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  • 1 month later...

Sorry about the delay guys...hope it's worth the wait :D


“We should get her to the hospital.” Aden murmured.

It had been twenty minutes since he had arrived at the restaurant and Lola was still in the same position cradled tightly against his chest, her tiny shoulders hitching with the occasional sob.

“Wha...why? Is she…you said she wasn’t…she’s hurt?” Nicole jumped up from the chair she was perched on and crouched down next to him brushing her hand over the little girls back, panic and worry etched clearly on her face.

“No, no, she’s fine.” Aden hurriedly reassured her. “I just thought Roman would need to see her.”

“Granddad…i…is….my…my granddad h…h…hurted?” Lola hiccoughed, her first words since Aden had scooped her into his arms.

“A little bit, baby, but he’ll be alright.” Aden soothed.

“I…I…t…tried to wake him u…up daddy.”

“I know angel, I know. It’s alright I promise. How about we go see him huh?”

Lola nodded before once again burying her face into his shoulder.

Aden stood up and looked around the busy room. “Where’s Angelo? I wanted to thank him.”

“He’s in the kitchen.” Nicole answered having seen him disappear in there after a heated discussion with one of the waiters on his return from calling Charlie. “Come on, we can thank him tomorrow, I’m sure he’ll understand.”

Aden nodded and rearranged his hold on his daughter so he could hold her with one arm. He used his free hand to grasp Nicole’s and pulled her towards him brushing a kiss on her forehead when she was close enough.

“Let’s get out of here.”

They left the restaurant and headed back along the beach towards the site of the crash to collect Nicole’s car.

After a few minutes Lola lifted her head from Aden’s shoulder and took in her surroundings.

“I walked this way daddy to find help for my gr…granddad.”

“I know you did angel, you were very brave.” Aden replied pressing a kiss to her cheek.

“I stayed back from the water like you told me and then when I got to by the surfing club the man helped me.”

“You mean Angelo?” Nicole questioned.

“No not Angie, the nother man.”

Aden looked to Nicole with his eyebrows raised in question but she was just as in the dark as he was and shrugged her shoulders.

“What other man baby?” He asked.

Lola shrugged just as Nicole had “I don’t know daddy he didn’t tell me his name he said where is my mommy and I tolded him my mommy wasn’t here and then he said where’s your daddy then and I said daddy was with Coley and my granddad was in the car and the car got banged and then Angie came and I was sad and scared daddy.”

The little girl spoke without pause and if the situation hadn’t been so serious Aden would have laughed at her cuteness.

“Did you recognise him honey? Have you seen him before?” Nicole asked.

Lola looked at Aden for a few moments before taking a big breath.

“Will you be mad with me daddy for speaking to a stranger?”

Aden shook his head even as unwelcome thoughts intruded into his mind of what could have happened if Angelo hadn’t shown up and this other guy had been the kind of stranger he had been warning his daughter against since she was old enough to talk.

“Lola, baby, I’m just so glad you’re safe, I couldn’t be mad at you.”

“I didn’t see him before then.” Lola answered Nicole’s question as Aden kissed her forehead to reassure her.

“I’ll ask Angelo tomorrow.” Nicole said before Aden had a chance to voice the thought himself.

“Ok.” He agreed.

By this time they had reached the path that led off the beach and onto the road where the crash had taken place.

“I’m gonna…going to…” Nicole corrected herself quickly “…go ahead and get the car, you two wait here.”

Aden smiled at her gratefully. He had been worrying about Lola seeing the wrecked cars that he was sure would still be in place on the road.

“Thanks babe.” He whispered and quickly pecked a kiss on her lips before letting go of her hand.


Lola had put her head back on Aden’s shoulder whilst they waited for Nicole and he spent the whole time whispering to her about how brave she had been and how much he loved her.

He thought she had fallen asleep but when Nicole pulled up to the curb he felt her tiny body stiffen in his arms.

“Hey, it’s alright baby, what is it?” he asked when she began to shake in his arms.

“Granddads car banged. I don’t want to be in the car. Don’t make me be in the car daddy.”

“Lola.” Aden sighed kicking himself for not realising she might react like this. “It’s alright angel, you’ll be safe. Daddy will be with you.”

“That’s right.” Nicole agreed as she climbed out of the car. “And I’ll drive safely princess I promise.”

