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Never Let You Go

Guest CharlieandBrax4Ever

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Bianca sat on the end of her bed looking down at the letter and box Heath had left on her bedside table for her. She exhaled lightly before peeling open the envelope. She unfolded the envelope and began reading.


If you are reading this I just want you to know that I was not the one who hurt you. I could never think of hurting any woman in that way especially you Bianca. When I found out that you had been raped I felt like crying. From the first day I laid eyes on you I knew that you were the one for me. Your sarcastic humour and stubbornness you are the most amazing person I have ever met and I love you Bianca, you are the first girl I have ever loved and I don't wan to loose you. That's why I want you to know that it wasn't me who hurt you and that I am here to help you through this if you let me and I am going to make sure that we find the guy who did this to you cause you don't deserve this. Love always Heath xxx

Bianca felt tears welling up in her eyes as she thought about what Heath had wrote in his letter and after reading what he had to say you believed him she actually believed that he didn't do it. He wasn't the one who hurt her and she was crying because she was so relieved that it wasn't him because she loved him too and the thought of him hurting her made her stomach churn. Her tears eased as she opened the box he had also left her and pulled out a beautiful sliver necklace with a diamond heart pendant. She held it in her hands for a moment before placing in around her neck. She dried her eyes and walked out the front door in search of the man she loved.


"Are you sure you are ok now?" Brax asked

"Yeah I am fine, but you should go Ruby will be home soon" Charlie replied as she swayed slowly in Brax's arms

"Yeah, Heath will probably be wondering where I got to" Brax replied as he kissed the top of Charlie's head before placing a soft kiss on lips which became more passionate, as the kiss deepened neither of them realised they had company.

"Ahem" Ruby said clearing her throat as both her and Casey stood there quite shocked at what they had just witnessed

"Umm..." Charlie replied speechless looking up at Brax for some help

"Well now would as good a time to tell you both that me and Charlie have been seeing each other for about 4-5 months" Brax replied

There was a long pause before Casey and Ruby burst out laughing

"What's so funny" Charlie asked curious at the sudden hysterical laughter from Casey and Ruby

"Well it's just that we aren't so surprised" Ruby smirked

"What do you mean you aren't surprised?" Charlie asked curiously

"Surprised about what?" Charlie asked

"That you to are together, well it's not like you two did a very good job of keeping you feelings for each other covered up" Casey replied

"Like what" Charlie asked trying hard not to laugh

"Well the quick glances at each other then looking down to the ground and smiling" Ruby said

"Brax disappearing here and there and Charlie, Ruby said you have been ducking in and out of the house without an explanation" Casey added

"The flirty little conversations each time you see each other" Ruby continued

"Brax face light up each time he sees you Charlie" Casey added

"And.." Ruby added before she was stopped by Brax

"Yeah yeah we get we weren't very good at hiding our feelings for each other" Brax interrupted

"Now you to better keep quiet about this until we are ready for our relationship to come out in public ok" Brax said

"Oh we will be fine with it" Casey said

"As long as you two can keep your feelings for each other under control in public then we shouldn't have a problem" Ruby replied as her Casey started to laugh again

Charlie and Brax looked at them and back to each other and couldn't help but laugh

"And you..." Ruby said pointing her finger at Brax and stepping closer to him

"You make sure you treat my mother right cause if you don't you will be in alot of trouble, you hearing me?" Ruby told Brax

"I'm hearing you Rubes and I wouldn't ever do anything to hurt your Mum, she is the first woman I have ever loved and I will always treat her right" Brax replied wrapping his arms around Charlie from behind and resting his chin on her shoulder

"Nawww" Ruby said as ran gave her Mum a hug

"You know what I really glad that you have found someone amazing as Brax just like I have with Casey" Ruby said

"I am glad to I have finally found someone who loves me for me" Charlie smiled looking up at Brax as she spoke before facing Ruby

"I am also glad that you are happy for me" Charlie smiled

"Alright well me and Case are going to go to some study and then order some pizza are you staying over Brax seeing as Miles and Leah are away?" Ruby asked

"Well I wasn't going to but if your Mum doesn't mind I will" Brax replied

"Of course I don't mind" Charlie replied hitting Brax playfully on the arm

"Well we will go start some study and you guys can go order some pizza ok" Ruby said taking Casey's hand and making there way out of the kitchen into the living room

"That went well" Brax said embracing Charlie in a hug

"Yeah it did better than I thought" Charlie replied

"I love you so much" Charlie continued

"I love you too" He replied placing a soft kiss on the top of her head


Bianca made her way to Heath's doorstep, she stood there looking at the door wondering whether she had made the right decision in coming here. She placed her hand over the necklace and she instantly knew that she had made the right decision and knocked softly on the front door. It was about 10 seconds before Heath answered the door.

