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Guest bradyell

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I should warn that there's a possibly upsetting scene and a swear word (have **'d it though!) in this chap...a move away from the usual fluff granted but normal service will resume shortly :D


“So how we gonna do this?” Aden asked as they entered Nicole’s apartment, both holding onto a selection of empty boxes.

“Going to, Aden.” Nicole teased with a grin at him over her shoulder. “Errrm I guess I’ll do the bedroom and bathroom and you take out here and the kitchen?” She suggested.

“Yeah, ok, sounds good to me.” Aden replied glancing around the lounge they were standing in.

A wave of guilt surged over him when he realised just how little like a home Nicole’s place looked and that he was only noticing this now, three years after she had moved in and she was getting ready to leave.

“There’s not too much to pack.” Nicole muttered almost shyly “Shouldn’t take us too long.”

“We’ll have you home before you know it.” Aden smiled at her reassuringly as he placed the boxes he was holding onto the coffee table and picked up a stack of fashion magazines from next to them. “Then you can start cluttering up our place with this junk.” He added with a smile as he dropped them into a box.

“Thanks Aden.”

“No problem princess.” Aden replied sincerely. “Let’s get a move on!”

Within half an hour Nicole emerged from the bedroom, pulling a large suitcase behind her.

“Here, I’ll get that.” Aden insisted rushing over and taking the case from her, pulling it into the main part of the apartment.

“Thanks.” She smiled at him. “Are you done?”

“Nearly.” He replied. “Just a bit more in the kitchen to do.”

“Ok. Well, I need to go and drop off a letter at the office and pick up some stuff from there.”

“Want me to run you over there?” Aden asked.

Nicole hesitated for a moment before answering “Nah, it’s just round the corner, I can walk it.” She finally replied taking a deep breath and nodding her head as if to reassure herself.

“Sure?” Her reluctance had not gone unnoticed by Aden.

“Yeah…yeah, I’ll be fine. Why wouldn’t I be fine hey?” She chirped in an overly breezy manner.

“Ok. Well, it won’t take me too long to finish up here so how about I load up the car and swing by to pick you up when I’m done then we can head straight home?”

“Yeah, that’s a great idea.” Nicole nodded, seeming almost relieved. “I’ll see you in a few then.”

“Yup, see you in a bit princess.”


Aden’s phone rang just as he pulled into a parking space outside the building where Nicole worked. He turned off the engine and then took the phone from his pocket, not surprised to see Roman’s name flashing on the screen.

“Hey Roman.” He said as soon as he connected the call.

“It’s not Roman.” A little voice replied accompanied by a cute giggle.

“My baby girl!” he exclaimed, a smile lighting up his face. “What are you doing with granddads phone?”

“Granddad let me have a turn so I could talk to you daddy.” Lola explained

“That’s kind of him. What do you want to tell me angel?”

“I wanted to tell you that I maked you a cake and I maked Coley a cake and I cleaned up with Leah and I watcheded Tinkerbelle and I miss you! Are you coming home daddy?”

“Wow baby, you’ve been busy.” Aden grinned, just the sound of his baby girl’s voice filling him with more love than he knew what to do with. “I miss you too beautiful girl.” He added softly. “We’ll be home really soon.”

“Really soon one minute or really soon lot’s of minutes?” The little girl asked.

“Ermm, probably lots of minutes baby.” Aden replied guiltily. “You’re having fun with granddad and Leah though aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I pose.” Lola sighed. “I love granddad and Leah.”

“And they love you.” Aden heard Roman call in the background.

“See baby, I reckon granddad has lots more fun things for you to do. You won’t even have time to miss me before I’m back ok?”

“Ok daddy.” Lola agreed

“I love you Lola Belle.” He murmured.

“I love you too daddy. Bye.”

“Bye baby.”

With a sigh Aden hung up the phone. He glanced around the outside of the building hoping to see Nicole, wanting to head back to the bay and his daughter as soon as possible. Not spotting her anywhere as he had hoped he quickly tapped on his phone and brought up her number. He left it to ring until her voicemail service kicked in.