“My granddad drives safely” Lola countered having heard the statement from Roman many times. “We still banged with the nother car.”

Aden thought about their options. The hospital was within walking distance but he quickly realised that as much as it pained him having to force his baby to do something she was afraid of, he had to do it. She would have to get into a car eventually and he was sure that the sooner she did it the better.

“Come on bub, I’ll get in the back next to you.” Aden pulled open the back door and prised a trembling Lola from his arms, placing her into the car. “Move over sweetheart.” He encouraged sliding in next to her when she shuffled over. “That’s it baby, come on.”

Once he was in the car he lifted her into the booster seat and reached over to pull her seatbelt across her small frame.

“Ouch! Daddy, that hurts.” Lola cried when he’d pulled the seat belt over her.

“Where baby? Show daddy.” Aden let go of the belt with a worried frown on his face. Lola pointed to her collar bone so Aden gently pushed her t-shirt down at the neck and in the dim light of the car could see a bruise beginning to form where the seatbelt from Roman’s car had done its job in restraining her upon the impact of the crash. “I see.” He murmured pressing a gentle kiss to the injury. “It’s just a bruise but we’ll get Rachel to have a look when we get to the hospital.”

“No! I don’t want a jection again daddy!” Lola began to cry harder obviously remembering the last time she had visited Rachel at the hospital when she was given her pre-school vaccines.

“Hey, hey, shhhhhh you won’t need an injection baby, I promise.” Aden soothed “Daddy’s got you now, you’re nice and safe ok?” he added knowing that the tears were for more than the idea of an injection and more a culmination of the night’s events.

He breathed a sigh of relief when the little girl nodded and snuggled as close as she could to him.

“Good girl Lola, let’s just strap you in.”

He reached over her again and pulled the seatbelt across, hating himself for having to do it when she winced and whimpered in pain as it pulled against her bruise.

“I’m sorry angel.” He whispered sincerely “Shhhh, is that better?” He had re-arranged the strap as best he could so that it was still safe but not pressing as hard against the sensitive spot on her chest.

“Th…thank you d…d…daddy.”

“That’s ok baby girl.” Aden murmured as he settled himself comfortably next to her allowing her to snuggle against him. “Good girl. Daddy’s here, I’ve got you baby, I’ve got you now.” He continued to sooth her and pressed kisses against her soft hair as Nicole started the car and pulled onto the road towards the hospital.


“Lola! Thank goodness!” Rachel rushed along the hospital corridor upon spotting Aden and Nicole entering through the main doors, Lola once again nestled snugly in Aden’s arms. “How is she Aden? Is she hurt? Bring her through and I’ll check her over.”

She bustled them into a room before Aden had a chance to respond and had him place the reluctant little girl onto a bed.

“I’m not going anywhere angel, I’m right here.” He reassured his daughter who had her arms clung around his neck as if her life depended on it. “I think she’s ok Rach, just a couple of bruises from the seatbelt.”

“Let me take a look sweetie.”

Lola reluctantly let go of Aden’s neck but grabbed onto the hand he offered her squeezing it tightly when Rachel ran her hand over her collar bone.

“It doesn’t seem like anything is broken.” Rachel told them after a few moments “But I bet that bruise is pretty sore isn’t it honey?”

Lola nodded sadly in reply as Rachel, forgetting her professional role for a second, dropped a kiss onto her forehead.

“I think I have something that might help with that.” She stood up from the bed and reached into her pocket pulling out a lolly.

“Wow bub, look at that, think that’ll make you feel better?”

“I think so daddy.” Lola nodded. “Thank you Rachel. Did my granddad get a lolly to make him better?” she asked as she took the treat from the doctor.

“Oh, I think there’s only one thing that is going to make your granddad better sweetie and that’s seeing his best little girl.”

“Me?” Lola asked.

“Yeah, you.” Nicole answered before anybody else could. “How is he Rach?”

“Other than being extremely anxious to see this little lady he’s not too bad. A broken leg is about the worst of his injuries. He has some other cuts and bruises but he’ll survive.”

“Can we see him?”

“Of course.” The doctor nodded “Come on, I’ll take you to him.”

Aden scooped Lola into his arms and followed Nicole and Rachel out of the room and along the corridor to a closed door at the other end.

