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Mon 13 June 2011 – Episode # 5316

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, “ Runaway “

[ Screened in Australia on Mon 13 June 2011 – Episode # 5316 ]


Nic is way stressed that Maz has taken off with George somewhere – whilst Angelo & Roo trying to keep her calm.


Charlie arrives – she’s here unofficialy [not in uniform] to try to fines Maz * the bub. There; been no sightings of them. Sid suggests ta Indi should help Dex search of her – but Indi initis on staying here.


Nic walks into the room when Laura is badmouthing Maz. Roo gets a phonecall – the pitch to the investors for t fundraiser/African hospital is morrow in Melbourne. Rios is worried bout going, with all the is going on with Nic, but Nic insist ta she has Angelo so Roo should go.


There’s no sing of Maz & bub ate any place ppl can think or but colleen points out ta at least they’ve not been found in a ditch somewhere. Sid arrives – and tells Roo & Laura he just had to get out of the house. Laura notes how close Roo & Sid.


Charlie has an uneasy chat with Brax bout Maz. He hasn’t seen her – and he’s surprised at she is doing this investigation unofficially atm [but Sid wants it that way].


Nic doesn’t like ta this isn’t an official investigation for the police as yet. Sid assures Nic at Maz wouldn’t hurt that bub, but it doesn't help that Charlie tells them that Maz has withdrawn ALL the money out of her back accounts.


After not answering another phone call form ppl [16 missed calls now], Maz enters a travel agent with George. She’d more that a little flustered when she tells travel agent ta she want to go to London.


NEX DAY – Charlie [in uniform] talk to Nic. Still no of Maz. After Nic bails, Angelo tell Charlie ta he & Nic will bail from bay when bub is returned to them. He tell her ta he won’t say anything to anyone bout Charlie/Brax. He ads ta she should keep her eyes on the River Boys.


Roo sees Nic and talk to her about what’s going on. Nic admiss ta there was no way she could have cared for George when he was 1st born, but now things have changed. Roo admits at giving up Martha was the hardest thing that she’s had to do,


Maz is at the travel agent – looking for the quickest flight to get her to London. When the travel agent mention a passport for the bub, Maz looks at some other travel posters, and suggest a change of plans.


Roo & Laura talk bout the trip to Melbourne, before Elijah is mush more gentlemanly towards Laura that he is to Roo when they all get in the car [he open the door for laura but not for Roo].


Maz is after ta 1st available flight [in Oz] that laves the airport in ½ hour. The travel agent goes to another of the workers there – “suggesting” ton call the police.

Maz ^& the bub are getting in the car when Maz hides from a police car she sees nearby. The police officers go into the travel agent, but they do appear to get Maz’s licence plate numbers as she drives away.


Charlie tells Indi & Sid ta Nic has launched a formal complaint against Maz. All agree that want that bub back in the bay safe.


Maz & the bub arrive and enter the main building. Nearvby, Roo & Laura arrive – with Roo comment bout how Laura seem to like Elijah a LOT.


Charlie talk to Brax – telling him te angle doesn’t believe that she b& Brax have split. Brax also hasn’t seen Maz since they last talked. Charlie bails.


Maz is pushing George in his pram when she sees some secuirty guards. She quickly makes her way into baby change rooms

Soon after, Laura & Elijah chat, incl him telling him that he’s taken time off from the ministry cos of his loss of faith. Elsewhere, Maz exits the baby room with George, just as Roo is heading for the bathroom next door. Roo is rather shocked to see Maz here.



Maz emotionally comets ta that it’s the SECOND time she’s lost a young son

Elijah & Laura agree to bo9th face their fears in Melbourne

Nic, Angelo & the baby are all set to leave the Bay

It's a Designer Label (IADL)


Charlie : white [pink trim, dark floral motifs] low cut top/denim jeans


Nic: sky blue [light blue stripes] low cut maxi dress/silver necklace


Laura : purple low cut top


Angelo: grey [white trim] t

Angelo: white t

Brax : dark t

Charlie: police uniform

Colleen: blue [yellow floral?] top

Elijah : wjhite shirt/dark vest

Elijah: red shirt

George: white beanie/white jumpsuit

Indi: dark blue thin strap dress

Indi: grey top

Laura: dark knee dress

Marilyn: dark & back top/dark knee skirt

Nic: dark mid thigh dress/silver belt

Roo: olive green [dark dots?] maxi dress

Roo: white top/dark jacket/white [various fruit motifs] scarf

Sid: dark shirt.

Sid: grey hoodie

Travel Agent 1 – red [white trim] polo

Travel Agent 2 – red [white trim] polo


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