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As Long As I Have You

Guest callyha

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Angel90, Carina, Lucii, Sarah, soph1303, Chickiboom, Arielxo & elikell. Thank you for the comments :D:wub:

Chapter 8

Heath arrived home to find the front door had been locked for the first time in a few years. Brax had told them to only lock the door when it was nessecary; Heath began to panic when he realised Casey was inside with a mother who didn't even know what planet she was on, let alone to know that she had a kid who would need her.

"Case" Heath's voice showed his concern toward his younger brother as he looked through the house. He was relieved to find Casey sitting on the couch, holding a baseball bat in his hands; his eyes fixated on the door "Case mate. You alright?" Heath asked as he placed his hand on Casey's shoulder and croutched down to his level

"A bloke came looking for Brax" Casey answered, his eyes never leaving the gaze on the door

"What did he look like?" Heath asked, trying to figure out who'd be after Brax

"Erm, he's about the same height as you, maybe a little smaller. Weird looking, light hair. Said his name was Angelo" Casey answered as he now looked to Heath, who shared the same worried look that Casey had "He's not in trouble is he?" Casey asked

Heath looked to his younger brother. In truth, Heath had no idea; he heard the rumours about Angelo's place and what happened there, but he knew Brax wouldn't do something stupid that would risk himself, or his brothers "Nah mate, he ain't in trouble" Heath wiped his face before ruffling Casey's hair "you better get to bed. You got school tomorrow" Heath pointed to Casey's room

"Yea alright" Casey sadly replied "And you're sure there's nothing to worry about?" Casey asked one last time

"Absolutely" Heath crossed his fingers as he looked to his innocent brother. Casey smiled at him before he walked into his room. Heath ran his hands through his hair as he realised the serverity of the situation; if Brax was working for Angelo, there was only as matter of time before things turned ugly.


As Charlie sobbed in the arms of the person who came to her aid, Roo & Sid, Leah & Miles and Bianca all were thinking about their friend, wondering how she could open up to a complete stranger and remain silent with them. Each wanting to help as Charlie was their friend, but also because Charlie had done so much for them.

Sid was laying on the couch with Roo laying on him, each holding a glass of wine and thinking about how they would never have come together if Charlie hadn't of helped

Sid leave work early and keep Angelo away from the house.

Leah and Miles layed close to each other in bed, holding each other as they thought of how they would never have been laying in each others arms every single night, had it not been for Charlie's support when they first thought about moving in together.

Bianca layed on the sofa, drink in hand, watching Liam strum his guitar. It lifted Bianca's spirits seeing Liam work on his music, after giving up some years ago. But at the back of her mind, she thought of how she and Liam met; and how Charlie was always to one Bianca went to when ever she needed a girlie chat or just a second opinion on something.

Liam strummed on his guitar, playing the 'Chasing cars' tune. Bianca watched in awe as Liam was able to play from memory, a tear rolled down her face as he continued to play.

As Liam played, Charlie finally pulled herself away from her midnight aider. She rose to her feet and wiped her face as she held back more tears. She felt embarrased as she had no idea who the person was she had spent the good part of an hour crying on.

"I'm sorry" Charlie spoke, her voice hoarse from her cries "I'm really sorry" the person rose to their feet

"Don't be" The person said, raising their hand to Charlie's face to wipe the tear that slowly trickled down her face.

Charlie closed her eyes briefly as the person's hand touched her smooth -yet damp- face "Don't" Charlie took a step back

"Why not?" The person asked

"I can't" Charlie replied in an unintentional whisper

"I don't want anything Charlie. I just want to make sure you are okay" Charlie looked to the person

"You barely know me" Charlie replied "I barely know you"

"I know enough"

"Brax please" Charlie looked to the sand. Brax placed his hand under Charlie's chin and pushed it up until her eyes met his. He gazed intently into her eyes "Don't look at

me like that, it makes me nervous" Charlie looked away once more

"I can't not look at you" Brax replied, moving himself so his and Charlie's eyes met once more.

