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My Very Own Little Ghost

Guest callyha

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Thank you so much Danni and Sarah for commenting :)


Chapter 41.

Riley looked up at the figure in the lights.



"You thought Charlie called the police?" Angelo said as he tightened his grip on Gary

"Hannah told us. She was a friend. We believed her!" Gary spoke

"IT was a lie. And after everything Grant did to her, you still made her life hell!"

"How did we do that?" Gary asked

"I spoke with Officer Ripley"

"That fat bastard. What did he have to say?"

"Why don't you tell me your version, then I'll tell his"

"Mind loosening the grip?" Gary said

Angelo slackened his grip on Gary

Grant spoke to his gym class.

Gary spoke to his Physics class.

Marcus told the football team.

"She tried to kick the habit, but it consumed her. I even tried to help, but I failed. It made me feel like I was a lousy boyfriend" Grant lied

"Stupid cow, after everything that happened with Hannah's brother she still went to drugs" One boy said

"Hey, is that why she was thin one day, and then like fat the next?" Another boy

Grant thought back to the previous year.

Charlie wore a tight shirt from February until June. Then she wore baggy clothes, then she ran away from home.

"Yep, because of the drugs"


Charlie walked down the corridor.

Unaware of the vicious lies that were been spread about her.

People whispered.

Charlie felt self-conscious. Did people know that Ruby wasn't her sister?

"You know we all know Charlie. And its sick" One girl said to her

"What is?" Charlie asked

"You know what. And after everything that Hannah and her family went through. You should be ashamed"

Charlie was confused

"Druggie!" Someone shouted, then cruelly throwing a sandwich at her.

"What?" Charlie said, shocked

"We all know. I just feel sorry for your sister. Been raised in a family with you for a sister"

Charlie ran.

Hurt by the things people were saying to her.


"Why has daddy forgotten you?" Charlie asked as she knelt down beside Riley.

Riley looked up at Charlie. "Dada" Riley said.

"Yea, Dada" Charlie smiled.

Charlie looked around the room.

She felt sick seeing all of the pictures.

Then she noticed a phone.

"Perfect!" Charlie said as she rose to her feet and went to the phone.

Staring at it, she used all her strength to pick the phone up.

Using what little strength she had left, she dialed a number and held the receiver to Riley's mouth.


"Hello?" Ruby said as she answered her mobile.


"Hello?" Ruby said again.

Ruby's eyes widened. "Oh my god" Ruby said

"What?" Leah asked as she looked to Ruby.

"Riley. He's on the phone" Ruby said

"On the phone? Since when could he dial?"

"I don't know. we need to find out where the phone call came from" Ruby said as she hung up.

"How?" Leah asked


Ruby looked at the number in her mobile. She then looked in the telephone book.

"Come on"


Leah and Ruby pulled up on the street.

The last time Ruby saw a window like the one on the building, Chalrie was been carried out of it. Dead.

Ruby and Leah ran up the stairs of the buildiing.

With each step, Ruby's heart beated faster and faster.

"Hello?" Ruby said when she pushed the door of the apartment where the call was made.

No answer.

Ruby and Leah walked in the room.

Sitting there, with a smile on his face, was little Riley.

"Riley!" Ruby said as she ran across to him "Oh, baby, I'm never letting you go again" Ruby said as she was embracing her brother.

"Mama" Riley said as he pointed to Charlie

Ruby looked to where Riley was pointing.

Nothing was there.

"Ruby?" Leah said


"I think you might want to look at this" Leah said as she waved her hand to instruct Ruby to come forward.



Ruby layed eyes on the wall of pictures.


"I want to know what you're going to do about it!" Ross shouted at the principle

"Mr. Buckton if you'd take a seat" the principle said

"I don't want to take a seat. My daughter is the victim of severe bullying. Every night now for the last three weeks she has come home with bruises, cuts, bloody noses, her clothes are ripped, and she is been accused of been a druggie!"

"Mr. Buckton, we are very aware of what is happeneing and we are doing our best to resolve the situation"

"I'll tell you what need to be done. You need to punish every child in this school. They can't get away with what they are doing!"

"In a way its nice to know that the children at this school wont stand drugs. And its unfortunate that it has gone this far"

"What the hell? You're saying, that its ok for nearly 100 15 year old to beat my daughter for something she didn't do?"

"She was caught with drugs. and for one, I'm thinking of expelling her from school until further notice"

"If my daughter was in possession of drugs, do you think I -as an officer of the law- wouldn't know about it?" Ross shouted

"I'm not criticizing your skills as an officer.."

"No, just his skills as a father" Elsie added

Silence fell over the room.

Charlie sat in the reception. Crying.


"What are all these?" Ruby asked

"Pictures of your mum when she was younger" Leah said as she looked at them.

"But why? Why would this guy keep these pictures?"


I stand and look on.

Angelo is finding out about what happened.

Ruby has only just begun to find out.

I never wanted this to come to light.

I don't think it would have. If I was still alive.

Why does the past always come back to bite you in the ass?

Why can't everything just stay there. In the past?


Angelo looked at Gary.

The last piece of the puzzle fit in to place.

With one last punch, Gary fell to the ground.

Angelo took out his mobile and called Giles.

"I got him. He's at 116 Millibar Court Road. Yedma. He's out cold" Angelo said. then hung up.


"Charlie. I'm gonna make things right. This town will know the truth".....

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Chapter 42

Gary sat in the interview room at Yabbie Creek police station.

Handcuffed to the uncomfortable chair.

Thoughts ran through his mind.

The day Grant told him he'd slept with Charlie.

