Danni02 Posted July 6, 2011 Report Posted July 6, 2011 Great update. Loved the interaction with Charlie, Brax, Ruby and Casey at the bar! Update soon.
Lucii Posted July 6, 2011 Report Posted July 6, 2011 Thanks for the comments they’re so nice to read Chapter 3 – Bianca Murphy, April Scott and Dexter Walker Having spent the day with Indi and Romeo, April and Dex walked hand in hand back to April’s house the one she shared with Bianca and Liam. As they got to the front door Dex went in to kiss April but she grinned and invited him inside. Bianca lay on the couch sprawled out eating a litre of chocolate ice-cream from a bowl that lay balanced on her large pregnant belly. ”5 days over due...5 DAYS!” She said seeing the arrival of her little sis and her boyfriend. She sounded good tempered though which was much more than could be said for Dex’s sis. She smiled at April who came over and rubbed her stomach. ”Did you have a good day sweetie” she asked while April put her head towards Bianca’s stomach to see if she could feel the baby kicking. ”Yeah it was awesome. We helped Indi and Romeo pick out their baby’s name” She burbled excitedly. ”Yeah she’s having a little girl isn’t she? What name have they decided on” ”Actually it was Dex that picked the name and we all really liked it. Evie Juliet” Bianca looked over at Dex who kept gazing at April. Her face broke out into a smile. ”I LOVE that name Dex it’s so sweet!” ”Thanks Bee” he replied. ”So have you and Liam decided on a name for your little one?” ”Um yeah we’ve circled five possible names. It’s a boy as you know and Liam wants to choose some ultra rock n roll name but...” ”Speaking of Liam where is he? questioned April as she expected Liam to be fussing around her overdue sister. ”He had a gig that paid good money. Money doesn’t grow on trees especially when you’ve got a new mouth to feed soon! Besides Sid said it was unlikely I would have the baby tonight therefore Liam felt safe to go play the gig. But not before buying the diner out of chocolate ice-cream. Oh I love him so much” ”Bianca has a craving for chocolate ice-cream” April said to Dex. He looked round at the empty containers of ice-cream neatly stacked on the floor almost to where Bianca was sitting. ”Really?” he said glancing at the ice-cream containers. ”I hadn’t noticed” ”April can you go get me some more ice-cream please?” her sister looked at her with pleading eyes. April got up immediately while Bianca could have passed out with relief that she didn’t have to get up of the couch. April made her way into the kitchen and headed towards the freezer. ”So Bianca you were saying about the names you’d chosen?” ”Oh yeah well Liam wants some ultra cool rock n roll name whereas I’d prefer something more traditional but we have circled a few names that we both like. I think we’re just going to wait until the birth though” ”What names have you chosen if you don’t mind me asking?” Dex asked intrigued. ”I picked out the name Charlie but Liam said it might be a bit weird having your child as well as your best friend have the same name. Liam like’s Jack because he thinks it’s a strong name for a boy but I guess I want our baby’s name to be more unique...” April came back through with a bowl of ice-cream and placed it in Bianca’s hand. Bianca thanked her gratefully and Dex made his way towards the door closely followed by April. He kissed her lightly n the cheek but at the last minute she turned until they were kissing on the lips. ”Night baby” He whispered into her ears. ”Goodnight” April replied and as she got ready to close the door Bianca let out a frightening scream. Dex and April turned to find Bianca in agony as her waters broke. They ran over to Bianca who was struggling to control her breathing. ”April quick get towels and phone for an ambulance. She’s in labour”
Danni02 Posted July 6, 2011 Report Posted July 6, 2011 Great update! Bianca pregnant too, and in labour! Oh goodness, I hope that Liam is able to be contacted! Would be awful if he missed his son's birth! Update soon
lozlovesh&a Posted July 7, 2011 Report Posted July 7, 2011 Oh I hope Liam can get there in time! Love that Bianca's pregnant and married to Liam too (now can that happen in the show please?). Please continue.
soph1303 Posted July 7, 2011 Report Posted July 7, 2011 Wow great two chapters. Bianca's pregnant too, and are Charlie and Brax married or was that just a comparision thing to it being like a honeymoon? Anyway great job. Look forward to the next chapter
HighwayUnicorn Posted July 7, 2011 Report Posted July 7, 2011 Oh gosh, Bianca is in labour! A fantastic chapter ... brillaint that she's pregnant too by the way. Loved it, very well written. Well done. Love Carina xxx
Red Ranger 1 Posted July 7, 2011 Report Posted July 7, 2011 So April and Dex are gonna be an aunt and uncle twice over!That ending made me smile.
