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Forever Yours (by Danni02) - comments


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The family bonding was great The twins were funny.

Brax took it into his hands and looked down at it. “Wow, so this is us in the sea, right?”

“The ocean, yeah,” Riley nodded. “Can we go today?” :lol: loved that bit.

Yeah come on Brax stop being so lazy and get out of the hospital bed will you? :lol:

Hopefully Brax will think of something to do for work now.

And Heath and Jett get caught.

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Awww such a great chapter...loved Charlie, Brax and the kids talking! :wub: I feel so bad for Brax..I hope he does open a new restaurant! Really looking forward to more, please update soon! Xx :)

Ps I hope they find Heath aka The :devil: and he hasn't fled the country!

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Aww so sad to see Brax crying, it must be so hard to lose something like that :(

Glad the family is all happy again :)

Really hope they find Heath, he doesn't deserve to have Ruby's money and just go live happily after basically ruining their lives :angry:

Open Brax opens a new restaurant too.

Actually so excited for Ruby's baby to come along :wub:

Update soon :D

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