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wow i just realised you updated, Thankyou that was great, can't believe Martha and Jack argued again it's all Hayelys fault. I actually like Noah and Kit together.

"At the end of the day she looked better than Martha did, she was far more attractive than Kit Hunter and Kim was willing to dump Gypsy for her. Plus it was her party and nobody was going to spoil it for her."

wow someone is a bit up themseleves, who does she thinks she is lol

Great chapter please update soon :D

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I want to slap her so much, :angry: You write bitchy Hayley so well. Poor Cass and Martha they should stand up for themselves. I hope Kit gives Hayley what for, I cant wait to see what happens when Noah and Kit arrive. Hope there is more soon. :D


Haha, I love Hayley! She's such a bitch! You write her so well! She reminds me of a girl I know! lol.

Poor Martha! If I was her Jack would have went out the window! :|

Another great chapter! Update soon! :)


The conversation between Martha, Jack and Will was really good, like an actual episode. :)

“Fancy another?” A male voice interrupted her thoughts and she looked up to see Kane Philips in front of her, brandishing a bottle of vodka, an amused smirk on his face.

Great dramatic ending to chapter 5! :D

Will knew instantly that he’d said the wrong thing when a bottle of baby pink nail varnish came flying towards his head. He ducked and just managed to avoid it. “Are you crazy?!”

“Just get out of my sight before I throw something else and this time I won’t miss!” Will very quickly did as he was told.

I was laughing so much at that, I could just picture it! :lol: And I reckon things are about to spin right out of control at the party of the year with Kane Phillips as a guest... :P


I'm lovin' it!! Oh, Kim is such a puppoy dog ( the bad kind) chasing after Hayley? WHATEVER! Keep him with Gyps!This is gettin'interesting!

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