“Hey Nic, it’s me, I’m outside, where are you?”

His message was short and to the point. With a sigh he threw his phone onto the dashboard and settled back to wait for a return call or Nicole to appear.

Patience not being one of his strong points only a couple of minutes had passed before Aden decided to leave the car and go look for Nicole himself.

Once he had entered the building it took him a few minutes to find his way to the section where the offices were situated.

The long corridor walls were adorned with framed magazine covers and design sketches and Aden slowed his walk down as he checked the designers name on each one, hoping to spot something by Nicole, indicating that her office was near.

A loud crash caused him to freeze in his tracks but when it was followed with silence he continued slowly figuring somebody had just dropped or knocked something over.

He was almost at the end of the corridor when another sound broke the silence. This time however it caused his blood to run cold as he hurried towards the closed door a few meters away from behind which the scream had emitted.

“Nic? Nic!” he called as he reached the door. He knew the scream had come from her and his heart was pounding in his ears as he reached the door and grabbed for the handle. “Nic!”

He growled in frustration and fear when the door failed to open despite his turning of the handle and pushing heavily against it.


His heart was in his mouth as he heard a muffled sob from the other side of the door.

“Honey I’m coming.” He cried as he pushed against the door with his shoulder. “I’m coming.”

He took a step away from the door and raised his foot, kicking with all his might against the door as close to the handle as he could manage. Once, twice, three times before he felt the wood begin to splinter beneath his foot. Lowering his foot back to the floor he used his shoulder once more to push against the now weakened door and it took only one push before it gave to his weight sending him flying into the room.


The sight that greeted him was one he was sure would stay with him, haunt him, forever.

Nicole was sprawled on a sofa in the corner of the room, pure fear etched onto her face. Her long button down dress was pulled open to reveal the underwear she was wearing underneath. A man Aden didn’t recognise was kneeling over her, straddling her hips. One of his large hands held hers together above her head whilst the other was tugging on her underwear.

“Get the f**k off her now!” Aden growled as he closed the gap between the door and the sofa. He reached out and pulled the man from Nicole, using all his strength to push him into the opposite wall.

Anger like he had never known bubbled within him as the man scrabbled to his feet.

“You…” he swung a punch that connected with the man’s face and then another and another until the other man fell to his knees. “I’ll kill you!” He shouted “I’ll fu…”

He trailed off when a whimpering from behind him caught his attention.


He turned around to see Nicole curled into a ball on the sofa, her small frame shaking with sobs.

“Oh god! Nic…It’s alright, it’s ok, I’m here, I’m here.”

He moved to crouch next to her fighting to keep back the tears that were threatening to fall as he took in her dishevelled state.

“It’s gonna be alright.” He continued to sooth her as he gently pulled at her dress and tucked it back around her. “I’ve got you now.” He murmured gently slipping an arm under her legs and one around her back.

She let out a small cry as Aden lifted her into his arms and stood up cradling her against his chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him.

“Alright princess, it’s alright, you’re safe now, I’ve got you.” He soothed, brushing kisses into her hair as he carried her from the room and away from the animal who had attacked her.

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OMG!!!!!! :o

wasn't expecting that ending... woah!!!!

poor poor pooor Nic!! :( I'm so glad Aden found her, tis so good that she's coming back to live with him. I hope thats the first time its happened and its not one of the reasons why she wants to come home!

LOVED the convo with Aden and Lola! so cute ^_^

AMAZING update!

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Oh gosh!I was worried something was going to happen to Nic when I read your intro but...Thank goodness Aden was there.I've got a feeling that man(her lecturer?)did have something to do with Nicole wanting to leave but I really hope that's the first time he's done anything like that.Looking forward to seeing where you take it.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Nicole was silent as Aden carried her back to the car, her head buried against his neck. After a few failed attempts of trying to reach his keys without disturbing her Aden realised he’d have to put her down.

“Nic, honey I have to put you down ok?” He whispered gently, waiting for her to reply before making any movement.

Feeling her answering nod against his shoulder he slowly lowered her until her feet were touching the floor.

“Here, let me…” Her dress and fallen open again as her body came away from his and he reached out to help her button it up.