The day of the drugs raid.

The day Charlie tried to make people see that she was a victim in the situation.

Gary sat. Thinking of how he could make things right.

After all, he did kill Charlie. And the reason behind it never existed.

His own brother lied to him.


"Hasn't this gone too far?" Gary asked Grant

"No. Charlie called the police. She's getting everything she deserves."

"How can you stand there with a smug look on your face, Charlie is miserable. And she didn't know anything about the drugs"

"Hannah said she saw Charlie in the bathroom near the lockers"

"And you believe Hannah over Charlie?"

"Why shouldn't I?"

"For starters, you went out with Charlie, Hannah has a history of lying. And besides, her brother died for a drugs overdose" Gary told

"And your point is?"

"What if Hannah got scared. Scared that history would repeat itself. Hannah could have called the police"

"She wouldn't have done. She was in on this from the start"


Charlie sat under the bleachers.

Looking out on to the football field.

"My life has gone down the toilet" She cried to herself.

Charlie was startled when someone came up behind her.

"What do you want? I can't take anymore sandwiches today. Be the first in line tomorrow" Charlie said

"I don't want to throw anything"

"Danny" Charlie smiled as she looked at him

"Hey" Danny said as he held Charlie in his arms.

"Everything is such a mess" Charlie sobbed

"I know. What can I do to help?" Danny asked

"Just been here helps" Charlie said.


It had been 6 weeks since the police raided the school.

The hate campaign against Charlie was still there, but not as bad as before.

Charlie still kept herself to herself.

Hiding away from Grant.


"Hannah" Her mother said as she knocked on the door


"Hannah" Her mother said again

Still no answer.

"I'm coming in" Her mother said.

Gail walked into Hannah's room.

She saw Hannah laying lifeless on the bed.

"Oh my god! Andrew!" Gail shouted.

Andrew -her husband- ran upstairs.

Seeing Hannah laying on the bed reminded him of his son.

"Get her in the car now" Andrew shouted


"Hannah Allan was admitted to hospital last night. The doctors say she is going to be ok, but her condition is critical"

The students sat in the hall.


Charlie sat at the side. Suddenly all eyes were on her.

"Its her fault" People started to whisper.


Charlie walked up to the police station.

Officer Ripley stood with a chocolate doughnut in his hand

"I wouldn't eat too many of them, you'll spoil your figure" Charlie said as she approached Ripely.

"I wouldn't be too worried. You see the flatness, that'll never change"

"Right" Charlie said.

"So, what can I do for you?" Ripley asked

"I want to tell you about Grant and Gary Bledcoe and.."

"look, I'm gonna stop you there. I've heard about all of that. And that Hannah girl. And I'm sorry, but I'm not a councilor. If you need help dealing with the problem, I suggest you got talk to someone at your school"

Before Charlie could answer, Ripley's phone rang.

Watching as her last chance to say what had happened walk away, Charlie looked around for some paper.

When she found some, she began writing.


Angelo was reunited with his son.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry little man. Daddy will never let you out of his sight again" Angelo kissed Riley on the forehead.

"Dada" Riley said.

"Buddy" Angelo smiled.

"Angelo? Can we talk?" Ruby said.

"Yea, sure" Angelo began to walk to the office

"Without Riley" Ruby said

"But, I just got him back" Angelo said.

"I know, but this is important" Ruby said.

"What's this about?" Angelo asked as he sat at his desk.

"I saw the pictures in that apartment" Ruby said.

"You saw them?" Angelo asked

"Yea. Who is this guy?" Ruby asked

"Gary Yedma. Also known as Hans or as Grant Bledcoe's brother"

"Oh my god" Ruby said. "I feel sick"

"The hostage situation was a fake. It was to lure Charlie into a trap, and it worked. Gary had the whole thing planned from the moment he tracked Charlie down"

"What?, what are you saying? That Gary intended to kill mum?"



"Gary always believed everything that Grant told him. Even down to.."

"Him raping mum, go on, you can say it" Ruby said. Not bothered by the rape been mentioned

"Grant told Gary that he never raped Charlie, and Gary believed him. But then when Charlie started back at school again, everyone was wondering about why she'd disappeared for a year and why she was so slim again"

"Didn't anyone know about me?" Ruby asked


"Then what?" Ruby asked, trying to stop the tears from falling down her face

"A few weeks after Charlie started school again, she over looked Grant, Gary, Marcus and a girl named Hannah, beat a guy up and find a stash of drugs.

Police came to the school the following day and Charlie was blamed, by Hannah, for the call"

"Who made the call?" Ruby asked

"Hannah. We have her statement from that night on record"

"So why did mum get the blame?"

"Hannah told Grant and Gary that she saw Charlie in the bathroom near the room and lockers involved"

"The bitch" Ruby spat.

"When Grant and Gary found out, they made everyone think Charlie was a druggie. Charlie went through weeks of vicious bullying and when it seemed to calm down, Hannah overdosed on some painkillers, and everyone blamed Charlie"

"Oh my god." Ruby sank

"Look, I know this is a lot to take in"

"Ya think? I've just found out that, that.." Ruby broke down in tears.


I look back on my life.

The two years of my life which I wish i could erase from my mind.

Things happened that I couldn't control.

If I had my way, I wouldn't have been raped. I would have stood up for myself.

But I was raped, and I never stood up for myself.

I'm not ashamed of Ruby, I never was and I never will be.

I'm ashamed of myself. Because I never fought to get my daughter back.

Because I let that monster walk away.

And because Ruby is going to hate me from now on.

I should have told her the truth about everything sooner.

