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Stone the Crows it's Christmas (by pembie) - comments

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That was soooooooooooooo hilarious !!!!!!, especially.............

 Joseph, “Tell me about it this is just like being a big footie match but the players have long sharp swords instead of balls.”

Mary, “They still have balls dear.”

 Rabbit, “That’s good it will stop you devouring all our profit.”

Miles, “Hey young lady don’t be so cheeky. <y stomach tells me I’m hungry who am I to refuse it’s wishes?”

Rabbit, “Be stomach master you let young Jedi.”

 Miles, “Oh yes I have had Greek many times this week.”

 Miles, “Must have been Rabbit she’s naughty like that sometimes.”

 Joseph, “I would but there’s so much leg room here not to mention some very fine looking cheerleaders. Who jump up and down every time someone gets a good strike in with their sword.”

 King John, “Now remember do not start crying if you break a nail.”

 Prince Stu holds his arm out to an large hanging bird cage hanging down from large pole.

 King Xavier doesn’t hear much more of Prince Stu’s waffle, as he is thinking back to movies such as The Matrix and Star Wars, and with those thoughts Xavier moves like the wind past Prince Stu and has cut the long chain which is holding Sasha’s cage high in the air. After that Xavier progresses to cut the top of Prince Stu’s trousers causing them to fall down round his ankles.

Prince Stu is too busy bad mouthing Xavier to notice this that is until the laughter from the crowd starts.

Oh no !!!! last chapter next !!!! i’m gonna miss all this madness !!!!


That was sooooooooooooo funny, especially.............

 In Jack’s annoyance of Angelo calling his wife a witch Jack pelts him with a load of snowballs.

 James, “Are we nearly there?” times a TRILILION !!!!

 Ric, “I can’t don’t you remember Bianca is following us with her safety net forceflied just in case we drop any presents.”

 Ric, “Quick Granddad bring out the cannons it’s the Rivertrolls.”

Santa, “Cannons? I have flaming cannons?”

 Belle, “Oh goody I will sprinkle some fairy dust on them to make them smell nice.”

 Bianca, “I know you are lying but I don’t care if you are a troll I just love bad boys I can compare you along side my friend Charlie’s hot troll see she has just text me a picture of him and I can say your waaaaaaaaaaay hotter.”

 Jack, “Oh have you just give me the cold shoulder?”

 King John, “Oh no I think your doing a fine job. I will go a run the Summer Bay’s Surf Club it must be easier than running an kingdom.”

Queen Gina, “Oh I don’t know men always taking the easy option.”

 Brax, “I got myself a ex Supermodel turned cop that I have conned into helping us escape moaning nagging Gina.”

Casey, “I got with a sexy little elf who happens to be the cop’s daughter.”

Brax, “Yeah with Heath having a powerful witch, me having a easily lead copper. And you having a elf in Santa Grotto, ruining Christmas next year will be a piece of cake.”

Marilyn, “Oh fine what are you going to do until next Christmas?”

Heath, “We could become the RiverBunnys.”

Casey, “The what?”

Heath, “You know like the Easter Bunnies we could destroy Easter.”

Brax, “Just shut up Heath.”

 Santa, “Colleen I’m flaming retiring next year.”

Colleen, “Oh Alf you say that every year.”

I’ve ADORED reading this weird, funny, AWESOME Christmas story from start to finish !!!!!

SUBLIME fic, pembie !!!!!!!


Gloriously silly."Are we nearly there yet?"The whole conversation between Jack and Angelo.Alf finding he has cannons.The incompetent Rivertrolls and Heath coming with an, um, convincing lie. Great story!

  • QUIET ACHIEVER changed the title to Stone the Crows it's Christmas (by pembie) - comments

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