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What Are You Afraid Of?

Guest Samantha1

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LOOOOOOOOOVED that, especially …..

 “Well, let’s just say, you can sleep when you’re dead, you can’t do what we were doing when you’re dead.” She grinned, I nodded,

 She scoffed, “Brax, I couldn’t possibly take any more this morning.”

“Jesus, what do you take me for? I need a break too! I meant just sleeping in the same bed, woman!”

She laughed, “Babe, the two of us sharing a bed without doing...stuff. I don’t see it happening.”

 He winked at me before kissing Charlie’s cheek, “What was that for?” She asked.

“A thank you for the trip, Buckton, and, if you ever get tired of Brax, I’ll have you, and you can shower me with plenty of trips to Bali.” He said cheekily.

 Heath kissed my cheek too, “And what was that for?” I asked him.

“Thanks for taking me on the trip, babycakes.” Charlie laughed at his stupidity, “Well, I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it, catch yas later.” He saluted us before heading out of

the diner.

 Nice girls?” She said subtly before glancing away, I laughed,

“Nah, you’re the only girl for me.” I winked before kissing her hand, causing her to blush.

 “Someone’s out to impress.” I grinned as I looked down at her outfit, she was wearing black stilettos, smoky make-up, her hair was done up in a neat bun and she was

wearing a navy blue dress, tight around her bust but flowed into a loose skirt, Brax’s favourite dress no doubt.

 “I know.” He grinned as I sat down on the bar stool and looked up at him, “Gotta love your daughter for coming up with the idea eh.” I nodded, “She’s a clever child,

wonder where she gets that from?” Brax questioned teasingly.

“Hmm, yeah so do I.” I grinned.

“Yeah, must be from her Dad eh.” Brax’s face registered remorse as soon as the words left his mouth, I silently bit my lip before looking down, “I’m sorry Charlie, I eh, I

didn’t mean anything by that.”

 “Hell yeah she is.” He said confidently before placing his hands on my waist as he pulled me in for a passionate kiss.

“Woah, hey, hey, hey!” Bianca interrupted us, we parted and rested out cheeks against each other’s as we glared in her direction, wondering what the interruption was for,

“Guys, it’s not 12am yet.”

 “About what? Charlotte Buckton, you tell me what you meant right now.” She demanded, I grinned.

“Oooh, Charlotte, it’s getting serious now.” Brax teased her.

“Shut up, Darryl!” She demanded.

“Hey, hey, hey, there’s no need for that.” Brax told her, I laughed before loosely wrapping my arm around his neck and pulling him closer to me.

 I squealed as we stepped into his office, Brax slamming and locking the door shut behind us before placing me down on his bare desk, which he had already cleared, as if

by magic, either that or he knew he’d attempt to seduce me at some point tonight, and then have his wicked way with me on his office desk.


“Well, that was an interesting turn of events.” I smirked at Brax as I finished putting my underwear on before slipping into my dress and stilettos,

“It most certainly was.” He smiled as he buttoned up his shirt, “How’d you recon the two lovers outside are going?”

“I have absolutely no idea, but I recon come 12am, they’ll be eating each other for breakfast.”

Brax laughed as I attempted to tuck away the stray bits of hair, I squealed as he slapped my backside as I unlocked the door and headed back outside, pulling on his hand

as he followed close behind me.


-Almost 12am.-

Brax and I both laughed as we saw Heath and Bianca kissing in the corner of Angelo’s in one of the booths, well, when I say ‘kissing’ I mean eating the faces off each other.

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Sorry I've only had chance to catch up with the last two updates but they were brilliant! :)

Charlie and Brax are just adorable togethter, I love their flirting and banter, you write it perfectly! Can't wait to see where you go next with this!

Update soon :D x

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Chapter 20.

Charlie’s POV:

I smiled as Brax walked out of my bedroom, his hair all ruffled as he rubbed his eyes tiredly, “Morning you.” He smiled before leaning down and pecking my lips.

“Morning grumpy.” I smiled as he sat down,

“Grumpy?” He asked with raised eyebrows.