“I’ll leave you guys to it.” Rachel told them after knocking gently on the door and pushing it open.

“Thanks Rach.”

Nicole entered the room first and quickly hurried over to her father who held his arms open for her.

“I’m alright Nic, don’t go getting all upset.” He murmured spotting the tears that had begun to trickle down her cheeks.

“We were so worried.” She sniffed.

“Yeah, me too.” Roman replied “Where is she?” his gaze moved from his daughter to the door through which Aden and Lola had just entered.

“Lola.” Her name left his lips in a relieved sigh. Rachel had told him that the little girl had been found safe and sound but he had needed to see her with his own eyes before he could let himself relax. “Come here smurf.”

Nicole moved aside so Aden could place the little girl onto the bed next to her grandfather. He stepped away from the bed and pulled his girlfriend into his arms to offer her some comfort now that his arms were free. They both watched with tears in their eyes as Lola flung herself into Roman’s embrace.

“You waked up now granddad! I shouted and shouted after the car banged but you wouldn’t wake up so I went to find my daddy for help.”

“I know sweet girl.” Roman answered after peppering her tiny face with kisses. “I woke up and you weren’t there and I was so scared sweetheart but you did exactly the right thing and I am so very, very proud of you.”

“I walked a long way all the way to the surfing club I…I had to speak to a stranger to help me but daddy said it was ok and then Angie helped me and he used his phone to call my daddy and then daddy camed and he’d been running all the long way and then my Coley came and she’d been running too and daddy cuddled me lots and lots so I wasn’t scared any more and then we went back the long way on the beach and I gots scared again when we had to go in my Coley’s car but daddy made me better again and then we were at the hospital and Rachel checked my bruise and gave me a lolly and now we seed you granddad.”

“Take a breath bub.” Aden grinned for the first time in what felt like hours but in reality had only been a little over one.

“That’s a big adventure sweetheart.” Roman murmured. “Who was the stranger?” He asked looking to Aden and Nicole.

Aden saw the same fear flash through Roman’s eyes that must have done his own. “We don’t know, we’ll ask Angelo in the morning.”

“You make sure you do.” Roman insisted squeezing the little girl tighter to his side. “What did Rach say about your bruise Lola girl? Is it ok? Is that all there was for her to check over?”

“She said it was very sore. Do you want to see granddad?”

“Yeah, let’s see it.”

Roman loosened his hold on her and Lola wriggled until she was on her knees next to him and pulled at the neckline of her t-shirt to reveal the injury to her grandfather.

“It looks very sore sweetheart.” Roman agreed and the look of guilt that filled his eyes was clear to see. He turned his attention to Aden who was watching the scene intently. “Aden, son, I’m so sor…”

“Not your fault Roman.” Aden interrupted before Roman could complete his apology. “You don’t need to apologise.”

“I do Aden, she’s the most precious thing in your world and I…”

“And you nothing!” Aden cut him off again. “It was an accident Roman, you couldn’t have stopped it and you certainly didn’t cause it!”

“I…The other car just came out of nowhere and…god when I came too and she was gone…I was frantic Aden.”

“I know mate. She’s fine now though eh…and you’re…well you’re not fine but I reckon you’ve had worse!”

“Yeah I have I suppose. Don’t think I’ve ever been as scared as I was though. Come back here missy.”

He pulled Lola back into his arms and cuddled her close to his side.

For the next few minutes Roman filled them in on what had happened and what the doctor had said about his injuries and Nicole and Aden told him in more detail what Lola had told in her own words. By the time they were done the little girl had fallen asleep in Roman’s arms.

“She’s had a big night hey.” Roman said quietly so as not to disturb her. “You should get her home.”

“Yeah, we should.” Aden agreed. “You going to be alright here?”

“Course.” Roman replied. “Leah will be here soon anyway.”

Aden let go of his hold on Nicole and waited until she had hugged Roman goodbye before stepping over to the bed and carefully lifting Lola into his arms.

They said their goodbyes and Nicole promised to return to the hospital first thing the next morning.

They managed to make it out of the hospital with Lola still asleep but when the cool evening air hit her she began to stir in Aden’s arms.

“Are we going in the car again daddy?” She mumbled sleepily.

“Yeah baby, but I’ll be with you again so it’s alright ok?”

