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:(:o Ok I am officailly shook I hoonestly hope there is a twist to this, there has to be, please tell me there is

maybe someone else came by after Brax left, I dont care who the father is as long as its not Brax, this will Break Chax up forever

wow Brax is in for a hella shock when he gets home :lol: poor guy isnt gonna know what hit him

please update soon don't think I can wait to long to find out what happens next


Fantastic chapters! :D

Chapter 45 - That was such a sad chapter. :( I'm glad Charlie gave Brax an ultimatum though.

Chapter 46 - I can understand Jacob not wanting to see Brax.

Chapter 47 - Amazing chapter! I'm glad Brax has accepted that he has a problem and that Charlie went to Casey's funeral.

Chapter 48 - I feel sorry for Brax.

Chapter 49 - It's good that Jacob has forgiven Brax. I liked Charlie and Ruby's talk.

Chapter 50 - I'm glad Jacob went to see Brax.

Chapter 51 - I loved the Charlie, Brax and Jacob scenes.

Chapter 52 - I hope things work out for Ruby.

Chapter 53 - I loved the names Jacob picked for the fish. I hope Bianca isn't pregnant.

Chapter 54 - Omg, Bianca's pregnant! I really hope Brax isn't the dad.

Looking forward to the next chapter. :D


I soooooooooo STILL hope something ELSE happned THAT night !!!! That was ACE, especially ......

 “Mashmarlows. That kid is so fricken cute.” Ruby grinned. “And while we are talking about Jacob, you let him get a pet and not me? You know how much I wanted a kitten growing up.”

“Well technically it wasn’t my say when you were little. Mum and Dad were your parents so it was up to them.” Charlie exhaled lightly. “And they’re goldfish. I mean you feed them every now and then change the water every so often....easy.”

 “No.” Charlie shook her head. “If this happened, we’re over. Me and Brax....Me and Bianca....there’d be no going back. It’s like a double betrayal. My best friend and my partner. I mean, seriously, how can I forgive that?”

“It would be really hard too.” Ruby said quietly. “Especially with Bianca being pregnant.”

“No.” Charlie shook her head. “If he’s the Father of her baby then....she’s welcome to him.” Charlie shook her head as a tear rolled down her cheek. “Cos he’s sure as hell not going to be living here with me.”

“It just seems a shame to ruin what you’ve got on a drunken night.”

“So you’re saying it’s okay just because they were drunk?” Charlie questioned. “Being drunk is no excuse and if they slept together then me and Brax are over and as for Bianca, I couldn’t care if I ever saw her again.”

“So you’d still want to see Brax?” Ruby questioned.

“For the children, yes.” Charlie nodded. “We’d get on for their sake, but nothing more...

 “Ruby.” Charlie sighed. “I’m not going to forgive him if he’s slept with Bianca, okay. And there’s going to be a child...it would be too hard.”

 Charlie shrugged her shoulders as she pursed her lips together trying to stop a tear from falling.

“Did you do it?” Charlie questioned. “Did you sleep with her?” Charlie asked close to tears.

“What? Sleep with who? Baby I would never cheat on you.” Brax shook his head, feeling rather confused.

“Bianca is pregnant.” Charlie said coldly. “She thinks you’re the father.”

 “Are we supposed to just carry on like nothing’s happened? Wait till the baby is born and get a DNA test that proves you’re the father then break up? Or do we end this now only to find once the baby gets here that you’re not the father and we wasted what....9 months of our lives being apart when we could have been together?”

“We don’t ever need to break-up, Charlie.” Brax shook his head. “We can -”

“Oh but we do.” Charlie spat. “If you slept with Bianca....we’re finished.”

 Charlie laughed lightly. “So you’d expect me to just forgive you for having a baby with my best friend? It was just a drunken one night stand that didn’t mean anything, so I shouldn’t worry too much about it?”

“If you’re going to be worried about me and Bianca hooking up, you don’t need to be.” Brax shook his head. “I think she is great, she’s a top woman, but I don’t have a romantic interest in her.”

“That supposed to make me feel better?” Charlie questioned. “The fact remains that it’s looking very likely that you two had sex and made a baby.” Charlie shook her head as the tears rolled down her cheek.

“So, what.....what do you want to do?” Brax questioned. Charlie exhaled lightly as she pursed her lips together and went to reply.


Loved the chat between Charlie and Ruby.Charlie is possibly being a bit hard line here, especially when they don't even know Brax did anything, and I'm interested to see where this goes.


So I signed up a week or so ago, just so I could review your fic & have been waiting patiently for the moderators (??) to review my registration so I could post :)

I'm sorry only just reviewing now but have read all your fics, you are amazing .... BUT .... I am really getting scared by this fic :( please please don't let Brax be the dad ... it is making me physically sick reading it, poor Charlie shouldn't have to go through this!! If he is the dad I am scared that I don't think I could read about charlies heart ache .. her dying on the show was sooo bad, but this on top is torture!!! I can't believe how attached we get to characters in shows & fics

You are doing an amazing job, but I really hope that you are just playing with us and everything will be awesome

Thanks for an awesome fic this far :) ... eagerly await more (for now :) )

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