“Yeah, you’re always grumpy in the mornings.”

“Not when I wake up next to you, I’m not.” He winked.

I laughed at him, “I’m so flattered, bagged myself such a charmer I have.”

“Well, I aim to please, and yes, yes you have.” He grinned.

“So long as you’re not using it on any other girl, I don’t mind.” I told him before kissing his forehead.

“Don’t worry, you’re the only one for me.” He grinned again.

“There’s some breakfast in the kitchen.” I told him.

“Oh, you made breakfast?” I nodded proudly, “Successfully?” he asked, I nodded again, “Congratulations beautiful, you’ve finally cooked bacon and eggs without burning


“Aw thanks honey.”

He smirked before going outside and getting his breakfast.

I laughed as he came back in with a cup of coffee and a plate full of bacon, eggs, and toast, “Quit laughing at me, I’m a growing man and I need my food.” He winked.

“Uh-huh.” I replied unconvinced.

“Oi.” He told me before kicking my leg under the table.

“Ouch!” I exaggerated the impact the tiny, light kick had on me, “You better kiss that better for me later.”

“Don’t worry you... I will.” He raised his eyebrows suggestively before he began eating his breakfast.

“BRAX, CHARLIE!” Ruby squealed as she ran into the house, Casey following close behind her,

“Yeah?” I asked Ruby as she came in.

“Charlie, can we use your car? Big sale...we need to go to the City.” She puffed.

“Eh, sorry baby, it’s being repaired, problemo with the brake pads.”

“Brax?” Ruby asked as she looked at him expectantly.

“Eh...no.” Brax grinned up at them.

“Pleaaaase.” She asked.

“No, I’ve seen both of your driving skills and I don’t trust you with my baby.”

I nudged him, “Oi, I thought I was your baby.”

“You are, I can have more than one.” He smirked before kissing my forehead.

“ENOUGH!” Ruby yelled, “Brax, please!”

“Nah.” He replied again before looking up at her, and by god he was in for it, Ruby was giving him the puppy-dog eyes, knowing they didn’t work on me, “Yes, alright, I’ll

just get my keys.” Brax groaned before walking into my bedroom. “CHARLIE, where are my jeans?” He yelled as he re-emerged from my bedroom.

“Eh...” I began before looking around the lounge.

“That’s gross.” Ruby groaned, “We’ll wait outside.” She told us before she grabbed Casey’s hand and pulled him out of the house.

“Here!” I told him before finding them on the couch and throwing that at him, accidentally throwing my bra with them, he held the bra up before raising his eyebrows

suggestively, I felt myself blush,

“Aw, look at that blush.” He teased before kissing my cheek as he dug about for his keys.

“You need to learn to resist her.” I told him.

“I know, believe me, I’m tryin’.” Brax grinned before pulling his keys out of his pocket.

“BRAX HURRY UP!” Ruby yelled before walking into the living room to find us in a passionate kiss, “Oh man.” She mumbled before quickly walking over to us, removing the

keys from Brax’s hand and running back out the front, I smiled against Brax’s lips before walking backwards to the bathroom,

“Shower?” he asked seductively with raised eyebrows, I bit his lip and nodded before slamming the bathroom door shut behind us.


Ruby, Casey, Brax and I were all lounging around in the living room, watching yet another movie.

“Baby, we’ve got to move sometime.” I groaned to Brax as he gently drew circles on my back,

“No, let’s just keep watching movies.” He smirked as he kissed my forehead,

“Yeah okay.” I told him before wrapping my arm tighter around him as I buried my head further into his chest, breathing in his gorgeous scent.

“You hungry?” Brax asked as his hand travelled up my top, resting against my bare flesh around the waistband of my shorts.

I nodded, “Yeah.”

“How about I go and get some Chinese food?”

“Mhm, yeah, I’d like that.” I smiled up at him.

“Me too.” Ruby chimed in.

“Okay, well I’ll go get it, you guys stay here.” I grinned before kissing his cheek,

“Thank you.”

“That’s alright babe, the usual, yeah?”

“Yeah, thanks.”

“I’ll come with you.” Casey said before separating himself from Ruby and standing up with Brax.