“Ok. ..Daddy?” she said after a pause during which Aden thought she had drifted back to sleep.

“Yes bub?”

“When we get at our house and its bed time can I be in your bed?”

Aden smiled and pressed a kiss to her head.

“Baby girl, daddy doesn’t want you out of his sight for a long, long time, course you can be in my bed. I love you Lola Belle Jeffries.”

“I love you too daddy.”

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Oh wow.

Poor Lola.

I loved protective Aden in that chapter though. He was so loving & supportive.

& you wrote it so well, the part where Lola didn't want to get into the car but Aden knew she'd have to. Bless, that must have broken his heart.

Even the bit where Lola told Aden & Nicole & even Roman about the 'stranger' was perfect, everyone wanting to know who it was & wanting to protect Lola.

Everything about it was just so amazing. I am glad that Lola's okay ... a lollypop can sort out everything :wink:

& it's good that Roman's okay as well.

I just loved that chapter. It was beautifully written, perfect characterisation & emotions, I loved it!

Well done Ellen & I look forward to more. Update soon :)

Love Carina xxx :wub:

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  • 2 weeks later...


Aden awoke before dawn the following morning, his heart skipping a beat when he opened his eyes and found the bed next to him empty, a dent in the pillow the only sign that his baby girl had even been there. For a second panic began to rise in him until the rational side of him took over and he realised that she couldn’t have gone far.

Rubbing at his eyes he climbed out of his bed and padded across his room and out into the hallway. He glanced into the room next to his, not surprised to find Lola’s bed still un-slept in. The bathroom door was open and there was no sign of the little girl in there and as she was still reluctant to go downstairs by herself that left only one more place that she could be.

He was already grinning as he gently pushed Nicole’s door open and when he spotted his daughter cuddled tightly in his girlfriend’s arms, both of them fast asleep, his smile widened. He leant against the doorframe for a moment just to watch them, a feeling of calm settling over him.

As if sensing his presence Lola began to stir and opened her eyes to find him staring back at her.

“Hello daddy.” She mumbled sleepily, turning in Nicole’s arms to face him properly, waking her in the process.

“Hey.” Nicole murmured through a yawn. “What time is it?”

“It’s still early.” Aden replied in a whisper. “I just woke up and couldn’t find my bub, I was a bit worried.” He teased.

“I’m just here daddy, I wanted to snuggle with Coley too because she was sad about my granddad being hurted.” Lola explained.

“You are such a good girl.” Aden told her sincerely as Nicole pulled her closer and dropped kisses onto her head.

“Is it time to be up now daddy? I’m still sleepy.”

“It’s still early angel, you snuggle up with Coley and go back to sleep.”

“What are you going to do?” Nicole asked as he still stood at the door.

“I’ll just go…”

“Snuggle with us daddy.” Lola interrupted pulling her arms out from under the covers and holding them out to him.

Aden raised his eyebrows in question at Nicole and he chuckled lightly when she nodded enthusiastically.

He crossed the room and pulled back the covers, climbing underneath them before shuffling over as close to his daughter as he could.

“Lift up a sec.” He instructed and both Lola and Nicole complied allowing him to slide his arm underneath their heads. “How’s that baby girl?” He asked his daughter when they had settled and he had brought his other arm to rest over her, his hand lying tenderly on Nicole’s hip.

“It’s good daddy.” Lola replied turning on her side and cuddling further into him.

“It’s really good.” Nicole murmured catching his eye and smiling at him over the little girls head. “Like a Lola sandwich!”

They all laughed at her statement and Lola giggled even more when Aden and Nicole both raised their heads so they could share a brief kiss.

“C’mon, let’s sleep.” He encouraged dropping a kiss onto Lola’s cheek before laying his head down.

Within minutes both Lola and Nicole were sleeping again and Aden lay with them in his arms, enjoying the moment until he too succumbed to sleep.


“Daddy, where’s my Coley?”

Lola appeared in the kitchen clutching the doll that she had spent the last ten minutes in her room searching for.

Aden wiped his hands on the cloth he was using to dry the dishes from breakfast and after throwing it onto the counter turned around to face his daughter.

“She’s just popped out angel, she won’t be long.” He replied.

“Where did she popped to?” Lola asked climbing up onto her chair at the table.

“She er…she went to the hospital to see Roman.” Aden answered reluctantly, steeling himself for the reaction he knew he was going to get from his little girl.

