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Nicole has the chicken pox!

Woop! More protective Aden.

That's all I've got on my mind ;)

Poor Lola. She's such a sweetheart isn't she?

& I loved Nicole buying the chicken pox survival kit for Lola.

& Aden watching Beauty & the Beast. One of my top Disney films - how convenient.

I am loving how you are writing & developing Aden & Nicole's relationship.

Amazingly written as per usual. Seriously Ellen, this fic is fantastic. I love it.

Well done & I look forward to more.

Love Carina xxx :wub:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope none of you are allergic to fluff....there's quite a bit of it in this chap!! :lol:


“Thanks Rach.” Aden whispered as he showed the doctor to the door.

“No problem.” Rachel smiled back at him over her shoulder. “Just make sure they both get plenty of fluids and rest and keep Lola topped up with paracetamol. We don’t want her fitting again.”

“God, yeah. I certainly don’t want that.” Aden agreed remembering back to the time Lola had a febrile convulsion as a baby.

“I can’t see why it would happen as long as we keep an eye on here fever. You know where I am if you need anything.”

“Yeah sure, and thanks again.” Aden repeated before wishing her a safe journey home and saying goodbye.

With a sigh he closed the door behind her as quietly as he could and turned to see Lola who, much to his relief was still sleeping on the couch.

He watched her for a moment then headed up the stairs towards Nicole’s room.

After they had discovered she had the chicken pox a few hours earlier she had become tearful and he’d had to bite back his amusement as he comforted her. He’d settled her onto the couch with Lola and took over making lunch for the two of them. Nicole had taken more convincing than the little girl to eat the soup he had made but eventually managed a little of it, pacifying Aden who’d insisted it would make her feel better.

Once they had finished their food Lola had asked for another film on and Aden left the two girls snuggled up on the couch to watch it whilst he cleaned up and did some jobs around the house.

Rachel had arrived just as he was finishing and after she had given Lola a quick once over she took Nicole upstairs to do the same. By the time she was finished Lola had fallen asleep again and he was guessing as Nicole hadn’t returned back downstairs with Rachel that she was thinking about doing the same.

He tapped lightly on her door, slowly pushing it open when he got no response. A grin came to his face as he crossed the room when he saw that Nicole had already succumbed to sleep in the few minutes since Rachel had left. He sat down on the edge of the bed and gently trailed a finger down her cheek, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear.

“Aden?” She mumbled sleepily.

“Yeah, it’s me.” He replied in a whisper, cursing inwardly as he hadn’t wanted to wake her. “Go back to sleep sweetheart.”

“I’m sorry.” She murmured.

“Sorry? What are you sorry for?” he asked clearly confused.

“I…I wanted…us…we…” Still being pretty much half asleep Nicole was unable to focus enough to get across what she wanted to say.

Chuckling at her sleepiness Aden swept his hand over her face again and leant down to brush a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Princess, we’ll talk when you are better. You need to sleep.”

“I am tired and I…I…” She trailed off as sleep overtook her again.

“Sweet dreams gorgeous.” He whispered giving her another kiss before standing up and pulling the doona up over her shoulders.

As he exited her room he pulled his phone out of his pocket and walking down the stairs he found the number for the diner and connected the call.

Waiting for an answer he sat himself next to Lola unconsciously brushing his fingers through her hair.

“Pier Diner”

“Just the man.” He grinned as Roman answered the call.

“Hey mate, everything alright? How’s the patient?” Roman asked.

“Which one?”


Aden laughed at Roman’s confusion. “Looks like we have something else in common mate.” He began to explain.

“Aden, I’m coming to the end of a five hour shift with Coleen, I don’t have the brainpower to work that out!”

Laughing again Aden reached over to stop Lola scratching at her arm in her sleep before answering. “We both have daughters with the chicken pox!”

“What?” Roman exclaimed “Nic has the….”

“Yup” Aden answered cutting the older man off.

“But…she was in here earlier and she seemed fine.”

“Yeah, we didn’t notice until she got back here. She said she was aching and she had a fever so I made her check for spots and…yeah, she has it.”

“Wow! How is she? I bet she didn’t take it too well?”

“There were tears.” Aden replied “She’s alright though. Rach came over to see her and Lola and they are now both asleep…No wait scratch that….” He amended when he saw Lola’s eyes flutter open. “Just a sec mate.” He lowered the phone for a moment turning his attention to his daughter. “Hey baby, you ok?”

Lola stretched and nodded her head slowly.

“Good girl angel just let me finish up with granddad.” He took hold of her hand and used his other to raise his phone back to his ear. “Sorry Roman, Lola just woke up. Listen you think you could pop over here after your shift and watch the girls for me for an hour?”

