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I read this last night but it was a bit late to review - I have college today so I needed a good night's sleep.

Another fantastic chapter Ellen. It was beautiful as per usual.

I loved the whole girlfriend conversation & Aden telling Nic (& Nic understanding) that he still loves Belle & that won't change but him & Nic have a future together.

That was definitely a nice touch. I think Belle would want Aden to be happy & it's taken a longer time to get into a relationship with Nicole now.

Loved the end part with the guy - Aden's a very lucky guy & Nic & Lola are two very lucky girls in my opinion.

Well done & I look forward to more.

Love Carina xxx :wub:

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omg i LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and as the wise fisherman (which to me somehow sounds like a male grandmother willow) said, he is a lucky guy!!!!!!!! however, Nicole is one lucky girl!! like, I reallllllllllly need an Aden in my life! :lol!:

loved how Aden told Lola, worked perfectly and i just loved the update!

can't wait for more :) x

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  • 3 weeks later...

So...it's been a while huh?! Here's an extra long chap for you to make up for the wait!

This is, as promised, dedicated to Naomi for inspiring me with a great idea so if you don't lilke the ending....blame her :lol::lol:


Lola had been back at school for a fortnight and Nicole had started work at summer bay high the previous Monday. Aden finished work early on a Friday so that he could collect Lola from pre-school himself but due to wanting to prepare for the evening he’d planned he had asked Marilyn to collect her instead, arranging to meet them at the diner as soon as possible.

As he entered the café he pressed send on the message he’d composed to Nicole telling her to meet them there and then pushed the phone into his pocket as he glanced around the open plan room trying to spot his daughter. He chuckled to himself when he spotted her perched on a high stool behind the counter chatting happily to Irene, completely oblivious to her surroundings and the fact that Irene was trying to take an order from a customer. The way her stool was angled meant that her back was to the door meaning she hadn’t spotted him come in.

When Irene noticed him he held a finger to his lips and quietly crept towards the little girl and Irene went back to preparing the order for drinks she had just received.

As soon as he was within touching distance he reached out his hands and tickled her sides, quickly closing the gap between them so she wouldn’t fall.

“There’s my girl.” He spoke into her ear before pressing a warm kiss to her cheek.

“Daddy!” Lola cried turning on her chair and flinging her arms around his neck.

“Hi, sweetheart.” He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her dropping more kisses onto her face.

“I thought Coley was your girl daddy?” she asked as she pulled away leaving her hands resting on his shoulders.

“Nuh-uh” Aden shook his head as he lifted her from the stool. He rubbed his nose against hers and then sat her onto the counter and sat himself onto the stool. “Coley is my girlfriend, you are my girl. You will always be my girl even when you are much older…and I mean like thirty at the earliest…and some guy calls you his girlfriend…”

Lola interrupted him as she giggled “I won’t be a girlfriend daddy!”

“That’s the spirit baby!” Aden replied with a laugh. “But even if you are one day…Still my girl. Ok?”

“OK daddy.”

“Good! Now, where’re my kisses huh? I missed you all day!”

The little girl launched herself off the counter and into his arms peppering his face with tiny kisses as he laughed.

“Love you daddy.”

“I love you too angel”

Marilyn interrupted their moment when she came over to say goodbye and Aden thanked her for collecting Lola and the little girl showed her appreciation with a cuddle.

They spent the next few minutes chatting with Irene who was keen to hear how things were going between Aden and Nicole.

Aden filled her in with Lola adding her own spin on the situation from her perch on his hip.

“…and then daddy kissed Coley nana Rene!”

“Why are my ears burning?” Nicole crept up behind Aden and Lola and wound an arm around his waist as she came to stand next to him.


Lola leant towards Nicole her arms outstretched. Nicole took the hint and lifted the little girl from Aden’s arms into her own.

“Hi princess.” She kissed the little girl’s cheek then pecked a quick kiss on Aden’s lips. “Hey. So, talking about me huh?” She teased.

“All good things darl.” Irene insisted. “This pair only ever say good things about you.”