I just hope Ruby can find it in her heart to forgive me.


Thank you to everyone who has commented!

It means a lot :)

As usual, a flashback

Chapter 43.

Angelo still cradled his step-daughter in his arms.

Everything Ruby was hearing in one go, took Angelo weeks to figure out.

Poor girl.

Finding out that her mother was not only raped, but blamed for the reasoning behind Hannah's overdose.

"What else?" Ruby said, wiping the tears away from her face.

"You sure you want to know?" Angelo asked, trying to protect Ruby from the rest of the story.

"I'm sure. I deserve to know why mum was murdered" Ruby spat.

"Hannah was discharged from hospital the following week. She was still very weak. Charlie had gone over to her house to see her and see how she was doing. Hannah's parents told Charlie to leave, they too blaming Charlie for Hannah's overdose....

"Just leave Charlie. You've caused us enough pain" Hannah's mum shouted at the fifteen year old.

"I never.." Charlie began

"Charlie, go" She repeated again

Charlie swallowed her words. Turning around she walked away. Hiding her tears as she head towards her home.


Hannah stood in her bedroom, watching as Charlie walked away.

She felt sorry for Charlie, but felt more scared for herself. Grant would threaten her if she told him the truth.

A tear fell down her cheek


Charlie walked up the path to her house.

A piece of paper flickered in the wind.

Evil. Leave.

The writing caused a shiver down Charlie's back.

She turned to see some of her class looking on from their houses.



Officer Ripley looked at the desk of paperwork and sighed.

The statements of Grant. Gary, Marcus and Hannah were layed out on the desk.

"Drugs. What the hell is wrong with these kids" Officer Ripley said to himself.

Picking all the sheets up, he placed them in a file marked COCAINE YEDMA 1995.

Under all the paperwork was the letter Charlie had written.

My name is Charlie Buckton. Born June 13th 1980.

I am fifteen years old.

I went to a party on the 3rd of October.

I hadn't told my parents where I had gone because I knew they wouldn't let me.

I had gone with my boyfriend Grant Bledcoe.

We'd been together for about a year by this point.

Grant led me upstairs, saying he wanted to talk in peace.

When he said he was ready, I told him I wasn't. He kept telling me he was ready, he was ready. But he never listened when I told him I wasn't.

He moved closer to me, kissing me, then he forced himself on me. I tried to scream, but he, became more forceful. I was too weak to to fight. I kicked, I screamed, but nothing worked.

When he walked away, I realized what had happened.

I'd been raped.

I ran home and took a shower. I was so disgusted with myself.

I just wanted to forget everything that happened.

Wash away any smell of him on me.

I never told my mum and dad what happened.

Not until four months later. When my period was late.

When I told them, I was taken to hospital where we were told I was pregnant.

And unable to have a termination as I was four months pregnant.

Ruby Buckton isn't my sister.

Ruby Buckton is my daughter.

I was raped by Grant Bledcoe.

Officer Ripley never saw the note.

It was placed in the file along with the other paperwork.

Never to be seen again.


"Where's the note?" Ruby asked

"Here" Angelo said as he handed the note to Ruby.

"Do you think that everything wouldn't have happened the way it did if Officer Ripley had seen the note originally?" Ruby asked

"I don't know. I do know that it would have taken a lot of courage to write that note. And I'm glad she did"


"Because we can go to Yedma, and let them know that Charlie was a victim" Angelo smiled slightly.


Gary sat in the city police station's cell.

Remembering everything about the week that the Bucktons left Yedma.

Hannah had been back at school for three months now.

It was five months ago when she took the painkillers.

"So why did you take them? Everyone was saying it was Charlie Buckton that caused you to take them" One girl asked

"So, Charlie physically put the pills in my mouth, poured the scotch in my mouth and forced me to swallow?" Hannah answered

"No, I don't mean that"

"Charlie had nothing to do with it. Charlie had nothing to do with any of it. Just leave me alone" Hannah said as she ran away from the little group that had gathered around her.


Charlie walked passed the group. Holding her books close to her.

"Charlie" They shouted.

Charlie cautiously looked at them

"So. You didn't make Hannah OD"

Charlie shook her head.

"Look. I'm sorry I blamed you for so long, but I'm not sorry for the things I've said about having the drugs. You deserve everything you get"

Charlie took no more.

"Look. I watched Grant, Gary, Marcus and your precious Hannah beat the crap out of two guys. I watched as Hannah opened her locker to stash the drugs. I was there when Hannah told me what they were doing. You know what. I really don't care what you think. I never have done. I never will. So find someone else to bully."

The girl stood open-mouthed.

"No one talks to me like that" The girl said as she watched Charlie walk away.

Gary watched from his locker.

A camera was in his hand.


When Charlie got home everything was packed.

"You ready darling?" Ross said to his daughter

"To get away from here? Yes" Charlie smiled.

As the Bucktons got into the moving van, neighbors watched as they pulled away.

Some wondering why they were leaving

Others wondering where they were going.

Others were glad to see the back of them

Others were scared of what Charlie could say about them.

But two people in particular were worried.

I had always thought Ruby would feel disappointed. Ashamed. Angry. Betrayed.

But I never gave her enough credit.

I am so proud of the woman she has become.



*Yedma find out...

*Charlie is up to her old tricks


Thank you so much for commenting! :):)

This chapter isn't like the previous chapters, I hope you still like it though!

Chapter 44

Angelo, Ruby and Riley sat in the car looking out of the windows.

Riley was happy to be in the 'brum-brum' car.

Ruby and Angelo were worrying about what lies ahead for them.

