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So...I'm in kind of a writing frenzy and have written all of this chap just today! Can't remember the last time that happened!! Hope you all enjoy it and don't mind the big time jump!!!!


Three years later

Aden glanced at his watch as he strolled through the gates at the pre-school, relieved to see that he had a few minutes to spare before the class ended for the day. He smiled in anticipation of seeing his daughter, loving the fact that his job was flexible enough to allow him to collect her most days. Nodding politely at the other parents gathered in the small playground he came to a stop in a spot as close to the door as possible so Lola would be able to find him easily. He spent the few minutes waiting thinking of something that the two of them could do for the evening seeing as how it was Friday, a night always reserved for them to do something fun. By the time he saw the door opening he had decided on an early dinner followed by a trip to Angelo’s for one of the Mocktails that the owner of the restaurant had invented in Lola’s honour, and he couldn’t keep the smile from his face as he looked forward to telling Lola knowing full well that she’d love the idea.

As the teacher pushed open the door his smile widened when he spotted his baby at the front of the line of children waiting to get out. His joy however was short lived as he noticed the sad look on her face which quickly turned into tears as she rushed into his outstretched arms.

“Hey, shhhh. It’s ok, daddy’s here, I’ve got you baby.” He murmured as he lifted the little girl into his arms one hand cradling her head as she instantly buried her face into his neck. “What is it Lola? Come on, tell daddy what’s wrong. Are you hurting?”

Moving away from the crowded area he felt Lola’s tears dripping down his neck as she shook her head in answer to his question.

“What is it then angel?” He asked as his hand smoothed down over her blonde hair, his fingers catching in the curls at the bottom.

She pulled her face away from his neck and as her big brown eyes, brimming with tears met his Aden felt his heart break, his baby girls suffering hurting him just as painfully as if it were his own.

“All….all the bo….bo...boys and girls…make…” Lola managed to stutter before the tears got the better of her again.

“Alright baby, it’s alright I’m here, I’ve got you.” Aden soothed, pressing kisses to her forehead as she tried valiantly to stem her tears.

“They…they maked a card wi…with Miss Thompson fo…for mothers day but I…I wasn’t lowd bec…cause I don’t ha…have a mommy.” She hiccoughed.

Aden felt as if he’d been punched in the stomach. Lola’s words hitting him with such force it took his breath away.

“Come here baby.” Was all he could manage in that moment as he held her tightly against his chest and let her cry.

It took a few minutes but by the time Lola’s tears had stopped Aden had managed to pull himself together enough to talk to her.

“Alright sweetheart?” He murmured.

As she pulled away from his chest again, her arms unwound from around his neck until her small hands came to rest on his shoulders.

Following her answering nod he pressed a kiss to her forehead and looked into her eyes. “You know that’s not true don’t you baby?”

“Uh huh.” Lola answered quietly. “I do have a mommy she just lives up in the sky with all the other pretty stars.”

“That’s right.” Aden nodded, using his fingers to gently wipe the tears from her cheeks. “She’s the prettiest, brightest, sparkliest star out there isn’t she huh?”

“Yes she is.” Lola agreed.

“And you know she’s always, always watching over you and keeping you safe don’t you?”

“I know daddy, that’s why we keep the little peaky gap in the curtains at bedtime.”

“You’ve got it honey. So you don’t need to be sad do you?”

“I just wanted to make a card to take to mommy’s special stone.” Lola explained, her lip starting to tremble again.

“Alright baby, don’t cry. We can make a card at home can’t we?” Aden suggested. He’d do anything he could to ease his daughters pain.

“Bu...but they had glittery bits and I used all of mine when I maked your breakfast pretty member?”

Aden smiled as he remembered the incident from the previous week. He had entered the kitchen early on the Sunday morning to find Lola tipping a pot of glitter into a box of cornflakes stating that the breakfast that he had was “Boring” and not pretty like her magic stars and that she was just helping to make them pretty for him.

“Yeah, I remember.” He chuckled “So, how about we go home and get changed and then head to the store to get some glitter and stuff?”

“Ok daddy.” Lola nodded as she rested her head against his shoulder once more, a yawn breaking free as she did so.

“Come on then beautiful.” As he carried her to the car Aden decided on a change of plans to the evening, Lola’s upset obviously having tired her out meant that she’d need an early night.

