CharlieandBrax4Ever Posted March 23, 2012 Report Posted March 23, 2012 Updating today guys! So sorry for the wait! Hope I still have readers!
mrstanyabuckton Posted March 28, 2012 Report Posted March 28, 2012 CharlieandBrax4Ever said: Updating today guys! So sorry for the wait! Hope I still have readers! Im still reading, please update soon i love this story
Inactive User Posted March 28, 2012 Report Posted March 28, 2012 Still reading this fanfiction Please update soon xx
CharlieandBrax4Ever Posted March 29, 2012 Report Posted March 29, 2012 Well guys its time to update sorry its taken so long I have just been that busy! Hopefully I still have readers and you enjoy this chapter, I don't really like it but oh well…. Charlie, Bianca, Ruby, Brax, Heath and Casey sat around the coffee table in the lounge room and began to explain the rules. "So we'll have three teams of two" Casey said "The teams will each have 4 dares to complete, two each and some may be combined" Ruby said "You are allowed to back out of any dare you want but remember its all just a bit of fun" Ruby continued "So how will the teams be chosen?" Heath asked "Well we've placed us guys names on pieces of paper and each of you girls will chose a paper and that person will be your partner in crime for the night" Casey said pulling at hat out from under the table with 6 pieces of folded paper and the others nodded on in agreement beginning to understand the game "Ok so which one of you two wants to pick first?" Ruby asked looking over to Bianca and Charlie "Me!" Charlie said quickly jumping up and walking over to where Casey was sitting with the hat "Ok close your eyes and NO peeking!" Casey warned Charlie as she closed her eyes and placed her hand in the hat and fiddled around with the three pieces before chose if one Opening her eyes, Charlie looked down at the paper in her hand before opening it carefully. "Well?" Brax asked hoping he would be with his girlfriend "Uhh" Charlie groaned "What?" Ruby asked "It's Heath" Charlie said trying to sound disappointed "Oi you better watch it Buckton" Heath said before walking over to Charlie "Just kidding" Charlie said a smile spread across As she held up her hand and Heath hi-fived her "We are totally gonna win this!" Heath said "We'll see" Bianca said giving him a cheeky stare "All right Bianca you ready?" Ruby asked "Sure!" Bianca said excitedly before making her way over to wear Casey was standing and following the same procedure as Charlie she pulled out a piece of paper before reading the name out aloud "Casey!" Bianca read off the piece of paper happily "Awesome" Casey said "So that means I am stuck with Brax" Ruby said grumbly "Hey I'm alright" Brax said defensively "Kidding!" Ruby said before she went over to Brax and sat herself on his lap "I think this is personally the best team" Brax said wrapping his arm around Ruby "Yeah I'm sooo glad I got you I mean Casey pfft and then Heath, oh god help me" Ruby laughed causing the others to laugh at her gesture "Oi" Casey laughed "You Miss Buckton, are a piece of work" Heath laughed "Thank you I'll take it as a compliment" Ruby smiled before jumping off Brax's lap and walked over to the top drawer of the cabinet in the corner of the room "So here are the dare cards each dare will have to parts to the dare, the part on the front you do first then the back, we clear?" Ruby asked "Yep" Everyone nodded "Ok here are your dares" Ruby said handing 4 envelopes to Heath and Charlie "And yours" Ruby said handing another 4 envelopes to Casey and Bianca "And for the bestest team in the while entire world" Ruby smiled handing the last 4 envelopes to Brax "So its 6:00 now so we'll meet back around say 9:00 it's daylight savings so the sun doesn't go down till after 8:00 and then we still have an hour after that " Casey said as the others all nodded in agreement "All right we're all set than" Ruby said "Wait one last thing" Heath said "What Heath?" Ruby said "Who made up the dares?" Heath asked "April and Dex, oh and I think Roo chucked a few funny ones in" Ruby smiled All right then as long as you're not cheating Miss Buckton" Heath smirked before coping a little slap across the chest from Ruby " As if!" Ruby said "Alright then now can we go?" Bianca asked "Yes let's go and we meet back here at 9:00, me and Brax will take his car, Charlie you and Heath can take his car and Casey and Bianca you can take Charlie's car" Ruby said "May the best team win and take will definitely be me and Bianca" Casey said before kissing Ruby goodbye "Yeah whatever" Heath smirked before giving Bianca kiss on the lips "Its on Braxton" Bianca laughed "See you babe" Brax said walking over to Charlie and going to give her a kiss but being rejected "Uh tonight your the enemy so that means no kisses" Charlie smirked "Ok then whatever you say Buckton" Brax smirked "Watch it!" Charlie laughed "Yeah me and Rubes better get going cause you know... we are gonna win tonight" Brax said before him and Ruby headed over to Brax's car "Keep telling yourself that" Heath smiled before Charlie and Brax gave each other one smirk before Ruby and Brax hoped into their car and Heath and Charlie into theirs and drive off "Alright Case you ready to go?" Bianca asked "Yeah let's win this" Casey said before the two of them hoped into Charlie's car "Alright