"Angelo?" Ruby said

"Yup?" Angelo answered

"It helps if you turn the engine on"

"Oh, right." Angelo said as he embarrassingly turned the key.

"How long til we are there?"

"Please tell me you're not going to be an annoying child asking 'are we there yet' every ten minutes?" Angelo said as he pulled away from their house

"No, its just, last time I was in Yedma I was leaving and I was two. Don't really remember much" Ruby answered


"Angelo, Ruby and Riley have gone away for a while, just to get away from things" Leah lied.

"I don't really blame them. After everything they've been through. At lest Gary's sentencing is announced today" Irene added

"Where did you say they've gone?" Colleen asked as she entered the kitchen fully.

"I didn't. They didn't say, they just want to be left in peace for a little while" Leah lied again

"They should be around friends. The truth about Charlie's death has come out, they'll need consoling" Colleen added

"You don't want to console, you just want to get the juicy details" Leah snapped.

Colleen opened her mouth in astonishment. Leah never spoke to her that way before.

Leah took her apron off, threw it on the counter, and left the diner.

"Good one Colleen" Irene said as she took her apron off

"What did I say?" Colleen asked innocently.

"I'm going to talk to her. You stay here" Irene ordered.

"I only said" Colleen said as she watched Irene walk out of the door.


Leah sat looking out to sea.

Tears streamed down her face.

"Hey, don't listen to Colleen, she needs to learn to keep her trap shut" Irene said

"It's not what Colleen said" Leah said, wiping her tears away

"Really?" Irene asked in disbelief

"Maybe a little" Leah laughed

"What's bugging you?" Irene asked as she put her arm around Leah's shoulders.

"Charlie was my best friend. Like my sister. When she told me she and Angelo were having a baby and getting married, I was the first one to know. Other than Ruby obviously. Charlie even asked if I'd be Riley's godmother"

"That's really nice darl" Irene said as she looked at Leah.

"When I found out she'd been killed, it felt like a part of me died too. It sounds stupid, but we were so close. I really miss her."

"We all do darl, we all do"


You never know the impact you make on someone's life, until you die and are able to look on form an outer-perspective.

I always knew my friendship with Leah was more than friends.

Leah, Rachel and I were so close.

When Rachel and Tony left, it hit us both hard. But we were there for each other.

Leah was so strong.

I could lean on her all the time.

I leaned on her so many times when I was pregnant with Riley.

I broke down three weeks before I had Riley.

Leah picked me back up and reassured me that I was going to be ok.

I wish there was some way I could show her that I love her.


Leah and Irene stood up and walked along the beach.

Saying nothing.


After what seemed hours of driving, Angelo pulled the car up in the parking lot of the Police station in Yedma.

Riley had fallen asleep ten minutes after setting off and was drooling everywhere and snoring

"Just like your mum, Riley" Angelo smiled

Ruby had fallen asleep leaning on the window.

"Rubes? We're here" Angelo said as he tapped Ruby.

Ruby never moved.

"Ruby" Angelo said again.

Still no reply.

Angelo looked at Ruby, then pressed the button to open the window.

Ruby's head followed the window down. When the window was fully down, her head flopped out of the window.

Angelo laughed as Ruby woke with a moan.

"Funny Angelo" Ruby said as she stretched.

Looking at her new surroundings Ruby let out a sigh. "So. This is Yedma"


"Where are my keys?" Colleen asked as she looked in her bag

"Who pinched my knife?" Miles asked as he held his fork in his hand

"Anyone know where my keys are?" Colleen asked as she walked around the kitchen

"Can anyone tell me if they have my knife. I can't cut my chicken with my hand" Miles said as he stared at his chicken.

"She's back" Smiled Leah.

"I'm back" I smile


Thanks again for the lovely comments! :)

Chapter 45

Leah stood in Charlie's old room.

It still had a few pictures of her and Charlie in, but it was now a study room with a computer, fax machine, church things for Elijah and a few games for VJ.

"What's wrong?" Elijah asked as he walked up behind Leah.

"It's never bothered me. This room. I've been in it everyday since Charlie moved out. But lately, it feels empty. I know it sounds stupid, but it does. Charlie moved out three years ago"

"I don't think its stupid" Elijah said.

Elijah watched Leah as she stepped closer to one of the pictures.

"Then why is it different now?" she said as she placed her finger one the picture

"Charlie's dead. It hit you hard and this is how you're coping"

"Charlie died last September" Leah replied

"You didn't give yourself chance to grieve. You were looking out for Ruby and Angelo. Charlie's death nearly killed them. You were there rock. Now its your turn to grieve. And this is how you are doing just that"

Leah let the words filter through.

What Elijah had said was so true.

Leah slowly sank to the floor.

Crying for the friend she had lost.


"Ready for this?" Angelo said as he put Riley's change bag on his shoulder.

"As I'll ever be" Ruby replied.

Angelo, Ruby and Riley headed to the playing field where a fair was going on.

People stared at the three as they headed towards them.

Whispers were heard by Ruby.

"They're talking about us" Ruby said

"Let them" Angelo replied.

"Bear!" Riley said as he pointed to a soft toy on the hook-a-duck stall

"You want the bear little man?" Angelo said

Riley clapped with excitement.

"Two dollars please" The woman behind the stall said to Angelo.



"Can you take Riley for me" Angelo asked

"Sure" Ruby said as she took her brother.

Angelo used the pole and hooked a red duck.

Riley's eyes lit up when the woman unhooked the duck and handed Angelo the bear.

