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OMG .... that chapter was just the cutest!!! Love the talk Jacob had with Ash and how fondly he spoke of Brax :wub:

Now for some romantic Chax .. lol ... hint hint nudge nudge!! :P

Love your work Danni ..

Please update soon x


Man !!!! That was just the BEST !!!!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED it, especially …..

 “I mean everyone around me....Rubes just got married, you’ve just got engaged...I just wish that for me, one day, that would have happened too.”

“You know you do have it pretty good.” Bianca said. “The great kids, the boyfriend who would do absolutely anything for you -”

“Except marry me.” Charlie sighed.

 “Has he spoken yet?” Charlie asked and Bianca shook her head.

“No. So that’s another reason I’m not so sure he should be going to school just yet.”

 “If you are looking for the candles they are up the top there.” Brax said as he opened the cupboard and took them off the top shelf.

“What are they doing up there?” Charlie asked. “We normally leave them in that drawer.”

“Yeah. But remember after Jacob’s last birthday he took to an obsession of lighting them.”

“Oh he did.” Charlie answered.

“Yeah, well to save him setting fire to the house I moved the candles and the matches out of his reach.”

“Ah, I just thought he’d got over the ‘oohh fire’ phase.”

“No.” Brax laughed. “Just couldn’t find the tools he needed.”

“Right, well thanks.” Charlie smiled weakly at him before taking the matches and candles from his hands and sticking 3 candles into the Dora the Explorer cake. Just as she went to strike a match, Brax’s hand went out and stopped her. “Brax, not now.” Charlie said as she looked up to him, knowing what he wanted to talk about.

“Charlie -”

“I’m sorry.” Charlie exhaled lightly. “I’ve been such a bitch to you this past week.”

“It’s not like I didn’t deserve it.” Brax sighed. “I should never have made that promise to you if I didn’t have any intentions of following it through. I should be the one who is sorry. And seeing how important this is to you, babe, I just want to make you happy, and this clearly isn’t making you feel happy.”

“But I don’t want to force you into doing something that you don’t want to do.”

“You’re not going to force me, Charlie.” Brax shook his head. “If you want this, and you clearly clearly do, then it’s what I want too. I just want you to be happy and if us getting married is going to do that for you, then I want to do it.”

Charlie smiled lightly, unsure that Brax only wanting to do this to make Charlie happy was the best reason to get married. “Well let’s just leave it at that for now and not let it get any further in case the conversation turns. I don’t want to argue on the twins 3rd birthday.”

“You mean their three day.” Brax laughed.

“Yes.” Charlie nodded. “Their three day.”

 “I came to see if you two weren’t killing each other but I see quite the opposite.”

 “Buon Compleanno.” Bella clapped.

“Bon com what?” Jacob asked.

“She said Happy Birthday in Italian.” Bianca answered.

“Bella likes to speak Italian.” Liam said. “Confuses everyone except her Mamma.”

“Mamma, ho bisogno di una pipì.”

“Bella.” Bianca sighed. “How many times do I need to tell you. No Italian unless I speak it.”

“No no.” Bella shook her head. “Ho bisogno di una pipì.”

“Come on then.” Bianca said as she stood up and took her daughter to the bathroom.

 “Daddy.” Paige started to cry. “You cut Dora.”

“Yeah. I’m supposed too.” Brax laughed.

“No.” Paige shook her head. “Not Dora.”

“Yeah.” Charlie nodded as Paige walked over to her and she lifted her daughter onto her knee. “We are going to eat the cake.”

“No.” Paige cried. “I no eat Dora.”

Jacob giggled at his sister as he got off the chair. “It’s not real Dora silly. It’s just a cake.”

“No.” Paige shook her head. “I no eat her.”

 “Why dont you talk?” Jacob asked and once again Ash just looked up at him without saying anything. “We can be the bestest friends.” Jacob smiled. “Like my mummy and you’re...Bee-Bee. They’re the best of friends and we can be too.” Ash sighed lightly as he listened to Jacob. Bianca and Bella came out of the bathroom and Bella ran back outside, but Bianca walked over to the kitchen as she heard Jacob talking. “Is you not talking cos your Mummy is in heaven?” Jacob asked and Ash gave a slight nod of the head. “I know you sad but you gotta talk.” Jacob nodded. “It’s good too talk.” Ash shook his head lightly. “My tummy daddy is in heaven too and I never know him.” Jacob sighed. “But I got the bestest daddy in my daddy Brax and Bianca will be the best mummy too you because she is good.” Jacob said and Bianca smiled as she stood and listened to Jacob. “After my mummy she is best lady to me so I know she will be best to you.”

Bianca smiled lightly before she walked into view of the boys. “You boys going to go get some cake?” Bianca questioned and Jacob nodded before he jump down from the worktop and ran out of the house. “You okay there Ash?” Ash nodded lightly as he held his arms out and Bianca walked forward and lifted him into her arms. He looked at her and ran his finger around her face before resting it at the end of her nose. He smiled lightly before he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her cheek.

“I like cake.” Ash smiled. Bianca smiled as she placed a soft kiss on his forehead before she placed him back down on the ground as he ran outside excitedly with Bianca following.


Awww Jacob managed to get Ash to talk! :wub: He has to be the cutest Chax kid ever..

I do adore Bella as well.. I wonder when we find out who her biological dad is..or do we even find out?


This story just gets better and better even if at times Charlie and Brax have had a few problems. Jacob was so sweet when he got Ash to talk. I hope Brax marries Charlie for all the right reasons. Nothing would surprise me if they gor hitched in Hawaii if they get there. Look forward to reading more.


Ryan is a little pushy and desperate..glad Charlie didn't agree to meet up with him..but if I were her I would have thrown that business card out..I hope Brax doesn't do the washing this week! :P Please update soon! Xx :)

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