"Bianca hey, are you ok?" Heath asked concerned

"Yeah I'm ok" Bianca replied softly

"Come in" Heath gestured for her to step inside the house

She made her way inside placing her handbag on the floor before taking a seat on the couch across from Heath

"Can I get you anything to drink or eat?" Heath asked politely

"No I'm fine but thanks anyway" Bianca replied

"Ok.... so umm what can I do for you" Heath asked

"Well um I just came to say thankyou for the letter and the necklace she said placing her hand over the necklace" Bianca replied

"I glad you liked it" Heath smiled and she smiled back

"I was hoping you could forgive me for the way I yelled at you before" Bianca said

"I was just upset but after reading your letter it put everything into perspective and I realised something really important" Bianca continued

"What?" Heath asked curiously

"I realised that..." Bianca stammered

"It's ok Bianca you can tell me" Heath replied reassuringly

"I realised that I love you too and that I want you to be there to help me through this because I need you and I believe that you didn't do this to me" Bianca answered

"Well I am glad that you believe and I will be here for you Bianca all the way through this anything you need I will be there for you ok" Heath replied reassuringly

"Can you do something for me now?" Bianca asked

"Yeah sure anything you need" Heath replied

Bianca had tears welling up in her eyes

"Can you hold me?" Bianca cried

"Of course" Heath replied as Bianca fell into his arms and burst into tears

They stayed like this for a while Bianca crying in Heath's arms as he gently rocked her and reassured that everything was going to be fine. Bianca felt so safe in his arms and she knew that he would never do anything to hurt her


30 minutes later

Bianca slowly sat up but still rested her head on Heath's shoulder as he stroked her hair and waited until her crying eased

"Thankyou" Bianca said looking up at him longingly

"It's fine as long as you're ok" Heath asked

"Yeah I'm better now, I just needed a good cry and thank you again for being there for me" Bianca replied

"Anytime" Heath replied as she stared up at him he placed a soft kiss on the top of her head

She smiled for the first time since the attack and she felt so safe in his arms

"Can I stay with you tonight?" Bianca asked

"Not like that" Bianca replied which made them both giggle

"I didn't think so he said, but of course, how bout I put a movie on and we can relax until your ready to go to bed" Heath asked

"That would be great" Bianca replied a small smile across her face

Just as Heath got up to choose a movie Bianca stopped him

"Heath?" Bianca asked

"Yeah?" Heath asked

"I hope you aren't offended about me nit wanting to sleep with you it's just..." Bianca said but was interrupted by Heath

"Bianca you don't need to say sorry ok I completely understand right now I want to help you get through this and if that means waiting for those sort of things then I will wait, I'd wait forever for you Bianca, there is know need to say sorry ok" Heath replied

"Thankyou" She said putting her hands around his neck as they embraced in a hug


30 minutes later

Heath and Bianca were snuggled up together on the couch watching 500 Days of Summer. Bianca had he head rested on Heath leg as he stroked her blonde locks as they lay together watching the movie

"Are you enjoying the movie" Heath asked Bianca

There was no response and he looked down at Bianca to find her sound asleep snuggling up to him. He smiled as he watched her sleep he switched off the T.V and placed a soft kiss on the top of her head before snuggling next to her and him to drifting off to sleep.

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That has to be one of the sweetest chapters I have ever read I loved it especially Heath he was amazing. Ruby was really cute too :wub: Can't wait for more please update soon :)


Aww, what a lovely update!!

I'm glad Bianca gave Heath another chance, they were really sweet!!

And Brax and Charlie! Adorable :)

More soon!!


That was ACE !!!!, especially.............

