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Forever Yours (by Danni02) - comments


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I feel physically sick after reading that .. How could Heath do that?? He was so cold hearted ..

Brilliant writing Danni, the emotions & everything you convey, it makes it feel soo real .. & I find myself getting so worked up lol

Please please update soon ... I seriously don't think I will be able to breath if I don't know what happens soon :-)


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OMG!! :o I really hope Brax is ok! :cryingsmiley: Heath is clearly the devil, who on earth could do that to their own flesh and blood? I hope Jett finds him and shows him just who's boss!

Poor Brax and now Charlie thinks he burnt down the restaurant but at least Ruby knows what the plan was! Brilliant writing once again, Danni! Please update soon! Xx

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I agree with everyone about Heath. He is one big dirtbag. I hope someone finds Brax and finds him quick. When he is better I think he will hunt Heath down unless the police spot him driving Braxs car.I hope he is caught speeding!!!! I look forward to your next update.

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