“Yeah sure, I was planning on coming to see the little un anyways, I guess now I have double the reason!”

“Yeah.” Aden chuckled “So I’ll see you in a little while then. Thanks Roman.”

“No Worries mate, you get back to your girl. I’ll see you soon.”

They said their goodbyes and Aden hung up, throwing his phone gently to the side before turning to Lola.

“Hey beautiful girl, how’re you feeling?”

“Still yucky.” Lola replied her voice tinged with sadness.

“Aww baby girl, come here.” He leant forwards and lifted her onto his lap before settling back against the cushions again, Lola cuddled tightly against his chest. “Daddy hates that he can’t make you better.” He murmured into her hair.

“And Coley daddy, she feels yucky too, do you want her to be better?”

“Yeah.” Aden couldn’t help but smile at her words. “Yeah I want Coley to be better too.” He answered.

“Is my granddad coming to my house?” She asked having heard him on the phone.

“He sure is. Will you be alright without me for a little bit?”

“Granddad will stay with me?”

“Uh huh.” Aden confirmed.

“Ok then daddy, if granddad is here I won’t be on my alone so that’s ok but I don’t want you to be away for a big long time.”

Aden pressed a kiss into her hair before answering.

“I could never be away from you for a big long time, angel, I love you far too much. I’m just going to the shops so I really won’t be long, maybe an hour or so.”

“Are you bringing me something from the shops?” Lola asked hopefully wriggling around on his lap so that she was facing him.

“Probably.” Aden laughed knowing that there was no way he’d be able to return without something for her.


“Shhh” Roman held his finger to his lips as Aden entered the house later that afternoon.

“She’s asleep again!” He exclaimed all be it in a whisper.

“yeah, she dropped off about ten minutes ago.” Roman replied looking down at the little girl nestled in his arms.

“Whoa, I’m really not gonna get any sleep when she’s better am I? She’ll be up for like a week!”

“Maybe mate.” Roman laughed.

“Has she been alright though? And how’s Nic? She still in bed?” As he spoke Aden dropped his bags onto the floor and crouched down in front of Roman, running his hands over Lola’s hair.

“She’s been fine.” Roman answered. “Quieter than I’ve ever known her be but alright. And Nic’s still asleep, haven’t heard a peep out of her.”

“Yeah? I hope she’s ok.” Aden looked to the stairs a look of concern flashing over his features.

“I’m sure she’s alright. Hey speaking of my daughter, a little bird told me that the two of you are getting…closer.”

Wha….who?” Aden asked moving backwards to perch on the coffee table.

Roman didn’t answer he just grinned and nodded down to Lola.

“Bu...She was in bed when…and…we…”

“So it’s true then?” Roman chuckled, sensing Aden’s obvious embarrassment.

“We…We errr…We might have maybe kissed a couple of times. I swear though Roman I wo….

“Aden, mate, you don’t have to explain anything. Seriously I’m happy for the two of you.”

“Really?” Aden asked, still slightly wary.

“Really! I mean it’s not like I…well we, and by we I mean half of the town, haven’t been waiting for this to happen for years now!”

“Seriously?” A hint of a smile appeared on Aden’s face. “Half the town?”

“Pretty much, Leah and Irene are head of the committee.” Roman teased, and was rewarded with a laugh from Aden. “So, do you think that…I mean is it just kissing or….”

“It’s more than that Roman. I care about her…a lot.” Aden admitted. “I want us to be together properly.”

“And Nic?”

“Yeah, I think she wants that too. We just haven’t had the chance to talk about it what with all the throwing up and the spots and stuff!”

“Bad timing huh?” Roman laughed. “Listen though; joking aside, I just want the two of you…three of you…” He corrected himself as he looked down at Lola “…to be happy. And for what it’s worth, I think you’ll be great together.”

“Thanks mate. It means a lot.” Aden grinned. “So you alright with her for another ten whilst I go up to see if Nic’s ok?”

“Yeah, actually Leah is on her way over, we’re gonna cook dinner here so you don’t have to worry about it.”

“Really? Wow, that’s cool man, thanks.”

“It’s our pleasure.” Roman grinned sincerely at him. “No go check on my baby whilst I watch yours.”


Aden tapped gently on Nicole’s bedroom door for the second time that afternoon but this time he was greeted with a reply.

“Come in” Nicole murmured quietly.

“Hi spotty!” Aden teased as he pushed open the door to find Nicole sitting up in the middle of her bed her arm twisted behind her back. “Hey, don’t scratch!” He warned much as he had been doing with Lola all day.