"Here you are little man" The woman said as she handed Riley the bear

"What do you say Riley" Angelo said to his son

"Ta" Riley replied with a grin on his face

"Your very welcome young man" The woman smiled.

"Charlie? Charlie Buckton?" A woman shouted.

Angelo and Ruby looked up.

"Excuse me?" Ruby said

"Sorry, I thought you were someone else" The woman said when she saw it wasn't Charlie

"No, don't be sorry. How do you know Charlie?" Ruby asked

"I'm Stella Winfield, Charlie used to babysit my kids for me"

"She did?" Ruby asked

"Yea, she was about twelve I think when she asked me for a job, she was so good I had her every other Saturday" Stella smiled.

"Then what happened?" Ruby asked.

"Charlie, changed. Never the same again. I heard the rumors that went around, but I couldn't believe Charlie would do drugs, let alone cause a fellow student to take an overdose" Stella paused for a moment. "Anyway, how do you know Charlie?"

By this point people were looking at Stella as she spoke to Ruby, the name 'Charlie Buckton' still raised a few head even now.

Ruby looked to Angelo.

Angelo nodded.

"I'm Ruby. Charlie's daughter"


"Colleen?" Alf said for the tenth time in a row.

"What?" Colleen replied

"For gawd sake Colleen why didn't you answer when I first called ya?"

"I can't find my keys" Colleen said

"Where did you last see them?" Alf said, not amused

"In my bag"

"They should be still there then"

"They're not" Colleen said

Maybe I should leave Colleens keys alone.

But then again, its so much fun watching her search for them.

Miles yesterday was funnier though.

I took his knife.

He spent ages looking for it and eventually gave up, asked for another one.

That's when I put it back. His face was a picture.


Charlie looked out at the sea.

Belle walked out from the sea and joined Charlie.

"You know, you can't stay here forever" Belle said.

"I know. It's just, Ruby and Angelo are finally coming to terms with everything, I want to see if they come out of the other side" Charlie replied

"I know its hard Charlie. If I could, I would've stayed with Aden until he came to terms with my death. But I couldn't. I knew Aden had Nicole, Irene everyone to help him. And so do Ruby and Angelo, they have everyone. They're going to be fine"

"Just a little longer" Charlie said with tears in her eyes.



Thanks for the comments:)

Danni, Sarah, RR1 Freckleface :)

Chapter 46

"Anyway, how do you know Charlie?"

By this point people were looking at Stella as she spoke to Ruby, the name 'Charlie Buckton' still raised a few head even now.

Ruby looked to Angelo.

Angelo nodded.

"I'm Ruby. Charlie's daughter"

Ruby stood, looking at Stella.

The words still ringing through her ears.

"I'm sorry, her what?" Stella asked

"Her daughter" Ruby repeated.

Everyone at the fair had gone quiet.

Nothing could be heard.

Ruby smiled to herself.

Now people would know the truth.

Angelo looked on at his step-daughter.

Proud of her.

"How old are you?" A man asked

"I'm nearly seventeen" Ruby replied "Does that mean something to you?"

"Yea. Yea it does" Another man replied.

"How?" Angelo asked

"I knew the Bucktons. When they left -Ross and Elsie and their two daughters- I dealt with their moving details. Ruby Buckton was Ross' younger daughter"

The man looked Ruby in the eye. "You are Ross' girl aren't ya?"

Everyone looked more intently at Ruby, causing Ruby to be taken aback.

"Just tell them" Angelo whispered "I want to get away from here" Angelo added

"My name is Ruby Buckton. When I was born, my mother was fourteen. My mothers parents then raised me. Charlie Buckton, who you all know as the druggie who allegedly caused Hannah Allan's overdose, was raped by Grant Bledcoe. Resulting in a pregnancy. A pregnancy which was hidden from you, and resulted in me"

"You're lying" A woman said. "Why would someone come here, 15 years later and tell us all this?"

"Because Charlie Buckton was viciously murdered by Gary Tedman, who knew about what Grant did to Charlie" Angelo added.

Stella looked into Ruby and Angelo's eyes.

She could see the pain and the anger.

"Gary killed Charlie?" Mr. Watson asked

"Yea" Angelo said. Fighting his tears.


"Stab wound to her abdomen. Killed her almost immediately" Angelo replied.

"Its all a lie"

People whispered to one another.

No one wanted to believe that this much evil could have happened and gone unnoticed.

"Its true" officer Ripley shouted as he emerged from behind the crowd.

Everyone looked at the law enforcer.

"Its true. And I will be the first one to say have deeply sorry I am for not picking up on any of this earlier. If I did my job right, this whole issue would have been dealt with 15 years ago" Officer Ripley took his hat off, and took a note form his back pocket.

"What's that?" A man asked

"Its the note/statement Charlie Buckton wrote a few months before she left with her fmaily. It explains everything. And when read, the dates match up and it explains Charlie's physical appearance changing, and why she went away for a year"

"Read it then!" Mr. Johnson shouted.

People in the crowd agreed.

"I believe Angelo and Ruby should decide that" Officer Ripley said as he handed Angelo the note.

Angelo looked at the note.

"Ruby" Angelo handed Ruby the note.

"I don't want it" Ruby said.

"I think we should read it first." Angelo said to everyone.

Angelo, Ruby and Riley walked to the local bed and breakfast place.


