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Oh please update soon, I am so curious to what Brax as to say. I'm either thinking it as to do with wanting Isabella to be his or that knock to the head reminded him what happended that night with Bianca.


Here's to hoping Heath got out of jail and slept with Bianca for one night before disappearing mysteriously afterwards, never to be heard of again until Brax found out and went to the city to see him. And then Charlie realised this and ran out of the beach house. No? Okay.

I hope it's not Heath's anyway. then there'd be no telling with a dna test. Brown hair, brown eyes, maybe it's Sid's? :lol:

This fic always has me on the edge of my seat.


I seriously cannot wait for the next chapter! I need to find out if Isabella is Brax's and what Brax is going to tell Charlie :)

Please update soon absolutely love this story xx


BIIIIIIIG catch up for me …..THREE chapters !!! All of them TOTALLY ace, especially ......

 She and Xavier were now back in the bay spending some time with Charlie, Brax and the kids, and also, Gina and John. After ending things Matt, he and Ruby had decided to remain friends, and Matt had recently began seeing a soap actress, and although things weren’t getting serious yet, Ruby was just glad that he had seemed to have moved on from her. “So Rubes, I’ve been thinking.” Xavier said as he poured himself some orange juice.

“Oh yeah, what about?” Ruby questioned.

“About you leaving the band.” Xavier said. “I don’t think you should.”

“Xav -”

“Rubes, you love singing and this career.” Xavier exhaled. “And I don’t want to stand in the way of that.”

“You’re not.” Ruby shook her head. “This was my choice.”

“Please just tell me you will think about it and not make a decision to soon.”

“Okay.” Ruby sighed lightly. If she was going to be honest, she was having second thoughts about leaving the band anyways. “We can talk more about it later.”

 “Why Mummy no work?” Jacob asked.

“Yeah, Mum, you were supposed to be going back when the twins were 6 months. They’re like 10 and a half months now.”

“I just didn’t feel ready to go back.” Charlie answered. “But work are fine with it. They said there will still be a job for me when I decide to go back.”

“Lucky you.” Ruby sighed.

“Oh I no Mummy.” Jacob grinned. “We go surfing. I getting good Xava. Daddy been showing me on my boogie board.”

“Yeah, I’d love to take you surfing mate.”

“So can we Mummy?” Jacob questioned. “And Ruby and you and them girls can lay in the sun.”

“Oi, Ruby can surf.” Ruby said.

 and the door swung open and a very heavily pregnant Bianca waddled into the diner and struggled to get the door shut again. Charlie bit her lip before she got up and walked over to the door, helping her get it shut.

“Bianca.” Leah said as she walked over her two friends. “What are you doing out in this.”

Bianca’s breathing was raspy as she took off her raincoat. “I was....I’m so sick of being pregnant....they said walks....long walks can start labour...I tried everything else....” Bianca was now 8 days overdue, and had been trying to induce labour. She took a deep breath as she felt a sharp pain in her lower stomach. She doubled over as she clutched onto her stomach.

“Oh my God Bianca, are you in labour now?” Charlie questioned.

 “I need a doctor or nurse or...” Bianca trailed off as she breathed though a contraction.

“Bianca look at me.” Charlie said as she kept eye contact with her. “We can’t get in touch with anyone right now because of the storm. Okay, so me and Leah are here and we’re not going anywhere.”

“But you two aren’t doctors.” Bianca shook her head.

“No, but we have 5 kids between us.” Leah said as she knelt down next to Bianca and lightly stroked her forehead. “We know what we are doing.....or well, this one more than me.” Leah said as she looked to Charlie.

 she came back into the room to find Bianca already pushing and Charlie there ready to pull the baby out. She paused for a minute as she watched her two estranged friends. Although she knew it was hard for both Charlie and Bianca, it was also hard for her, with her two closest friends no longer talking. She only hoped that this experience could bring the quarrelling friends back together, but of course she knew if the baby Bianca was about to give birth to was indeed Brax’s, there’d be no chance of that happening.

 The baby that was 8 days late, but when it was finally ready to come into the world, it came in fast. Charlie looked on at Bianca and the baby, the baby that was possibly her sort of step child and didn’t know how to feel. The baby she’s just helped bring into his world, might well be about to rip her family and happiness apart. Outside the rain was still batting down hard, the wind howling through the windows as the thunder roared, but inside, there was a welcome silence as mother and child were beginning to bond.

 “I just did what anyone would have done.” Charlie said softly as she played with the little purple elephant that was in her hands. “I eh....I bought this.”

“First gift.” Bianca smiled as she took the teddy from Charlie and laid it down in the cot that was next to her bed. “It’s cute...thanks.”

“So, do you have a name yet?” Charlie asked.

Bianca smiled lightly as she looked down at her baby. “Isabella.” Bianca smiled.

“She looks like an Isabella.” Charlie smiled as she finally took a proper look at the child. With her big brown eyes and her full head of dark brown hair, she looked adorable. “She’s lovely.”

 “Bianca I am so sorry for being such a bitch to you these past 8 months or so.”

“Hey, I think I deserved it.” Bianca said. “I mean, I might have just had a baby with your man.”

Charlie shook her head. “She looks nothing like Brax. Nothing at all....although she doesn’t look much like you either.”

“So you don’t think she’s Brax’s?”

Charlie shook her head. “But I still want a DNA test.”

“Yeah, sure.” Bianca said. “We can arrange one for as soon as possible.”

“Maybe then we can see about us.” Charlie said. “I miss you Bianca.”

“God...I’ve missed you too.” Bianca replied. “And the kids. Jacob especially because I’ve known him longer, I mean the girls were only a few months when all this happened, but still...I missed being around them.”

