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Tues 15 Feb 2011 – Episode # 5232

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, " You're NOT Her Parent "

[ Screened in Australia on Tues 15 Feb 2011 – Episode # 5232 ]


WIth April looks guilty nearby, Sid tells Gina & John t if Xavier's condition does not improve, they'll have to transfer him to a city hospital.

NIGHT - Sid tells Bianca & Liam that he will keep April in overnight for obs. Bianca is really ken to talk to April bout what occurred,m but Liam suggest they do that morrow. Bianca & Liam bail.



NEXT DAY - Nic, Maz, Romeo & Colleen [along with Morag] farewell Alf before he goes on his big backpacking adventure rounfd the world. Coleen even give his a sheet of address labels - so he can easily send postcards etc to her [interesting she lists ta the lives at Stewart's point, not summer bay]. Morag & Alf get in te car 0 and drive off.

Romeo is intrigued/concerned when he hears Maz talk to Nic bout gong home to do some preparing for their contact.



April is talk to Bianca & Irene is her room [as opposed to ICU when she was in previous scenes]. she admits ta this id ALL her fault - and Xave had noting to do with it.e



Maz talk top Leah bout the whole adoption/surrogacy/contract ting,. given that Leah went through this when she had Sally's daughter Pippa. Leah insist hat no mater what Nic might think, sjhe will get an emotional attachment tp this bub.



April tells Gina that she stoles the chemicals, cos of nearby factory that's an enviro distater. April is REALLY sorry, but Gina tells her that sorry just isn't enough in this case.

Soon after, John & Gina are talking when Xave wakes. Sid removes the breathing apparatus ting form Xave's mouth ... adn Gina is VERY pleased taht Xave is awake.



morag talks to Colleen and Irene - telling that taht she not keen on going on an adventure like Alf is. Colleen though imagines te 3 of them [Alf, colleen & morag]. when Irene asks, morag says she will be hanging round te Bay .. like she promised she would to Alf.

Nearby, Maz shows/tells Nic bout the contact that she's kinda drawn up .., but its clear ta its too mush for Nic.


Indeed, Nic tells Romeo ta this is getting all too complicated. Nic does not want to rally nknow all the details of contact, she just wants to this deal to be over with. After Nioc wants away, Morag wonders what is going on - and Romeo tells her he does not think Nic has thought this through.



Gina talk to Xave - who is VERY keen to know what's going to April.



Bianca talk to Liam - insisting at she should have known April stole the chemicals. she also is annoyed ta she "dropped te ball" with this about April, but Liam reminds her that Bianca is April's sister, not her parent. Bianca realises that;s V true - and phones someone.


Morag confronts Nic bout what's going on. Nic tells her she just wants to sign this contact Maz is having drawn up - so Nic can get on with her life. Morag comets to Nic ta she HAS to has rally thought this through .... which is a nice touch [given what occurred in morag's own life with Bobby].


April is totally in tears as she talks on the phone. when calls ends, she is annoyed at Bianca's it was April's dad on the phone, and now more than ever, she thinks she's a silly little kid. Bianca hugs the crying April.


when Sid looks at the proposed contracts, he insist to Maz that they cant pay all of Nic's med expense to do with the bub - that's like buying a baby [whish is illegal]. Morag phones - and Sid arranges to met her later today.


April talk to Irene about what;s occurred - and how whatever she does isn't good enough for her dad. Irene hugs April - and insists ta a 'ship like this [April & her dad] has to be a 2 way thing.



Morag looks at the contract ta Maz had prep'd - and cant believe it. she insist at someone like Sid should know better - you can't "buy" a baby like this. Nic enters te room - wondering what's going on.



April is devastated when Gina tells her that she can NEVER see Xave again !!!!!!!




The River Boys are [FINALLY] here !!!!

It's a Designer Label (IADL)


Marilyn : hot pink jacket/dark knee dress


Leah : white scoop top/tan shorts


Gina: white [green & black floral] top


Alf: orange [green check] button up shirt/bone long pants/wide brim hat

April : mauve crop top - with off white [red floral] top 'neath/denim jeans

Bianca: red [white trim] scoop top/dark long pants

Bianca: white [dark trim] top

Colleen: blue [yellow rectangles etc] blouse.

Irene : grey & white mottled top/dark long pants

John: white [dark vert stripes] shirt/dark long pnats

Liam : white [dark check] shirt/maroon t

Liam: white [dark "technics"] t/dark long pants

Morag : white l/s top/khaki long pants

Nic : red floral top/dark long pants

Romeo : bleu & white shorts/white singlet

Sid: dark l/s shirt/dark long pnats


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