“I should hope so.” Nicole laughed as the older lady ruffled Lola’s hair and then returned to her job.

“So are we eating dinner here or…?”

“Some of us are.” Aden answered cryptically as Nicole and Lola looked at him in confusion. “Come here angel.”

Lola unwound her arms from Nicole’s neck and went willingly back into Aden’s arms.

“How’d you feel about spending the night with granddad and Leah?”

“In their house? Where will you be daddy? Will I be asleeping there?”

“Yeah, you’ll be sleeping there bub, if you want to? I’ll just be at home.”

“How come?” Nicole asked before Lola could reply.

“Because it’s about time you two had a first date.”

Roman had crept up behind them and Nicole jumped slightly when he answered her question.

“Hey Roman, you sure you don’t mind?” Aden checked.

“Course not.” Roman replied lifting the little girl from Aden. “We’ll have a great time won’t we Smurf?”

“Granddad! I’m not blue!” Lola giggled “I’m Lola not Smurf!”

“Sorry Smurf.” Roman teased.

“So you’re going to be ok baby?” Aden knew that Lola would be as safe with Roman as she would be at home but worry still niggled at him whenever she spent more than a few hours away from him.

“Will you pick me up when it’s morning time? And…and talk to me on granddads phone to say goodnights?”

“Of course I will.” Aden smiled as he reached out to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear.

“Do I have to pack my suitcase?”

“No.” Aden laughed. “You’re only staying one night! I packed up your PJ’s and stuff at lunch time granddad has them at his house already.”

“My Tinkerbelle ones? And teddy? Did you pack teddy?

“Yes and yes.” Aden replied with a laugh. “As if I’d forget teddy!” The toy in question was a bear that Belle had bought and placed into the crib when she and Aden first decorated the nursery. Aden had kept it close to Lola when she was a baby and now she wouldn’t sleep without it.

“Sounds like you’re all set little princess. Do I get cuddles?” Nicole held her arms open and Lola shifted from Roman to her.

“It’s like pass the parcel in here.” Irene commented with a grin as she walked past them on her way into the kitchen. “And missy here is the parcel.” She added tickling Lola’s side.

“The most beautiful, gorgeous parcel ever!” Nicole grinned as Lola clung tightly around her neck.

“Shall we get a move on then?” Aden suggested.

“Ok.” Nicole nodded, smiling when she felt the little girls hold on her tighten. “See you in the morning sweet girl.” She kissed Lola’s cheek and squeezed her a little tighter and then handed her over to Aden.

“Right then baby, you sure this is ok? You’ll be ok with granddad?”

“Uh huh.” Lola nodded.

“Good girl.” He grinned pecking a kiss onto the end of her nose. “I’ll miss you.” He whispered into her ear.

“I miss you too daddy but I’ll be back very soon.” She turned in his arms to face Nicole. “Coley, you have to look after my daddy so he doesn’t be sad without me.”

“I will honey, don’t worry.”

“See daddy, you’ll be ok now.” Lola told Aden turning back and resting her hands on his shoulders again.

“Thanks bub, I love you so much.”

“I love you all the way to the moon and back.” Lola told him making his heart melt as he cuddled her closer.

“I love you further.” Aden grinned. “So, you’ll be a good girl won’t you? And call me to say goodnight?”

He spoke the last part to Lola but was looking to Roman who nodded to confirm that he’d help her to use the phone.

“She’s always a good girl.” Roman insisted with a grin. “And we’ll call at bedtime.”

“Ok, we’ll leave you to it then. You make sure you eat all of your dinner missy, including the veggies!” Aden turned his full attention back to Lola and laughed as she pouted.

“Veggies are yucky but I’ll try.” She sighed.

“That’s my girl. I’ll speak to you later baby and see you in the morning. Love you.”

“Bye daddy, I love you too.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek before he handed her back over to Roman.

“Bye baby.”


“So, just the two of us huh, been planning this long?” Nicole asked with a grin as she and Aden strolled hand in hand along the beach towards home.

“Just since this morning.” Aden replied. “I thought it was about time.”