“Bianca I guess in some ways, I was jealous.” Charlie said. “Here was me just been told that I couldn’t have any more kids and then you wind up pregnant and worse still....Brax might have been the father. It was just so hard for me to trying to accept it and punishing you because you were pregnant...it wasn’t fair and I only hope you can forgive me.”

“Me forgive you?” Bianca questioned. “Charlie, I should be the one asking for forgiveness. I invited your man into my home. I got myself pregnant and thought he was the father.”

“I don’t think he is the father. I had my moments, but looking at that little girl there....she’s not Brax’s.”

“Well as much at it would mean she wouldn’t have a father in her life, I hope your right.” Bianca said. “I’d love to be able to just put all this behind us and be friends again.”

“Me too. If you can forgive me.” Charlie said.

“I could.” Bianca nodded. “Could you forgive me?”

“There’s nothing to forgive.” Charlie shook her head. “I know I’ve previously said that even if he wasn’t the father, you may have still slept together...” Charlie trailed off. “But I trust you Bianca and I trust Brax.”

 ““God look at you, delivering babies now eh.” Brax grinned.

“Well someone had too.” Charlie said.

“What did....” Brax trailed off. He wanted to know what Bianca had had, but he didn’t want to seem too interested in fear of upsetting Charlie.

“She had a little girl. Isabella.”

“Isabella.” Brax smiled. “Cute.”

“She really is.” Charlie smiled. “She has these big brown eyes, that you’re just drawn too. She has a full head of chocolate brown hair.....she’s not yours Brax, I could tell you that right now. I just know.”

 Oh God get a room.” Ruby screwed her face up as she walked back into the kitchen, in her pyjamas, and opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. Charlie let out a childish giggle before she kissed him once more. “Seriously.” Ruby sighed. “I love that you two are getting back together and sorting everything out, but, really I don’t need to see that.”

“Then go to your room.” Charlie said as she looked up at her daughter.

 Old clothes from the twins.” Charlie smiled. “Their gift to Isabella.”

“Oh wow...thanks.” Bianca smiled as they took a seat on the couch and Bianca opened the suitcase revealing piles and piles of clothes, from new-born up till 9 months.

“I was never able to throw them away.” Charlie shook her head. “Knowing that this would be my last baby grow, the last dress for a 3 month old...” Charlie trailed off as she bowed her head down and ran her hand over the clothes. “But I need to let go.” Charlie said. “So, it’s either giving them to you or taking them down to a charity shop or something.”

 Charlie smiled lightly as she picked up a little white baby grow with multi-coloured polka dots on it. “Paige wore this on the day we brought her home from the hospital. She brought the baby grow up to her face and smelt it. “It kind of still has that baby smell.” Charlie smiled lightly and she brought it back down and placed it on her knee and ran her hand over it.

“You should keep it.” Bianca smiled.

“You don’t think it’s silly?”

“Of course not.” Bianca shook her head. “There’s nothing wrong with keeping some of your baby’s clothes.” Charlie smiled lightly as she picked up a second baby grow, this one also white, but with multi-coloured stripes instead of polka dots. “Riley’s coming home outfit?” Charlie nodded lightly as she laid it out on her knee in the same style as before. “Well all this stuff is great.” Bianca smiled. “I’m sure Isabella will look super cute in all these outfits.” Bianca grinned as she looked through the baby grows, dresses, dungarees, t-shirts, little combat trousers, shorts, skirts, and little baby jeans.

“How has she been?” Charlie asked.

“Eh....it’s only been a few days.” Bianca answered. “I mean I never thought I could love another human being as much as I love her already, but it’s hard work.”

 “Shame I can’t say she takes after me then. She looks nothing like me. I mean I’ve got blonde hair and blue eyes and she’s....brown hair, brown eyes...” Bianca trailed off.

“Still she’s got Scott in her.” Charlie smiled briefly before looking down at the girl and pursing her lips together. “Here, take her back.” Charlie said as she handed Isabella back to Bianca, before she stood up, stuffing the two baby grows into her bag. “I have to go.” Charlie said before she ran from the house, leaving Bianca very confused.

 “Well we can’t stay in the little bubble of Summer Bay forever.” Ruby laughed. “Our lives are waiting for us to come back from our break.”

 “As long as I’m with you it doesn’t matter where we live.” Xavier smiled. “I’d even move to Timbuktu for you.” Xavier laughed.

“Really, Africa?” Ruby laughed.

 “I know you, Brax.” Charlie said. “I know something is wrong, so please just talk to me.”

“If I do it’ll only upset you.” Brax sighed. “So, just leave it. I’ll be fine in a few days.”

“Brax?” Charlie questioned. “You’re not having second thoughts about us, are you?”

“No no God no.” Brax shook his head as he walked closer to Charlie and took her hands into his. “I love you so much and our little kiddies.” Brax smiled.

“So then what is it?” Charlie questioned. “Please talk to me.”

Brax gave a gentle nod of his head before he exhaled. “Okay.” Brax said before he led Charlie to the couch where they both sat down.


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder what Brax is going to say I'm not going to try and guess because I am normally wrong :lol: Felt sorry for Xavier when Ruby said she didn't want anything to change. I do think his rushing this marriage thing abit through.


You are an amazing writer Danni..another brilliant chapter!

I am really glad Bianca said she doesn't want Bella to be Brax's..she is right it would ruin everything and I am happy hers and Charlie's relationship is on the mend!

To be honest Brax just annoyed me in this chapter..how could he want Bella to be his when he knows what this will do to Charlie and his family? Once again he has hurt Charlie..he couldn't even be there for her when she had twins for god sake..now he wants to be there for her best friends and potentially (I really hope not) his kid! :angry: Please update soon!!

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