn’t know if they could survive about miscarriage. ‘Rach, what are you doing?’ His face fell as she walked out of the bedroom, a small holdall clutched in her hand.

‘I’m going to stay with Leah for a few days,’ she shrugged matter of a fact.

‘What? Why?’ Tony asked, genuinely astounded.

‘I really don’t want to be around you right now,’ Rachel replied coldly. Her obvious avoidance of eye contact unnerved him.

‘I guess I deserve that,’ Tony admitted glumly. ‘But Rach please don’t go. That’s not going to solve anything.’ Fear overcame him. He'd never allowed himself to think of the possibility of losing her. It hurt too much. And now there was the baby. Another baby that may or may not survive. He watched as she picked up a magazine from the coffee table and shoved it into her bag before pulling her purple cardi around her. She already looked different he noted. Despite the redness around her eyes and the dark circles underneath she had a softness around her. Maybe it was just because he knew she was pregnant but there was something in the way in which she seemed to move more carefully, more slowly, that made him want to protect her until the day she gave birth.

‘Maybe not,’ she agreed. ‘But you humiliated me Tony. You turned your back on me in front of dozens of people.’ She paused as her voice started to break. ‘And you made it pretty clear what matters to you most,’ she whispered. ‘I realise what I did was pathetic and stupid but I never expected you to push me away like that.’ Rachel shook her head sadly. ‘I just can’t do this anymore. I’m tired of being second best. This has gone on for months and no matter how many times I’ve told you how I feel you don’t seem to care enough to really do anything about it. And it’s not just me,’ she continued hotly. ‘Jack too. And Lucas. They’ve never seen her either. Jazz has you right where she wants and until you realise that I can’t be around you.’

‘Rach,’ Tony stared at her in amazement. He struggled to hold back tears as her words hit him with such a force he felt like he’d be punched. Of course she was right; he’d be kidding himself all along that things would eventually work out. ‘You know you’re my priority – you and the baby. It’s just Jazz and –’

‘Yeah I know Jazz and her demands that you can’t just help but meet.’ Rachel laughed sarcastically through the tears that were now falling freely down her cheeks. ‘But I need to put the baby first now,’ she insisted.

‘And leaving me is doing that?’ Tony questioned quizzically as he approached her and placed his hands on the top of her arms. ‘Rachel please,’ he begged. ‘Don’t do this. You know how much I love you. Don’t let Jazz come between us.’

‘You already have,’ she whispered.

Tony didn’t know what to say. He stood and watched as she picked up her bag and left, quietly shutting the door behind her.


‘I just don’t know what to do,’ Rachel muttered despondently. ‘Jazz has her claws so deeply into him I don’t know what it’s going to take for him to realise we can’t go on any longer like this.’ She sighed and wrapped her hands around the mug of hot chocolate. They were sitting at the kitchen table in Leah’s house; the bright sun streaming through the windows failing to lift the mood. ‘I know sweetie,’ Leah squeezed Rachel’s hand. ‘You know you can stay here as long as you need,’ she was sympathetic and hated seeing her best friend suffer so much. Rachel had turned up 20 minutes or so ago, frantic and sobbing about some incident with Tony and Jazz and ice-cream. So far she’d managed to piece a pretty clear picture of what happened. It astounded Leah that Rachel had managed to stay calm for so long. Jazz was devious and manipulative; everyone knew that. Most people in Summer Bay knew about Taylor but Tony had been pretty careful to avoid brining her to anywhere to popular with the locals. Leah was torn. She understood Tony’s position – he was just trying to keep everyone happy and ultimately must be terrified that Jazz would cut off contact if he didn’t comply with her wishes. Jazz really was that cruel. But he heart broke for Rachel, stuck in the middle and trying to hold it together when she was losing it inside.

‘Thanks,’ Rachel smiled gratefully and wiped away the tears with her sleeve. ‘I know he doesn’t mean to hurt me, but sometimes I just wish he’d realise it without me having to tell him. Typical man,’ she joked. ‘And now with the baby and everything I just don’t want the stress. I’m so scared,’ she admitted. ‘What?’ Rachel was puzzled at the astonished look on Leah’s face.

‘You’re pregnant?’ Leah shirked and enveloped Rachel into a hug. ‘’Oh sweetie it’s going to be fine this time, I know it is,’ she reassured as she rubbed her back. ‘Life can’t be that cruel.’

‘Thanks,’ Rachel sniffed. ‘I can’t believe I forgot to tell you.’ She freed herself from Leah’s arms and shook her head. ‘It’s a bit early to celebrate though. Not until 14 weeks.’ She smiled bravely. Leah gently brushed Rachel’s hair from her face, offering as much reassurance as she could. ‘Maybe you should go and talk to Tony,’ Leah suggested. ‘You know what Jazz is like Rach; I don’t doubt she would use Taylor to her advantage.’