Brax grinned before leaning over me and kissing my lips as he got up and put his shoes on, “Brax!” I yelled.


“Keys.” I grinned as I held them up in the air.

“Thanking you.” He smiled before kissing the top of my head from behind as he took the keys out of my hand and headed towards his car.


I smiled excitedly as there was a knock on the back door, it would be Brax with my food, I ran towards the back door, “Did you forget your key or something?” I asked

before opening the door, shocked by who was at the other side, causing me to freeze.

“So Braxton has a key to your place, eh?” Jake asked as he stepped forward, I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t move, all I knew was that I couldn’t run, and that’s all I could do

right now, I hoped Brax would come through the door, drop the Chinese food and rescue me, but he wasn’t here, he was nowhere near.


Brax’s POV:

I came back to Charlie’s, the front door was open, I frowned before entering the house, “Charlie?” I yelled, “Ruby?” Casey yelled that time.

No reply.

“CHARLIE!” I yelled, again, no reply.

I placed the food on the kitchen counter before walking into the living room, Casey following me, I frowned as I looked at the two tipped over chairs and broken vase on the floor, I didn’t think much of it, what attracted my attention was the note on the floor, I picked it up, feeling confused and physically sick at the words I was reading, the note was from Charlie:


I’m so sorry, I thought I could be with you, but I can’t, I need space, I need time, and I don’t need you, I’m sorry, I thought I loved you, but I don’t, things just aren't working out between us.


She had left me, left me without a goodbye, without so much as a word, she was gone.


Charlie’s POV:

I woke up to a pounding sensation in my head, a surge of pain shot up through my leg too. I winced as I began to pry my eyes open, revealing a very dimly lit small room,

with me sitting in the corner, battered and bruised.

I raised my tied hands to my head, gently tapping where the pain was coming from, bringing it back down to my level as a warm liquid covered them, blood.

I looked down towards my legs, blood stains all over my clothing, I appear to have lost so much blood, but surely it couldn’t have been mine, or I’d be dead by now?

Only then did I notice Ruby gagged and tied in another corner of the room, Bianca in the other, what was this? Some sort of evil attack on the lovers of each Braxton? Surely not.

I jump, startled as the door to the room opens and in walked Jake, Hammer, and another guy. Three men, for three girls, no doubt about what was going to happen next.

“Well hello there sergeant.” Jake spat.

“Pretty little thing like you, you’re looking rather rough.” Hammer added. “Your daughter’s looking fine too.”

I wanted to speak, I wanted to ask them why, what they wanted with me, to plead with them to let me go, to let Ruby or Bianca go, my little girl, my beautiful little girl,

poor and defenceless, but I couldn’t, I was gagged, and even if I wasn’t, I’m pretty sure fear and pure confusion would have disabled my vocal chords anyway. I cowered

back further into the seat as Jake pounded towards me, his fists clenched, he delivered a powerful and painful blow to my head, and once again, everything went black.


Thanks everyone for the reviews, I hope this one was okay, dramatic I know, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. ;)

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Omg, did not see that coming at all!! Dramatic much?! Loved it!

Aww poor Brax but hopefully he figures out that the note is a lie and goes to save her! He'll come to the rescue...he has to :)

Brilliant update yet again, can't wait for the next chapter x

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BIIIIIIG WOAH !!!! at Rubes & co getting kidnapped !!!!!!!!!! GREAT uopdate, especially …..

 “Oh, you made breakfast?” I nodded proudly, “Successfully?” he asked, I nodded again, “Congratulations beautiful, you’ve finally cooked bacon and eggs without burning


 “Oi.” He told me before kicking my leg under the table.

“Ouch!” I exaggerated the impact the tiny, light kick had on me, “You better kiss that better for me later.”

 “No, I’ve seen both of your driving skills and I don’t trust you with my baby.”

I nudged him, “Oi, I thought I was your baby.”

“You are, I can have more than one.” He smirked before kissing my forehead.

“ENOUGH!” Ruby yelled, “Brax, please!”