 If you are reading this I just want you to know that I was not the one who hurt you. I could never think of hurting any woman in that way especially you Bianca. When I found out that you had been raped I felt like crying. From the first day I laid eyes on you I knew that you were the one for me. Your sarcastic humour and stubbornness you are the most amazing person I have ever met and I love you Bianca, you are the first girl I have ever loved and I don't wan to loose you. That's why I want you to know that it wasn't me who hurt you and that I am here to help you through this if you let me and I am going to make sure that we find the guy who did this to you cause you don't deserve this. Love always Heath

The ENTIRE sequence that starts with …… "Ahem" Ruby said clearing her throat as both her and Casey stood there quite shocked at what they had just witnessed

 "I was just upset but after reading your letter it put everything into perspective and I realised something really important" Bianca continued

 Bianca slowly sat up but still rested her head on Heath's shoulder as he stroked her hair and waited until her crying eased

 "Can I stay with you tonight?" Bianca asked

"Not like that" Bianca replied which made them both giggle

 There was no response and he looked down at Bianca to find her sound asleep snuggling up to him.


Sorry about the late update guys, I had this exact post all typed up about 4 days ago and when I wen to post it for soe reason it didn't work and I lost everything but I hope this one is worth the wait!! :D

Charlie was awoken by the sound of her mobile phone vibrating nosily on her bedside table next to her indicating her that she had an incoming call. She groaned loudly not wanting to wake but just yet before reaching over and picking up the phone and looking at the name which was flashing across the screen. The name read 'April' and Charlie immediately knew that she had to answer it as it may have something to do with Bianca.

"Hello" Charlie said into the phone

"Hi Charlie, its April, I was just wondering if you had seen or heard anything from Bianca because she went for a walk last night and never came home and I am really worried about her" April replied rapidly into the phone

"No I haven't, have you tried calling her mobile or do you think anyone would have invited her over and maybe she stayed the night?" Charlie asked also concerned for her best friend's safety

"I have tried like 20 times and it's just gone to her voicemail and I doubt that anyone invited her over or that she went to..." April said before stopping mid-sentence

"April are you still there" Charlie asked

"Yeah and I think I might have figured out where Bianca went" April replied sounding a little more happoer than before

"Where?" Charlie asked curiously

"I got to go but I will let you know if I find her" April said

"Ok, but be careful" Charlie replied quickly before she heard the line go dead

Charlie really hoped that Bianca was safe after everything she had been through in the last couple of days she didn't need anymore stress, Charlie thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Brax awakening next to her

"Good morning beautiful" Brax said smiling up at her

"Good morning to you too" She replied cheekily before placing a soft kiss on his lips

"So what are we going to do today huh? Brax asked

"I dunno maybe go to work in about an hour" Charlie said smiling

"You've got to be kidding me, I was looking forward to spending the day with this super hot girl I know aye" Brax replied cheekily before placing another kiss on her lips which quickly deepened before Charlie was lying on top of Brax as he kissed her down her neck before reaching to unclip her bra but was stopped by Charlie pushing herself off him

"Sorry I can't I've really got to get ready for work but how about we continue 'this' maybe later tonight?" Charlie asked as she placed her hand on Brax's muscly chest

"I reckon that could work and I have to get back to Heath he will probably be wondering where I ended up last night" He said smiling before placing a final kiss in her lips before Charlie lead him out of her bedroom and to the front door

"Well I guess I will see you later on then" Brax said smiling at her before heading out the door

"Brax..." Charlie said

"Yeah.." He said curiously poking his head around the door

"I love you" She said smiling at him

Brax's smile grew wider and wider as the first girl he had ever loved was standing before him telling him that she loved him

"I love you too" He grinned before blowing her a kiss and heading back out the door

Charlie smiled to herself as she replayed the events of last night and this morning with Brax before heading back to her bedroom to get ready for another day at work


Heath sat sitting on the couch thinking about the conversation he had just had on the phone with Tegan about ten minutes ago, he could not believe that Jake was already out of jail, what would he say if he found out where Tegan had stored his gear while he was inside. Heaths thoughts were interrupted by the loud knocking of someone at the front door then the shouts of Heaths name coming from behind it. As he opened the door he saw a very worried looking April standing before him.