Charlie's heart pounded in her chest, as did Brax's. Both wondering if the other could hear the beating of thier heart. Their bodies were close, they could feel their breath on each other's faces, their lips touching each others. Brax gently placed his hands on Charlie's face as the kiss intensified, her hands moved up his back as his moved through her hair.

"I can't" Charlie finished abruptly as she remembered about the contract "I'm sorry" Charlie added before running off; leaving Brax stunned, heartbroken and confused.


Angelo sat alone in the club.

His surrounds hadn't changed; the place was still a mess, with the excetpion of a small patch of floor where bianca had been dancing earlier in the night. The broom was still on the floor where Brax had thrown it in annoyance to Liam's comment.

His mind wasn't set on the state of his club now; it was set on what his club would be in the future. Would it still be a success? Or would it end up as a pile of ash? Angelo cupped his hands together and banged them down gently on his head, thinking of a way he could get Brax to sign the contract if Charlie failed to do it herself.

A thought went through his mind. He rose to his feet and headed back to his office; the smirk on his face showing how glad he was on his caniving idea.


Brax walked home filled with a mixture of emotions. He was still annoyed with Liam and could happily throw a punch at him; he was tired of working for Angelo; he was sick of having to walk everywhere; but most of all, he was confused, upset and baffled with Charlie. He liked her. Really liked her.

Heath ran out of the house, meeting Brax at the gate "what the hell are ya doing?" Brax moaned; he wasn't in the mood for anything

"What the hell is your boss doing, coming round here and threatening Casey" Heath asked as he pushed Brax back

"What?" Brax filled with anger

"Angelo. He came around here, looking for you" Heath replied "What the hell Brax? Casey is a little kid"

"I know!" Brax raised his voice "I have no idea what he was doing here. Did Case say anything else?"

"Only that he said 'it must be nice to have a big brother. They may not always be around though. I'd watch your back if I were you'" Heath replied "I came home and he was sat with a baseball bat"

"What? No" Brax looked to the window of Casey's room "Poor kid"

"Yea, poor kid" Heath rolled his eyes "I thought you said we had nothing to worry about. You told Casey that"

"I know what I told him" Brax sternly replied before turning round

"Where you going?" Heath asked as Brax walked back the way he had just come

"To settle this" Brax replied as he briefly moved his head to give the impression that he was looking back to Heath.

"Jeez" Heath scratched his head with both hands before he let them fall to his sides, his hands went to his hips

"Heath?" A voice said

"Casey" Heath turned around to find his brother stood in the door "What you doing down here?"

"I heard you and Brax" Casey replied "Where is Brax?" Casey asked as he looked around

"He forgot to get his money" Heath lied "Don't worry about it mate" Heath walked to the door and placed his arm around Casey and walked him back into the house

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Awwww Brax and Charlie were so cute... :)

Shame Angelo ahs to ruin it...

Someone plz get rid of Angelo...

Why cant her friends help her..!!! Lolz

amazing chapter beautifuly written :)

Update soon plz... :)


Aww Charlie, why did you pull away from Brax??

Glad that all of Charlie's friends are grateful for what she has done for them.

A bit worried about what Angelo is going to do next.

Aww poor Casey - sitting there with a baseball bat to defend himself with.

Great chapter, more soon please!!


Aww, loved Charlie and Brax in that chapter. She feels so at ease with him. I just hope someone kills Angelo so that Charlie can be happy!

Poor little Casey sitting on the couch with a baseball bat.

Noone seems to like Angelo, so why doesn't he just leave? He's such a horrible person! :(

I do hope that Charlie can be happy soon and get away from Angelo.

Can't wait to see where you take this.

Update soon please :)


Angelo :angry: What's he doing threatening a kid?! Loved it when Casey said "Erm, he's about the same height as you, maybe a little smaller. Weird looking, light hair. Said his name was Angelo" - that did make me chuckle! :P Ooohh Charlie and Brax kissed! Hopefully Angelo doesn't find out about that or I wouldn't like to be Charlie! Great couple of updates there, Cally! Looking forward to more :D


Thank you Angel90, soph1303, Carina, Lucii, elikell, Chickiboomxx, Danni & Sarah for the comments :wub:

*Drugs mentioned ever so briefly*

Chapter 9

Charlie sat at the bar, pushing the glass she had just placed on the top closer to the other five that were lined up. Black tears streamed down her face, but no cries came out of her mouth. She reached for the bottle that stood just near the edge of the bar and poured the contents into another glass before looking into the bottle to make sure that every drop had gone. Holding the bottle in one hand, and her glass in the other, Charlie drank her drink in one go and dropped the bottle to the ground; adding to the mess that still littered the ground.

