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Guest bradyell

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So....just.....Don't hate me :unsure:


He let out a satisfied groan as her lips trailed a fiery path over his abdomen.

“Like that do you?” She giggled as her sparkling, lust filled eyes raised to meet his.

“Mmm, yeah.” He managed to whisper huskily before her lips crashed against his in a hungry kiss. He returned it just as passionately, his fingers threading into her hair.

Her hands took the place of her lips against his chest, trailing slowly towards the waistband of his jeans.

Slow enough to cause him to groan again in frustration, she slid his belt through the buckle and began to pop open the button flies.

“Too slow?” She whispered her eyebrow raised in question as she bit her lip to hold back another giggle.

“Way too slow.” He replied, suddenly moving his hands to her waist and in one fluid movement rolling them both over so she was lying underneath him.

“Control freak!” she murmured as his lips found hers again.

“I just want you…is that a crime now?” he whispered into her ear with a grin.

“Definitely not!” She replied as he nibbled her ear, causing her to squirm. “And the feeling is definitely mutual.”

His lips were working their magic against hers again within seconds and this time it was her turn to let out a groan as his hands slid slowly underneath the short midnight blue dress she was wearing.

“God, you’re beautiful.” He whispered as his fingers grasped onto the flimsy material of her dress and began to push it up her body revealing the black lacy underwear she was wearing underneath.

He was moments away from removing it completely when a piercing cry filled the air.


Shooting upright in his bed Aden took in a few gulps of air as he tried to regulate his breathing to something close to normal. It had been so real…he had heard Belle’s whispers…felt her breath warm on his skin…tasted her lips against his…

There was only one thing that could bring him fully back to reality…away from his dream.

Within moments the single wail from his daughter that had initially woken him had developed into full blown crying.

“Alright…alright baby, I’m coming.” He called as he climbed out of bed, rubbing his hand over his face in an attempt to focus a little better and wake himself up. He hurried along the short hallway as Lola’s cries increased in volume. By the time he reached her room she was standing up in her crib her hands clutching at the bars as tears streamed down her bright red cheeks.

“Hey Lola girl, what’s all this about hey…” he spoke into her ear as he lifted her into his arms. “Shhhh sweetheart, its ok, daddy’s here now, I’ve got you.”

A frown marred his features as his soothing words did nothing to comfort his baby girl as they usually did.

“Baby, what is it? What’s up?” Not expecting any kind of answer but being frustrated all the same he let out a sigh as he shifted her position so he could hold her with one arm and ran his free hand over her head. “Whoa, you’re hot angel.” He pressed his lips to her forehead for a moment. “You have a fever baby.” He murmured as he carried her over to the changing table and prised her away from his body to sit her on it.

Her cries increased at the loss of contact with him.

“Alright baby, it’s alright, I’m still here.” He soothed placing a hand gently onto her back as he used his free one to root around in a basket on the shelf below the table, pulling out a thermometer after a short hunt.

The thermometer was specifically designed for young children and was to be placed in the ear. It took a few minutes for Aden to calm Lola so that she would remain still enough for him to get the small machine in place.

He kissed the side of her head and whispered soothing words to her as he waited the few seconds for the temperature reading. After a small bleep emitted from the machine to signal it was ready Aden removed it and read the display.

“Sh…” He was about to curse under his breath but caught himself just in time. “Ok….come on baby, come here.” Pressing kisses onto the top of her head he lifted the little girl into his arms again and carried her with him back into his room.

Perching on the edge of the bed, Lola cradled against his chest he picked up his mobile phone from the nightstand and scrolled through his contacts until he found the number he needed and pressed the button to connect the call.

“Rach, its Aden.” He spoke as soon as the call was answered. “Sorry to call so early…”

“Hi, it’s alright. Is everything ok? You sound worried.”

“It’s Lola…” He explained hurriedly “She’s got a fever Rach, its 102 and she’s really grouchy and…”

“Does she have a rash or anything like that?”

“I dunno…there’s nothing that I can see…just a sec…”

He secured the phone beneath his chin and shoulder as he quickly undid the poppers on the baby girls sleep suit and pulled it from her arms giving him a view of her back and tummy. “shhhh baby, it’s alright.” He soothed as his eyes roamed over her tiny body, his hand brushing slowly and gently up and down her back.

“There’s no rash.” He told Rachel as he took hold of the phone again.

“Ok, that’s good.” Rachel told him her voice calm as she did her best to sooth his worries. “Has she been sick?”

“No, she just woke screaming and she’s all hot and…”

“Aden, it’s alright. What I want you to do is give her some infant paracetamol. Do you have some?”

“Yeah…yeah we’ve got a bottle here.” He answered nodding to himself.

“Good. So give her some now and that should bring down her fever, if it doesn’t or she gets worse or develops any other symptoms call me ok?”

“Ok.” He agreed “Thanks Rach.”

“That’s ok Aden, anytime. I’ll try and pop in after my shift, give her a once over.”

“Thanks.” He told her again before saying goodbye and ending the call.

By this time Lola’s crying had ceased and she was now just letting out the occasional whimper.

“Aww my poorly girl, come here baby.” He changed his hold on the little girl so she was upright against his chest, her head resting against his shoulder. “Let’s go and get you some medicine hey and daddy will call Auntie Marilyn and tell her that she doesn’t need to come over. I can’t go to work when my baby needs me can I huh?”