As Stella and the rest of the residents of Yedma cleaned up after the fair, conversation soon got on to Charlie and Ruby Buckton

"I don't believe a word of it. I think its an attempt to cover what that girl did to her family and friends" Jackie said

"I'm not so sure. Grant and Gary argued a lot more after Charlie left. And Officer Ripley seems to believe it" Amy responded

"But the child does look like Charlie. Don't you think?" Mary added

"Which one? The liar or the baby?" Jackie asked

"Ruby. And now that you mention it, the baby too" Mary replied

"Poor kids, having a mother like that, those two are better off without Charlie. If you ask me, it a good job she's dead" Jackie said

Stella walked up to Jackie and slapped her.

"What the hell?" Jackie said as she grabbed her face

"How dare you say such a thing. Charlie is dead, she was killed. Show some respect" Stella spat at her.


Leah smiled as she watch Elijah and VJ play football.

A smile that she felt betrayed her friendship with Charlie.

"That's nice to see love" Irene said as she walked over to Leah

"It's nice to feel it on my face" Leah confessed. "It doesn't make me a bad friend does it?"

"No, why would it?" Irene asked

"Ruby and Angelo are in Yedma resolving unfinished business, issues that are close to heart, and here I am, smiling" LEah said.

"Leah, you don't have to be sad every minute of the day. Charlie knew how much you loved her. And Angelo and Ruby know that you will be there for them when they get back. You deserve to smile, if not for yourself, then for VJ, for Elijah and smile for the happy memories you and Charlie have. I'm sure you have plenty" Irene said.

"Wow, Irene. That was nice, thank you" Leah said

"Wasn't like me really was it?" Irene smiled. Then winked at Leah before walking back to the diner.


If ever you are asked 'When was the best day of your life?' What would you answer?

I don't know what I'd answer.

But I know I'll figure it out.



Thanks again Danni, Sarah RR1 and freckleface, the comments mean a lot! :)

Chapter 47

"Riley's out for the count" Angelo said as he walked into the living quarters of the small room.

Ruby never looked up.

Her eyes were red from where she was crying.

"Rubes? What wrong" Angelo asked when he noticed.

Ruby sniffed. "I've just read the letter Officer Ripley gave us"

"And?" Angelo asked

"It says everything. What happened, what mum said, the aftermath, everything"

"Oh god" Angelo said when he realized Ruby read the 15 year old girls statement. Not a good sign.

"Mum wrote everything down. And nothing was done about it. How would that make you feel? She was alone. She had no one."


I fall down the wall to the floor.

I've just seen my daughter read something I wrote when I was confused about my feelings toward been Ruby mum.

When I felt everyone should know the truth.

I thought Ruby would have reacted differently.

Upset, annoyed, angered.

That's how she feels.

But not towards me like I thought.

I never gave her enough credit.



Jackie emerged from her house with a bruise on her face.

Peeved at Stella for slapping her.

"Nice bruise there Jackie" Dan said to her as he handed her the post.

"That bitch Stella did it"

"Yea, I heard what happened. But you did kind of deserve it" Dan replied

"Excuse me?" Jackie asked, shocked.

"The things you said"

"I said the truth" Jackie said, trying to defend herself

"Whatever Jackie, I'll see you later"


Ruby walked down the street, followed by Angelo who was holding Riley.

The whispers began again.

I walk along side my brave daughter.

I know she and Angelo don't have to do this.

They want to do this, and the fact that they are, means so much to me.

The people gathered near to where Ruby stopped.

"I know what my mum wrote in her letter. At fifteen years old, she wrote down over a years worth of issues. All of which went unnoticed by the police.

In the note my mum wrote, it says what happened, who did it, how, and what happened afterward. I'm not going to read it out loud because my mum deserves to have her her dignity in place. The right people know what it says, and.." Ruby couldn't finish. She broke down in tears.

Angelo walked up behind her and placed his arm around her.

I watch as my family walk away from the place I grew up.

I used to love living here.

I remember babysitting Stella's children.

I remember a time when Jackie was actually nice.

Its a shame Ruby and Angelo are going to leave this place with the same feelings I had when I left.

Disappointment, shame.

No one in this place had really changed.

And why should they?

The let crimes go on under their noses.

Two of which included me.


As everyone watched Angelo's car driving out of Yedma, people began to wonder if they ever knew what went on fifteen years ago.

If what Ruby had said was true, then everyone was guilty of something in some way.

Stella turned to Officer Ripley. "Is what the girl said true?"

Officer Ripley bowed his head in shame.

"The girl who came -Ruby- was the product of a rape which occurred on the night of October 3rd. When the child was born, Charlie ran away due to bonding issues with the newborn child. When Charlie returned, the child didn't know Charlie"

Silence fell over the crowd.

Realization swept across.

Jackie's mouth opened in awe.


In the house was a picture of a woman with two young men.

Gary on her left hand side.

Grant on her right.

The woman took the picture and threw it against the wall.

Disgusted with her nephews for what they had done.


"Daddy go home" Riley said as they drove along the road.

"Yea mate, daddy go home" Angelo said as he smiled at his young son.

Ruby stared at the note in her hand.

"What you going to do with that?" Angelo asked

"I have an idea." Ruby smiled.



*Gary's sentence reaches Ruby and Angelo

*Grant and Gary's Aunt turns up in the bay

*Why is Ruby, Angelo, Leah, Elijah, Alf, Irene, Colleen, Miles, Nicole, Romeo and others at Charlie's grave???


Thanks for the comments :)

Chapter 48

The car drove along the road.

The woman looked out at the crystal waters that lined the beach of Summer Bay.

Driving further along the road, she saw a sign for the Summer Bay Caravan Park.

She followed the signs until she reached the house.

The woman opened the door of her car and climbed out.

Taking a deep breath, she began to walk up to the house.

She knocked on the door.

