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Yey!! I got more than one comment... proof that someone other than Pollymoon is reading this!!! :huh:

And yeah, Pollymoon, you so cannot say I didn't warn you!! Where would they be without the drama?? Without the passion?? Without the make up....er...parts :wub: ??

Still considering cutting you down to one update a week though....


I've been reading ever since this started...so you've got another loyal reader!

I knew that all the happy and cheerful parts would come to an end, somehow!

But, oh, Nic! How could you say that, after all you've gone through to get Ella and Roman together?

And wow, Sophie is becoming wise!

(could you remind me, how old are the kids now? there's so many of them, that makes it difficult for me to keep track of! LOL! :D))


Wow tele, that was some part, I am glad that it really was a dream but Roman needs to be more patient and not rush her in to anything, where do they go from here though, I just love this story and that was a really long part and please tele don't cut us down to one update a week, I just couldn't cope, so glad you got other comments as this is a great story.


:D thanks, Tele, for the info on the kids' ages! (I nearly called you Ella - what the hell! LOL)

Wow that was a great chapter but didn't like the idea of Roman leaving! :wacko:


Tele, you just saved yourself with that ending, things were not looking good for a long time in that part, I just wish they would sit down and talk about everything that is going on, but am still loving this story both the fluffy parts and the angsty parts.


Thank you tele for a wonderful part, so glad that they actually talked this through, think we could see some fun now with them sneaking around, :lol: you never let us down tele, another wonderful read.


Tele, you are an angel, I didn't expect an update this early today and a great update it was, really enjoyed that, so now that Roman and ella are getting back on track, they are going to sort out Miles and Lee, think that could work really well, great surprise on a monday morning, thank you so much :wub:

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