“Ro…Granddad? You mean my granddad? I wanted to be at the hospital to see my granddad! Daddy, why did Coley go without me?”

“Because Rachel and the other doctors and nurses are busy getting granddad ready to come home, we don’t want to get in the way do we huh? I promise we can go and see him later.”

“At his house?” Lola checked.

“Yup.” Aden nodded. “Besides you’ve got stuff to do this morning missy!”

“Not school work!” Lola cried, her displeasure at the idea clear from the pout her lips had formed.

“No, not school work.” Aden chuckled as he disappeared for a moment into the sunroom behind the kitchen and then returned carrying a large box. “I thought we could get all your art stuff here out and make a nice card for your granddad and maybe a picture or something for Angelo to say thank you.”

“What about the nother man daddy, he helped me too.”

“Yeah, well er…we don’t know who he is do we so how about for now we just stick with Angelo.”

“And granddad?”

“Yeah, Angelo and granddad. Sound like a good plan?”

“It’s a very good plan daddy, you’re the bestest at plans!”

“I try baby, I try.” He grinned.

They settled into a comfortable silence as Aden covered the table with a large wipe-clean cover and Lola set about taking all the things she would need from the box.

Once he was sure she was settled and content in her activity Aden got back to cleaning the kitchen smiling as Lola began to hum to herself as she worked.

“Daddy?” Lola broke the silence after a little while.

“Yes bub?”

“Daddy, why was Coley sad when my granddad was hurted?”

Aden dropped a kiss onto the little girls head before pulling out the chair next to her and sitting down.

“Because your granddad is Nicole’s daddy. You remember that don’t you?”

“Oh. I think I forgots that.” The little girl giggled briefly before turning serious again. “I would be sad if you got hurt daddy so I stand now.”

“You mean understand angel. And I know you would be sad, just like I’d be sad if anything ever happened to you.”

“Because you love me most, more even than anyone in the whole big wide world?”

“That’s exactly right.” Aden grinned leaning over to press a gentle kiss to her forehead.

“See! I knew that she got it wrong daddy.”

“Who got what wrong bub?” Aden asked clearly confused by the little girl’s response.

“My teacher. At school Corey said that he’s mommy and daddy loved him the most but I said that’s not right because my daddy loves me the most and then Miss Carter said that all mommies and daddies love everybody just the same but now you said that you love me the most and that’s right not what Miss Carter said.” Lola explained without pausing for breath.

“I see.” Aden nodded thoughtfully. “The thing is baby, Corey is a lucky boy isn’t he because he has a mommy and a daddy who love him very, very much whereas you, you just have me so I have to love you enough for me and your mommy.”

“Did my mommy love me daddy? Before she went to be a star.”

“Lola…” Aden sighed. “Come here a sec.” He lifted her from her seat onto his lap and held her close. “Your mommy loved you so, so much baby.”


“Mmmm, how good is this huh?” Aden asked his wife who lay against his chest in their bed.

“Pretty good.” Belle agreed with a smile.

“It’s more than pretty good babe!” Aden replied shifting position so that Belle was lying on her back and he was hovering over her. “I love you so much.” He murmured pressing a kiss to her lips and then lowering his head to brush his lips over her stomach. “Both of you.” He added.

It had been two months since they had found out Belle was pregnant and earlier on that day they had been at the hospital for the first ultrasound which had confirmed that the baby was well and healthy as they had hoped.

“We love you right back.” Belle replied sliding her fingers through his hair, encouraging him to return his lips to hers.

They kissed for a few minutes until Aden pulled away causing Belle to groan.

“Where are you going?” She asked with a pout as he shifted across the bed and leant away from her.

“Just want to look at this again.” He replied picking up a plastic wallet from the nightstand before settling himself back next to her.

“Here.” She took the wallet from him whilst he wrapped his arms around her again. “Look at our beautiful baby.” She murmured pulling the scan picture from the protective sleeve and holding it so they could both see.

“I’m looking sweetheart. It’s…It’s incredible.”

“See her little feet…they’re so tiny!” Belle exclaimed.

“Her? Pretty sure I didn’t miss the whole is it a boy or a girl moment babe.”

“I know they didn’t say and we’ve agreed that we aren’t going to find out anyway I just…”

“You just…?” Aden questioned when Belle trailed off.