"Yes?" Nicole shouted from the kitchen

"Hello?" The woman shouted

"Come in" Nicole shouted as she walked out of the kitchen

"Hi, I'm looking for a caravan for a week" The woman said.

"Yea, can I take your name please" Nicole said as she walked over to the desk.

"Yea, its Jackie Bledc.. Burlington" Jackie said

"Sorry? Jackie Burlington?" Nicole asked

"Yea" Jackie replied.


"Beep, beep" Riley said as he pushed his car along the carpet.

Angelo and Ruby were talking in the kitchen

"So what's this idea you've got?" Angelo asked

"You'll see." Ruby replied.

"Hey, don't forget, Kenneth Wilson is coming over to tell us Gary's sentence" Angelo reminded Ruby

"Why couldn't we go, again?" Ruby asked, trying to understand why she couldn't be there in person to here Gary's sentence.

"The judge and our lawyer thought it best if we didn't see Gary. Given everything that has happened" Angelo said

"That's nice of them, but I wanted to see him suffer" Ruby said.

Riley walked into the kitchen.

"Poo" Riely said, pointing to his nappy

"You can change him" Ruby said as she ran out of the kitchen


Leah stood behind the counter.

Jackie walked up the counter.

"What can I get you?" Leah asked

"Some information, if you don't mind" Jackie replied

"Yea, sure. What do you need?" Leah asked

"Could you tell me where Angelo and Ruby live?"

"Why do you want to know?" Leah asked

"I believe we have some unfinished business"

"I'm sorry, I can't let you know where they live, but I can tell you that they will be coming here shortly, so you're more than welcome to wait"

"Thanks." Jackie replied.

Jackie made her way over to the seats and sat down. She waited for Ruby and Angelo to turn up.


"All clean mate" Angelo said as he put Riley on the floor

"All clean" Riley repeated.

Angelo put the nappy in the bin and then went to wash his hands.

Riley came into where Angelo was.

"You haven't pooed again have you?" Angelo asked

Riley shook his head.

"What's up?" Angelo asked

"Mummy" Riley replied, pointing to the picture of Charlie on the wall

"Yea, mummy" Angelo smiled.

"Mummy gone" Riley said

"Mummy in heaven" Angelo said to the child, knowing he wouldn't fully understand

"Ruby" Riley said

"Upstairs" Angelo replied

"Upstairs" Riley replied


Kenneth Wilson.

A tall man, dressed in a brown suit, walked across the car park to his car.

He held a briefcase in his hand.

Inside the briefcase were the papers that coincided with Gary Tedman's case.

Kenneth opened his car and got in.

He drove the thirty miles until he reached Summer Bay.

He pulled into the car park, switched off his engine and rang Angelo.



Two Chapter left.

Chapter 50 will be the last Chapter


Chapter 49

Kenneth Wilson walked up the footpath leading to Angelo's house.

Inside, Angelo and Ruby were rushing around putting Riley's toys away.

Riley was in his play pen, laughing as he watched his daddy and sister running around.

"Daddy, Ruby silly" Riley said

Kenneth rang the bell.

Ruby and Angelo stopped dead in their tracks.

"I'll get it" Angelo said as he put the last toys away.

Ruby watched anxiously as Angelo walked over to the front door.


"When are they supposed to be here?" Jackie asked Leah, rudely

"They said they'd be her soon, I don't have a specific time" Leah replied

"Its just I've been waiting for nearly two hours" Jackie replied

"Well then you'll have to wait a little longer then, wont you" Leah snapped

Jackie looked at Leah with pure disgust.

Leah walked back into the kitchen.

"Irene. If I accidentally drop a boiling bowl of soup on her lap, would you mind?" Leah said

"She's that bad?" Irene asked

"She's rude, arrogant and a pain. She's wanting to speak to Angelo and Ruby, but I don't want her upsetting them"

"Do you know when they're coming here?" Irene asked

"After the lawyer has been around to say how long Gary got" Leah told Irene

"Oh, right" Irene said.


"So that's the whole sentence?" Angelo asked

"Yea, everything. The Possession of drugs when he was 16, kidnap on five accounts, having a gun with no license, carrying an illegal weapon, murder in the first degree, breaking and entering, arson, assaulting a police officer, an assault charge from Kelly and lastly, endangering the life of an infant" Kenneth said

"I can't believe he got away with all that" Ruby said.

"He only got away with the drug possession. Everything else he did the day of Charlie's death, and in the last couple of weeks"

"Any chance of parole?" Angelo asked

"After serving half his sentence" Kenneth answered.


Riley woke up from his nap, an hour and a half later.

Ruby and Angelo felt like a huge weight had been lifted from their shoulders.

Even though nothing would ever bring Charlie back, knowing that what happened to her had now been rectified.

It was just a shame that this didn't happen fifteen years earlier.

"Din din" Riley said after Angelo had changed hjis nappy

"Alright mate. Should we go see Aunty Leah?"

"Leah" Riley replied with a smile.


Ruby took Riley into the diner.

Angelo stood on the beach looking out to sea.

Charlie appeared next to him.

"We did it Charlie, he's away for a long time"

"I know"

"I miss you so much. Riley is getting more and more like you each day"

"I miss you too."

Charlie took Angelo's hand.

Together, they walked hand in hand along the beach, the water washing over their feet.


"What the hell do you want?" Ruby asked as she saw Jackie.

"I want to talk"

"We have nothing to talk about" Ruby shouted

"I think we do. Those lies Charlie wrote, they've ripped my family apart"

"How do you think its made my family? My mum was raped, no one believed her about it. She was accused of nearly killing that Hannah girl. And you have the nerve to tell me that it torn your family apart."