He had her strapped into her seat and was driving home within minutes. The silence that prevailed was unusual for the two of them. They’d usually spend the journey chatting or singing along to one of Lola’s CD’s but she had told him that she didn’t want her songs on and the questions he asked her were only met with quick one word answers.

Pulling up to a red light Aden took the opportunity to glance at his daughter in the rear view mirror, disappointed to see the sad look back on her face.


His call fell on deaf ears, her attention still fixed on the scenery outside of the window next to her so he tried again.


This time he saw the moment his voice registered with her and watched her eyes travel to meet his in the mirror.

“I love you.” He said simply

“Love you too daddy.”

By the time Lola had replied the lights had turned green so Aden had to return his attention to the road although he was unable to resist the odd glance at her.

“That’s good to hear baby. So how about a smile huh? I haven’t seen one all day!”

“I smiled this morning.” The little girl insisted.

“Yeah but I was at work remember?” he reminded her. “You were snoring your little head off when I left!”

“I don’t snore!” Lola exclaimed, the smile that Aden was desperate to see lighting up her pretty face.

“Oh, must have been your teddy then.” Aden grinned, relishing the sound of her giggling at his words.

“I think it was.” She nodded. “At the shops can we buy pink glitter and silver glitter and purple glitter daddy? They are my bestest colours.”

“I think we can manage that.” Aden answered knowing full well that he’d end up buying her far more than just the three pots of glitter. He was so relieved that she was smiling and had put the upset behind her that there wasn’t much he wouldn’t have agreed to in that moment.

By the time the car pulled into their street Lola was compiling a list of all the things she needed for the card she was going to make.

“…wiggly scissors daddy. I have ordiary scissors but not wiggly scissors and my card needs……Coley…daddy my Coley is here!”

Spotting Nicole’s car in their driveway was as much of a surprise to Aden as it was to his daughter.

“So she is.” He grinned. “Let’s go see what she’s doing here hey.”


“Coley, Coley!” Lola exclaimed running into the kitchen and launching herself at Nicole.

“Hey there pretty girl.” Nicole replied with just as much enthusiasm, sweeping the small girl off her feet and into an embrace.

“Hey.” Aden grinned at the scene as he leant against the archway leading into the room.

“Hi.” Nicole replied, returning his grin.

“We didn’t know you was coming Coley.” Lola began. “Daddy is going to take me to the shops to buy glitter to make my mommy a card because I wasn’t lowd to make one at pre-school.”

“You weren’t allowed?” Nicole’s voice was heavy with concern as she looked from Lola to Aden.

“My teacher said I couldn’t make one ‘cause she thinked I don’t have a mommy but I do don’t I daddy? I’m going to put a twinkly star on my card just like my mommy.”

“Why wouldn’t she let you make a card? Stu…”

“Nic!” Aden warned, knowing where she was headed. “Lola, why don’t you go up and see if you can get changed.”

“Ok daddy but I can’t do my boots, the laces are very tricky.”

“Alright sweetheart, just bring them down with you then.”

Nicole lowered the little girl to the floor and Aden ruffled her hair as she skipped past him heading for her room.

“So, to what do we owe this pleasure then?” Aden asked Nicole once Lola was out of the room.

“No reason.” Nicole shrugged. “I was just at a loose end and thought why not…?”

“No hot date then?” Aden quipped.

“I wish!” Nicole answered.

“What happened to that model you had your eye on?”

“Don’t ask!” Nicole groaned, an uncharacteristic blush colouring her cheeks.

“Come on….spill!” Aden insisted

“He was gay.” Nicole muttered so quietly Aden wasn’t sure if he had heard correctly.

“What?” He asked

“I said he was gay!” Nicole spoke clearly this time. “Go ahead, laugh!”

“Wha…I’m not gonna…I….sorry!” Aden tried to keep his face straight but uncontrollable laughter bubbled over his lips.

“Alright, it’s not that funny!”

“Sorry!” He took a deep breath to calm himself down. “Ok, I’m good! So, I thought you already went out with him once…?”

“Yeah, I did. He told me he was a bit confused but after our date he realised……Aden!” She cried.

“Oh god! Nic!” Aden was doubled over with laughter and was struggling to talk. “I…I’m sorry but….only you princess!”

“I know!” She groaned, burying her head in her hands. “I should’ve stuck with you when I had the chance huh?” She grinned up at him.

