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Wow that was so good :D

I'm really liking Ruby and Charlie's relationship in this story.

Feel a bit sorry for Brax through hopefully Charlie will stop pushing him away soon.

I thought the bit with Heath was quite funny

look forward to more

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This was brilliant

I loved th emother and daughter relationship

Its nice to see Ruby being respectable to Charlie...

I feel sorry for Charlie she has this all dumped on her...

I hope her and Brax have another date

Update soon plz :)


Sorry I lost track of this fic.

Great updates. Absolutely loved Ruby's reaction to Charlie and Brax's first date.

Hope they get back together soon.

Please update soon

I can't wait for more.



Great chapter. Glad Charlie and Martha talked things out :) Cracked up at Bianca's comment about joining Martha and Charlie for a hug :lol:

The preview looks really good. And ohh wonder how Brax finds out about Charlie's past?? :o

Update soon xx (And thanks so much for the comment on my fanfiction) :) *hugs*


Bianca's So close comment to Leah made me laugh!

But Grrrrr Martha atleast Charlie's understanding and forgave her. Martha needs to learn how to keep her trap shut!

Eeee cute Charlie/Casey scene especially with what he said about Charlie being hot and Angelo not :P

Charlie/Brax scenes are cute can't wait til he finds out about her past though xx


Another wonderful update.

Martha and her big mouth! At least she had the decency to apologise and explain everything from her point of view.

Great that they can now get along.

Interesting preview. Can't wait to see how Brax finds out and what his reaction will be!

Update soon please :)


Hmm, whilst what Angelo did was wrong, I'm not really sure about Charlie responding to his attempts to apologise with violence.Martha was out of line and I hope she is genuinely sorry about what she said.Preview sounds very interesting...



Sorry to Angelo fans but i dont like Angelo so that was the best...

Here is me hoping he gets a punch from Brax in the next chapter... :D

Love the Charlie and Casey scene was so cute...

Hahahaha Charlie is hot and Angelo is not... Got that right Casey :)

Update soon plz, looking forward to the next chapter :)


REALLY enjoyed that, especially …….

 So let me get this straight. I tell you the hardest thing that I have ever had to tell everyone, and instead of being supportive like a fiancée should, you decide to make yourself feel better by sleeping with someone else” Charlie spat at Angelo, who at least had the decency to look ashamed.

 Brax laughed, “Remind me not to get on the wrong side of you”.

 Brax stared at Charlie’s retreating back in bewilderment; one minute they had been getting along, and then the next Charlie had completely closed up.

 Charlie chuckled. “Thank you for the nice, yet totally inappropriate comment Casey”

 “You know what? That’s it! You know, I actually thought we could be friends Martha, but clearly I was wrong. Because I’m pretty sure that friends don’t treat each other like this”

 Charlie stared at Martha in shock; she had been expecting Martha to try and come up with some lame excuse, but after hearing what Martha had said, Charlie totally understood why Martha was so judgemental and she felt nothing but sympathy for the other woman

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