The couple had decided to take things with their relationship slowly so things hadn’t gone much further than kissing and only then when Lola was tucked up in bed.

“Hmmm, I think so too.” She agreed stretching onto her tiptoes and kissing him as they walked. “So what do you have planned?”

“Well, I thought we could go home…chill out for a bit…”

The smirk on his face let Nicole know exactly what he meant by chill out, especially when he added a wink.

“Then what?”

“Then… we could order a take out, maybe watch a movie, chill out some more….”

“And they say romance is dead!” Nicole quipped with a grin.

“Hey, I’ll take you out if you like but I thought we should make the most of a monkey free night!”

“I was just kidding, it sounds great.” She smiled at him reaching up for another kiss.

They fell into a comfortable silence for the rest of the short walk. As they reached the house Aden slipped his hand out of Nicole’s so he could unlock the front door. After sliding the key into the lock he turned towards her.

“Close your eyes.” He ordered.

“What…Aden come on!”

“Please, just for a second, I want to surprise you and I need to check its all ok.”

“What’s all ok?” She asked.

“Your surprise, duh!” He laughed especially when she pouted slightly at his reply. “Just a few seconds I promise.”

With a sigh she complied and closed her eyes so Aden quickly unlocked the door and pushed it open. Satisfied that everything was ok and as he left it he moved so that he was standing behind Nicole and placed his hands over her eyes.

“Ready?” He whispered into her ear causing a shiver to run down her spine.

She nodded her response so Aden pressed against her from behind encouraging her to move into the house. Once they were over the threshold he kicked the door shut behind them blocking out the light that had spilled in through it to improve the effect of the small surprise he had set up.

“Surprise.” He murmured as he slid his hands from her eyes and glided them down her arms bringing them to rest on her waist.

Nicole let out a gasp as she surveyed the room in front of her. All of the blinds had been closed, plunging the room into darkness that Aden had then lit with small battery powered tea lights and fairy lights resting and strung from every conceivable surface. A gorgeous bouquet of red roses had been placed on the coffee table next to a silver ice bucket housing a bottle of champagne and next to that two crystal champagne flutes were sparkling with the reflection from the small lights.

“What was that about romance being dead?” He asked amusement lining his words.

“Aden I…it’s perfect.” Nicole turned around to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “You’re perfect.” She added as she closed the gap between them and pressed her lips to his.

He responded passionately to the kiss his hands sliding around her waist and slowly up her back eventually becoming tangled in her hair.

Still kissing they made their way slowly across the room until Nicole’s legs bumped against the edge of the couch. The jolt caused them to finally break apart, gasping for breath.

“You sure about this?” Aden asked, wanting to make sure that Nicole was ok with what was about to happen.

She didn’t answer with words, instead she kissed him again briefly and then pulled away trailing her hands down his chest then grasped the bottom of his T-shirt and pulled it up.

“I’ll take that as a yes then.” He grinned as he helped her to remove his top.

“It’s a definite yes.” She replied lowering herself onto the couch pulling on the belt loops of his jeans so that he followed. “I’m way more than sure.”


“Comfy?” Aden asked.

“Mmm” Nicole replied.

They were lying tangled together on the couch, her head resting against his chest and the blanket that usually lay on the back of the piece of furniture was strewn lightly over them.


“Totally.” She grinned turning her head to press a kiss to his chest.

“Me too.” He murmured. “Hungry?”

Nicole was just about to reply when a blast of music emitted from the pocket of Aden’s jeans. He let out a groan as Nicole moved in his arms to pick the item of clothing from the floor next to the couch.

“Here…” she said after a moment handing him his phone which she had retrieved. “It’s dad.” She added after seeing the picture of Roman displayed on the screen.

“Hey Roman.” Aden said after connecting the call and shifting his position slightly so he could hold the phone to his ear.

“It’s me daddy.” The sweet voice of his daughter replied to his greeting.

“Hey baby girl, you aren’t going to bed yet are you?” he asked in surprise.

“No, I just wanted to tell you I eated all of my vegetables.” Lola explained.