“I can see her Aden…our daughter.” Belle told him with a contented sigh as she turned to face him.

“Yeah?” Aden grinned. “What do you see?”

Belle cuddled closer to him, tangling her legs with his.

“I see….I see the most gorgeous little girl ever. Long, blonde hair curling just at the ends. Your big blue twinkling eyes and little pouty lips just like yours too.” She kissed his for emphasis.

“She sounds perfect babe, except I’d swap my eyes for yours.”

“Hmmm, whatever…blue eyes or brown…girl or boy even…I am going to love them so much. I already love them so much!”

End flashback

“Mommy was wrong then daddy wasn’t she. My eyes aren’t like yours.”

“No they aren’t angel; you have your mommy’s eyes.” Aden told Lola with a smile.

“I like having mommy’s eyes.” Lola confirmed with a nod.

“I like it too baby girl.” Aden agreed. “And I love you.”

“The most?”

“The very, very most!” He told her as he dropped kisses into her hair.

“I love you too daddy.” Lola replied shifting in his lap so she could wind her arms around his neck. “The very, very, very most!”


“Come on bub, have you finished yet? Nic will be back soon and we’ll need the table for lunch.” Aden rested his hands on his daughter’s shoulders and cast at glance at the pictures she had spent the morning creating. “These are really good beautiful.” He added.

“Thank you daddy. Will you put them so they can be safe and I can clean up all the rubbish bits?”

“I sure can.”

He picked up the two pieces and carried them carefully into the sunroom, placing them onto the table in there. By the time he got back to the kitchen Lola was busy putting things back into the box.

“Who’s the best girl huh? You are so good Lola Be…”

He was interrupted by the front door opening

“Looks like your Coley is back.” He grinned as Lola shot off her chair and into the lounge.

“Coley my….What…Coley why are you sad is…is my granddad hurted again?”

Aden had planned on waiting in the kitchen for Nicole but on hearing Lola’s exclamation rushed into the other room to find Nicole stood by the door tears streaming down her cheeks and Lola stood a few feet away staring at her.

“Nic…Nic, babe, what is it? Hey shhh come here.”

He crossed the room and pulled the now sobbing Nicole into his arms.

“Shhh, it’s alright, it’s ok. I’ve got you babe, I’m here.” He soothed. “Is it Roman? Has something happened?”

Nicole shook her head but continued to cry.

“Alright. Ok.” Aden looked over his shoulder at Lola who was watching with wide eyes, worry etched into her tiny features. “Lola, baby, it’s alright…Coley is just a bit upset. Why don’t you go up to your room, just for a little while huh? Find some toys and daddy will come up and play with you.”

“You’ll be up soon?”

“In just a few minutes angel. That’s a good girl.” Aden encouraged when Lola walked past them and up the stairs.

He guided a still crying Nicole to the sofa and pushed her gently until she was sitting and then sat next to her keeping his arms around her comfortingly.

“Sweetheart, you’re freaking me out here. What is it? What’s happened?”

He felt Nicole take a deep breath before lifting her head from his shoulder.

“Sorry.” She murmured.

“Hey, that’s ok.” Aden replied pressing a kiss to her forehead. “What’s happened princess?”

“I…I saw Angelo at the hospital, he was there to see dad. He…he…I asked about the other guy who Lola spoke to last night”

“Uh-huh” Aden nodded a sense of dread rising in him “Go on.”

“He said…he said the guy said that…he told Angelo we were friends.”

“Who was it honey?” Aden had a feeling, from Nicole’s reaction, that he knew the name she was going to say but it still hit him like a punch in the gut when she answered.

“Nathan…It was Nathan Aden.”

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Oh wow. Nathan! That is so not good.

Oh god. I dont like the sound of that :(

But on a plus, the flashback was so cute :wub: and I loved the scene with Aden, Nicole and Lola. :wub:

I hope to read more soon.


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Loved the flashback ... I adored the flashback!

But oh my gosh ... oh dear. On the other hand, protective Aden coming our way though, I can sense it, I just know it :D:D

Fantastic & beautifully writtem as always, Ellen.

Loved Lola once again. She's just a typical, innocent little girl & you portray her so perfectly.

Well done & I look forward to more.

Love Carina xxx :wub:

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