“You know it!” he laughed

The drunken kiss they had shared over three years previously was something that they had teased each other about all the time. They had talked it over after it had happened and decided that a relationship between them at that point wasn’t a good idea as Nicole was ready to leave the bay for her new job.

“So what are we up to tonight then?” Nicole asked changing the subject.

“We need to head out to get Lola some glitter and stuff.”

“Oh yeah. I might stick around till Monday and drop her off at pre-school; they can’t get away with that! Was she really upset?”

“Yeah she was. I hate seeing her like that Nic.”

“I know you do.” Nicole instantly stepped towards him and reached out to rest a hand on his arm. “She’s alright now though hey.”

“Yeah, after the promise of glittery stuff!”

“She’s a girl after my own heart.” Nicole smiled. “If only all my problems could be solved with glittery stuff!”

“What problems do you have?” Aden asked concern etched onto his face and clear in his tone.

“Nothing...it’s nothing.” She turned from him hastily and moved to the other side of the room.

“Nic, honey what is it?” Not letting her get away that easily Aden followed her and pulled on her arm until she turned to face him.

For the second time that day Aden’s eyes met a pair of tear filled ones.

“Nic! Come here…what is it?”

“I….it’s nothing.” Nicole insisted trying to pull herself out of Aden’s embrace at the same time as clearing the tears from her cheeks.

“It doesn’t look like nothing.” Aden replied, tightening his hold on her. “Come on Nic, it’s me, you can tell me anything.”



Lola’s shout and subsequent arrival back into the kitchen interrupted Nicole and made her instantly pull out of Aden’s arms and hurriedly check there were no signs of tears on her face.

“Daddy, I’m all ready look!” Lola stood in front of him and did a twirl to show off the outfit she had put together.

“Really baby?” Aden chuckled.

Lola had teamed a red hello kitty t-shirt with a pink tutu from her dressing up box and a pair of green and blue spotted leggings, the ensemble was completed with a pair of yellow wellington boots.

“Uh huh and look…” she waggled her left foot in his direction “...no laces so I did my shoes alllllllllll by myself. Am I clever daddy?”

“You are incredibly clever gorgeous.” Aden told her as he crouched down and took hold of her hands, choosing not to mention the fact that she had her boots on the wrong feet.

“And you look incredibly beautiful.” Nicole added. She had managed to pull herself together and the sight of Lola dressed as she was had removed all traces of upset from her face and replaced it with a huge grin. “I love the outfit!”

“Thank you Coley.” Lola replied politely. “Daddy are we ready to go to the shops now?”

“In this?” He asked pulling at the tutu.

“Yup, it’s my shopping dress silly!”

“Oh yeah, right…shopping dress….shoulda known that shouldn’t I?” Aden grinned.

“She looks great. Come on, let’s go.” Nicole insisted taking the little girls hand out of Aden’s and heading towards the door stopping only when he pulled on her other hand.

“You alright?” he asked in a quiet voice so that Lola wouldn’t hear.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She nodded in reply.

“Ok, well…we’ll talk later yeah?”

“Aden I…”

“Later Nic.” Aden insisted “Now then, glitter….where do we need to go to get that baby?” he asked Lola who rolled her eyes at him as if he’d asked the most ridiculous, obvious question.

“The glitter shop silly!”

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Awww, that was beautifully written.The beginning, with Lola upset, was sad but Aden was really sweet with her.I love how protective Nicole is of her, the preschool teacher was out of order.Nicole's boyfriend decided he was gay after one date...Classic.Curious about what's up with her.Looking forward to more of this.

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So the writing frenzy continues!!! Thank you all so much for the lovely comments, i'm really glad you are enjoying the story and hope that continues too! :D


“Here we go baby.” Aden whispered as he carried Lola into the house.

“Are we home daddy?” the little girl murmured sleepily from his shoulder.

“We sure are beautiful…finally.” He added over his shoulder to Nicole who followed them in, laden with shopping bags.

After the trip to the craft store where, as predicted, Aden ended up buying baskets full of craft supplies as well as the desired glitter, Nicole and Lola insisted on going to Angelo’s as he had planned earlier. They had ended up staying there for dinner and Lola had been thrilled when Angelo presented her with a pink, fizzy drink, the glass decorated with all manner of umbrella’s, coloured sugars and sliced fruits. Aden wasn’t surprised, after the events of the afternoon, when Lola fell asleep almost as soon as they had left the restaurant car park.

