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That was a good chapter Skykat not boring at all. I think Jack should just get rid of Martha if she cant do what she really wants to and follows what hayley says then she doesnt deserve him. I loved the teasing between Jack and Lucas. :P I like all the pairings so far. I hope you continue soon I cant wait to see where this goes. :D


You know what? Jack and Martha as teenagers is so much more appealing. Well, Martha is, she's insecure and in total teen love but peer pressure is getting to her. You wrote her so well in that chapter!

As for the rest, I loved it. I'm still umming and ahhing about the Dani/Will/Gypsy love triangle (if there is one) and trying to figure out how you'll play it out... I know I should know better, but I love playing guessing games.

As for boring, no way! I'll admit, it was kind of a filler chapter, but there were advancements that made the story move along, so it really wasn't a filler either. I'm rambling. Well done with another brilliant chapter, can't wait to read more!


Better to have too many paragraphs than not enough! :)

Great chapter, Kat. I didn't know Gypsy was going to be such a bitch as well as Hayley! Going to be some stormy conflicts there, I reckon! :P And as I hardly know the characters of Martha and Jack it's interesting getting to know them as high school students.

Very much looking forward to the next episode! :D


Well done Kat! It's definitely not boring. If I really like a fic, I find that the "filler" chapters are very enjoyable even if they aren't filled with drama, it's kinda just musking in the mood :)

This is a great fic. I love how you've brought up all this drama and conflict and love triangles and everything! Even though we haven't seen all of it, your descriptions have made it feel so familiar and as if we had seen their past and everything. If that makes sense :S!

Please update soon!


Kah! I hate Haley, why does she have to be in Marthas head all the time. She wants and needs Jack, but if Haley doesnt want her to, then Martha wont :angry: Great chapter though.

Please update soon :D


Mmm, this fic's got potential. I love the way you've brought all these characters together from different eras and made them teenagers. I have no idea which way the pairings are going to go and that's a good thing! Conversation is your strength I feel, some great dialogue in there.


  I love music said:
I didn't know Gypsy was going to be such a bitch as well as Hayley!

I don't see Gypsy as a bitch, I just see her as someone who likes to cause trouble. I don't know why but I always thought Martha and Gypsy would hate each other and going for Jack seems like just the sort of thing Gypsy would do.

Hayley always had bitch potential, I used to love her bitchy spats with Gypsy, I think the writers ruined her when they made her nice!

Burr: I love dialogue. I find it so much easier to imagine what a character would say rather than what they'd think or feel.

Everyone's right not to second guess the pairings because even I have no idea what I'm going to do next. I just get an idea, write it and then I'll change my mind by the next chapter. Just expect lots of conflict, drama and that no couple is safe no matter how much people love them!

Now who's being a bitch? :P

On a serious note, thanks so much for all the reviews, I've never wrote these sort of teen dramas before. I'm more for complicated storylines with a million characters and storylines going on at the same time so it's a real challenge for me to write about one particular set group of friends. It's also really difficult trying to remember how teenagers think, it seems like ages since I was one!

The next chapter has been written and is with Tess so you should have it soon. Thanks again.


We're on the same wave lengh SkyKat, I LOVED Gypsy and Hayley's fights!

Who could forget the one in the diner now your going to see how sad I am:

Gypsy: Lets go, she isn't worth it.

Hayley: I'm not worth it, at least I don't make boys buy me expensive bags before I'll sleep with them.

Gypsy: You cow.

Gypsy lunges at Hayley and seriously knocks her about until Vinnie steps in.

Vinnie: Chill pills, chill pills all round.

Nick: Tell that to her, she started it.

Vinnie: I don't care my little friend.

Nick: Next time you go near my sister, you'll have me to deal with.

Will: Nick, easy with the Mike Tyson impersonations!

That cracked me up!


  Gypsy & Will Fan said:
We're on the same wave lengh SkyKat, I LOVED Gypsy and Hayley's fights!

Who could forget the one in the diner now your going to see how sad I am:

Gypsy: Lets go, she isn't worth it.

Hayley: I'm not worth it, at least I don't make boys buy me expensive bags before I'll sleep with them.

Gypsy: You cow.

Gypsy lunges at Hayley and seriously knocks her about until Vinnie steps in.

Vinnie: Chill pills, chill pills all round.

Nick: Tell that to her, she started it.

Vinnie: I don't care my little friend.

Nick: Next time you go near my sister, you'll have me to deal with.

Will: Nick, easy with the Mike Tyson impersonations!

That cracked me up!

The memories! I used to love the fights between these two and Peta as well, why don't characters have scraps like this on Home and Away anymore? Imiss Gypsy. :(

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