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Logies 2011

Guest chasingstarlight

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Haha, voting was so hard because there are so many that deserve a logie :{ But I fortunatly made my desicions. I hope next years logies are a success for the HAA crew (:

I'm not voting as I refuse to take prt in such a farce. Such is Australian television unfortunately.

You do know that most countrys have award shows, not just Australia :\


Very tough decisions to make on these votes. I've been watching alot of Aussie TV and there's just so many great actors. I voted for Emily, Samara, Charles and Tessa, also Bernard Curry for best presenter.

I hope we walk away with some awards.


I really hope Rebecca gets a logie :) She is my favourite and I would be so happy because Bec is like my inspiration and she is one of the nicest people you could find like many of the HAA cast. *fingers crossed*

Iknow most countries have awards shows, but most countries awards shws aren't as stupid as the Logies which is a complete joke.

Um, I'm Australian so I take the to offence :\ You shouldn't say stuff like that on a forum where there are going to be many Aussies. I'm sorry if you didn't mean for it to be harsh but the way you put it makes it sound like it.


Iknow most countries have awards shows, but most countries awards shws aren't as stupid as the Logies which is a complete joke.

Sorry but I disagree. The Logies is for australian actors/actresses on tv (mainly). I think its important to recognise when someone has done an excellent job.

I voted for Lisa Gormley (Bianca) for new talent... I hope she wins!! I voted for h&a for best drama. I voted for other people for the other awards like Carla Bonner for the silver (Steph on Neighbours). I voted for Axle for Male.


Neighbours has had some exceptional storylines this year and would like to see them take away an award or two. I'll be very surprised if they don't.

There are some real contenders for next year (ie -Packed to the Rafters).


Yeah, but Neighbours never gets recognised at the Logies despite being far superior to H&A. That's why it is a joke.

you do realize your on a H&A site right? :lol: Maybe not the place to say that...

Though, Neighbours has been very good this year, and I think they have a shot at winning best new talent awards with Jordy Lucas and Jordan Smith. Other than that though...doubtful. Neighbours, while very popular in the UK, will never really be able to topple H&A or Packed for awards.


Though, Neighbours has been very good this year, and I think they have a shot at winning best new talent awards with Jordy Lucas and Jordan Smith. Other than that though...doubtful. Neighbours, while very popular in the UK, will never really be able to topple H&A or Packed for awards.

Yeah, agreed with that. Neighbours used to be one of my favourite shows but then I started watching Home & Away and PTTR and I love them 2 shows :)


I agree with you about Jordy Lucas & Jordan smith... they are very good contenders... I believe also that Carla Bonner should get something. She deserves something after being on the show for 11 years with a very bad ending to her lovely character. Neighbours this year imo has sucked big time. Sorry but I guess ten has also realised this since its moving to 11 next year but anyway, Neighbours is always in the same award category has H&A it just never wins thats all.

H&A is far superier to Neighbours anyways.

I hope Lisa Gormley wins. :)


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