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When I Look At You

Guest Lucii

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Loved that chapter, the interactions between everyone!

Charlie&Brax :wub: I just love 'em!

&Teasing Charlie about a baby! :wub: Least Brax&Ruby are keen on the idea lol!

More soon please :D

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AWWW!! :wub: Brax is going to propose :wub: yay!! Its true though what Brax said though - a Chax baby would be a such a cute baby!!! More soon please!! :D


I just started reading this it is great so far please continue. :)


Thanks for the comments :) Love reading them xxx

Chapter Six – The Murphy’s, Charlie Buckton and Darryl Braxton

Charlie held Brax’s hand as they entered the hospital not being able to keep their eyes of one another for long. She changed into this gorgeous summery dress which in Brax’s eyes made her look more stunning than ever. Her hair lay down wavy and loose and she wore the first ever gift that Brax ever brought her – a necklace. They both smiled at Sid who was in a rush to see another patient. He smiled apologetically at Brax and Charlie as they went their separate ways. Brax’s arms were wrapped tightly around Charlie’s waist as they entered the hospital room where Bianca was cradling her newborn son. She saw the two lovebirds and pulled a face causing a shy giggle from Charlie.

”Buckton, Braxton stop pashing in front of my son please” She said firmly before breaking out into a huge smile.

”Bee stop! You make me sound like in the military calling me Buckton!” Charlie replied huddling over Bianca to catch a glimpse of Harvey who was sound asleep in Bianca’s arms. ”He looks like Liam!”

”Yeah I know the poor thing!” Bianca laughed. ”No I’m kidding he’s very lucky to have inherited Liam’s genes. Let’s just hope there’s not another musical genius we have on our hands. I don’t think I could take it if Liam suggested that we all form a family band”

”But Bee you’re not a musical genius” Brax interrupted as Bianca looked offended.

”I can sing pretty well in Italian you know Braxton”

”The key is just to wear earplugs when she’s singing baby” Charlie smiled as Brax kissed her neck. Bianca covered her sons eyes as the three laughed.

”So in all serious Bee how you feeling. Is everything okay down there?” Charlie asked while Brax coughed and shifted.

”And with that I am going to find Liam!” He kissed Charlie again before leaving the girls to it.

”Yeah it’s good the doctor said I should be allowed out tomorrow then we can get this one settled hopefully in his new home”

”Well that’s good news. I didn’t know whether to clutter up the hospital with baby stuff that I brought so I’m just going to offload it all on you tomorrow then”

”Oh Charles you didn’t have to do that”

”Course I did, your my best friend and Harvey is practically my nephew” She held out her arms beckoning to Bianca to hand him over. Charlie held Harvey close to her chest breathing in the milky baby smell. He squirmed in her arms before nuzzling and letting out the tiniest of yawns. Bianca smiled but the exhaustion showed in her eyes.

”He likes you!” She giggled excitedly as Charlie gazed down at Harvey as her maternal instinct kicked in. Meanwhile Brax and Liam stood secretly at the door watching their girls speak.

”Looks like you’ve got your work cut out for you mate. She’ll be wanting a football team soon!” Liam laughed as Brax watching Charlie and how natural she looked with a baby.

”No chance! Not until I get this sorted out.” Brax fumbled around in his pocket for the ring and showed it to Liam. ”Not a word to Bianca you hear me?”

Liam looked wide-eyed at the ring then back to Brax.

”Oh my god. Congratulations mate”

”Well she hasn’t said yes yet”

”Come on mate she loves you”

”I know she does so I hope she says yes”

Liam and Brax joined their loved ones back in the hospital room and Charlie handed baby Harvey to Liam as he looked proudly at his second child. He never got to see his first son and he hoped to introduce him to his little brother. He also hoped Harvey would get to know his big brother too and then his world would truly be complete.

”Well we better go. We’re going to the beach” Charlie said getting up of the bed as Brax took her hand.

”Nice seeing you guys” Liam and Bianca replied in unison. Charlie blew kisses to Harvey who was none the wiser as Liam raised his eye brows a little at Brax.

”See you soon guys” Brax said as he slapped Charlie’s bum playfully. They made their way out of the hospital before going to the beach.


They lay on the sand as Brax was mostly on top of Charlie as he kissed her, each kiss had more passion than the last. He felt his hand creep further up her dress even though it was daylight and people could see he didn’t care. Charlie let out a small moan before pushing him away.

”Not here She whispered. ”Later”

Brax grinned at Charlie as she winked at him. He lay cuddling her as the sun’s rays became increasingly hotter. Brax’s only thought was what was going to happen next. Charlie closed her eyes a little drifiting off because of the heat and Brax got up and looked down at her sleep. He shook her a little and she mumbled as her eyes squinted at the sun. Once she fully opened her eyes she saw Brax on one knee looking more terrified than Charlie had ever seen him before.

”Look Charlie I love you and I love what we have. The time I’ve spent with you has been the best time of my life and I don’t want it to ever end. You are the only girl I’ve ever loved and the only one I want to ever love and so I guess what I’m trying to say is...will you marry me?” His hand trembled as Charlie gasped in shock. She looked at the ring which she thought was perfect.

”YES!” Charlie screamed with an ecstatic grin on her face. ”i will so definitely marry you Darryl Braxton”

He placed the ring on her finger as tears of joy rolled down her face.

”I love you Brax” She said as he placed the ring on her finger smiling and holding her hand.

”I love you too Charlie” he replied as he stroked her cheek and leant in for a celebratory kiss.


Yey! She said yes!

That was such a cute chapter, with Bianca covering Harveys eyes!

Can't wait for the next chapter

Lisa x


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