Zetti Posted July 7, 2011 Report Posted July 7, 2011 Aww such a nice chapter. April is gonna be an auntie. How sweet Looking forward to more
Lucii Posted July 7, 2011 Report Posted July 7, 2011 Thanks for the comments! I love reading them Chapter Four – The new arrival April’s hands trembled with excitement as she dialled for the ambulance crew. Her speech became faster as she burbled with excitement yet remained focused enough to tell the ambulance crew her sister was in labour. Meanwhile Dex was comforting Bianca as she screamed in excruciating agony. She squeezed Dex’s hand tightly so tight he thought she’d cut of the blood circulation. He demonstrating breathing in and out as his own face screwed up each time Bianca squeezed his hands. April came rushing over having got off the phone to the hospital. ”The ambulance is on its way” She smiled stroking her sisters hair. ”Just keep breathing and remove your trousers” April looked expectantly at Dex. ”What you want me to remove her trousers?” he looked panicky. ”But I’ll see her you know” ”Please I need to call Liam!” she looked at him with her adorable puppy dog eyes which she knew Dex couldn’t resist. Meanwhile’s Bianca’s screams increased getting louder and louder as the pain surged through her entire body. Dex followed the advice April had been giving slightly cringing a bit although this wasn’t noticeable to either April or Bianca. ”Well Bianca it’s safe to say our friendship is effectively ruined” he said which was soon returned by the “death glare” he had became all too familiar having received a ton of them from his pregnant sister. ”Dex....you are....dating....my little sister...you get her...pregnant....and I....will kill...YOU” Bianca puffed in between breaths. This was met by a sweet smile from Dex while the ambulance crew bustled in taking Bianca on a stretcher and carrying her out to the ambulance. MEANWHILE AT ANGELO’S Liam Murphy took his phone out of his pocket. Glancing at the caller ID he noticed it was April. He answered immediately. ”Hey Ap what’s up...Is Bee okay?” he asked concerned not wanting to be out so close to her due date. April struggled to catch her breath as she and Dex followed Bianca in the ambulance. ”Liam, Bianca’s in labour” She squealed excitedly while Liam gasped in shock. ”Is she okay? Is she at the hospital? I’ll drive right now!” ”The ambulance are here they’re taking her to hospital. They say she isn’t far along so drive to the hospital you’re going to become a daddy!” Liam smiled and April hung up. He looked at the full crowd of the restaurant which also consisted of some of their friends. Charlie, Brax, Leah, Miles, Casey and Ruby were all sitting round a huge table cheering at each song Liam performed. His legs shook as he walked onto the stage with a massive grin on his face. ”I’m really sorry but I have to go” He apologetically spoke into the mic as his grin grew wider. ”My wife is pregnant and she’s just gone into labour” Cheers and gasps and claps from the crowd only made Liam’s smile grow wider. Charlie, Leah, Indi and Ruby squealed so loud as Liam ran to their table. ”Charlie, Leah” Liam looked at how happy they both were. ”You are her best friends and I know she’d want you there so I can give you a lift to the hospital if you want” Charlie and Leah grinned in unison and kissed their loved ones before running out to the car with Liam burbling excitedly to Liam at the thought of the new arrival. The ambulance arrived at hospital and Bianca was wheeled through the hospital with April holding her hand. Dex said he’d wait in reception for Liam. Liam arrived shortly after racing through the hospital with tears forming in his eyes. Leah and Charlie followed closely behind, the hugest smiles of their faces. Dex showed them the way and the four ran down the hospital corridors as fast as their legs could take them. Liam rushed straight into the delivery room while Leah, Charlie and Dex waited outside. He kissed Bianca’s head and held her other hand while the doctor only told her one thing. To push. As screams escaped from the delivery room Charlie paced up and down the waiting room while Dex kept making trips to the coffee machines for drinks. Sid came out of the delivery room 7 hours and 45 minutes later. He smiled at Dex, Charlie and Leah before speaking. ”Mother and Baby are doing well” Sighs of relief could only be heard as each of the three clutched little teddies and baby gro’s and balloons that they had brought whilst visiting the gift shop. ”Sid can we see her?” Charlie asked and Sid nodded. The three burst into the delivery room to find an exhausted Bianca cradling her newborn son. April stood beaming from the end of the bed and Liam stood over Bianca gazing at his son and kissing his wife’s head. Dex put his arms round April’s waist as the loved up younger couple smiled at the new arrival. Charlie and Leah cooed over Bianca’s newborn son. ”Bianca he’s so beautiful!” Leah said as she gazed over at the squirming baby wrapped in a white blanket. ”He’s gorgeous!” Charlie agreed. ”Definitely going to be a heartbreaker!” Bianca’s face was a picture at Charlie’s comment which made the rest of the room laugh. ”No chance Buckton! He’s not getting a girlfriend ever!” Everyone laughed again whilst looking at the new arrival. ”So have you guys thought of a name yet?” Leah asked. ”Yes we have” Bianca looked up into Liam’s eyes and he nodded slightly. ”Go on babe tell them what name we picked” Liam looked around as the proudness reflected in his eyes. ”After 9 months of disagreeing on name choices...Bee and I have finally picked a name that we both love so with that we’d like you to meet Harvey James Murphy”
HighwayUnicorn Posted July 7, 2011 Report Posted July 7, 2011 I love the name! Absolutely fantastic, I loved that chapter. It was really well written. Well done. Love Carina xxx
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