“No!” She cried pulling away from him at the contact. “I…I’ll do it!”

Aden felt his heart breaking at the scared look that had crossed her face.

“Nic, sweetheart, it’s just me, I’m not gonna hurt you ok?” he soothed.

“I….I know...I’m sorry.” She whispered back, the wobble in her voice clearly showing her emotional state.

“Hey, you have nothing to be sorry for, nothing!” Aden insisted as he pulled open the passenger door of the car. “Here, come on, sit down.” He reached out a hand to her, a small sigh of relief leaving him as she didn’t recoil at his touch but let him help her down into the seat. Once she was seated in the car he crouched down next to her and gently tucked her hair behind her ear. “Alright sweetheart?”

“I…yeah…yeah I’m ok.” Nicole told him after taking a deep breath.

“Ok.” Aden nodded. He gently pushed the door closed and hurried around the car and climbed into his seat. “Shall we go yeah?” He asked, slotting the key into the ignition but turning to Nicole before he started the engine.

“Yeah, let’s go home.” Nicole replied her attention focused out of the window next to her.

“Home? Nic we’re going to the cops.”

“No! Aden no, I…I don’t…it doesn’t….”

“It doesn’t what? Matter?” Aden replied, his anger returning to the surface. “Nic he was…he would have rap…”

“Aden please don’t say it.” Nicole cut him off beginning to cry again.

“Alright, alright, shhhhh honey.” He leant over and pulled the sobbing girl into his arms.

They stayed like that for a few minutes until Nicole had calmed down.

“Look, Nic, I’m not gonna pressure you into anything ok but I think you need to tell the police about this.” He tried again.

“I just…I can’t. Not right now Aden, I can’t talk about it all to strangers.”

“All?” Aden asked as his heart sank. “Nic, has this…has he…oh god, has he done this before?”

He could barely breathe as he waited for Nicole to answer.

“…he’s never…this is the worst….”

“The worst? So he...he’s done….god Nic what has he done?” Aden questioned.

His hands were now gripping onto the steering wheel, a way to vent the anger that was building within him and as a way to keep him in the car as he fought the urge to head back into the office and to finish off what he had started with the punches he had thrown.

“Just….just stuff! Aden please I just want to go home please take me home.”

“Stuff? I….” Aden trailed off as Nicole began to get upset again. “Shhh, alright, ok.” He agreed knowing that pressure from him was not what she needed at that moment. He leant over and hugged her once more, brushing kisses into her hair. “Let’s get you home.”


The drive back to the bay was a quiet one. Aden had to admit that there was a part of him that was relieved Nicole had insisted on leaving when she did. His anger had been getting the better of him and he was sure that hearing the whole story whilst still within walking distance of the man that had hurt Nicole in that way would have resulted in him doing something that he’d later regret and would have most likely ended with him in a jail cell.

Nicole had spent the entire journey staring silently out of her window and didn’t speak until they had passed the sign welcoming people to the bay.

“Where are you going?” She asked when she noticed the direction he had headed.

“Home.” Aden answered simply as confusion furrowed his brow. “Was there…do you want to go somewhere else or…?”

“Don’t we need to collect Lola?” Nicole finally turned to look at him. “She’ll be missing you I’m sure.”

“Well yeah but…I thought we could get you home and settled first…maybe talk?”

“Aden…I…I’m ok, honestly. He didn’t…well he didn’t do anything that can’t be…You got there in time. I’m fine. I will tell you about the other stuff but right now I just want to forget about it and get on with things like normal and that means going to get Lola.”

“Alright, as long as you promise we will talk. You can’t just keep this in Nic, trust me; I know what that can do!”

“I promise!” Nicole insisted. “Now…turn this car round, I want to see my little princess.”

“Alright, I guess.” Aden replied as he quickly but carefully performed a U turn.

Within minutes they pulled up outside Leah and Roman’s place and as he parked the car Nicole turned to Aden a serious look on her face.

“Aden, what happened…you won’t…don’t tell dad yeah?”

“Nic!” Aden sighed as he pulled on the hand brake and looked at her.