“Nah.” He replied again before looking up at her, and by god he was in for it, Ruby was giving him the puppy-dog eyes, knowing they didn’t work on me, “Yes, alright, I’ll

just get my keys.” Brax groaned before walking into my bedroom. “CHARLIE, where are my jeans?” He yelled as he re-emerged from my bedroom.

“Eh...” I began before looking around the lounge.

“That’s gross.” Ruby groaned, “We’ll wait outside.” She told us before she grabbed Casey’s hand and pulled him out of the house.

“Here!” I told him before finding them on the couch and throwing that at him, accidentally throwing my bra with them, he held the bra up before raising his eyebrows

suggestively, I felt myself blush,

 “So Braxton has a key to your place, eh?” Jake asked as he stepped forward, I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t move, all I knew was that I couldn’t run, and that’s all I could do

right now, I hoped Brax would come through the door, drop the Chinese food and rescue me, but he wasn’t here, he was nowhere near.

 Brax,

I’m so sorry, I thought I could be with you, but I can’t, I need space, I need time, and I don’t need you, I’m sorry, I thought I loved you, but I don’t, things just aren't working out between us.


 I woke up to a pounding sensation in my head, a surge of pain shot up through my leg too. I winced as I began to pry my eyes open, revealing a very dimly lit small room,

with me sitting in the corner, battered and bruised.

I raised my tied hands to my head, gently tapping where the pain was coming from, bringing it back down to my level as a warm liquid covered them, blood.

I looked down towards my legs, blood stains all over my clothing, I appear to have lost so much blood, but surely it couldn’t have been mine, or I’d be dead by now?

Only then did I notice Ruby gagged and tied in another corner of the room, Bianca in the other, what was this? Some sort of evil attack on the lovers of each Braxton? Surely not.

I jump, startled as the door to the room opens and in walked Jake, Hammer, and another guy. Three men, for three girls, no doubt about what was going to happen next.

“Well hello there sergeant.” Jake spat.

“Pretty little thing like you, you’re looking rather rough.” Hammer added. “Your daughter’s looking fine too.”

I wanted to speak, I wanted to ask them why, what they wanted with me, to plead with them to let me go, to let Ruby or Bianca go, my little girl, my beautiful little girl,

poor and defenceless, but I couldn’t, I was gagged, and even if I wasn’t, I’m pretty sure fear and pure confusion would have disabled my vocal chords anyway. I cowered

back further into the seat as Jake pounded towards me, his fists clenched, he delivered a powerful and painful blow to my head, and once again, everything went black.

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Thanks for all the great reviews, not pleased with this one but oh well!


Chapter 21.

Brax’s POV:

I held the beer bottle steadily as I glared into it, like I was looking into somebody’s soul it was that intense.

“Brax...Brax.” Casey’s voice was distant until he snatched the newly-opened beer bottle from my hands,

“WHAT CASEY?” I yelled.

“Would you stop this?”

“Stop what?” I asked as I looked up at him.


“Casey, that’s my first of the day, for heaven’s sake!”

“Yeah, and it’s only 10am! Brax, your girlfriend is missing, along with mine, and Heath’s, and you just sit around here and do nothing about it? I thought you loved Charlie.”

“I did.” I spat.

“Then what’s changed?” He asked.

“This.” I growled before throwing him the letter.

“Brax you’re stupid to believe it’s anything more than a coincidence that she left, she was probably forced to write this letter and you know it.”

“Stop with the excuses, Case, she’s gone, end of.”

“What and you’re not gonna fight to get her back? Fight whoever’s taken her? What about if it’s Jake and Hammer?”

“Casey, just leave it okay? She’s gone, just lay off.”

I glanced up at him to see his mouth fall open, “Tell me you didn’t.”

“Didn’t what?” I asked before I followed his gaze to see the fling from last night put on her shoes and pick up her bag,

“I’ll see you later.” She smirked before leaving the house.

“You idiot!” Casey yelled.

“C’mon Case, I have to move on.”

“Move on? Charlie’s been gone under a day, you owe her that much to at least wait, Brax!”

“Butt out Casey, this is none of your business!”

