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Wow, that was an AMAZING chapter!!

Ruby and Matt- I laughed like one whole minute about their jokes...really funny!!

Thay should definitely be together, so much chemistry!! :wub:

And a sad Chax-chapter, that's sort of the balance between funny and sad...

Really well written, I enjoyed reading it although those scenes were really depressing.........

Hope they'll work it out soon.

Looking forward to more soon!! ;)


Charlie getting Brax to move out was unexpected !!!!! LOOOOOOOOVED the Ruby/Matt bit!!!!!

This fic continues to be ACE, especially ......

 “My clothes?” Brax questioned. “What you go packing them for?”

“You’re going to go to rehab.” Charlie answered and Brax laughed.

“I don’t need rehab.” Brax shook his head. “So I’ve been drunk the last what, 3 days and I’ve had a few today, it doesn’t make me an alcoholic and I definitely don’t need rehab.”

“You’re going, before this gets worse.” Charlie sighed.

“I don’t need rehab.” Brax yelled as he shook his head.

“Fine. Then you can move out, because we’re finished.” Charlie cried.

“So wait.” Brax said as he held his hand out. “You’re going to say its rehab or losing you and the kids?”

“That’s exactly it.” Charlie said as she wiped the tears from her face. “If you want us to work, then go to rehab. If you don’t think we are worth trying for then don’t go to rehab, but you can find another place to live.”

 “Okay.” Charlie sniffed back her tears. “I can’t make you go to rehab, but I can end this relationship, and I am. ”

“So that’s it?” Brax questioned. “Just like that, we’re finished? You just had my girls 7 weeks ago; don’t you think we are worth trying for them?”

“This is the best thing for them right now.” Charlie cried. “They can’t have a father who drinks all the time, and drinks when they are in his care. Jacob is scared of you now and to tell the truth, I’m scared when you get drunk too. We can’t have a relationship like this Brax.” Charlie shook her head as the tears continued to roll down her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to end this, but we need too. It’s what we need to do.”

“No it’s not what we need to do.” Brax said as he felt tears in his eyes. “How can us breaking up be the right thing? I love you so much and the kids too. Please don’t end this.” Brax said as he stepped forward and took hold of her hands.

Charlie shook her head as she pulled her hands away. “I have too.” Charlie said. “Now, maybe you should go.” Charlie wiped the tears from her face as she looked away from Brax.

The ENTIRE Ruby/Matt sequence, in particular ……. Ruby stepped in closer to him, as big smile swept across her face. She leaned up so their lips were only millimetres apart. Matt smiled as he puckered up for a kiss, but it was then when Ruby moved her head up to the side and whispered in his ear. “You saw me naked; it was only fair I got to see you naked too.” Ruby smirked as she stood back and looked down to Matt’s naked body once more. “Not bad....not bad at all.” Ruby grinned before she turned and walked out of the living room, the smile never leaving her face.

 Charlie walked back into the living room after settling Paige down again. “She okay?” Brax asked. “It’s not like her to cry like that?”

“She’s fine.” Charlie said coldly. “Maybe she’s just picking up on this as well.”

“Charlie -”

“I thought I’d asked you to leave.” Charlie said, not able to look at Brax, for if she did she knew she would burst into tears once again at their situation.

 Jacob nodded excitedly as Charlie put him down on the ground, and it was then when he noticed the suitcase. “We go on holidays?” Jacob asked excitedly.

“No, sweetie.” Charlie shook her head. “Go on, check on the girls please.” Jacob pulled a face of confusion before he ran out of the room. Bianca stood in the room, feeling awkward and uncomfortable and she noticed the glance that Charlie and Brax were giving each other.

 “Well can you at least let me go say bye to Jacob and the girls?” Brax asked.

“You can come around before Jacob’s bedtime.” Charlie sighed. “I want to explain things to him first and with the way he’s feeling about you right now, I think I should talk to him alone.”

Brax exhaled lightly before picking up his suitcase and walking out of the house. “Charlie, what’s happened? I thought you were going to talk it out?” Bianca questioned. Charlie broke down into tears and Bianca stepped forward and pulled her friend into a comforting hug.


Charlie did the right thing by asking Brax to leave. It might be the wake up call he needs to stop getting drunk all time and actually deal with how he is feeling over Casey. Once he deals with how he feels about Casey he will stop his drinking.

Well done to Ruby for playing that trick on Matt.

Looking forward to seeing were you go next with this. I hope Charlie and Brax sort their problems out. After all they went through in the begining and now they seem to have hit a brick wall.


Amazing update! Such beautiful writing and really emotional. I was proud of Charlie for telling Brax he had to leave at the beginning and do feel for both of them but Brax really needs to sort himself out.

Laughed out loud at Ruby! That was very creative and entertaining...go Ruby! hahaha :lol:

Tragic at the end with Brax begging but maybe he will wake up to himself a bit focus on dealing with his feelings for Casey and be the better person towards Charlie and the kids.

Looking forward to more :wub:


Wow amazing update, Really emotional. Sadly I think Brax maybe needs this wake up call to finally see how much he has to lose, I know he is hurting over Casey but he really hasn't dealt with it in the right way. I hope they can figure things out though. :( Really starting to like Ruby and Matt and it definitely added some fun to the chapter.


Amazing update!

Wow I didn't actually think about the suitcases being for Brax I automatically thought Charlie and the kids were going to leave.

Chax :( Hopefully Brax can prove himself to Charlie and stop drinking.

Looking forward to more. xx

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