Red Ranger 1 Posted July 8, 2011 Report Posted July 8, 2011 Loved the interaction between Dex and Bianca, nice update.
Danni02 Posted July 8, 2011 Report Posted July 8, 2011 Good update Aww Harvey James cute. Looking forward to more.
soph1303 Posted July 9, 2011 Report Posted July 9, 2011 Aww cute chapter. Lol Dex was hilarious in that chapter. Cute that Liam announced it out loud at his concert. More soon please
Dingo x Posted July 9, 2011 Report Posted July 9, 2011 Read these earlier today but forgot to comment. Great chapters. Looking forward to more. xx
callyha Posted July 10, 2011 Report Posted July 10, 2011 Great few chapters, love the interactions between each of the characters And that name! More soon please
ldscott Posted July 10, 2011 Report Posted July 10, 2011 Just read this from the beginning and I'm really enjoying it! Love the scenes with Dex and April! Can't wait to read more! Lisa x
Inactive User Posted July 11, 2011 Report Posted July 11, 2011 Great chapter! Liking it so far Awww loved the name for the baby Update soon xx
Lucii Posted July 12, 2011 Report Posted July 12, 2011 Thanks so much for the comments I love reading them! Chapter 5 – Charlie and Ruby Buckton and Darryl Braxton Charlie Buckton arrived home exhausted after meeting the new arrival. She sneaked through the door trying to be as quiet as possible as it was 5am and everyone was likely to be asleep. Charlie was due to start work in 4 hours but it was definitely likely that she would take the day off. She smiled as she realised Brax also had the day off and with Rubes and Case at work it meant they’d have the house to themselves for the entire day. Charlie flicked on the little light as she feared the big living room light would be too bright. She found Ruby in her robe curled up on the couch asleep. Beside her lay a half empty cup of coffee which was stone cold. Charlie went up to Ruby and shook her a little to coax her into her own bed. Ruby’s eyes flickered and she opened them wide yawning a little before realising Charlie was back home. She sat bolt upright and grinned as Charlie and Ruby hugged both exhausted. ”Has Bee had her baby?” She asked before realising this was stupid judging by the size of Charlie’s grin. ”Yes she has. A little boy as we all know” Charlie grinned as Ruby squealed a little. Charlie shushed her so that Casey or Brax wouldn’t wake up. ”Have her and Liam thought of a name yet?” She asked nosily. Charlie laughed knowing how much Ruby was looking forward to the new baby. ”Yeah erm Harvey James. Cute isn’t it?” Ruby squealed again and Charlie shushed her again. The two girls laughed and Charlie pulled Ruby in for a hug. Breaking away from the hug Ruby looked up into her mother’s eye with a gleam in her own eye. ”You know maybe someone else is due a baby soon...” She grinned but Charlie looked confused. ”You and Brax?” Charlie laughed a little and shook her head. ”No way Rubes! I already have you and you’re 22 now there’s too much of an age gap. Besides your almost old enough to make me a grandma” Charlie shuddered a little at the thought of being a grandma at 36 and Ruby laughed. ”Keep dreaming Mum. Maybe in a few years. And Brax doesn’t have any children does he? And you’re both young. Well young-ish” She grinned backing away from her mum as she looked offended . ”We will see Rubes” ”Great! I’m going to go to bed. The thought of getting up in two hours is enough to make anyone more tired.” Ruby got up and kissed her mum on the cheek. ”Love you mum” ”Love you too sweetie” Charlie replied exhausted curled up on the couch. She heard Ruby going up the stairs before drifting off into a deep sleep. 5 HOURS LATER Charlie woke to the smell of something yummy cooking into the kitchen. She groaned a little before realising she fell asleep on the couch. She kicked the blanket that Casey put over her at 6am and yawned stretching her arms out wide. She glanced at the clock which read 10:30 and made her way into the kitchen. She found Brax in jeans and a tee-shirt cooking breakfast. He was oblivious to Charlie waking up and Charlie went over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He turned around and grabbed her waist and picking her up onto the worktop. He kissed her lightly on the lips his arms never leaving her waist. ”Morning Baby” he spoke after pulling away from the kiss. Charlie smiled as her head leant against his chest and Brax kissed the top of her hair. ”What you cooking?” She asked sniffing in the yummy smell. Brax went back to the cooking. ”Bacon and eggs. I was going to wake you up with it but you’ve ruined that plan now!” Brax kissed Charlie again with a bit more passion and they smiled as they broke away. ”I was exhausted! Bee had her baby” ”Yeah Ruby said you got in at 5am. A little boy named Harvey?” ”Yeah she was in labour for near enough 8 hours. But it was worth it he’s soo adorable!” ”Oooh is miss Buckton getting broody!” ”Not you too! I had this from Rubes last night” Charlie and Brax smiled at one another. ”Yeah babe but I’ve got to say we’d have pretty hot kids with you as their mum” ”And you as their dad!” Brax smiled and served breakfast. He handed the plate to Charlie who placed it to the side before jumping of the worktop. Brax served his breakfast onto another plate and the love struck pair made their way to the couch hand in hand. ”So what do you want to do today?” Brax asked as Charlie began to demolish her breakfast. ”Because Case and Rubes are at work and we do have the house to ourselves...” Charlie giggled and shook her head. ”I was thinking we could go see Bee at the hospital and then spend the day on the beach?” ”A day in public?” Brax almost looked shocked as he took his girlfriends hand. ”Well I’m not going to refuse” He looked Charlie up and down. Even if she was in last night’s clothes with messy hair and panda eyes, Brax still thought she was the most beautiful woman alive. What was better he thought was that she was his beautiful woman and he didn’t have to hide how proud he was just like he did in the first few months when they first got together. ”Yeah well I’ll go get changed if you wash up then we’ll be ready” She got up and leant down to kiss Brax. She then ran upstairs and Brax smiled gazing after her before fumbling around in his pocket for the small black box that contained a diamond ring. He looked at the ring smiling. If she said yes to his proposal then it would be certain that Darryl Braxton would be the happiest man alive.
Zetti Posted July 12, 2011 Report Posted July 12, 2011 Sorry! I missed the other chapter somehow. Harvey James & I love how Ruby was teasing Charlie Such a cute chapter Looking forward to more
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