Aden grinned into the phone. “You did! That’s my girl, well done baby.”

“Granddad said I’ll be big and strong now.”

“Granddad’s right.” He agreed. “I’m very proud of you Lola Belle.”

“That’s what nana said too.” Lola told him. “And she let me decorate cookies for my treat but I’m not eating them at the diner we are taking them in granddads car to granddads house to share with Auntie Leah.

“You’re so lucky.” Aden chuckled. “You in the car now?”

“Not yet, granddad is just getting my boosty seat out of the boot.”

Aden heard Roman in the background telling Lola that her seat was ready.

“Sounds like granddad’s ready to get moving angel. You go and get strapped in ok and I’ll talk to you in a little while when you are ready for bed.”

“Ok daddy, shall I press the goodbye button now?”

“Yeah you press it now baby, love you.”

“Love you daddy, bye-bye.”

Lola hung up before Aden could tell her goodbye and he laughed to himself as he lowered the phone.

“She alright?” Nicole asked.

“Yup, just wanted to let me know she had eaten all her veggies.”

“She’s such a good girl. Speaking of veggies though…”

“Hungry huh?” Aden asked.

“Starving.” She replied. “So you better get back on that phone and order us some food.”

They debated for a few moments over what to order finally settling on Chinese and after another few minutes of discussing menu options Aden called and placed the order.

“You know what this means?” he asked as he ran his fingers lazily through her hair.


“We’re gonna have to move.”

“What? Why? Aren’t they delivering?” Nicole asked snuggling closer to him. “I don’t wanna move!”

“Yeah, they are delivering but seeing you naked is not exactly the kind of tip I was planning on giving the delivery guy! As much as I’m sure he’d love it! ”

Nicole giggled before replying. “I didn’t think about that. How long have we got then?”

“Thirty minutes.”

“Hmmm, no need to rush then is there.” She murmured brushing her lips over his.

“I guess not.” He grinned returning the kiss.

The heat was building between them again when once more a blast of music sounded from Aden’s phone which had dropped onto the floor.

“You have to get it.” Nicole murmured into his lips when he continued to kiss her instead of making a move to answer the call. “It’s probably Lola again.”

She reached to the floor and picked up the phone nodding to confirm that it was Roman’s picture on the caller display.

She connected the call and handed it to Aden quickly.

“Hey beautiful.” He greeted, fully expecting it to be Lola on the other end.

“Aden, its Charlie.”

“Charlie?” He asked sitting up slightly and looking to Nicole who was looking back at him in confusion after his response.

“Yeah, Aden listen, there’s been an accident…”

“Accident…what kind of…”

“A collision. Roman is unconscious and we are just trying to get him out of the car now.” Charlie explained

“Lola…what about Lola? Is she alright? Charlie is she hurt?” Panic was engulfing Aden as he sat up fully. Nicole was staring at him, her face he was sure mirroring the look of worry on his own.

“Lola? Aden Lola isn’t here, Roman’s in the car alone.”

“What? No…Charlie, Lola was…she was in the car.”

“I was first on the scene, there’s…her booster seat is in the car but she’s not here Aden, Lola isn’t here.”

“Well where the hell is she then?”

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I would say I loved the update - lovely and flufy - but I hope it's going in the direction I think it is and you've not just taking the angsty part of Naomi's suggestion!! :unsure:

Now I know I'm feeling emotional at the moment, but this bit really got me

“Yes and yes.” Aden replied with a laugh. “As if I’d forget teddy!” The toy in question was a bear that Belle had bought and placed into the crib when she and Aden first decorated the nursery. Aden had kept it close to Lola when she was a baby and now she wouldn’t sleep without it.

Now I can't wait for the update to see if Lola is alright - I'm going with my instinct that you wouldn't hurt her :unsure: and go that to Aden, he's already lost Belle.

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Where's Lola?! Oh my God! Ellen, where the bloomin' hell is Lola?!

You had better update sharpish! Because you can't leave it there!

& I so agree about the quote with Belle getting the teddy when they decorated the nursery. That was really emotional. & I did shed a tear or two, honestly.