Angelo payed no attention to what his girlfriend was doing; the phone conversation echoed through his mind. Pacing, Angelo thought about how he could make sure his business would stay safe; after all, Charlie hadn't handed him a signed contract and she only had the rest of that night and some of the following day to have it signed.

Running his hands through his hair as he stressed, Angelo felt someone tap him on the shoulder. Sighing heavily, and really not in the mood to deal with anyone at the moment, Angelo looked to the floor as he turned to face his tapper. When he looked back up, he saw an angry face staring at him in the eye "Brax" Angelo said "Mate" Angelo opened his arms out

Brax clenched his right hand up to make a fist; the anger serging through his body errupted as his fist made contact with Angelo's flushed cheek "Don't you EVER come near my house or my brother again" Brax pointed visiously at Angelo as he lay on the ground, holding his face as it stung

"Good hit" Angelo rose to his feet and met Brax's. Both men took a step forward so their chests were touching "I'll go where I want" Angelo placed his hand beside him

"Yea? You think you can threaten a thirteen year old kid? What the hell do you want?" Brax's anger stopped him from making a full sentance; questions went through his mind, the safety of his brother went through his mind

"I want you to fight for me" Angelo smirked as he walked over to his office

"Nah. You ain't worth fighting for" Brax replied as he turned to walk back out of the club

"Oh, I think I am" Angelo cockily replied "You see, if you don't sign this and work for me; your brother is going to have to worry about me going round to the house"

"You leave him alone" Brax warned as he took a step closer

"I'll leave him alone, if you sign this" Angelo replied as he held the contract up. Charlie looked to Angelo and then to Brax, tears formed in her eyes and, unable to hold them, she sobbed

"Brax don't do it" Charlie begged

"Shut up" Angelo said over his shoulder, not looking to Charlie as she watched on in horror

"No I won't shut up" Charlie argued as she rose to her feet, stumbling a little as she tried to find her feet "I won't let you suck Brax in" Charlie wiped her face as she edged closer to Angelo and Brax "Like me" Charlie looked to the floor in shame

"Shut up" Angelo said once more, ignoring Charlie's small -but brave- action "and you, if I were you, I'd sign this, before anything happenes to your beloved brother" Angelo smiled evily

Brax looked to the paper in Angelo's hand and then to Charlie, who shook her head as tears rolled down her face "No" Charlie mouthed as she looked into Brax's eyes. Brax looked away from Charlie; who held back more tears as she watched the events unfold

"Sign this, and I'll leave your brother out of this. Don't sign, and -well, I guess you can figure things out for yourself" Angelo thrust the paper close to Brax, who looked to the paper once more. Charlie's attempts to get him away from Angelo had failed; all Brax could think of was the safety of Casey; Heath could take care of himself, but Casey couldn't

"Alright" Brax sighed as he held his right hand out to take the pen. Angelo smiled to Charlie who walked back over to the bar and leaned on it to stop herself from dropping to the floor.

Charlie heard the pen on the paper, with each scratching sound she produced a tear; each falling more freely than the one before.

"Good boy" Angelo smirked as he folded the paper up and placed in in his pocket. "Now, this place is a tip; clean it up" Angelo ordered "Charlie" Angelo turned to face

Charlie "Home"

"No" Charlie shook her head "I need a drink" Charlie quickly added as Angelo took a step closer

"You can have one at home" Angelo grabbed Charlie's arm "Come on!"

