lozlovesh&a Posted July 4, 2011 Report Posted July 4, 2011 Oh lol. I could imagine that's what Bianca was thinking as soon as she saw Stacey & Liam drinking and talking. That was pretty funny! I like Paul. He seems nice. Continue please.
Miranda Posted July 4, 2011 Report Posted July 4, 2011 Really good Perry, love it You've got the characters down to a tee.
Red Ranger 1 Posted July 4, 2011 Report Posted July 4, 2011 Nice couple of updates.Bringing Stacey back was a surprise.Like that you used April's OCD.Looking forward to more.
Perry Posted July 6, 2011 Report Posted July 6, 2011 SIXTEEN APRIL & PAUL’S STORY “I can’t believe you have never seen Titanic before.” April commented with a giggle. April and Paul were sitting on the lounge watching the screen, Bianca was in between the two teens, trying not to fall asleep. “Well…” Paul smiled. “…I was like one when it came out.” “Oh God.” Bianca choked. “That makes me feel old.” April looked over to Paul who was looking at her with a smile. “What did you think?” “It’s total bull…” Bianca commented. “They were on the boat for what? Two days? And they fell madly in love with each other? Give me a break.” “Well I wasn’t asking you.” April scoffed before looking at Paul to return the smile. “Well it’s almost midnight.” Bianca said as she looked down at her mobile phone. “I better get to bed.” She playfully hit April on her shoulder. “You better as well, you’ve got school in the morning.” “What about me?” Paul asked. “You don’t have school.” “Well I thought I might enrol tomorrow.” Paul responded with an eager smile. “At Summer Bay High?” April asked looking a little surprised. Paul nodded. “Well I may as well.” “Have you spoken to your grandmother about it?” Bianca asked with concern in her voice. “Nup.” Paul shook his head. “Besides, what else am I going to do?” “It wouldn’t have anything to do with Liam Murphy being a teacher there would it?” April taunted the hunky boy. “Shut up April.” Paul wasn’t impressed. “What’s this about Liam?” Bianca asked upon hearing the mention of her boyfriend’s name. “Paul’s a huge fan of your boyfriend, Bee.” April explained to her sister while looking at Paul with a goading smile. “He even has a huge poster of him.” “Shut up!” Paul threw the cushion at April using quite a bit of force luckily for her it missed. “It’s hanging on the back of his door.” “Yeah that’s because you put it there.” Paul reminded her. “I’ve got to see this.” Bianca smiled and eagerly skipped to Paul’s bedroom. “Maybe you could get Liam to sign it for him?” April asked as she followed her sister into the bedroom. “Paul is there something you want to tell us?” Bianca asked as she looked at the shirtless life-sized portrait of her boyfriend. Paul didn’t respond, he just stayed seated on the lounge, burying his face into his palms. The sisters walked out of the bedroom chuckling and whispering to each other. “Don’t worry Paul…” Bianca messed up his hair with her hand. “…We’re just teasing.” She began heading upstairs. “Goodnight kids.” April sat down next to Paul oblivious to his embarrassment. “Well that cheered her up.” “Uh huh…” Paul mumbled. “Problem?” “Just **** off April.” April looked a little disheartened by his remark. “We were only joking.” “Yeah, real ****ing funny.” “We didn’t mean to…” “Just forget it April.” “If I knew it was going to upset you I wouldn’t have said anything.” April placed her hand on Paul’s leg. “I’m sorry for making fun of you but don’t swear at me.” “Yeah well that’s how I talk.” “What so someone upsets you so you swear and throw tamper tantrums?” April stood up and began heading to her room. “How old are you? Seven?” Paul followed her. “Maybe I’m upset because I thought you were awesome but then you go and put me down. I’m only a year younger then you.” He then grabbed her and kissed her on the lips, softly and shortly. He then separated from her to check out her reaction. April just stood there, dumbfounded. “Um…” She had no idea where that came from. “I’m going to bed.” “Ok?” April bemused by the kissed walked into her bedroom. As soon as April closed her bedroom door, Paul slapped himself on the forehead. He then walked to the dining table and opened up April’s laptop. He signed onto his instant messenger and as almost as soon as he went online a message popped up on the screen. Footyfan_94: “Hey Buddy. Where u been?” Paul read the message and smiled. Pdude1995: “Hey man. Long Story!!!” Footyfan_94: “I’ve got time.”
lozlovesh&a Posted July 6, 2011 Report Posted July 6, 2011 Continue please. That was a great chapter.
Zetti Posted July 6, 2011 Report Posted July 6, 2011 April & Paul I love the idea of them two together for some strange reason... definitely looking forward to reading more. This story has me intrigued and I hope you update soon Quote “It’s total bull…” Bianca commented. “They were on the boat for what? Two days? And they fell madly in love with each other? Give me a break Love that line, I was the same at first
Miranda Posted July 6, 2011 Report Posted July 6, 2011 Really good Perry. wasn't sure which way Paul was going to go for a minute
Red Ranger 1 Posted July 6, 2011 Report Posted July 6, 2011 Hmm, April, Bianca, Liam...Is there anyone Paul isn't crushing on?April's reaction to Paul kissing her made me laugh.
Miranda Posted July 6, 2011 Report Posted July 6, 2011 Red Ranger 1 said: Hmm, April, Bianca, Liam...Is there anyone Paul isn't crushing on?April's reaction to Paul kissing her made me laugh. Can't you remember being 16, what its like
Inactive User Posted July 7, 2011 Report Posted July 7, 2011 Great chapter. at April's reaction when Paul kissed her Update soon xx
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