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YAy for happy chax! :D glad things are going well :) and i laughed so much when paige touches rileys scab and she hit her hahaha! Loved it all. I would LOVE you to continue this story FOREVER!!! seriously, i come on here everyday just to read this! Your an amazing writer!! More soon please xxx


Wow so I just caught up on about 30 updates that i missed - whoops!!

It'll take me too long to recap all of the chapters, so just know that they were all awesome :D!!!

Omg poor Charlie at the end of that last update :o!!!! Hopefully Brax will be able to support her through this :wub:!!!

More really soon please :D


Two BEYOND ACE updates !!!!!

LOOOOOVE that Charlie wants Rubes to give her away !!!! and BIG WOAH at Ryan !!!!!

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED that, especially …..

 “Oh a sexy nurse?” Charlie pursed her lips together.

“A very sexy nurse.” Brax grinned before he placed a soft kiss on Charlie’s lips. Charlie smiled into the kiss, as it got deeper and more passionate.

“Mmm.” Charlie moaned as Brax pulled her towards the direction of their bedroom. “Not sure this is the best thing to be doing if you are sick.” Charlie teased as she pulled back and looked up t Brax.

“Might be just what I need.” Brax smiled seductively before he kissed Charlie once again. The kiss became more passionate as Charlie worked on the buttons of Brax’s shirt.

“Mummy mummy.” Riley shouted as she ran into the bedroom.

Brax and Charlie both sighed lightly as they pulled back. Brax started to button his shirt up again, as Charlie looked down to their daughter. “What is it sweetie?”

 “But we were about to have some adult fun.” Brax muttered. Charlie laughed lightly before she bit her lip.

“I sure that can wait till tonight.” Charlie said. “Okay Riley, you don’t have to have a nap. Do you want to help mummy with the laundry?”

“No.” Riley shook her head. “That boring. I go on bike.”

 “Aww Riley what did you do?”

“I fell off the tree.” Riley answered before sighing.

“What you doing climbing trees?” Ruby laughed.

“Me and Jacob and Ash playing pirates.” Riley answered.

“So you fell out the tree because you were playing pirates?” Ruby questioned feeling confused.

“Well it how you play.” Riley answered as if Ruby had said something stupid.

“Oh sorry.”

“She cut her knee.” Paige said as she touched the scab.

“Ouch.” Riley screamed as she hit her sister.

“Riley.” Charlie said. “You don’t hit.”

“She touched my sore bit.” Riley answered.

“Paige, you don’t do that either okay.”

“Yes mummy.” Paige sighed as she continued to colour her picture. “Ruby we ride the bikes today.”

 “Yes, because soon you might not be able to do any heavy lifting eh.” Charlie grinned.

“What?” Ruby questioned.

“Xavier said you were thinking about having a baby, so if that was the case, you wouldn’t be doing any heavy lifting.”

“He told you?” Ruby sighed lightly.

“Was he not supposed to?”

“No.” Ruby exhaled. “I was going to keep it a surprise. You know, just rock up one day and tell you I was pregnant.”

“Well I’ll pretend I didn’t have that conversation with Xavier then.” Charlie replied.

“Haha. You know now.” Ruby said. “So, yeah.” Ruby nodded. “We have the album tour here in Australia from April till June then in July we have Hawaii with you guys, then its baby making time.”

 “Oi.” Charlie hit Ruby’s arm. “I’m going spoil that grandbaby rotten.”

“Well don’t complain about being a grandmother in your 30’s then.” Ruby said. “And besides, we are only going to start trying. It might not happen straight away.”

“Well if you are anything like me it will.” Charlie said. “You were obviously just the one time, Jacob wasn’t even planned and I wound up pregnant and the twin’s was our first try.”

“That’s lovely.” Ruby screwed her face up. “Thanks for letting me know about....that.” Charlie laughed lightly

 “I mean there is a place we can rent in Mangrove River, but well it’s Mangrove River.” Ruby screwed her face up.

“Oh yes and a multi-million record selling pop-star like you can’t be seen living in such a place.” Charlie laughed.

