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As Long As I Have You

Guest callyha

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Great update,

Aww Brax :(!!

Bianca's right, if there's only a day between whether the baby is Brax's or Angelo's, there's definitely a chance that it could still be Brax's :). They should probably just do a DNA test so that they know for sure!!!

Lol Colleen :lol:!!

Aww amazing talk between Ruby and Charlie :wub:!!

More soon please :D

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Great update. Poor Brax being sad, but I'm sure once the bub arrives he'll fall in love, father or not. I agree with Bee, the doctor could have been wrong, so there still could be hope for Braxy. I loved Bianca's 'I'm either right or wrong', of course Bianca, it has to be one or the other! :lol: Like that Ruby wants to go to the next scan :)

Update soon :)


Poor Brax :( But like Bianca said maybe, just maybe

I hope the paternity doesn't mean carla's coming back. Can't stand that woman :angry:

Loved the girls impersonation of Colleen


loved this chapter :)

felt so bad for Brax :(, but glad he asnt backed off because the baby isn't his

glad that Ruby and Charlie finallly got to talk

hope Charlie lets Ruby go to the scan with her, give them more time to bond

REALLY dont want Carla to come back can not stand her :angry:

update soon :)


Thank you so much Samantha1, Sarah, Sazzle, totally, soph1303, Danni, mizzette, RoRo90 Carina and donna_louise for the :wub: comments!

Very well done, sucha talented writer <3 <3
Make me blush! but thank you xx

Chapter 45 2 months later

Sitting in the waiting room of the hosptial with their hands intertwined, Charlie and Brax waited for the doctor to come and tell them she was ready for them. They sat excitedly, eargerly awaiting the time when they could see their baby on the screen for the second time; been told that the baby was -hopefully- doing fine and had everything it was supposed to have.

"Are we finding out whats in there then?" Brax asked, pointing to Charlie's bump

"I really don't want to, but if you do then you can. Just don't tell me" Charlie replied

Brax nodded "You said you didn't know what Ruby was until she was born" Charlie nodded as she looked to Brax "how did that feel? finding out when she was born I mean"

"It was amazing" Charlie smiled "you go through nine months of changes in everything and getting excited for the baby coming, but if you know what you are having, it takes that surprise away from you" Charlie placed her free hand on her stomach "when bub is born and I'm told we have a daughter, you'll see how amazing it is; been told that and then seeing her straight away, not having to wait another four months"

"That does sound amazing" Brax smiled "I don't want to know" Brax shook his head "I'll wait until I cut the cord"

"What cord?" Ruby asked as she walked back into the room, holding three bottles of juice and some crisps

"The baby's cord" Brax replied as he took one of the bottles from Ruby "I'm gonna cut it"

"Ew" Ruby replied as she lowered herself into the seat "Not something I want to hear at 9am" Ruby opened her bottle and took a long swip from it "Charlie?" Ruby questioned as she looked to Charlie

"I'll just make a phone call" Brax excuse himself from the room, sensing Charlie and Ruby were about to have another girly bonding session

"Yea?" Charlie replied

"I am sorry about how I reacted when you told me you were pregnant" Ruby replied

"Ruby" Charlie smiled "its fine" Charlie placed her hand on top of Ruby's

"No its not" Ruby replied "I stormed off like a kid, I never congratualted you or anything"

"You didn't storm off" Charlie shook her head

"Okay, I might not have stormed off, but I sure didn't congratulate you and Brax" Ruby replied "I am happy for you, for the both of you, it just -it came as a shock" Charlie nodded in agreement "I mean, when I was first told about you, I had expected you to be pregnant and have a toddler running around" Ruby looked to the ground and them

back to Charlie "but I suppose been with Angelo made you decide otherwise"

"Angelo only wanted one child; a son, so if I'd had a daughter god knows how he would have reacted" Charlie replied

"Did he know about me?" Ruby asked

"No" Charlie shook her head "He didn't listen to me in the last few years; and the first couple of years we were too busy been young and stupid" Charlie replied "I had thought about telling him; he was always on my case that I wasn't telling him enough about my life before him, but he would never give me the chance to tell him"

"Is that why you're dreading the baby been Angelo's?" Charlie looked round quickly to Ruby "I did the math. Its really close and I hope Brax is the dad"