"Heath, have you seen or heard anything from Bianca because last night after you came and saw her she went for a walk and she didn't come home last night and..."

"April it's ok" Heath said before taking her hand and pulling her into the house towards the couch where Bianca was sound asleep

"Thank god" April said with a sigh of relief before embracing Heath in a hug

"It's fine, after she came we talked about a few things and where we stand we both said that we did have feelings for each other but right now Bianca said she just wants my help getting through his and I totally understand" Heath replied sincerely

"That is fantastic, after the attack when Bianca thought that it could have been you would attacked her she just broke down she cried and cried for you and I always hoped that it wasn't you who did this to her" April said tears also welling in her eyes as she spoke about Bianca's attack

"April I would never do anything to hurt your sister ok, she is the most amazing person I have ever met and I love her very much" Heath said sincerely before embracing April in another hug which was interrupted by the stirring of Bianca waking up on the couch

"Hey April, how did you know I was here?" Bianca asked her sister curiously while rubbing her eyes

"Well I got really worried when you didn't come home last night and when Charlie hadn't heard anything I thought maybe Hath knew something after he came over yesterday and I started ranting and raving at the door to him if he had seen you and then he pulled me inside and showed me you sleeping peacefully on the couch" April replied out of breath

"But I am so glad you are alright" April said going to hug her sister

"I am fine but I think we better get out of here" Bianca said before standing up and grabbing her handbag and heading to the door

There was an awkward silence as Bianca andHeath were reluctant to say goodbye to each other with April watching there every move

"Oh I'm sorry I'll wait outside"April quickly slipped outside

"Thank you for everything Heath" Bianca said quietly before embracing him in a hug they stayed like this for about a minute before Bianca pulled back

"Its fine anytime" Heath replied

"I better get going" Bianca said before heading for the door

"Bianca, how bout I come over later this afternoon?" Heath asked

"I would like that" Bianca smiled before slipping out the door


Brax came home not long after Bianca had left to find Heath yelling on the phone to Tegan

"Tegan you get over here now ok!" Heath yelled into the phone

"I don't care just get over here!" Heath continued

"Good I will see you then" Heath continued before hanging up the phone and throwing angrily on the couch

"What was that all about?" Brax asked curiously

"Jake's out and he's looking for his gear" Heath replied

Brax felt his stomach churn at the news his brother had just told him

"What, when?" Brax asked nervously

"The morning he was released and now he wants his gear

"Well has Tegan told him that it's here?" Brax asked

"I don't know but I told her to get her ass over here now so I guess you will find out soon" Heath replied before relaxing on the couch with a beer in hand

"So where did you get to last night?" Heath asked curiously

"Umm.. I stayed at the motel" Brax replied unconvincingly

"So how was Buckton" Heath asked chuckling to himself

"Wha.. What are you talking about" Brax said

"C'mon mate it's quite obvious and anyway Case and Rubes told me about a week ago" Heath replied calmly

"So your are cool with it?" Brax asked curiously

"Well at first I was a bit annoyed but then I realised if she makes you happy then who am I to stop you" Heath said

"Well thanks man" Brax said

"It's cool and I'm gonna go have a shower before Tegan gets here ok" Heath said

"Yeah that's cool" Brax replied before settling on the couch himself happy about Heath's reaction to him and Charlie dating but he still worried about whether Tegan had told Jake where his gear had been stored and if he found out some of it was missing he would flip it and alot of people could be in danger


Charlie walked into the station and signed herself in before heading into her office to grab the files for the case she was working on but was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Charlie have you got a minute" Georgie asked

"Yeah sure what's up" Charlie asked curiously

"Well I don't really know how to tell you this but Jake Pirovic was released this morning

"What?" Charlie questioned

"I'm sorry he was released on bail" Georgie continued

"Ok... um thanks for letting me know" Charlie replied

"I will let you get back to it" Georgie said before leaving the room

Charlie immediately rummaged through her bag to get her phone, she dialled Brax's number but there was no answer she had a sick feeling in he stomach worried that now Jake was out he could hurt Brax, but she pushed the thought to the back of her head. But what she didn't know was Brax was already in great danger.....



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