“It’s just…it’s so itchy!” Nicole replied.

“Yeah, I know princess.” Aden sympathised as he crossed the room to perch on the bed in front of her. “Would a present help?” He raised his hand to show her the polka dot patterned gift bag dangling from his fingers.

“You…you don’t have to buy me gifts.” Nicole told him although she was unable to keep the wide grin from her face.

“Well, it’s more of a…chicken pox survival kit.” Aden grinned back as he placed the bag in front of her.

“Ah, well I couldn’t possibly refuse that then could I?” Nicole giggled as Aden shook his head solemnly.

“Nope, ‘cause I’ve got plans for when you are over this so you need to hurry up and open it so you can make a start on surviving.”

“Plans huh?” Nicole looked up at him through her eyelashes and giggled again when he winked at her and nodded. “Ok, so let’s have a look at what’s in here then.”

The smile remained on her face as she plucked items out of the bag, widening when she realised it was much the same as the one she had put together for Lola just with a lot less Disney!

“So, I er…I hope the PJ’s are the right size? They’re cotton and Rach said that’s best with the spots so….”

“They’re perfect.” Nicole replied quietly as she held up the white cotton short set. “It’s all perfect, thank you.”

“No probs.” Aden said shyly.

“You even got Paris vogue!” Nicole exclaimed looking up at him from the magazines she was looking through.

“Yeah well, I know how you like it.”

“Thank you.” Nicole murmured before leaning into him and pressing her lips to his. Aden instantly tried to deepen it but she pulled away from him before he could. “You don’t…I’ve…”

“Princess, it’d take more than a few spots for me to not want to kiss you.”

“Well, that’s very sweet…” she couldn’t resist pecking another quick kiss against his lips. “…but what if you catch it from me?”

“Already had it.” Aden replied simply closing the small gap between them again.

Nicole responded and enjoyed the kiss for a moment before pulling away again.

“Sorry, I’m just not feeling very…kissy.”

Aden chuckled as he raised his hand to her face and pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

“That’s alright.” He whispered. “Hey, don’t scratch!” He scolded again when she reached behind herself and rubbed at the spots on her back.

“I can’t help it.” Nicole groaned.

“Here, let’s try some of this.” Aden suggested lifting the bottle of calomine lotion he had bought from the pile of gifts. “Turn around and take your shirt off.”

“What?” Nicole cried.

“Well I can’t put it on if you keep your top on and you can’t exactly do your back yourself.”

“Yeah but…”

“Sweetheart, yesterday we were seconds away from me ripping your clothes off, don’t go shy on me now.”

“I just….alright, but no peeking!”

“Scouts honour.” Aden grinned. He watched her turn around and pull her top up from the back and then over her head, holding it tight against her front.

He leant over to her nightstand and pulled a packet of cotton wool balls onto the bed. Taking one out he poured a small amount of the pink liquid onto it.

“This might be a bit cold.” He warned.

Nicole steeled herself but the sensation she felt against the bottom of her neck still caused her to gasp.

“That wasn’t cold…and it wasn’t lotion either.” She smiled turning to look at him over her shoulder.

“Sorry, couldn’t resist.” He grinned placing another soft kiss onto her back. “You’re just very kissable. Spots an’ all!”

“Cheeky!” Nicole laughed.

Aden filled Nicole in on the dinner plans as he tenderly covered the rash on her back with lotion. She agreed that she’d come down to join them after getting changed.

“I guess that’s my cue to leave then….unless you want me to do the front?” Aden suggested laughter evident in his tone.

“Nah, I think I’ll manage that all by myself, but thanks for the offer and thanks again for all the presents.”

“My pleasure gorgeous.” Aden replied as he handed her the bottle of lotion whilst pressing a kiss to her cheek. “I’ll leave you to it.” He climbed off the bed and crossed the room to the door. “Oh Nic, by the way….” He turned just as he was through the door. “…I was never a scout.”

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Allergic to fluff? Pfft! I love it.

That chapter was seriously amazing.

Honestly, I never thought I would be so FOR having Nicole & Aden together.

But with Belle gone, it is different.

I actually loved that chapter.

& I did love the fluff.

& protective Aden :wub:

Not that I can blame Nicole for wanting to scratch at the spots.

The chicken pox are nasty!

But I did love Aden looking after Nicole & Lola.

& Roman was awesome about them as well which was definitely great!

That was another great chapter & I loved the end as well.

Aden is so cheeky. I love him.

You know, when I go to university in September (if I get accepted) I am so hunting around the campus for my own one!

Well done Ellen. Fantastic as always & I look forward to more.