‘I know,’ Rachel admitted. ‘I’m just so angry with him right now.’

‘That’s understandable,’ Leah rubbed her arm. ‘But that’s not good for the baby. You need him right now Rach, and I know he’s probably at home feeling pretty awful right now. Don’t forget how much he loves you.’

‘Yeah,’ Rachel nodded. ‘Maybe I’ll pop home for a bit and talk it out,’ she mused.

‘Good idea,’ Leah smiled. ‘And you know I’m always here if you need me. And rest assured we’re having a girly sleepover before your little bub is born,’ she laughed and pulled Rachel into another hug.

‘You’re on,’ Rachel laughed. ‘I love you,’ she hugged her friend tightly, relieved she had one person she could always count on.


‘What the hell was that all about?’ Jazz stormed into Tony’s house, letting the door slam behind her. ‘I really do not appreciate what happened back there,’ she fumed as she stood in front of him, her hands crossed across her chest. ‘Who does Rachel think she is turning up like that, although it was kind of funny when she fell into that waitress –.’

‘Will you just shut up,’ Tony bellowed. ‘How dare you come into my house and talk about my wife like that. I won’t stand for it anymore Jazz.’ He gazed up at her from the couch. He hadn’t moved since Rachel had left a few hours earlier. All he could picture was her face when she walked out; one of utter sadness. He couldn’t believe how much of an idiot he’d been. All along he’d kept telling himself she was strong, she’d understand. But now he’d pushed her too far. He hung his head in shame and prayed Jazz would get the hint and leave. He didn’t want to be responsible for what he might do to her if she stayed much longer.

Jazz stared at him, dumbfounded. She hadn’t expected that reaction. Maybe this time she’d gone too far. You promised you’d be nice to Rachel, Jazz thought, realising how damaging her actions were. All she’d succeeded in doing was alienating him every more. Idiot she cursed to herself. She had to swallow her pride and stop letting Rachel get to her so much. ‘I’m sorry,’ Jazz tried to sound sincere. ‘I just want it to happen in the best possible way for Taylor. You understand that right?’ She sat next to him on the sofa and placed her hand on his knee. ‘And I’ve had a little wine,’ she giggled. ‘Maybe it’s gone to my head a little bit.’

‘It’s been two months Jazz,’ Tony spelled out. ‘And yet my wife and son have yet to meet my daughter. You tell me how that makes sense?’

‘I’m sorry,’ Jazz pouted at Tony. ‘Truthfully I’m just afraid. You are one big family and once she’s involved in that, well, you know, she might want to live with you instead of her single mum.’

‘Don’t be so ridiculous,’ Tony spat in disgust that Jazz could think such a thing. ‘She’s your daughter. That girl worships you yet you treat her like some sort of pawn to score points with.’

Jazz took a deep breath and tried to control the anger that was bubbling up inside. Keep it inside, she mentally told herself, resisting the urge to blow her top at him. ‘I know you’re right,’ she admitted. ‘It’s hard for me too you know, to think of seeing my daughter with another woman. I mean in an ideal world we’d be together and we’d be a proper family.’ She laughed nervously and leaned in towards him, crossing her legs and trying to steady herself. Maybe she shouldn’t have had all that wine before coming over.

‘Yeah well we’re not and we never will be. You understand that?’ Tony stared at her hard.

‘Of course,’ Jazz nodded. ‘But you can’t blame me for wishing it. Are you okay?’ She suddenly noticed the redness around his eyes.

‘Not really,’ he admitted. ‘I treated Rachel terribly today. I can’t believe I let her walk away like that. She just told me she’s pregnant and I just stand there like a pathetic fool.’

‘She’s what?’ Jazz whispered, desperately wishing she’d heard wrong. That would ruin everything.

‘Oh nothing, **** sorry,’ Tony cursed. He was furious with himself for letting that slip out. ‘Please don’t let on you know. We’re not telling anyone yet.’

‘Oh of course, don’t worry,’ Jazz tried to sound supportive. ‘Where is she?’ Jazz looked around the house, suddenly realising how dark and quiet it was.

‘I, I don’t really want to talk about it. Infact I think you should leave,’ Tony stood up and motioned for Jazz to follow suit.

‘You sure you don’t want some company?’ Jazz asked with concern, noticing that sadness in his voice. She quickly pulled him into a hug and held him tight.

‘Jazz,’ he pushed her off him. ‘Go home,’ he insisted. But before he could react she grabbed his face and kissed him. Jazz pressed herself against him, thinking if anything went wrong she’d blame the wine. She was tired of waiting. And now it looked as if he’d had a fight with Rachel. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. The baby news had just spurred her on even more. Neither of them heard the door open before it was too late. It was only when a loud gasp echoed around the room that Tony finally freed himself from her tight grasp.

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