“I’ll put these away whilst you take her up.” Nicole offered. She stepped up to him and placed a kiss on the little girl’s cheek. “Night night sweetie pie, sweet dreams.”

“Night Coley.” Lola muttered, her eyes opening the smallest amount as she watched Nicole head through the lounge and into the small sun room at the back of the house where most of the little girl’s toys were kept. “Can I make my card now daddy?”

“No!” Aden laughed. “You make enough mess when you aren’t such a sleepy head.”

“I’m not a sle….” Lola’s protest was cut off by a yawn.

“You’re not what now?” Aden chuckled. “Come on gorgeous; let’s get you in your bed.”


“No buts baby, it’s late, way past your bedtime.”

“But…” Lola continued as she was carried up the stairs.

“Lola.” Aden interrupted her arguing. “It’s bedtime and if you carry on then you won’t get to stay up late for your special Saturday tomorrow.”

“Daddy! You aren’t listening!” Lola exclaimed lifting her head from his shoulder and placing her small hands on either side of his face to ensure she had his full attention.

“What?” Aden tried to remain firm but had to bite back a smile, his daughter’s stubbornness and determination making her all the more adorable to him. “What do you want to tell me?”

“I just wanted to tell you can I go in your bed daddy.” Lola replied sweetly.

“Lola!” Aden groaned as he crossed the threshold into her room. “You have your own bed angel. Look how pretty your bed is.” He sat down on the ornate white bed he was referring to brushing his free hand over the pink covers. As much as he adored his girl and loved spending as much time as possible with her he knew that they would both have a disturbed night if he gave in to her demands.

“Please daddy…I miss you when I’m in my bed.” Lola played her trump card, pulling on his heart strings and teamed with her big brown eyes gazing up at him he was putty in her tiny hands. “Please.”


“I got you a drink.” Nicole told Aden nodding towards the bottle of beer on the coffee table as he walked down the stairs.

“Thanks, I need it!” he replied grabbing up the bottle and flopping down on the couch next to her with a sigh.

“She alright?”

“Yup, fast asleep….in my bed.” He added sheepishly.

“She so has you wrapped around her little finger.” Nicole grinned. “I need to start taking notes!”

“Don’t!” Aden warned with a grin. “One of her is enough!”

“More than enough.” Nicole laughed. “She’s perfect though Aden.”

“Yeah, she is.” He replied.

They fell into a comfortable silence for a few moments and Aden took the opportunity to look a bit deeper at the woman sitting next to him.

“So….” He began “….ready to talk?”


“Look Nic…it’s me yeah. It’s us…..you know we can talk about anything and it won’t go any further than these four walls, I promise.”

“I know that.” Nicole replied quietly it’s just….i don’t want you to think I’m stupid or…..”

“Hey! I’d never think that of you Nic, not ever!” Aden insisted taking hold of her hand and squeezing it reassuringly.

“Ok.” Nicole nodded and took a deep breath as if to gather herself.” I…I don’t even know where…how to start.”

“Just tell me princess.” He encouraged gently.

“I….I hate being in the city!” Nicole blurted out. “I hate it Aden and I’m so unhappy and I have no friends there and my apartment is horrible and…and….”

“Whoa...hey, slow down. I don’t….I thought you were happy. It’s been three years Nic, how long have you been feeling like this?”

“I….not all the time. I was happy at the start but then…well recently I…this...I just wanna come home.” Nicole’s voice broke on the last word as a stream of tears began to glide down her cheeks.

“Hey, shhh, come here.” Aden pulled her into his arms and began to sooth her just as he had done for his daughter earlier in the day. “It’s ok, I’m here Nic, I’ve got you honey.”

“It’s so stupid.” She sobbed against his chest. “I’m not a child but….but….”

“It’s not stupid.” He insisted pulling back slightly so he could look into her eyes. “If you wanna come home, then we’ll bring you home ok.”

After her answering nod Aden pulled her back against him and brushed loving kisses into her hair, murmuring words to try and stem the flow of her tears. There was a voice inside of him that was screaming at him to question her further, knowing that there was something more than she was telling him, that the Nicole he knew would never get this upset over something as simple as home sickness. He also knew though that pushing her would not help the situation and when she was good and ready Nicole would open up to him.

“Where will I stay?” Nicole whispered after a few minutes silence during which she had managed to compose herself.

“What do you mean?” Aden asked looking genuinely confused.