Love Carina xxx :wub:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Don't think i've said it for a while so i will now....thabks for the lovely comments guys, so nice to know you are all enjoying this story :D

Now...Do i need to warn about fuff?? There's lots!


It had been two weeks since Lola and Nicole had come down with the chicken pox. During that time Aden had rearranged shifts at the bait shop and worked fewer hours than he usually did. The first few days had been difficult with both of the girls being really unwell but with help from Roman, Leah and Irene they had gotten through it. The symptoms had slowly improved and he was relieved to see both of them back to their usual selves when he left for work that morning.

It was approaching lunch time and he was contemplating popping home for something to eat when a regular customer came into the shop and struck up a conversation as he was browsing the fishing tackle they had on display.

“G’day mate, how’s tricks?”

“Pretty good thanks.” Aden replied with a grin. “You? Getting any bites out there?” He nodded towards the beach.

“Ah y’know can’t complain. Haven’t seen you around much the past couple of weeks, everything alright?”

“Yeah thanks, just my daughter and girlfriend both had the chickenpox so….”

Aden was interrupted by a loud shout coming from the steps outside the shop.

“Speak of the devil!” He chuckled.

“Daddy!” Lola cried as she climbed the steps and entered the small shop at a run.

“Hey bub.” She ran straight into Aden’s outstretched arms and he scooped her up as soon as she was close enough. “What’s the rush?”

“I just wanted to see you quicklier daddy, I missed you lots and lots.”

“You did huh?” Aden couldn’t keep the grin from his face as he brushed a kiss to his daughter’s forehead and returned the hug she gave him. “I missed you too baby girl.”

“Looks like she got over the chickenpox ok?” The customer grinned as he reached out a hand to ruffle Lola’s hair.

“Yeah, you survived didn’t you angel? Hey where’s Nic?”

“Right here.” Nicole answered walking into the shop before Lola had the chance to respond.

“Hey.” Aden smiled at her.

“I raced Coley daddy and she loseded” Lola giggled.

“Lost baby, Coley lost.” Aden corrected.

“Way to rub it in mate.” The customer chuckled. “You must be the girlfriend, hope you’re feeling better.” He turned to Nicole and offered her his hand to shake.

“Er…I…” Nicole was flustered for a moment but managed to reach out and shake the man’s hand “I’m feeling much better, thank you.” She finally answered.

“That’s great love. Well, I better get back to it, those fish won’t catch themselves! It was lovely to meet you.”

After a few goodbyes the customer left the shop leaving Aden, Nicole and Lola alone. Nicole turned from watching him leave to find Aden staring at her, a huge smile lighting up his face.

“What?” She asked

“Nothing.” He grinned back.

“Aden, c’mon…what are you grinning at?”

“Nothing.” He replied again this time with a chuckle.

“Daddy?” Lola interrupted.

Aden tore his eyes away from Nicole to look at the little girl in his arms.

“Yes baby?”

“Daddy that man said Coley was your girlfriend.”

The grin slipped from Aden’s face as he quickly glanced at Nicole and then turned his full attention back to Lola.

“Yeah…yeah he did didn’t he.” He replied not knowing what else to say.

“Is she your girlfriend daddy?”

“I….Come here a sec angel.” He carried Lola over to the counter and sat her down on the edge keeping his hands on her waist to ensure she was safe. “How would you feel if…if Coley was…my girlfriend I mean?”

Lola leant sideways so she could look around Aden to see Nicole who was watching them nervously.

“My Coley is very pretty.” Lola began and Aden couldn’t keep the smile from growing on his face again.

“Yeah she is.” He whispered.

“And she is very kind and nice.”

“That too.” Aden agreed.

Lola looked back and forth between the two adults for a moment before settling her attention back on Aden.

“I think it will be good if Coley is your girlfriend daddy but she still has to be my Coley.”

“I don’t think that will be a problem baby.” He smiled turning to Nicole who approached them.

“It won’t.” she agreed as she came to stand next to Aden and took hold of Lola’s hand. “I will always be your Coley.”

“And you’ll always be my daddy?” Lola checked.

“Always angel.” Aden replied lifting her into his arms again and holding her tight against his chest “I’ll be your daddy forever and you’ll never stop being my baby girl.”


“Can I go and play now daddy?”

The three of them had settled onto a blanket just outside of the bait shop and eaten the picnic lunch that Nicole had prepared.

Aden looked at Lola’s plate and satisfied that she had eaten enough nodded his head.

“Stay out of the water though Lola.” He called as she was already up and almost at the waters edge.