Loved Aden & Nicole's date ... it was beautiful & I need my own Aden to treat me just like that. Seriously!

Amazing stuff but please, pretty, pretty please update soon because I need to know what's happened to Lola.

Aden needs to find her ... oh, & Roman needs to be alright as well.

Well done & I look forward to more, update soon.

Love Carina xxx :wub:

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Yaaaaay update!Love it!Loved Lola telling Irene about Aden and Nicole kissing, love that Nicole calls her "princess", really love Aden and Nicole getting close and...I had a feeling you were going to spring some sort of nasty surprise on us but:Is Roman all right?What's happened to Lola?Need answeeeerrrrsssss!!!!

Looking forward to more!

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How about this for a quick update huh :lol: Didn't want to leave y'all hanging too long! Hope you enjoy!!


Aden moved quicker than he ever thought possible to get dressed and within minutes he and Nicole were in his car heading towards the location Charlie had given him.

Nicole had insisted on driving as he was struggling to keep himself together as his mind whirled with a barrage of possibilities.

He closed his eyes and could feel Lola’s arms around his neck, her warm breath on his cheek. He could hear her sweet voice telling him I love you and see her big brown eyes twinkling with mischief.

His breath came in gasps as he tried to remain positive but he knew, without question, that if anything were to happen to his girl he wouldn’t survive it.

“She’ll be fine.” Nicole exclaimed from the driver’s seat, briefly taking her eyes from the road to look at him. “She’ll be fine Aden.” The catch in her voice told him she was saying it as much to convince herself as him.

“She...she has to be Nic…I…I can’t…where? Where is she? Where’s my baby?”

His eyes scanned the surrounding area as they sped along the familiar roads, hoping with everything he had to catch a glimpse of the familiar long blonde hair of his baby girl.

“We’ll find her.” Nicole murmured taking a hand from the steering wheel and reaching over to clutch his. “She…”

She was cut off by the sound of Aden’s phone alerting them to a call. With the device held tightly in his free hand it took only a second for him to connect the call and hold it to his ear.


“No, it’s Irene, I just heard…”

“Irene…I…was she…did you see her in the car? Was Lola in the car?”

The shred of hope that Aden was clinging too was that something had changed in the moments after he had spoken to his daughter on the phone and she hadn’t been in the car in the first place.

“She…oh luvvie she was…I…I watched em leave…waved to her as they pulled out of the car park.

Aden sighed deeply as he leant his head wearily against the head rest.

“Alright Irene…thanks…I…I’ll…”

“Just keep me posted.” Irene told him sensing his struggle to even form a proper sentence.

He told her he would and said goodbye before hanging up and turning his attention back to looking intently out of the window.

Within a few minutes Nicole slowed the car to a stop behind a police car and ambulance, both of which had lights flashing but were empty of occupants.

“Sh*t” Aden cursed as he stepped out of the car and was able to see what the other vehicles had been blocking from his view.

“Dad!” Nicole cried as she raced towards the two mangled cars, one of which belonged to Roman.

Before she could get close Charlie reached her and stopped her from going any further.

“Nicole…Nic, Roman’s ok, he’s fine. He’s regained consciousness they are just having a little trouble getting him out of the car because of the damage caused by the collision.”

Over the sound the rescue team were making they made out the voice of Roman protesting that it was taking too long and calling out for his granddaughter.

“Lola….” Aden began and Charlie cut him off.

“She’s not in the car Aden. The rescue team have checked the whole vehicle, she’s not there.”

“Did she…was she…thrown out?” Aden managed to ask taking a deep breath to calm the wave of nausea that overwhelmed him at the thought.

Charlie shook her head. “No. The windscreen was damaged but intact.”

“Then where…where is she Charlie?” he choked out.

“My guess is she managed to get out of the car and has gone to look for help.” Charlie suggested. “I have every available officer out looking already.”

Aden groaned as he thought of the dangers facing a four year old out walking by herself, especially as evening approached and darkness began to fall over the bay.

“She’d go home.” Nicole spoke out. “She’ll be…she’ll be scared and all she wants when she’s like that is you Aden.”

