Miranda Posted July 20, 2011 Report Posted July 20, 2011 Perry said: They almost quoted Beat it verbatim but instead they gave Bianca, dexters lines to Heath, I still think those two would make a good couple. Come on now. Admit it, you are a script writer
Perry Posted July 20, 2011 Report Posted July 20, 2011 Miranda said: Perry said: They almost quoted Beat it verbatim but instead they gave Bianca, dexters lines to Heath, I still think those two would make a good couple. Come on now. Admit it, you are a script writer Not for H&A unfortunately.... Although in saying that they do seem to be phasing out the female characters and have all the boys be shirtless in every scene they are in.
Zetti Posted July 20, 2011 Report Posted July 20, 2011 Miranda said: Or at least someone to say: Heath, where are your clothes? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease script writers! I am totally on board with this!
Miranda Posted July 21, 2011 Report Posted July 21, 2011 Perry said: Not for H&A unfortunately.... Although in saying that they do seem to be phasing out the female characters and have all the boys be shirtless in every scene they are in. Oh, how terrible, how awful, how shall I cope
HighwayUnicorn Posted July 24, 2011 Report Posted July 24, 2011 Did I really miss this chapter? Sorry. I don't even know how I missed this one ... Anyway, yes, really amazingly well written, as always. Such an excellent chapter. I look forward to more. Love Carina xxx
Perry Posted July 26, 2011 Report Posted July 26, 2011 TWENTY-ONE LIAM & BIANCA’S STORY As the lunch bell went, Liam finished off handing out blank music sheets to his Year Ten class. The kids stood up and began to eagerly leave the classroom. “Remember…” Liam spoke up. “…Your choruses are due tomorrow.” Paul walked up to Liam. “Can I grab a few more sheets off of you just in case I make a few mistakes?” “It’s just homework.” Liam commented before handing him a few sheets of the papers. “How’s your first day going?” Paul answered with a shrug before leaving. Bianca walked into the classroom which was now completely empty apart from Liam. “Anything I could do for you Miss Scott?” Liam asked facing away from his girlfriend. “I was wondering if you would accompany me to lunch, Mr Murphy?” Bianca asked in a friendly tone. Liam turned to face Bianca with a smile he couldn’t hide. “I would but I’ve got a date with another woman I’m seeing.” “Ok…” Bianca took a deep breath in. “I deserved that but Liam you’ve been distant towards me and your not speaking to me. What have I done wrong?” “Bianca…” Liam chuckled slightly. “You have done absolutely nothing wrong.” “Right…” Bianca looked at him with an emotionless face. “So what have you done wrong?” “I’ve got some year ten homework to mark…” Liam deflected. “Uh huh.” Bianca responded. “I will talk to you, I promise Bee.” Bianca nodded slightly satisfied for now at least. She left the classroom and began walking down the corridor. An overweight man in his forties was walking down the corridor, he stopped and looked through one of the small windows of the door to one of the classrooms. Bianca spotted him and marched over towards him. “Excuse me Sir, can I help you?” “Nu…Nuh thankyou.” He answered with a stutter. “I’m ju…ju...just looking for so...somebody.” “Well sir, this is a school you can’t just walk in. Who are you looking for?” “Uh…” The man scratched his head in a nervous manner. “Pa…Pa… it do…doesn’t matter. I’ll go. I’m so…sorry.” Bianca watched as the man exited the school building, she then raced up the stairs towards Gina’s office. TWENTY-TWO APRIL & PAUL’S STORY Paul walked onto the school oval and spotted April with Dexter sitting under a tree, talking and laughing, he headed towards them not realising Xavier was behind him. “Oi Nube!” Paul turned to see Xavier looking at him with an if-looks-could-kill gaze. “Mr Gerring said that I can’t discriminate against you because of your age so if you want to try-out its tomorrow arvo after school.” Xavier explained wishing he didn’t have to. “Thanks.” Paul smiled. “Who’s that guy with April?” He asked not picking up on Xavier’s haste to leave. “Uh that’s Dex, April’s best friend.” “Is there…?” Paul asked worryingly. “Uh no…” Xavier responded with a laugh he took a moment to think. “…Actually Dex isn’t like that if you know what I mean?” Paul nodded and Xavier walked away proud of his lie. Paul walked over to April and Dexter. Dexter threw on a high pitched voice. “Don’t ever hit your mother with a shovel, leaves a dull