so what's the first dare?" Casey asked "Ok let's see" Bianca said as she opened the first envelope and read the front of the card "Go the diner and book a table " Bianca said as she read out what the front of the first card said "Well doesn't sound to hard" Casey said, "Do you want to Do the first dare?" Casey asked "Sure why not what could possibly so hard about this dare if it involves the diner?" Bianca smiled ~ "Are you serious?" Bianca said as her and Casey sat across from each other in the diner as Bianca and just read the back of the dare card "I have to eat a slice of Colleen's disgusting..., I mean delicious tuna casserole" Bianca said sarcastically putting her head in her hands as Casey watched on laughing "Sure you don't want to back out?" Casey asked "No no we are going to win this thing even if it means I eat Colleens casserole, I am seriously going to kill April" Bianca said "Oh yeah she's the one that came up with theses isn't she" Casey laughed "Yeah she's is... anyway let's get this over with" Bianca said as she called Colleen over to their table "Bianca I see your dining with the youngest Braxton do you have an explanation for that" Colleen asked "Yeah it's called stop being nosey and take my order" Bianca smiled "What would you like?" Colleen grumbled "I'll... I'll have a slice of your... tuna casserole" Bianca said softly "What was that did you just order my famous tuna casserole" Colleen said excitedly "Yes Colleen" Bianca said "Coming right up" Colleen said excitedly before scurrying off to the kitchen leaving Bianca regretting doing the dare and Casey laughing ~ "Well that was interesting" Charlie laughed As her and Heath walked out of the lingerie shop in Yabbie Creek "Yeah well I am sure that Brax will love that fact I just got to see you in some hot lingerie" Heath smirked "Shut up you and Brax is going to love the lingerie I bought" Charlie smiled "It was a pretty good dare.. get someone other than your boyfriend to buy you lingerie, fancy that I was your partner" Heath laughed "Yeah it was, I wonder who came up with that April, Dex or Roo?" Charlie asked "Roo!" They both said together before bursting out laughing before linking arms and heading to the car "Ok what's the next dare?" Charlie asked as the two sat in Heaths car "Ok let's see" Heath said as he opened the envelope and read the front aloud "Go and dine at Bobs Seafood and Grill in Yabbie Creek" Heath said "Oh fancy" Charlie smiled "Yeah maybe after that we can go check out how that lingerie looks on you?" Heath smirked "Ah the only person who will be seeing me in that lingerie later on is Brax" Charlie said accidentally "Oh god to much info there Buckton" Heath said "Sorry but I only speak the true and anyways you have your own girlfriend" Charlie laughed "I know I am just kidding and me and Bianca are in a really good place at the moment" Heath grinned "Well I am happy for you both" Charlie smiled "Alright then let's head off to this last dare hey?" Heath asked "Let's do it!" Charlie smiled before Heath started the car and they drove in the direction of the restaurant ~ "Come on Bianca just two more mouthfuls" Casey laughed as she struggled more and more to eat the last of Colleens 'famous' casserole "You don't know how hard and.... disgusting this is" Bianca hissed quietly so Colleen wouldn't hear as she watched on as Bianca ate her casserole but not knowing that she wasn't enjoying at but actually wanted to puke Swallowing another mouthful reluctantly before quickly reaching for the glass of water beside her plate as Casey watched on still laughing just as Colleen approached their table "Enjoying my famous casserole?" Colleen asked Bianca "It's great!" Bianca said sarcastically "Oh lovely" Colleen said happily just as Bianca downed the last mouthful of the casserole "Oh here let me get that for you" Colleen said before taking Bianca's plate in her hand "Thank you" Bianca said before quickly downing the last of her water "Well seeing as you loved my famous casserole let me get you another to take home for later" Colleen said while scurrying to to the kitchen "Oh no Colleen we're right we've gotta head off bye" Bianca said before picking up her handbag and pulling Casey along with her out of the diner before Colleen could protest "Alright we are at the beach what does the back of the card say?" Ruby asked "Bonus Card, for this dare is more like a truth tell each other your greatest fears" Brax read aloud "Ok how about we sit down" Ruby asked "Yeah sure so who wants to go first?" Brax asked "You can" Ruby said as they sat down on the beach together “Ok well I am scared of losing your mum” Brax said looking at Ruby “Why?” Ruby asked “Because your mum is the best thing that has ever in my whole life happened to me. My dad leaving me and Heath and Case when we were kids, mum turning to the drink, and being a River Boy nothing has ever made me happier than being with your mum” Brax smiled as he thought about Charlie “What else?” Ruby asked “Heath that he wont get his act together and get a job and start growing up and Casey what if he doesn’t get his HSC?” Brax said “Well I think that Heath has changed a lot ever since him and Bianca have gotten back together the smile has never left his face… and well Casey I am keeping him on track” Ruby smirked “You better