He nodded in agreement but was unable to reply in any other way.

“Nicole’s right.” Charlie agreed. “You should go home and wait, just in case she turns up there.”

“I can’t….I can’t just wait…I need her…I need my baby Charlie…I need to find her.”

“Alright.” The police officer soothed. “Do you have any idea which way she would go? Which route would you take home?

“I…if we were walking we’d…god, we’d go along the beach.” Aden groaned again as a picture flashed through his mind before he could block it out. His sweet, beautiful girl paddling at the edge of the water….a large wave crashing onto the shore, powerful enough to knock a small child off her feet…”

“Right…” Charlie reached out a hand to grasp his arm reassuringly “Leave the car here and you and Nic walk home the way you usually would. Lola only has little legs; chances are you’ll catch her up before she reaches home.”

“Yeah…yeah ok.” Aden nodded. “Nic do you…Roman…”

“Roman will want me to help find Lola.” Nicole replied guessing instantly what Aden was getting at “Charlie will you just…will you tell him…”

“I’ll let him know you were here.” Charlie replied kindly. “Keep your phones on and let me know straight away if you find her and I’ll keep you updated from this end.”

“Thanks Charlie.” Nicole answered for the both of them as Aden had already turned away and was making his way along the road towards the beach.


Friday night was the busiest night of the week for Angelo in his restaurant. He was delighted that almost all of the tables were filled with customers but had no time to really appreciate is as he rushed between them serving food and taking orders.

After delivering two desserts to a table near the window he glanced out of it when a flash of pink caught his eye.

Recognising the little girl standing outside he smiled as he returned his attention to the customer in front of him but it was only a split second later when it dawned on him that something wasn’t right.

Looking back out of the windows his suspicion was confirmed when he noticed that the man standing with Lola wasn’t Aden, nor, now he looked closer, anyone he recognised.

Excusing himself from the table he made his way quickly through the busy restaurant and down the stairs. When he reached the door that led to the outside he quickened his pace further when he heard a small sob.

“Lola?” He called rounding the corner of the building.

The little girl was standing a foot or so away from the man Angelo still failed to recognise. He was crouching down and speaking quietly to her as she cried.

“Lola.” He called again as he approached and this time she heard and turned towards him.

“Angie…” she cried in obvious relief at having spotted a familiar face.

“Hey…hey it’s alright, come here honey.” The little girl ran to his outstretched arms and he lifted her up and held her tightly against his chest. “Shhh. Lola, it’s alright, I got you.” He soothed her gently then looked over at the stranger who had now stood up to his full height and was walking towards him. “What the hell is going on here?”

“I…I just found her here…I was trying to find out where she had come from…or…”

“Gra…granddad’s car was banged a…and he didn’t waked up.” Lola sobbed lifting her head from Angelo’s shoulder.

“What? Darling just take a big breath for me and tell me what happened.” Angelo asked turning his attention back to the girl in his arms.

Lola did as he asked and tried her hardest to calm herself before starting. “The nother car banged into granddads car and granddad bangeded his head on the steery wheel and he didn’t wake up not even when I shouted.”

“Where was this sweetheart? Can you remember?”

“It was…was that way.” Lola pointed in the direction of the road she had managed to navigate her way along. “I…my daddy…I want my daddy.”

“Alright darling, we’ll find your daddy.” Angelo murmured to her already reaching into his pocket to find his phone.


Aden and Nicole had just reached the beach when Aden’s phone rang. Looking at the caller display and seeing Angelo’s name flash across the screen he pushed the button to send his call to voicemail.

“Who was it?” Nicole asked.

“Angelo.” Aden replied. I don’t want to tie up the phone in case Charlie calls.” Nicole nodded in understanding as they continued to walk. “Lola.” Aden called at the top of his voice as he had done every few steps they took.

She copied him and shouted Lola’s name, their calls for the little girl the only sound between them until her phone began to buzz in her hand.

“It’s Angelo.” She said looking at the display. Some kind of sixth sense told her she should answer so she pressed the button to connect the call. “Angelo?”