"Don't you have the phone call to make though?" Charlie asked, hoping that Angelo did have a call to make; she didn't want to go back home with Angelo, she wanted to be as far from him as possible

"You're right" Angelo realised "What would I do without you?" Angelo smiled as he placed a kiss on her forehead

"Fall apart?" Charlie swallowed hard as as held back bile that had produced in the back of her throat

"I'll see you later" Angelo hurried out of the club as Charlie headed toward the bar

"You could have gone with him you know" Brax said as he walked over to the bar and sat besdie Charlie

"Go away Brax" Charlie spoke sadly "Just leave me"

"Why?" Brax asked, confused

"I asked you -no wait, I told you to not sign that paper" Charlie looked around to Brax, her eyes full of sorrow

"I had to sign it Charlie -he would have done something to my brother, I can't let that happen" Brax replied as he looked deep into Charlie's eyes

"You didn't have to sign" Charlie cried. Brax contorted his face as he watched the beauty before him wipe her fae "You know a few days ago you asked me how I got caught up in all of this?" Charlie looked around at the club, using her arms to amplify what she was talking about

"Yea" Brax replied

"Well now you know" Charlie answered as she took a long sip of her drink "You were blackmailed into signing the paper, I was too" Charlie's eyes stung as they filled with tears

"How did he blackmail you?" Brax asked

Charlie sighed heavily; when she was fifteen the reason seemed great, but now at twenty-seven, its pathetic "Angelo was perfect when I first met him; he understood that I was lost without my mum and dad, he comforted me and allowed me to grieve for them. Slowly we grew apart and by the time we were nearly seventeen, I could have walked away, I could have had a career; I always wanted one you know; follow in my dad's footsteps and be an officer of the law. But, all that changed when we were eighteen; I told Angelo I was leaving to go to the city -to join the academy- but he said if I went, he'd show them footage of me with drugs"

"I didn't know you did drugs?" Brax queried

"I don't. I knew that and so did Angelo; I began to walk away from him and that's when he said he'd hurt the last of my family" A tear rolled down Charlie's face

Brax placed his hand on charlie's face and wiped the tear from her cheek "I thought you had no family?" he whispered

"I have an aunt living on the North Coast" Charlie replied

"Bit far for him to go" Brax smiled

Charlie shook her head as more tears fell from her eyes. She wanted to open up to Brax; something inside her just urged her to tell him more. She knew he would never understand how she was trapped into the lifestyle she is in if she didn't tell him the truth; Angelo didn't even know the truth and she had been with him for twelve years.

Brax sat, looking at Charlie as she battled with her thoughts. He could see the pain she was in over whatever Angelo was holding over her. All he wanted to do was make

Charlie's pain go away. Not taking another moment to think, Brax placed his arms around Charlie and pulled her close for a hug. Charlie resisted at first; but then felt his strong arms holding her and she felt safe. Relaxing into his arms, Charlie sobbed more as Brax rocked back and forth; wondering what it was that had Charlie like this.


Casey sat with his laptop beside him and his base ball bat just at arms reach. Heath had told him he was safe, but Casey still felt the need to have some of his own protection near by.

The screen lit up and a beep made Casey look to the screen. Rub-EE-Young had opened a conversation

Missed you at the skate park

Sorry; had somethings at home to deal with

Oh my gosh. Nothing bad?

Brax's boss came over and let himself into the house, he's a jerk

Are you okay?

Yea, I'm fine. Heath said things are fine and I believe him. He wouldn't lie to me

Anything I can do?

Change the subject??

Mum and dad are thinking of going for a year long trip. I really don't want to go

Why not?

I think they're lying to me

What about?

Maybe lying is too strong a word. Erm, I just get the feeling that there's something I'm not been told. You know that feeling you get when you just look at your family and you see too many differences in your appearences and attitudes and it makes you think; Are they my family?

All the time. lol

No, but you at least look like Heath and Brax. I look nothing like Daniel and Issy

So what? You think you're adopted or something?

I could be. Its a possibility

Ruby sat back from her laptop, staring at the screen with her mouth open.

Had she just typed something, that wasn't true?

Ruby looked to the pictures in her room: aesthetically speaking she had no similarities, Daniel had red hair and Issy's was close to a strawberry blonde, where Ruby's was a deep brunette -if she didn't have her blonde strands.

Sighing heavily, Ruby shut down her laptop and made her way out of her room to go and find her parents.


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