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I loved that update!

How Rachel is feeling, so vulnerable and afraid, it felt real, you wrote that so well!

I'm glad Irene stayed with Charlie and listened to her, poor girl, everyone avioding her :(

More soon please! That preview sounds exciting/worrying!


The situation with Tony and Rachel is heartbreaking with her unable to forgive him even though she knows deep down that he just wants what's best for her and him feeling worthless because he can't help.Loved the scene with Irene and Charlie, how caring and understanding she was.


Great update! :)

I hope the man doesn't come back and try to 'get' her..

Neither of them are recovering very well from their incidents - I think they need some councelling or something.

Poor Charlie :( I'm glad Irene was there and asked how she was. Hope Angelo gets in trouble for placing the blame on Charlie.

Fantastic writing as always!


One word: Aaaammmazingg! Honestly those two chapters were just brilliantly written and you captured everyone's emotions beautifully.

I loved the talk between Tony and Leah. You could tell how broken and useless he felt and it was nice he had someone to talk too. Leah is clearly worried as well and i like she showed concern for Tony as well as Rachel. His excitement over the baby was lovely and although it wasn't for long it was nice to see him smiling and happy. I loved how he told Leah the baby was going to be a little troublemaker :lol: So cute. And Leah saying she could finally buy booties was sweet. It's so heartbreaking for Rachel though. She's suddenly on the defensive and seems so terrified by what happened she's not herself at all. I guess having to be the 'strong one' for so long finally took its toll on her when the attack made her realise she can't control everything. And on top of that she feels guilty becasue Tony has just gotten out of hopsital after his accident and i guess she feels she should be looking after him, not the other way round :( It's just so sad for both of them. As much as i agree with what Leah suggested i don't think Tony disappearing on Rachel before she was ready was such a good idea. She's clearly still in a bad way and perhaps it would have been bettter if Tony had told her he was going instead of just leaving when he promised he's stay.

Poor Charlie. I do feel so sorry for her and i really hope she gets her chance to tell the truth! I'm glad Jack is willing to talk to her thought, hopefully she'll be able to convince him she didn't have anything to do with it. Poor Tony all distracted though. I loved the scene with Irene and i'm glad Charlie opened up to her.

I felt really sorry for him when Rachel was yelling at him about leaving her. I understand why she is mad though; it would have been better if he'd just told her he thought she should spend some time with Leah or try and cope without him for a little while. I think though she's probably just as angry at herself for letting things get so bad. I think it's far too soon for her to go back to work but i think that's very typical of Rachel. I'm glad she acknowledged that she needs to let go of her anger but it's difficult and her way of coping has always been to bottle things up. I'm glad she agreed to let him pick her up, despite her worries. Maybe this will help them move on a little bit from everything that's happened. She needs to let him help her.

So can't wait for more :)


I loved Tony turning up hours early at the hospital to make sure he didn't forget Rachel, that was really sweet of him and I'm glad she recognised that and forgave him.Glad too that Jack and Tony have spoken to Charlie and learned the truth, I loved Tony throughout that scene, how he still just wanted to move on.


Great update :)

I'm so glad Tony and Charlie worked things out and that Charlie's happier now and not being blamed for something she didn't do.

Tony was so sweet when he was waiting for Rachel at the hospital :) But he does seem a bit fragile.... I'm glad Rachel's noticed that he's still hurting too.

Wonderful writing! I love it! :D

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