“I mean it Aden you know what he’s like. He’ll freak out and just…just kill Nathan or something.”

“Nathan...That’s his name? It would be nothing more than he deserves!”


“Alright honey, I get it. I don’t want Roman getting himself into trouble either and he will if he finds out about this.”

“So you’ll keep this between us?” Nicole asked quietly.

“Sure Nic, it’ll be our Secret.” Aden replied reluctantly as he climbed out of the car and headed inside to collect his daughter.


“…please daddy it’s my bestest, favouritest dinner.”

“But it’s no good for you angel.” Aden sighed as he followed Lola into the house.

“Oh come on Aden, Pizza’s not that bad.” Nicole grinned as she came to a standstill behind the young girl. “It’s got tomatoes on and they’re veggies hey Lola girl.”

“That’s right Coley, you are very smart.”

“Er no she’s not!” Aden quipped, a cheeky grin rising on his lips “Tomatoes are fruit actually.”

“Still one of her five a day.” Nicole argued back. “Now are you calling the order through or shall I? If you do I have extra anchovies.”

“What are an..thingies?” Lola asked.

“Anchovies” Nicole explained “They are little tiny fish.”

“Like Mr Alf catches with his fishing stick by daddy’s work?”

“Just like what Mr Alf catches.” Aden laughed “Except he’d tell you he catches really big fish not really tiny fish!”

“I like Mr Alf.” Lola muttered “Now are we getting Pizza daddy because my tummy is rumbly.”

Aden gazed at his daughter for a moment and then let his eyes drift to Nicole who, much to his relief was smiling and seemed relaxed for the first time that afternoon. She had been so quiet at Roman’s and he knew the older man had guessed something was wrong but knowing Nicole like he did Roman was smart enough not to ask.

“Come on Aden, who can say no to this face huh?” Nicole asked as she brushed her hands over Lola’s hair and left them to rest for a second on her chubby cheeks.

“Not me I guess.” Aden sighed as he returned his gaze to Lola. “Pizza it is then.”

“Yay daddy, thank you!” Lola cheered

“You’re welcome baby.” Aden replied as he picked up the phone from its cradle. “So pizza and wedges and garlic bread yeah?”

“Sounds good.” Nicole smiled as she flopped down onto the sofa.

“And cookie play dough ice cream!” Lola shouted “Please, please, please daddy!”

“Cookie play dough?” Nicole asked as she pulled the young girl onto her lap.

“She hears dough, she says play.” Aden explained with a chuckle “it’s a Lola thing.”

“It’s a cute thing!” Nicole replied. “I’m gonna have to get used to all these Lola things if I’m living here aren’t I”

“Yes you are.” Lola agreed with a nod. “It’s going to be lots of fun Coley.”

“It is sweet girl.” Nicole whispered “Thank you.”

“What for?” Lola asked, a sweet, confused look appearing on her face.

“For being you and for making me feel so welcome and happy.”

“That’s alright Coley, I love you lots and I like it when you are happy.” Lola replied as she wound her arms around Nicole’s neck and pulled her into a hug.

Aden watched as Nicole buried her face into the little girl’s hair and a wave of emotions washed over him. He knew Nicole was hurting inside and that killed him, especially as there was nothing he could do to lessen her pain. At the same time he felt a rush of pride for his baby girl who in a few short minutes had managed to do what he hadn’t been able to, put the smile that he so loved to see back on Nicole’s face.

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i know i say it every chap but that was AMAZING! it seriously was!!!

the bit at the beginning was written so well!!!!! Aden was so gentle and poor pooor Nic! i'm glad that Aden got there just in time!

I'm thinking that Roman's going to find out though...

LOVE Lola! here's dough and says play! :lol: so cute!

can't wait for more! :D x

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I hope Aden can convince Nicole to go to the police! & other stuff? Oh dear.

& I doubt they can keep it from Roman for very long either.

Aww, Lola :) Glad to see that she can make Nicole happy.

Another great chapter Ellen. They make such a perfect family. Beautifully written & I look forward to more.

Love Carina xxx :wub:

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