impression on her mind?” “Oh I know this!” April squealed in excitement before thinking about the answer. “James Dean? No not James Dean… Uh… Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid?” Dexter nodded. “Ok now that’s four points each, this one’s the decider.” “What you playing?” Paul quizzed before sitting down next to them. “Guess the name of the movie that the quotes are from.” April answered and gave Paul a short kiss on the lips. “Paul, this is Dex, Dex this is Paul.” “Hi.” Dexter smiled. “Ok I’ve got one…” April grinned. “You are a sad strange little man and you have my pity.” Paul chuckled. “I love Toy Story.” April moaned. “Paul it’s the tie breaker.” “Oh…” Paul sighed. “I’ll just sit here and look pretty.” “And you’re doing a good job of that.” Dex laughed not noticing Paul giving him a similar look to what Xavier had given Paul before. “Think of another one?” He asked April. “I can think of one.” Paul smiled. “Do you know what happens to a toad that is struck by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else.” April and Dex sat scratching their heads, Paul was left feeling embarrassed. “Come on you got to of seen X Men.” April shook her head. “We only quote good movies.” She said with a cackle. Paul didn’t find it funny. “X Men is good.” “What you have just said…” Dexter quoted. “…is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.” Paul was taken aback by Dexter’s remark. “Billy Madison!” April shouted with excitement. “Darn it!” Dexter punched the ground. “Go again? With Paul this time?” April noticed her sister walking onto the oval. “You two play, I’m going to talk with Bianca.” Paul and Dexter sat awkwardly and silently together. “So…” Dexter broke the ice. “You like boxing?” “Yeah, do you?” Dexter shook his head. “I like boxes though, they’re handy if you want to you know put things inside them.” Paul nodded. “April told me you taught boxing...” Dexter softly touched Paul’s leg. “You think you could teach me how to punch?” “Get your hand off me FAGGOT!” Paul stood up quickly. “I wasn’t… I was just…” Dexter stood up to try to explain. “Get back dude.” “Dude, I wasn’t… I was just being friendly.” “Yeah I know how friendly you were being.” Dexter stepped closer to Paul who responding by giving him a quick jab to the face. “FIGHT!” A student who witnessed the punch screamed. Dexter covered his nose with his hands. “Ouch, why did you do that for?” “Because you wouldn’t back off.” Bianca and April ran over to assist Dexter. “What happened?” Bianca asked. “He hit me.” Dexter answered before removing his hands from his face. “Am I bleeding?” April quickly pulled a tissue out of her dress pocket and gave it to her friend. “Why did you hit him?” She questioned her new boy friend. “Are you insane?” “April take Dexter to the sickbay.” Bianca ordered. “Now what happened?” She asked him in a sharp stern voice. “He attacked me.” “Attacked?” Dexter choked before April walked away with him. “He came onto me.” Paul corrected. “He tried to use gay on me.” “Excuse me?” Bianca tried not to laugh. “Dexter isn’t gay and even if he was and he came onto you, you still can’t hit him. We have a zero tolerance for violence and a zero tolerance for discrimination.” “He should have kept his faggot hands to himself. It’s disgusting.” Paul spat. An Irate Bianca got into Paul’s face. “You are completely out of line. If you talk like that and treat people like that. You are disgusting.” Paul stepped backwards he looked up at Bianca with the same looks-could-kill gaze. He then started to walk away. “Where do you think you’re going?” Bianca asked. “You’re coming with me to see Mrs Palmer.” “**** that.” Paul kept walking. “It’s just a shame that we don’t have a zero tolerance for bitch.” He yelled.
lozlovesh&a Posted July 26, 2011 Report Posted July 26, 2011 Ooh Paul's got a anger problem me thinks. I hope Liam talks to Bianca soon. Please continue.
Red Ranger 1 Posted July 26, 2011 Report Posted July 26, 2011 Woah!Wasn't expecting that, Paul was out of line punching Dexter but I can't help wondering if there's a story behind it...Wonder who that guy looking for him was too.
HighwayUnicorn Posted July 26, 2011 Report Posted July 26, 2011 I'm wondering who that guy is ... & poor Dex A great couple of chapters. Well done. Love Carina xxx
Zetti Posted July 26, 2011 Report Posted July 26, 2011 Angry Paul. My head hurts trying to figure why Paul was so angry... I hope we find out soon. Good updates. Hope to see more soon.
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