“But it is my business isn’t it? Because they’ve got my damn girlfriend too!”

I looked towards our front door as I heard a knock, Heath entered followed by two police officers.

“Great.” I rolled my eyes before I stood up and motioned to leave.

“Mr.Braxton, please, a minute of your time?” Constable Watson asked as she looked at me worriedly.

“Who’s communicating with coppers now, eh?” I directed at Heath.

“When it concerns by girlfriend, and two loonies are involved, yeah, maybe it’s time you showed a little care for yours too.”

The anger built up inside me as I pushed him up against the wall, my forearm pressed up against his neck, “CARE?! I LOVED HER!” I yelled before we were pulled apart by

the two cops.

“This isn’t helping.” Watson yelled before she pushed me away from Heath, “Now sit down and answer our questions.”

“Why?” I asked after finally tearing my burning gaze off Heath and replacing it on her.

“To help find your girlfriend.”

“She’s not my girlfriend.” I spat.

“Since when?” She asked, her voice filled with confusion, I picked up the letter and handed it to her before picking up my keys, “Brax, please.” She pleaded with me, “You

might be able to help.”

“That’s the thing, she walked out, she left me, there’s nothing to help with.” I told her before leaving the house.


Charlie’s POV:

Judging by the amount of pain I felt, due to how awful I felt too, I’m guessing we’ve been cooked up in this room for almost two days, and another round of beatings like

yesterdays would finish us off in no time.

Although, to be honest, looking over at Bianca and Ruby I appeared to be a little more worse for wear, I was losing more blood, I appeared to be in more pain, and I had

no idea why.

My body began to tremble as I heard voices outside, and I knew, I just knew they’d be coming back for round three.


Heath’s POV:

Casey and I waited eagerly in our living room, having given as much information to the coppers as possible, they seemed hopeful that they would be able to find the girls,

we just hoped it would be in time.

It had now been two hours since they left, Watson had promised to call as soon as she heard news, I was getting more anxious by the minute, and so was Casey.

My gaze was focused on my phone, sitting on the table in front of me.

And then it began to ring.


Ruby’s POV:

I woke up in a hospital bed by the looks of things, my head was spinning as I sat up and looked around, relief washed over me as Heath and Casey walked through the


“Afternoon Buckton Junior, how you doing?” He asked before taking a seat next to me, Casey kissed my forehead before taking my hand and sitting on the other side of

my bed.

“I’m fine, Heath.” I croaked, “What about Charlie? And Bianca?”

Heath smiled, “Bianca was fine, few cuts and scrapes, already brought her home.” He frowned before speaking, my heart dropped.

“Heath, what about Charlie?”

“Rubes, she was critical when they brought her in, apparently there’s been complications during her surgery.”

“Surgery, what for? What on earth does she need surgery for? They didn’t beat us that bad!”

“I know, honey, but your mom’s worse off in some way, I don’t know how or why, and neither do the doctors yet, that’s why she’s gone for surgery.”

I felt panic wash over my body, “Don’t worry Rubes, she’s a strong one, she’ll be alright.” Heath smiled just as a doctor entered my room.

“Hey Ruby, you’re awake.” I smiled and nodded. “I’m Doctor Rhodes, I’ve been looking after you so far, and I’ve got some word on your mom.”

I sat up in my bed, “Is she alright?” I asked.

He smiled briefly and nodded, “She’s gonna be fine, in fact, she’s all good and awake now, but it’s not all good news, I’m afraid.”

“Why? She is okay though, right?”

“Yes, there’s nothing wrong with Charlie herself, it’s just that, eh...”

“Just tell us!” I yelled, “Sorry.” I whispered afterwards, regretting my angry outburst.

“That’s alright, eh, Ruby, your mom, well, she was pregnant, and the extent of her injuries caused her to miscarry the baby.”

“No.” I shook my head, “No.” I repeated.

“I’m very sorry for your loss.” He smiled a sad, apologetic smile before leaving.

I looked at Casey, “My brother or sister.” I whispered, “They can’t be dead, they can’t.” I cried, just as Casey stood up and engulfed me in a hug.