“Well, dad’s with Leah now, they won’t want me cluttering up their place and the house at the caravan park is pretty full what with Miles and Alf and Marilyn and Romeo and Indi and Dex. I guess I co…”

“You’ll stay here.” Aden told her simply without a moment’s hesitation.

“What? No….Aden I couldn’t. I….”

“Nic, you are my best friend, I love you, Lola loves you, you’ll stay here.” He repeated his tone more insistent.

“I….I don’t know what I’d do without you Aden.” Nicole cried, succumbing to tears once again.

“You’ll never have to find out princess.” Aden murmured into her hair as he held her close once more.


“.....and then I’m gonna put a…”

“Going to put, Lola.” Aden corrected his daughter. “And no speaking with your mouth full.” He added as he watched her scoop a spoonful of cereal into her mouth and then begin to protest.

The little girl frowned as she rushed to finish the mouthful of cereal. “That’s what I said daddy! I’m gonna put….”

“Going to, not gonna!” Aden laughed.

“Oh I stand.” Lola giggled “I’m going” She added extra emphasis to the first two words “to put a twinkly star on the top just by the flower. Not on the flower daddy just by it at the top.”

“Sounds great bub.” Aden grinned.

“Will my Coley help? She’s very good at using scissors because she uses them to make all the pretty dresses and things so she can do all the snipping and cutting on my flower.”

“I don’t know angel, she’s still in bed so…”

“Who’s still in bed?” Nicole asked peering around the door into the kitchen.

“Coley!” Lola exclaimed jumping down from the table and skipping into Nicole’s waiting arms.

“Good morning my little princess.”

“Did you have a good sleep?” Lola asked sweetly as Nicole carried her back to the table and after planting a kiss onto her forehead slipped her back into her seat.

“Yes I did thank you.” Nicole replied as she sat down opposite Aden “How about you?”

“It was good, daddy has a comfy bed!” Lola said enthusiastically.

“I bet he does.” Nicole grinned over at him. “Do we think daddy had a good sleep?”

Lola nodded her head as Aden shook his causing Nicole to giggle.

“Don’t ask!” he grumbled.

“Did you not sleep good daddy?”

“Not so much no.” Aden answered. “I had a little person kicking me all night!”

“Was it a Umpa Lumpa daddy?” Lola asked seriously.

Nicole spluttered as she choked on the mouthful of juice she had just taken and Aden threw his head back with laughter.

“Think I need to lay off sending the Johnny Depp DVD’s” Nicole laughed.

“You think!” Aden grinned. “No cheeky monkey….” He told Lola as he rounded the table and stood behind her, placing his hands on her small waist “…It wasn’t an Umpa Lumpa it was a Lola….Bola!”

Lola began to wriggle on the chair as he wiggled his fingers on her waist and tickled her.

“Daddy! Daddy stop, that tickles!”

“Yeah I know that’s why I’m doing it!” Aden grinned.

“You’re mean!” Nicole laughed. “Stop it and let the girl eat her breakfast before it gets all soggy.”

“That’s right daddy I don’t like soggy magic stars!” Lola told him firmly her bossy tone causing him to laugh even more.

“Alright baby. I guess I should stop, we do have lots to do today.” Aden pressed a kiss to the top of Lola’s head before returning to his own seat.

“What are we doing?” Lola asked excitedly.

“Well you have a card to make for starters.” Aden explained. “And then, when that’s done you are gonn…going to…” he corrected himself just in time “…spend the afternoon with Granddad.”

“Where will you be?” the little girl enquired.

“I’m taking Auntie Nic to the city.” Aden explained.

“No daddy!” The little girl cried. “Don’t take my Coley away and don’t go to the city forever and ever!”

“We’re not going forever and ever silly!” Aden reassured her, stretching over the table to tuck her hair behind her ear. “Actually baby, we have some good news for you.”

“Are you sure Aden?” Nicole cut in wanting to make sure he was certain about his decision before telling Lola.

Aden, pointedly ignoring her question continued where he had left off. “How would you like your Coley to be here all the time?”

“Here in my house on all my days?”

“Uh huh.” Aden confirmed

“Really? For really? Coley are you going to live in my house?”

“If you don’t mind?” Nicole replied.

“What do you say short stuff?” Aden asked with a grin, knowing full well what his daughters answer was going to be.

“I say yes yes yes!” Lola answered wholeheartedly. “I love my Coley and my daddy and my house and now we will all be together!”

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