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Great chapter. Poor Charlie being scared, it's not fair Brax is being kept in custody and Ryan was let out! Oh dear, I hope Ryan doesn't try anything on with Charlie when she's alone in the house!

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I liked Charile and Ruby's Grandma chat and what Charlie would like to be called instead that was amusing.

Oh it's good to see Brax come back. I really thought something would happen to make him stay in jail longer than a night.


:wub: i can not get over how damn cute the girls are ... Riley waking Paige up bahaha & then them going to bed with Charlie nawwwww

So glad that Brax came home and that they are able to look at the house :)

Pray that Brax doesn't go back in at ALL

Brilliant as always Danni .... thanks .. & can't wait for more :D xx


Loved the chat between Charlie and Xavier at the start and how Paige just wanted to go to sleep.Good that Brax was let out, wonder how his case is going to go.Looking forward to more!


Argh my computer kept on saying there was something wrong with the iPS address or something everytime I tried to log on so I missed a bunch if awesome updates :(!!!

Yay Ruby is pregnant :)!!

Aww the end of the last update was well cute :wub:!!!

More soon please :D


Paige and Riley were soo cute in their sleepover with Mum. Glad that Brax was released after one night. It was funny when Ruby was asking Charlie what wanted to be called when Ruby has her baby. it is not unusual for grandchildren to call their grandparents by their name in Australia. I look forward to your next chapter.


I loved that chaoter

Riley and Paige are just too cute :wub:

loved their little sleep over, its good how you have differentiated Riley and Paige you can tell they have very different personalities

:lol: Charlie not wanting to be called Grandma

Soooooo glad Brax was released :D I hope it stays that way... I just hope the cops get to work and arrest Ryan soon

update soon

Posted (edited)

Loved that, but I really hope Brax doesn't have to go back to jail!

The girls are so cute and all the names for Charlie when she will become a grandma I loved!

Update soon :D


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