He and Nicole both laughed when the little girl froze dramatically then after a moment’s pause moved back a few steps and sat down onto the sand.

“Good to see her better huh?” Nicole said turning to Aden with a smile.

“Yup, and you too.” He added leaning over to peck a kiss on her lips.

“So… Girlfriend?” Nicole asked when he pulled away.

“Yeah girlfriend…” Aden replied “…That ok with you?”

“It’s more than ok with me, as long as you’re sure Aden.”

“Why wouldn’t I be sure?” He closed the gap between them and caught her lips in a kiss which she instantly responded to.

She enjoyed the kisses for a few minutes but was the first to pull away.

“We need to talk about this Aden.” She murmured as he trailed kisses along her jaw.

“We do?”

“Yes we do!” She giggled pushing gently on his chest to get some distance.

“Ok, we’ll talk.” He grinned. “Me first?” He asked.

“Yeah, if you like.” She replied as he lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a warm kiss to the back of it before bringing it to rest on his legs.

He looked over to Lola to make sure she was still playing happily before turning back to Nicole.

“Right…ok…I get that this is a big deal…for us both but I think…No I know that we can work, that this can be something really special. Belle…Belle was incredible. She changed me Nic. I’m only the man I am today because of her. And I know that I can say that to you, that you understand.”

“I do.” She nodded.

“I’d never loved anyone before her and...And I still love her, I always will. I can’t change that and I don’t ever want to.” He turned his attention to Lola again and watched her for a moment. “Look at what she gave me.” He added keeping his eyes trained on his daughter.

“Aden, I understand completely, I’d never want…expect…I understand.” She settled on when she was unable to express fully what she wanted to say.

“Yeah, I know you do.” He replied turning to face her again. “But all that…it doesn’t mean…when Belle died she took a part of me with her Nic and I never thought that I’d get it back…I never thought that I’d be able to…to care so much about somebody…to maybe fall in love with somebody but…but now, with you…I think…I think that maybe I will.”

“Really?” Nicole whispered.

“Yeah, really.” He replied with a grin. “You are my best friend Nicole, you know everything there is to know about me and I already love you and I’m pretty sure that fairly soon I’m gonna be in love with you.”

He was looking at her so intently and was speaking so honestly that it left Nicole speechless for a moment.

She took a deep breath to steady herself before starting.

“I…I want that Aden. I want you to fall in love with me because…god it is going to be so easy for me to fall in love with you.”

Without even thinking about it she leant towards him and captured his lips in a kiss that he deepened instantly, raising his hand to cradle the back of her head, his fingers threading into her hair.

Once again she was the first to pull away.

“I can’t believe we’re here.” She smiled “I think it’s going to be good…great even…for all of us.” She looked to Lola so he knew instantly that she meant her too. “I love her so much Aden, she means the world to me but I won’t ever replace Belle and I know that, I don’t want that.”

“I know that princess.” Aden replied.

“We are going to be good aren’t we?” she asked turning back to him with a smile.

“Yeah. Yeah, I think we are.” His smile was as wide as hers as he moved in to kiss her again but before his lips could make contact a call from Lola turned their attention away from each other.

“Daddy…daddy it wasn’t my fault…the water camed to close!”

Nicole was the first to let out a giggle when Lola got close enough for them to see the water dripping from the bottom of her sundress.

“Come here baby.” Aden chuckled holding out his arms for the little girl who ran into them instantly, obviously relieved that she wasn’t going to get into trouble. “It tends to do that sometimes but you’ve got to be careful ok? If you get too close a big wave might sweep you off these pretty little feet.” He took hold of one of her bare feet and tickled it causing her to giggle and squirm on his lap.

“Daddy stop! It’s tickly!”

The sound of her laughter was like music to Aden’s ears and after pausing for a second to allow her to get her breath back he moved his hand to her waist and began to tickle her again.

“Daddy!” The little girl cried through her laughter “Coley…Coley help!”

“Help?” Nicole grinned. “Hmmm…how can I help?” She sat up onto her knees and edged her way towards Aden her fingers wiggling, laughing at the look on Lola’s face.

“No Coley! No! No more tickles!” Lola shouted pure happiness radiating from her beautiful face.

“What? Not even for daddy?” Nicole asked as her hands veered away from Lola’s sides and attacked Aden causing him to fall backwards onto the blanket.

The loss of his support sent the two girls following him bringing them to land in a heap on top of him.

The sounds of their laughter carried on the gentle breeze across the beach to the fisherman on the pier a short distance away. Looking up he spotted the trio and was unable to hold back a smile. “He’s a lucky guy.” He murmured to no one in particular. “A real lucky guy.”

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