“If it’s a problem for us to live here, we’ll rent the place out there.” Ruby sighed. “I just thought it would be nice. You know, I’ve very rarely been home the last few years.”

 “Ciao Chalie.” Bella smiled as Liam put her down on the floor.

“Hey Bella.” Charlie smiled as Bella ran over her. “You all ready for bed?”

Bella nodded as she pulled on her pyjama top. “questi nuovi.”

“Bella.” Bianca sighed. “If you don’t speak English then no more Dora the Explorer.”

“No.” Bella pouted. “Mi piace italiano.”

“Then no Dora.” Bianca shook her head. “I know you like speaking Italian but it’s very rude if no one else knows it.”

“Si si Dora.” Bella said.

“Then no Italian.” Bianca shook her head. Bella sighed lighty as she shook her head.

“Okay.” Bella sighed. “I stop.” Bella pouted sadly before she climbed up onto Charlie’s knee. “My little pony.” Bella grinned as she pointed to her new pyjamas.

 “What esciting?” Bella asked.

“Auntie Charlie and Uncle Brax getting married.” Bianca answered.

“What that?” Bella asked.

“Like Ruby and Xavier did. And you got to wear your dress.”

 “The beach for sure.” Charlie smiled. “Brax is such a beach bum...the kids love the beach, you know Rubes, Jacob and Riley love being in the ocean....me and Paige like our sunbathing....I think the beach fits us.”

 . “So who’s the chief bridesmaid?” Bianca grinned.

“Well I haven’t asked her yet, but I was thinking of giving that spot to Colleen, of course.”

“Of course.” Bianca laughed.

 “I thought you’d have Ruby though, to be honest.”

“Nah.” Charlie shook her head. “I’d want her to give me away. You know since my dad cant do it, or even my mum...she’d be the next in line.”

 “Don’t touch me.” Charlie said as she stepped back, causing her to bang into her car. Ryan smiled at her before he stepped forward and once again touch her.

“It’s okay.” Ryan laughed. “Brax never needs to find out.” Ryan smiled as he placed a soft kiss on Charlie’s lips.

“Don’t.” Charlie said as tried to push him away but he was too strong for her.

“Shhh.” Ryan said as he continued to kiss her neck as he ran his hands under her top.

“Brax....Brax....” Charlie yelled out.

“Shhh.” Ryan said again as he continued to kiss her as he unzipped her jeans and pulled them down. Charlie struggled with him as she tried to push him away, but she couldn’t seem to find he strength.

“Brax.” Charlie yelled out once again. “Brax help.” Ryan covered her mouth with his hand as he undid the button and zipper on his jeans before pulling them down. Charlie struggled from beneath him, trying her hardest to push him away, but it seemed she was paralysed with fear. No matter how much she tried, she couldn’t get him off her.

“Oi.” Brax yelled just as Ryan was about to enter her. “Get off her.” Brax shouted as he pulled Ryan back and made a fist with his hand, landing a few punches on his face. Ryan fought back and punched Brax hard in the face, causing his nose to bleed.


You are awesome Danni, thank you! :) I am so glad Brax came out and stopped Ryan before he hurt Charlie..what a jerk! I hope he gets what's coming to him! Xx


Amazing couple of updates and again 2 updates in 1 day! :wub: You are spoilng us! Fabtastic writing!!

Loved Brax on one knee making the promise to propose and that they talked and were honest with eachother. All the playng and interaction with the kids was brilliant and very real and cute :wub: Ash talkng with Jacob...gorgeous!

Was not expecting Ryan to try that with Charlie :o Evil man! So glad Brax got there in time and hoping they can support eachother and Ryan gets busted for it.

This story is so good and literally enjoyed each update and grateful you take the time to write and to share. I will read for as long as you write :wub: Thanks!


Thought Charlie and Bianca were a bit premature making wedding arrangements when she's not actually engaged.And woah, was not expecting Ryan to do that, lucky Brax stopped him.


I can't believe I used to actually like Ryan back in the day! That jerk! Poor Charlie, she was just in a good place again fo rthe first time in ages and she has to get attacked. :( More heartbreak for Charlie.

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