"He's not" Charlie had a lone tear roll down her cheek "Angelo is"

"How do-"

"12 week scan" Charlie swallowed "the dates match up with Angelo been the dad. I'm devestated" Charlie cried

"Charlie" Ruby moved closer to Charlie and placed her arm around her "don't say that" Ruby rubbed Charlie's arm comfortingly "the doctors could have got it wrong; they told my mum and dad that Dan was a girl; and other than him throwing like one, he's not"

Charlie couldn't help but laugh lightly at Ruby's tale about Dan. She had heard about doctors getting the sex of the baby wrong and getting the dates mixed up -and she knew there was still that tiny chance of Brax been the biological father of her baby- but she knew she had slept with Angelo twice and Brax once on that week she got pregnant "It doesn't really matter anyway; Brax has said the baby is his no matter what, and if I keep questioning it, he'll leave. and I don't want him to"

"Charlotte Buckton" the nurse said as she walked into the waiting room "Dr. Davis is ready for you" she smiled

"Thank you" Charlie replied, wiping her face and rising to her feet, meeting Brax at the door as she walked out of the room "you coming in?" Charlie asked as she looked to Ruby

"As in see the screen and everything?" Ruby's eyes light up

"Yes" Charlie replied

"Yes please" Ruby replied, eagerly heading toward Charlie, who made her way to the room the nurse had dissapeared into

"So Charlie" Dr. Davis said as Charlie sat herself on the bed nad then layed down "how have you been feeling?"

"Great" Charlie replied "I've not really had any symptoms of pregnancy, other than the bump" Charlie smiled, placing her hands on her stomach

"Well, there is plenty of time for you to have symptoms, but I'm glad the sick feeling has gone" the doctor replied "you've had no other stomcah pain since the stretching of ligaments?" Charlie shook her head "okay then, could you pull your top up please" Charlie did as she was instructed and looked over to Brax, who clasped his hand around

Charlie's and watched carefully as the doctor grabbed the gel "this will be cold" Charlie gasped as the gel hit her stomach "right" the doctor moved the tranducer around her stomach "the heart beat is good and strong" she smiled as the loud train-like sound of the baby's heartbeat was heard

"Oh my gosh" Ruby choked "its that the baby?"

"yes" the doctor replied "and here is the spine and two limbs" the doctor pointed out each thing on the screen "everything is there that is supposed to be there" she smiled as she removed the transducer from Charlie's stomach and wiped the gel from it

"So the baby is good yea? nothing to worry about" Brax asked, still holding onto Charlie's hand and looking to the doctor

"Everything is fine; the baby is developing at the norm and is perfectly healthy" she smiled

"So, that noise, that was the hearbeat? and the pearl things was the spine?" Ruby asked, looking to the screen which once showed the image of the baby

"Yes. And only one leg and arm was on show, I guess the baby didn't want you too see all of them"

"So the baby can hear everything that's going on can't it? we're doing about pregnancy in Biology: I think its the teachers way of trying to put some of us off sex"

"So seeing the baby and the happiness it brings is really making you want to keep your legs crossed?" Brax smirked

"Brax" Charlie gasped, hitting Brax on the arm as she felt embarrassed "I can't believe you just said that!" Charlie hid behind her hands as she waited for the doctor to print the scan pictures out

"Here you are" the doctor handed Charlie the scans "I shouldn't have to see you for a scan now; the baby is perfectly fine and developing as it should be; any problems or concerns you have, come striaght back; you can't be too careful" the doctor explained as Charlie wiped the gel from her stomach and sat up on the bed "here" the doctor handed Charlie a leaflet

"Antenatal Classes?" Brax read "Is that that breathing thing?"

"Yes" the doctor tried to muffle her laugh "its also preparing first time parents for what labour and months after baby is born brings. Parents who has one or more children at home go to the classes as well, so you always have that parent with the knowledge as well"

"When do the classes start up?" Charlie asked as she skim read the leaflet

"They have already started, and they run in the pre-natal gymnasium downstairs on a Wednesday evening"

"Cool" Brax nodded, placing the leaflet in his back pocket and rising to his feet "So, the next time we see you will be?"

"When I hand your baby to you hopefully" she smiled, looking to Charlie and Brax simutaneously, who had now followed her to the door

"Thank you" Brax said as he was first to walk away from the room, followed by Ruby and Charlie who also thanked her.


