matticus01 Posted February 2, 2011 Report Posted February 2, 2011 so it looks like Andrew/Summer are gunna be over before they even went public.... in this weeks tv week Tash catches andrew and summer kissing but they dont know that she saw, and andrew goes over to end it with her and Tash tells him she's pregnant just so she can keep andrew/summer apart I jsut want to kill her right now! Andrew/Summer belong together!!!
HighwayUnicorn Posted February 5, 2011 Report Posted February 5, 2011 Andrew & Summer all the way! I love those two together!
dncllpyk Posted February 10, 2011 Report Posted February 10, 2011 I really hate Tash now. She is just so devious faking a pregnancy. Its going to come out eventaully. Summer and Andrew definetly belong together.
Red Ranger 1 Posted March 5, 2011 Report Posted March 5, 2011 I find that TV Week poll interesting, although the landslide vote seems a bit ridiculous.Personally, I've always thought Andrew has much more natural chemistry with Tasha than he does with Summer. And despite all the "Tasha brings out the worst in Andrew" stuff, Summer's a much nicer person when she's away from Andrew.But the writers have been drumming home with a sledgehammer that Andrew doesn't like Tasha as much as she likes him, so I've given up hoping for a happy ending.All the same, I think having Andrew and Summer sleep together while he was still dating Tash and then spend weeks having secret chats behind her back has turned a lot of people who were on the fence, and maybe even a few who were in the A/S camp, against the pairing.Which the writers seem to have realised, hence the desperate move of having Tasha lie that she's pregnant to try and convince the audience she deserves to have Summer steal her boyfriend.
Zetti Posted March 5, 2011 Report Posted March 5, 2011 Andrew liked Summer when she was with Harry, the competition between them might not have looked like that but they did. In my personal opinion, Tasha kind of forced them both back into the relationship and because of the fire, they both feel incredibly guilty about Tasha's injury. Summer & Andrew were always going to end up together IMO especially after Harry left and it was revealed that Chris was gay. It doesnt seem to me like it was a rush job. It was on the cards for a while, just because the writers have kind of left in the background, doesn't mean that it wasn't already there.
Red Ranger 1 Posted March 5, 2011 Report Posted March 5, 2011 I agree that Andrew liked Summer to start with but in my opinion that's "like" in the sense of fancying her and wanting to date her rather than anything particularly deep.I guess I'm still frustrated that I was allowed to fall in love with the idea of Summer and Harry together only for them to break up literally about five minutes later, partly because of Tasha but mainly down to some pure spite from Andrew, who didn't even seem to want Summer himself by that point, he was just being a sore loser.I think I probably decided there and then that I never wanted Andrew and Summer together.Either way, Summer chose Harry so the whole "I've wanted this since I've met you" thing feels a bit ridiculous to me.Not sure what you mean about Tasha forcing them back together(not that they were ever together in the first place...), do you mean she was being annoying and a bit clingy and possessive and that's why Andrew decided to look elsewhere?
Zetti Posted March 8, 2011 Report Posted March 8, 2011 I think Summer settled for Harry if I am being completely honest and maybe it wasnt evident from the start that Summer liked Andrew but then again people do become very good at hiding their feelings. The fact that remains now for me is that they both want to be together and whilst they are doing it behind Tash's back, I think that is because Tasha will be very vindictive and she has a right to do. Andrew/Summer are naive if they think its going to be a happy ever after ending but then again love makes people blind to the world in all ways.
dncllpyk Posted March 15, 2011 Report Posted March 15, 2011 The truth about the fake pregnancy comes out next week. I for one can't wait until this happens. Summer and Andrew belong together
Red Ranger 1 Posted March 15, 2011 Report Posted March 15, 2011 I guess Summer did "settle" for Harry in the sense that she went for the nice guy instead of the exciting relationship.But during that period, she was portrayed as extremely contemptuous of Andrew, whilst he didn't seem to have any real feelings for her at all, when she started going out with Chris it actually took him several seconds to remember he used to like her.It wasn't a case of their feelings being moved to the background so much as disappearing completely and then suddenly being resurrected in what feels like a fan pleasing move.I don't think they've been lying and sneaking around because they were afraid of Tash, they didn't seem to give her a second thought when they jumped into bed together.Summer's come across as an absolutely lousy friend(although admittedly, whether or not she and Tasha are actually friends changes from week to week)while Andrew actually seems to have more morals than her.The fiery spark they had when they first met has gone completely, Summer seems to have become whiney and self-centred and for all the scripted longing looks they have absolutely no chemistry.I'm glad Chris had a go at her and told her once upon a time she'd have hated a girl who slept with someone else's boyfriend.Sadly I suspect when the truth about the fake pregnancy comes out they'll end up together and maybe even try to claim the moral high ground.
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