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Another brilliant chapter, thank you! I really hope the reason Brax's phone went to voicemail is because he has gone to rehab! Really looking forward to the next chapter! Poor Charlie and Jacob! :wub: Xx


Sounds like things are on the up again for Charlie/Brax !!! and Ruby & Matt are as fun as ever !!!!

That was ACE, especially ......

 “I haven’t heard from Brax in three days.” Charlie shook her head. “I thought he’d have been around wanting to see the kids, but.....” Charlie trailed off as she shook her head. “I’ve tried calling him but his phone is always off and I even drove up to Mangrove River, but there was no answer at the house.”

“So, you’re hoping to go to this funeral to talk to him about this?” Bianca questioned. “Charlie, I don’t think today would be the right time to -”

“I have to go.” Charlie said. “Maybe me showing I still want to be there for him, that I still want to support him and help him through this....maybe that will give him the push he needs to see going to rehab is a good thing, not only for him, but for us too.”

 she noticed how bare the church was, as Brax has said to her, it was only himself, Cheryl, Heath and his officer standing at the top of the church. As they heard footsteps, Brax turned around and was shocked to see Charlie walking up the aisle.

“Charlie.” Brax said as he walked over to her. “What are you doing here? I thought you couldn’t come after what he did to Ruby?”

“I eh....” Charlie shook her head. “I was worried about you. You’ve not been in touch for 3 days. I thought you would have wanted to see the kids by now.” Brax shook his head lightly as he walked closer to Charlie and put his hand on her arm and walked her back down to the doors of the church, so they could talk more privately.

“I’ve not really been so sober the last 3 days.” Brax said feeling embarrassed with his behaviour. “You’re right, Charlie. I need help.” Charlie could see tears forming in Brax’s eyes. She exhaled lightly as she leaned forward and gently rubbed his arm. “But I can’t do this without you.” Brax shook his head. “Please say I’ll have your support if I go.”

 “I love you too.” Brax smiled. “So much and I’m sorry. I’m so very sorry for everything I’ve put you through. And little Jacob. I’m going to make it up to him because I know I scared him when I yelled. And the girls, I’ll never leave them to cry for so long again. And as for drinking....” Brax shook his head as he trailed off. “I’m going to go to rehab and sort this out.” Brax sniffed back. “And then when I get back, we’ll work at this and everything will be perfect. If that’s what you want, of course.”

 “I don’t want to get out of bed today.” Ruby sighed.

“Well then let’s not. A day in bed with a hot chick sounds great.”

 “So what are you saying you just want to be fuc....friends with benefits, for lack of better terms?” Matt said and Ruby shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t know. Can we just not put any label onto it and just see what happens?”

“Sure.” Matt nodded lightly as he reached to the bedside table for his phone. “Crap.” Matt shouted as he jumped out of bed. “Get up.” Matt raised his voice. “It’s 10.45.”

“What the hell?” Ruby questioned as she jumped out of the bed. “How did we sleep in so late?”

“I have no idea, but we are so going to be late.” Matt said as he fumbled around his room, trying to find some clothes.

 “The eulogy was lovely.”

“I tried.” Brax smiled lightly. “I’m surprised I’ve stayed sober enough to write it to be honest.”

 “Not much has changed.” Charlie smiled. “Paige is still a quiet little thing, but Riley has been making up for it.” Charlie laughed. “Jacob....we’ll he’s eh, he’s been a little clingy and having a few more tantrums, but I think it’s just confusing for him. I don’t know if he’s still mad with you for shouting at him, or if he’s mad because you’ve just up and left and not seen him for the last 3 days, but hopefully things with him will settle soon.”

“Well I didn’t exactly up and leave.” Brax said quietly. “You kinda threw me out.”

“Yes.” Charlie sighed. “But you’ve not been to visit have you?”

 “Well, I’m sure the girls will love a visit from Daddy before you go.” Charlie smiled lightly as she once again rubbed his arm.

“I’d love to come see them.” Brax smiled before he and Charlie stood up, and made their way to Charlie’s car


Awesome chapter Danni! I am so glad Brax has finally woken up to himself and that Charlie went to Casey's funeral! :wub: I can't wait for the next chapter! Xx :)


I'm not sure that was really the best reason for Charlie to go to the funeral but it seems to have got her and Brax back on track.Be interesting to see what Ruby and Matt make of their new...arrangement.

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