"In my day people were married before they got pregnant" Colleen looked to scan pictures in Irene's hand "and they had known each other longer too" Colleen quickly looked to Charlie and Brax, who sat taking in what Colleen was saying but not really taking much notice

"For gawd sake Colleen" Irene dropped her hands too her legs, holding tightly onto the scans as she turned to face Colleen "put a smile on your face and congratulate

Charlie and Brax" Irene used her hand to show Charlie and Brax to Colleen whilst she raised her other hand and looked at the scans again. She couldn't help but smile widely at the image of the baby she was looking at; a surrogate grand son or daughter "I'm so happy for you" Irene had a glint of tears in her eyes as she looked to Charlie and Brax "So, so happy"

"Thank you Irene" Charlie replied, standing and recieving the hug Irene offered

"And you" Irene moved her attention to Brax "Daddy"

"Thanks Irene" Brax smiled as Irene rubbed his back

"What do you want to eat? anything? doesn't matter; its on the house" Irene placed the scan pictures on the table and happily headed for the kitchen, leaving Brax and Charlie smiling and Colleen looking disaprovingly at them

"I still say its wrong" Colleen stood by what she had said, her arms crossed over each other infront of her "You hardly know each other; Angelo isn't long since dead, Carla only left -she was horrible her, I didn't like her- and you aren't even married" Colleen looked to Charlie "although, it is nice seeing you smile for a change"

"Colleen!" Irene shouted from the kitchen

"Just my opinion" Colleen said before she headed toward the kitchen, leaving Charlie and Brax trying not to laugh

"I'm sorry Brax" Charlie giggled "I should have told you what Colleen would say"

"Nah, she doesn't bother me" Brax replied "She's right though, maybe we should have been married before the baby, but, I don't want the baby been the reason we do get married" Brax replied

"Who says I'd marry you anyway?" Charlie replied, looking to Brax with her eyebrow raised

"So, how do you think Ruby feels about this?" Brax asked as he grabbed his drink

"She says she's okay with it, and I believe her. But, it has to be hard for her; I'm having another baby, but this time I get to keep the baby and raise him or her, they get to call me mummy and I can spend every day with them" Charlie began "that surely will be hard for her to watch, seeing something like that infront of her every time she comes to see me"

"She can be involved in things" Brax suggested "like, decortating the room; no way in hell am I doing that by meself, and no -you aren't helping" Brax added before Charlie could say anything "she can go shopping with you to get things for the baby can't she? you know, all that girly stuff"

"Buying clothes isn't girly" Charlie replied, resting her head on Brax's shoulder "and besides, all we need is five outfits and then we can buy girly clothes if we have to or boyish clothes"

"Five outfits?" Brax questioned

"Yea" Charlie nodded "one to leave the hospital, one to change into when we put the baby down to sleep during the night and three in case of sick ups and over flow nappies" Charlie answered

"Here you are" Irene smiled as she placed two plates of food on the table

"Thank you Irene" Charlie smiled as she tucked into her food

"I take it everything went well at the hospital"

"Yes" Charlie replied in between chews "she said the baby is perfect"

"When are you due" Irene asked with a huge smile on her face

"March" Charlie replied "they can't pin point a date though, so anytime really"

"Just as long as you know which month and that the baby is fine thats all you need to know" Irene replied

"Thats what we said" Brax replied as he placed his hand on Charlie's thigh

"Well, if there is anything I can do for you, you know where I am"

"Thanks Irene" Charlie replied, her eyes filling with tears

"No wories darl" Irene winked bfore leaving Charlie and Brax to eat their meal

Colleen stood in the kitchen with her arms folded across her stomach, looking to Charlie and Brax as they ate their food "I never thought I'd see the day that young Charlie act like this"

"Like what?" Irene questioned "happy?"

"Like a teenager. Angelo died in July we're only in October. She's pregnant with another mans baby and its not right" Collen squarked "how would Angelo's mother feel if she knew the woman who loved her son was carrying on like this"

"Firstly, it has nothing to do with her, secondly Charlie is moving on with her life and I for one think she deserves happiness, and if its with Brax, then so be it" Irene pointed to Colleen as she spoke "Charlie is like a daughter to me and I have never seen her this happy"

"Everyone is entitled to their opinion and i was only saying what I thought"

"There is a way of saying it Colleen" Irene replied "anyway, go do your job"


Ruby held the scan picture in her hand as she entered the house. Issy was sat at the computer filling in an aplication form in for a university as Dan sat at the table doing his homework; both unaware that someone had walked in.