be Miss Buckton” Brax said causing them both to laugh “Oh and you know what else scares me” Brax said “What?” Ruby asked “Sharks…” Brax said before Ruby burst out laughing “Since when is the big tough Darryl Braxton scared of sharks?” Ruby asked “Well as much as I love surfing each time I’m out in the water I cant shake the thought that I am out there sharing the water with this big and dangerous fish that could kill me with one bite.. don’t you ever get that feeling? “Well sometimes but I usually just push it to the back of my mind” Ruby said as she looked out to the ocean “What are you afraid of?” Brax asked “Of losing Mum, she.. she just been through so much with her attack and then having me and still keeping me… I don’t know how she did it but I love her so much and I never ever want to lose her” Ruby said “What else?” Brax asked “Casey that we and him wont stay together or something… I just love him so much and I am so proud with how well he is doing with school and stuff and.. I just love him” Ruby laughed lightly as she spoke her last words “Yeah I know you do and I can tell you one thing…” Brax said as Ruby looked at him intently “That boy is crazy about you Rubes..” Brax said “Really?” Ruby asked “Trust me you don’t have to listen to him go on about you all day long when he’s not with you” Brax said before they both started laughing “Anything else?” Brax asked “No except heights uh I hate heights!” Ruby exclaimed “Oh and you were bagging out me and sharks ok” Brax said “Well I am not a nearly 30 year old grown man who is scared of a shark” Ruby laughed “Alright alright, what’s on the back of the card” Brax asked before pulling it out and reading it “You have got to be joking” Brax said “What?” Ruby asked “Face one of the fears you have just talked about” Brax read off the card “Oh my god” Ruby laughed “Ok scissors paper rock to decide if its yours or mine” Brax said before they played the game “YES I WIN!” Ruby said “****” Brax said “Ok so lets see we will go in th water and I’ll be the shark and kets see if you get scared” Ruby said “Ok but I don’t think I will” Brax said before picking up Ruby and running down to the waters edge and chucking her in fully clothed as she screamed “Oh that’s it you are gonna pay” Ruby said as she ran after Brax through the water ~ “Ok now that I have ordered my delicious meal what’s on the back of that dare card” Charlie asked Heath who sat across from her “Ok lets see Go and dine at Bobs Seafood and Grill at Yabbie Creek, then….” Heath said before stopping “Oh god” Heath said “What?” Charlie asked “Then dash” Heath said reading off the card “Dash? What do you mean dash?” Charlie asked “Dine and dash, like as in order something and then leave without paying” Heath said “Ah no I cant do that I am a cop and cops don’t leave restaurants without paying!” Charlie hissed “Oh come its just one little dare” Heath said “NO!” Charlie retorted “Please, don’t you want to beat Brax?” Heath said with pleading eyes “No I am not giving in” Charlie said shaking her head as Heath didn’t say a word but just looked at her with those big brown puppy dog eyes “Ok fine but if we get caught you are going to pay for this” Charlie said “Yes, ok on the count of three we run ok, 1, 2,” “No wait” Charlie hissed “3” Heath said before getting up out of his chair and being to run out of the restaurant “****” Charlie said before getting up and running after him out the door “Wait you two haven’t paid for your meals!” The owner shouted after them but they had already ran almost halfway down the street “Oh my god! I can’t believe we just did that” Charlie screamed as they rounded the corner down the street “Well we did” Heath laughed “They probably gonna call the cops on us!” Charlie said “No they wont” Heath smiled “Yes they will! We just ordered meals without paying for them!” Charlie yelled as Heath laughed “Ok this is not funny!” Charlie said “Yes it is” Heath said “No it isn’t! How is this funny?!” Charlie asked “Well seeing as I did actually pay for it when we went in to the restaurant and explained the whole plan to the owner just see he could go along with it and think that you were going to get in sooo much trouble when we actually aren’t, yeah I think that’s pretty funny!” Heath laughed What do you guys think? Personally I didn’t like it I think I am a **** writer but hopefully I still have readers! xoxo
beebee Posted March 29, 2012 Report Posted March 29, 2012 It was worth the wait! Don't sell yourself short, you are a great writer! I really enjoyed this chapter, the interactions with the different pairings was cute .... Brax & Rubes were cute, it was like father daughter bonding time :-) Please don't leave it so long to update again ... I just want to read more xxx
RoRo90 Posted March 29, 2012 Report Posted March 29, 2012 Loved the dares i could just imagine Charlie's face at the end... classic your writing is far from **** keep up the good work update soon I hope there are more dares to come
Inactive User Posted March 30, 2012 Report Posted March 30, 2012 Great chapter Hahaha liked the dare parts. More soon please xx
MatildaHunterFan Posted April 3, 2012 Report Posted April 3, 2012 This was just too funny! I like the pairing, really much fun!! Looking forward to more x
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