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7TWO Transmission Discussion

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I could be wrong of course, but as far as I'm aware they don't digitize the episodes - they literally play the analogue tapes 'live' through their digital output.

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I digitise analog tape in my spare time and i can tell you it takes A LOT of time and effort (of course i'm speaking  about consumer VHS and Betamax which can hold between 3-8 hours of footage) 7 obviously haven't digitised these episodes yet as they've not been repeated on TV i could be wrong but i'm fairly sure  Shane's death was shown in the UK recently?


Anyway assuming digitisation is the issue it's just a case of finding the man power (i would certainly volunteer if asked!) and converting the rest of the 90s episodes but i'm not too fussed if the reruns are reinstated or not as we've seen the key events such as Bobby Dale and Tom's deaths Karen killing David and of course Dodge pt 2 really after 1996 there's not a lot that would keep me watching except for Robert Perez Ailsa's death Ken's death and the mudslide

1 hour ago, Bobby Forever Missed said:

Anyway assuming digitisation is the issue it's just a case of finding the man power (i would certainly volunteer if asked!) and converting the rest of the 90s episodes but i'm not too fussed if the reruns are reinstated or not as we've seen the key events such as Bobby Dale and Tom's deaths Karen killing David and of course Dodge pt 2 really after 1996 there's not a lot that would keep me watching except for Robert Perez Ailsa's death Ken's death and the mudslide

That's a bit selfish. Obviously we are all entitled to our opinions but just because you have seen what you consider the key events it's a bit selfish to say you wouldn't be fussed if they return or not as there are many other people who would love to see the remaining 90s years including me. Even if I didn't want to see them I'd still be passionate about the early years resuming as I know it's important to other people and still much better than the Home and Away that's on air today.

17 minutes ago, Shannon Found Skeletons said:

That's a bit selfish. 

Seriously? did you even READ MY POST? i literally said i would give up my time to fly out and digitise the remaining 90s episodes if i was asked to by 7! (not likely i know) and you call me selfish Just.....No the fact is i'm probably not the only one who would drop off after 1999/00/01 the 00s weren't that great IRC anyway just because i don't agree with you is no reason to assume anything about my personality


It's very generous of you to say you'd fly out and do the episodes yourself. It has nothing to do with agreeing with me. Like I said, we are all entitled to our opinions.

All I said was the attitude that you wouldn't care if they stopped showing the early years is a selfish one. Even if I disliked 96-99 I would still care. It was only that one part of your post I said was selfish, it wasn't a personal attack and I don't have anything against the rest of your post.


Nothing selfish about what Bobby Forever Missed posted. What he said was totally the opposite. Also all he was saying was he would not be bothered if they did take The Early years off for good. 1996 was when many big iconic storylines were wrapped up.

3 hours ago, Bobby Forever Missed said:

i'm not too fussed if the reruns are reinstated or not as we've seen the key events

That's the only bit I was talking about. I said it's selfish because he doesn't care if the reruns continue because he's seen the episodes HE believes to be important, regardless of whether other people believe 96-99 to contain key events. Therefore it's coming from a selfish perspective. I didn't say HE was selfish and like I said above I have nothing against the post as a whole, everyone is entitled to their opinion about what episodes are important, and I certainly am not attacking him or anyone else personally.

I'm not going to keep repeating this and explaining myself, any further replies about this will be ignored. I really meant no offence, I'm new here and don't really want to make enemies.


Anyway i'm just assuming the episodes being on analogue tape is an issue BUT IN SAYING THAT: It could be rights actor royalties music copyrights or just giving the episodes a rest we don't know for sure so it's all guesswork by us the fans


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