“Is Aden with you?” Angelo asked not wasting any time on greetings.

“Yeah, he’s here but…”

“Lola’s here, she…”

“Thank god!” Nicole cried. “Aden she’s with Ang….”

Aden was running at a full sprint towards the surf club before she could finish.

“We’re on our way.” She spoke into the phone before hanging up and running after her boyfriend.

Within minutes Aden was racing into the surf club and pounding up the stairs towards the restaurant.

“Lola…Lola…” He cried as he burst through the door, his eyes sweeping the room.

Angelo had pulled a chair up to the counter and was sitting on it with the little girl cradled on his lap. As soon as she heard her father’s voice she sat up straight and then upon spotting him scrambled to be down.

Her feet had barely touched the floor before Aden swept her into his arms.

“Baby…my baby.” He sobbed into her hair as he held her tighter than he ever had before. “Daddy’s here now, I’ve got you, I’ve got you baby.”

Angelo thoughtfully slid a chair towards Aden who collapsed gratefully onto it.

“Lola…god is she alright?” Nicole cried as she ran, gasping for breath, through the door.

“She seems to be.” Angelo answered watching as she crouched next to Aden who still had his face buried in the little girl’s hair.

Lola had her arms wrapped tightly around Aden’s neck as her tiny shoulders shook with the sobs that she couldn’t hold back.

“Baby I’ve got you now, daddy’s got you. It’s alright.” Aden whispered finally looking up to see Nicole staring back at him.

“We should let Charlie know.” Nicole told him after leaning forward to press a kiss on the little girls head.

“Y…yeah…can you call her or…”

“I’ll do it.” Angelo offered seeing that Nicole was still breathless and understandably emotional.

“Thanks.” Aden replied sincerely and Angelo understood that it was for more than just the offer to make a phone call.

“My pleasure. I’ll just…” He gestured to the stairs as he took his phone from his pocket again.

The phone reception in the restaurant was hit and miss so he made his way outside as he pulled up Charlie’s number. As soon as she answered he told her that Lola was safe and with Aden and then listened as she filled him in on what had happened. After a few minutes he wished her goodnight and hung up. He was about to walk back into the building when he noticed the man from earlier hovering near by.

“Hey.” He nodded his head in greeting as he approached the stranger.

“Hey…was that the little ones dad I saw flying in there?”

“Yeah, he’s pretty relieved.” Angelo answered.

“Yeah, I’ll bet…and her mom too…”

“Erm well…her mom isn’t…she died when Lola was born…”

“Wow, that’s tough. I just…I thought I saw a woman run in after but I didn’t get a very good look so...”

“Oh, well you did, that was…Nicole’s Aden’s girlfriend.”

“Nicole…Nicole Franklin?”

“Yeah that’s the one.” Angelo nodded. “You know her?”

“Yeah…” The man grinned. “We er…we’re old friends.”

“Yeah? Well I would say you should go up and say hi but now might not be the best time you know…”

“Ah yeah, I understand, I’ll leave her be…for now.”

“Righto. Well, I should get back. ‘Night.”

Angelo was just about to head back inside but stopped at the last moment.

“Sorry, I didn’t get your name?”

“Stephens…” The guy held out his hand. “Nathan Stephens.”

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Oh my gosh. I must admit, when someone random was talking to Lola, I had just a slight feeling it could be Nathan but I didn't want to think about that possibility.

But now I am concerned for Nicole's safety as well seeing as he's on the scene. I'm not surprised he's there though ... makes for a good stroyline too Ellen.

Thank goodness for Angelo being there.

I am very, very glad that Lola's safe & Roman seems as though he'll be okay ... hopefully.

Everything about that chapter was just perfect though.

The emotions of everyone. Nicole keeping calm to comfort Aden, Irene trying to stay calm, Aden's worry & how scared he was.

I loved that Angelo was able to comfort Lola as well & keep her calm in that situation.

Another amazing chapter as per usual Ellen & thank you so much for the quick update.

I really, really look forward to more. Update soon.

Love Carina xxx :wub:

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