"She lied" Jackie shouted

"No she didn't." Leah shouted to Jackie

"How the hell would you know?" Jackie shouted.

"Grant confessed everything." Leah said.

"What?" Jackie said

"Grant confessed." Ruby repeated.

Jackie fell silent.

Ruby stood, wondering how Jackie's family were involved.

"What did you say?" Ruby asked

"What?" Jackie asked

"What did you say?"

"About what?"

"About your family been torn apart?" Ruby asked

"Grant and Gary. They are my nephews. And you, my dear, are my niece." Jackie said.



Just want to say thank you for reading my fic.

Danni, Sarah and RR1 who commented all the way through :) x

Chapter 50

It seemed hours.

Just the two of them sitting on the bench, looking out to the ocean.

Angelo couldn't see Charlie, but he could feel her.

And that was enough.

"I love you" He whispered to the air.


"What did you just say?" Ruby asked

"You're my niece" Jackie repeated

"I am not your niece" Ruby said

"Hate to break it to you sweetie, by if what Charlie said is the truth, then you are my niece, all be it my great-niece, but what's a generation" Jackie smirked.

"You will never be my family"

Irene walked out of the kitchen.

She saw the distress in Ruby's face.

"I think you should leave now" Irene said as she cradled Ruby.

"I have a right to be here. Its a public place"

"And if the public don't want you here, then you go" Leah said

"I'm not going anywhere. Not as long as people believe these lies. If you need me, I'll be at the caravan park" Jackie said as she grabbed her bag and walked out of the diner.

Ruby watched as Jackie walked away.

"We're never going to be free from it, are we?"


Jackie looked out at the sea.

She saw Angelo.


I watch in the diner.

I wasn't sure of what happened, but I know something has happened.

Ruby is beside herself, Irene is comforting her -something I wish I could do, just one more time- and Riley, well, he's eating, so he's good.

"Why can't she just leave? I can't deal with her been here" Ruby said as she shook.

"She'll give up and go, she's not welcome here" Irene said to her, hoping it would help

"I don't think she will. She doesn't believe that her nephews could do such evil. She'll never leave"


This looks like trouble.

I just saw Jackie heading outside.

I left Angelo.

"Hey you" Jackie said as she walked over to Angelo

"What the hell are you doing here?" Angelo snapped

Jackie slapped Angelo. "You bastard. Have you any idea what my family are going through? My sister is crushed, she's just seen one of her sons sent to prison, and found out that the other is accused of rape!"

"Your family? What do you think mine are going through? Grant raped Charlie and got away with it. Gary murders her in cold blood and you have the nerve to say to me that your family is crushed? If I were you, I'd lower my head in shame, Gary got everything he deserved. Grant, I should have been the one to kill him, not the truck driver" Angelo snapped

"Its all a lie!"

By now, Irene, Leah, Alf, Colleen, and most of the bay were stood listening to the heated argument.

"Leave Jackie, you're not welcome here!" Angelo said to her, before walking away

"I have a right to see the justice for my nephew. He will be freed"

That does it!

This family has hurt mine for long enough.

I pick up a branch from one of the bushes.

I raise it above my head and bring it down on top of Jackie.

Jackie looks around, stunned.

"What the hell?"

I do it again.

Jackie head towards Angelo.

I turn the branch over.


I write in the sand.

Jackie looked down.

Her face goes white.

"How are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" Angelo said.

Gary. Not innocent. Liar.

Grant. Rapist. Liar

Jackie ran.


Three days had passed.

Jackie had left, never to be heard from.

Charlie felt proud of herself.

Everyone in the bay now knew that Charlie had 'hung around'.

Alf, Colleen, Irene, Morag and Ross stood at the back.

Nicole, Romeo, Rachel, Tony, Harry, Leah, VJ and Elijah stood in front of them

Marilyn, Gina and Xavier stood in front of them.

Police officers from Yabbie Creek Police Station stood to the left of the group.

Angelo stood holding Riley.

Ruby stood holding the note that Charlie had written, telling what happened on that night.

"Thank you for coming. I know mum would be touched by this. She loved each and everyone of you so much.

We all know that mum was killed. But we didn't know why. For ages Angelo tried to figure it out. And now we know.

Gary Bledcoe has received 5 years for the kidnapping and endangering of Riley. 3 years for having a gun and weapon without a license, 18 months for assault, 6 years for arson, and for mum; 25 years. He will never be out. He will never be free." Ruby wiped a tear from her face.

Irene, Colleen, Leah, Rachel, Nicole and Gina wiped their tears also.

"I asked you all here today, because, I wanted to share a moment that will turn in to a memory. This note is the last thing reminding us of what happened. I don't want to know. My family isn't in Yedma. Its here, in summer bay. I have friends I can rely on, a brother i love and a dad." Ruby smiled at Angelo. Angelo had a tear trickle down his face.

No more words were spoken.

Actions noted what wanted to be spoken.

Ruby held the note out beside her.

She took the lighter out of her pocket, and lit the paper on fire.

The last link to the past engulfed in the orange flames.

"For Charlie" The crowd whispered.

Charlie appeared in a white light.

Only Angelo, Ruby, Riley and Leah saw her.

Smiles on their face and the glint in their eyes showed the love they had.

In that one moment, Angelo fell in love with Charlie all over again, Riley knew what his mum looked like, Leah felt, she hadn't let Charlie down, and Ruby? She felt pride in herself.

"I love you" Charlie whispered before disappearing.


I may be writing a new fic, just thinking of what to do?? Lol, again, thanks for reading.



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