Heath’s POV:

Upon hearing the doctor’s news I quickly stood up and left the room, leaving Ruby to grieve for her unborn sibling.

I whipped out my phone and called Brax,

“What do you want?” He answered.

“Charlie, Ruby and Bianca, they’ve been found. Jake and Hammer did have them, and they beat them.”

“B-beat them?” Brax asked, although he was trying to sound like he didn’t care, he couldn’t fool anyone.

“Yeah, listen, Brax you need to get down here.”

“No, why?”

“There’s been complications with Charlie’s surgery-”

He interrupted, “What is she okay?”

“Yes, she’s okay now, but-”

“But nothing, if she’s okay, I don’t need to come down there.”

“Brax, there’s something you really have to know.”

“What is it Heath?”

“I eh...”

“Heath, spit it out!”

“No, Charlie needs to tell you herself, so you get down here, now.”

“No Heath, no, she’s not worth my time or effort, just leave me alone.” He finished coldly before the line went dead.

I sighed as I put my phone in my pocket before walking down the corridor to Charlie’s room, I knocked gently before opening the door.

“Hey.” I smiled gently as I opened the door,

“Heath, hi.” Charlie replied before wiping the back of her hand across her face, I knew she had been crying.

“Charlie, I’m so sorry.”

“What? About this baby? Don’t be, it wasn’t planned.”

“That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t have been loved.” I told her calmly before pulling up a chair and sitting beside her.

A few tears escaped her eyes, “Why Heath? Why did they come after us? Why did I have to lose our baby?”

I sighed before standing up and wrapping my arms around her, “It’s gonna be okay.” I whispered before kissing the top of her head,

“Oh god.” She cried before pushing me away, “Bianca, and Ruby, they’re alright?”

“They’re doing good.” I smiled before taking her hand in mine.

“Heath, eh, where’s-”

“Brax?” Charlie nodded, “He eh, he’s not coming.”

Her face dropped, “W-why?”

“Remember that letter you wrote?”

“What lett- oh no, he doesn’t think I wrote it, I mean, by choice, right?”

I nodded sadly, “Unfortunately he does.”

“Why would he think such a thing?”

“Charlie, he loves you, he got scared, upset, worried and lonely when you left, he didn’t know what was going on.”

“Well if he loves me why isn’t he here?” She spat as she looked at me in pure frustration.


“I need him, Heath.” She whispered before she looked up at me, “And he needs to know about our baby.”

“Charlie, I’m sorry, I tried to get him to come, honestly, but he’s not having any of it.”

She nodded her head, “Fine, I supposed that’s it then.”

“Don’t give up on him, Charlie, please.”

“No, he can’t do this, he can’t expect me to fight for him when he’s behaving like this, it-it’s wrong, Heath, and it’s not fair!”

“I know it isn’t, but he’s always irrational when he’s confused and angry.”

“I know, by god I know, I just thought if things would end between us, it would be on better terms.”

I was about to reply when my phone rang, Brax. “Speak of the devil.” I told her before answering my phone,


“Hey, eh, are you with Charlie?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Can I talk to her?”

“Uh-huh.” I smiled before handing Charlie the phone.

“Hey.” She said.

“Hi.” I heard Brax reply. “I know you’re not up to it right now, but when you’re out of hospital, you’ve left a few things at my place, if you can swing by and just pick ‘em up as soon as, I’ll be grateful.”

“Well, seeing as it’s such an inconvenience for my stuff to be around, I’ll get Ruby to pick it up later.”

“Charlie hang on-”

“No, it’s all good, the sooner we’re out of each other’s lives the better I suppose, eh.”

“Charlie, wait-”

“Goodbye, Brax.” Charlie spat before hanging up the phone and handing it back to me,

“Heath I’m tired, can you leave me to get some rest please?” She asked.

I nodded before silently standing and leaving the room, I turned and looked back to see her collapse onto the bed in floods of tears, and I knew there was nobody that

would be able to get her through this other than Brax.


Sorry, sorry, sorry! You guys probably didn’t like this chapter at all, but bear with me. (:

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