After rearranging his day Aden gave Lola the medicine that Rachel had recommended and offered her some breakfast which to his dismay she refused. He then took her back upstairs and gave her a cool bath in the hopes of lowering her temperature a little more.

It was during the bath that Aden realised just how poorly his baby really was. Bath time was something she usually enjoyed, taking great pleasure in splashing him and flooding the bathroom. Now however she sat listlessly whilst he sponged her down as quickly as he could, wanting to gather her in his arms again which he did as soon as he had rinsed the body wash he had used from her. Wrapping her in a fluffy white towel he held her as close as he could whilst he carried her into her room to collect what he’d need and then took her with him into his own room. As soon as he lay her on his bed she began to cry and despite his soothing words didn’t stop until he picked her up once he’d got a nappy and t-shirt onto her.

Realising a shower wasn’t going to be possible he managed to pull on a pair of board shorts and a vest top before making his way back to the kitchen where with one hand he prepared a bottle of formula for Lola hoping that she’d at least drink that.

Once it was ready he settled the two of them on the couch and much to his relief Lola took the bottle he offered and drained it quickly. Soon after finishing she fell into a fitful sleep. By lunch time they were still in the same position on the couch, Aden deciding not to move and wake her whilst she was content in his arms.

The peace that had settled upon the house was shattered when a quiet knocking sounded from the door.

“It’s open” He called as he looked down at Lola, hoping that she hadn’t woken and sighing in relief when she seemed unaware of the disturbance.

“Hey…” Nicole poked her head around the door and then entered properly closing the door quietly behind her. “I came to see my poorly princess. Oh look at her!” she whispered as she hurried over to where they were sitting and crouched in front of them. “How is she? Any better?”

“Not really...” Aden answered “…She’s been asleep all morning.”

“That’s not like her at all.” Nicole’s face filled with worry as she ran a hand over the little girls head. “She's still really hot.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s probably not helping her being on me like this but she won’t go down.” He explained.

“So you haven’t had lunch?”

“Lunch? I haven’t had breakfast! Or a shower.” Aden replied.

“Why don’t you let me take her and you can go get washed up and make us something to eat.”

“Us?” he grinned for the first time that day. “Shouldn’t you be at uni?”

“Nah no lectures this arvo so I’m all yours.”

“Ok…I dunno though…I don’t wanna wake her.” He looked down to Lola, dropping kisses into her hair as he did so.

“Aden, c’mon, you can’t keep her there all day, she’ll be fine.”

“Alright…” he sighed. “Come on angel.” He whispered to the sleeping baby as he manoeuvred her so that he could sit forwards.

Nicole sat next to him on the couch and took Lola from him slowly enough for her to remain asleep.

“See, she’s fine.” Nicole told him somewhat smugly as she settled herself comfortably. “Now go!”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever!” Aden laughed. “I’ll be back soon my baby.” He whispered as he gently pressed a kiss to Lola’s cheek before making his way quickly up the stairs.


By the time Aden came back downstairs freshly showered and wearing clean clothes Lola was awake though still snuggled on Nicole’s lap.

“Is daddy’s girl feeling any better?” He asked crouching down in front of them.

Lola instantly reached out her arms towards him and smiling at the gesture he lifted her up.

“Come on then baby, come here.” He pressed his lips against her forehead as he stood up. “I don’t think her fever has gone down at all.” He told Nicole anxiously as he reached for the thermometer he had placed on the side. His suspicion was confirmed a few minutes later when the reading showed that her temperature was still at the same level it had been earlier.

“Can you give her more paracetamol or…?

“Not just yet.” He answered Nicole “I think…I’m gonna grab something for lunch and then take her to see Rach…she’s not right Nic.”

“Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.” Nicole agreed. I’ll go and do us something…sandwich?”

“Yeah, that’d be good, thanks.” He muttered as he sat down onto the couch watching Nicole make her way into the kitchen before focusing his attention back on his daughter who was staring at him with tear filled eyes. “It’s alright sweetheart, daddy’s got you.” He whispered as he held her closer to him. “You don’t feel good do you huh? Well we’re gonna fix that honey ok, take you to see auntie Rachel and she’ll give you some medicine to make you feel…..Lola…Oh god Lola….Nic….!”

“Aden, wha….Oh my god!” Nicole exclaimed as she hurried into the lounge upon hearing Aden’s cry.

The baby girl was still lying in Aden’s arms but her small body was jerking with uncontrollable convulsions. He was trying to hold her as close to him as he could and after a split second of taking in the scene Nicole sprang into action.

“Aden, put her down.” She cried, hurrying over to them. “Now! Put her on the couch.”


“Aden! You need to put her down.” Nicole insisted firmly remembering what she had been told years previously on a first aid course about how holding onto somebody having a convulsion could do more harm than good. “Put her down!” She shouted and Aden finally relented and reluctantly lay his daughter onto the cushions.

“What…Nic…What do I…”

Each word for Aden was a struggle, even breathing was difficult as he watched his daughter….his reason for living... battle with whatever internal force was causing the convulsions to rip through her tiny frame.

“Call an ambulance.” Nicole told him in reply as she placed a reassuring hand on his arm, her eyes never leaving the small girl. “Can you do that?”

She had barely finished her sentence before he was pulling his phone from his pocket and dialling the emergency number.

“I need…my….an ambulance…I need an ambulance…It’s my baby…”

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