Sally stood in the kitchen preparing lunch, she had hold of a knife in her hand and a cabbage was on the chopping board "Ruby" Sally said as Ruby made to go up the stairs

"Yea?" Ruby replied, placing the scan picture in her pocket

"Where have you been?" Sally asked, chopping the cabbage

"I went out" Ruby replied, shrugging her shoulders

"Okay" Sally replied "erm, we have something to discuss later; your dad, Dan and Issy and me" Sally stopped what she was doing and looked to Ruby

"Sounds ominus" Ruby replied "what is it?"

"Wait until your dad gets home" Sally replied

"I have something to tell you guys too" Ruby smiled

"What?" Sally asked

"Here" Ruby handed Sally the scan picture "Charlie is having a baby with Brax" Ruby smiled more widely "isn't that great?"

Sally looked at the baby infront of her and then to Ruby, her heart sinking "that's great" Sally slapped a smile on her face

"Isn't it?" ruby took the scan back from Sally "I went in and everything; I saw the baby on screen, I heard the heartbeat. Oh my gosh mum, it was amazing. I'm so happy for Charlie, and I get to be apart of the baby's life, I mean, we haven't figured out how or what role I'm going to be, but its amazing that we're at this place where was can be like this"

"That's great sweetie" Sally smiled

"I'm going to buy the baby an outfit as soon as I know what it is; Charlie and Brax don't want to know until its born, which is a bit annoying, but its their choice really"

"You do ramble when you're excited don't you?" Dan obsereved as he pryed himself away from the computer screen and walked into the kitchen, grabbing an apple which he soon took a huge bit out of

"Shut up" Ruby smiled, pushing Dan gently

"So how far along is she?" Sally asked

"She's five months" Ruby replied "20 weeks yea?"

"Yea" Sally confirmed "wait a minute" Sally thought "that means she was pregnant when we first met"

"Yea" Ruby replied

"I thought she told you she didn't have any children? she certainly never said anything about the baby"

"She didn't know" Ruby defended "the fight at the Club had happened, Brax and Angelo were in intensive care, Charlie had her wrist in pot and her lung recovering" Ruby explained "she only found out a few weeks ago"

"Oh" Sally replied "still, she should have told you straight away, I mean; you're still in the early stages of relationship building, if anything, honesty should be the first thing you two should be working on"

"Yea, because there is nothing you've kept from me" Ruby replied

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sally asked, placing her hands on her hips

"I asked you what her name was. You said Charlotte and that was it" Ruby replied

"That is her name. Whether she goes by Charlie or Lottie is completely up to her" Sally defended

"No. You knew her surname too" Ruby replied "I checked. They always give you the forename and surname of the birth mother for medical reasons and in cases where the child want to find their birth mother" Ruby tucked her hair behind her ear "why didn't you tell me Buckton was her surname?"

Sally was in a corner. Ruby knew what she was talking about and she had every right to be angry and every right to know why Buckton was kept from her. Just as Sally was about to answer, Issy came in holding the phone "Yes Issy?" Sally looked ot her older daughter

"Nan's nurse is on the phone. She's had a heart attack" Issy replied, the tears filling her eyes as she handed the phone to Sally


Great update Cally. Liked Ruby being at the scan, and glad she seems excited about the baby now and is happy for Chax. Oh typical Colleen! Wonder what Sally wants to talk to Rubes about!

Update soon :)


Great update :)

Liked how Ruby is excited at beginning at the scan :D

Typical Colleen! :rolleyes:

Wonder what Sally is going to tell Ruby...?

Do the whole town (expect Bianca and Brax, Casey and Ruby's adoptive family) know Charlie and Ruby are mother/daughter or it will be revealed later on...? :unsure:

Update soon please xx


Great update,

Still holding out on there being a mistake and the baby is Brax's.....:D!!

Aww, I loved how excited Ruby was for Charlie :)!!

Typical Colleen <_<!!

Wonder what Sally wants to tell Ruby??

More soon please :D


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